Lord of the House

Vol 9 Chapter 27: lost city

Zhang Gou was wearing a half jacket, squatting in the yard and rubbing the chicken feathers with boiling water...

The house is not big. It is a four-bay wing building facing the south of the street. When you push the door and enter, you will find the atrium. Behind the wing building is a small garden with a size of one-third of an acre. It has been compacted and piled up with some stone locks and other items for strength training. In the corner, a bamboo fence is surrounded by a small vegetable border, and there is a stone well.

The two servants in the house both took leave and went back to the countryside to celebrate the New Year. Today, there is no need to go to Dongya to guard duty. Zhang Gou is free, but he does the work of slaughtering chickens and geese for the envoy, squatting on the edge of the well to kill chickens and iron their feathers. It made chicken blood dripping on the well platform and chicken feathers all over the place.

Outside the courtyard walls, there are a lot of people and gongs and drums. No matter the chaos of war in Waifu County and the ruin of people's livelihood, although there is not much luxury in Chongzhou City, it is a rare atmosphere of peace.

Zhang Gou became the commander and joined the army, and Yueyin had eight taels.

There are four children in the family, two wives and concubines, plus the father, the old mother, the family of four, the concubine's mother and younger brother, and the two servants who are invited to help. The monthly income is 8 taels of silver. Eighteen people are also a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, the family members of the military officials and military attachés were able to cope with the supply of rice, grain, oil, salt, cloth, fruits, vegetables, fish, and other materials at a fixed price per head every month. Otherwise, if you go to the market to eat rice noodles that cost 12 dollars a pound, it will be difficult for your family to wear new clothes by the end of the year.

"Ouch, how can I let my brother-in-law do this cheap work, where did Mrs. Zhu die?"

Zhang Gou looked up and saw his brother-in-law came in from the cross door, standing there talking sarcastic words, but he didn't come to help and ignored him, picked up the boning knife, sharpened it on the well stone twice, then cut open the chicken belly, Do the bowel removal.

"Brother-in-law is supposed to be a general, but this ruined building is too shabby to be a general's mansion. In the end, Huaidong didn't pay attention to your brother-in-law. I think when I was working in Jiangning City, don't talk about generals, it's generals. The gatekeeper in front of the mansion, the house at home is even richer than this!"

"What nonsense!" Zhang Gou raised his head and stared at his brother-in-law, and said coldly, "Which general in Huaidong dares to drink soldiers' blood, first think about whether he can save his head! You have three free food and free drinks in the house. It's been a month, I see your sister's face, and treat you well. After the Chinese New Year, get out of my house, my house is spacious enough! "

Knowing that Zhang Gou was a **** figure, his brother-in-law's face stiffened, not daring to retort.

Zhang Gou, Chen Zhu and others had similar experiences to other generals of the Huaidong Army, and most of them fought and fought hard from the bottom of society. There is a kind of arrogance in him, and he can't stand people who are incompetent, who only slap their horses, and open their mouths behind their backs to gossip. They knew the drawbacks of the traditional Zhenfu army, not to mention that Zhang Gou still could not grasp the military power, not to mention that the logistics management of the Huaidong Army was much stricter than that of the traditional Zhenfu army. Zhang Gou drank the blood of soldiers and deducted the salaries of his subordinates, but he could not pass the test himself.

Besides, Zhang Gou was used to hard days, and he only wished there was a bowl of braised pork on the table every day, but when he replaced it with other delicacies from the mountains and seas, he still thought the taste was as bland as dry grass; ?

Zhang Gou only felt that his brother-in-law was in the way, so he waved his hand to keep him away—the front courtyard door was being locked with a bang, Zhang Gou just called him over when there was something wrong with the yamen, took a towel and wiped it, Going to the front court, I saw Chen Zui came in like a rush.

Since September, the coastal areas of southern Zhejiang and eastern Fujian have been harassed in turn. Frequent battles, whether it is a water camp or a foot camp, there will be casualties - Chen Zui led his troops to fight in southern Zhejiang for more than two months, and this time they retreated to Chongzhou for rest, and Zhang Gou asked Chen Zui to have a New Year's Eve dinner at home.

"It's still early, why did you return to the city so early?" Zhang Gou asked.

"Master Rod is going to be escorted to Chongcheng," Chen Zhe said with a gloomy face, "I'm afraid it's hard to protect my head this time!"

Zhang Gou was horrified and full of doubts, so he endured not to ask, first he drove all the family members in the yard back to the house with a sullen face, and then asked Chen Zhe: "Master Rod is a good commander in Suining, how can you give him escorted to Chongcheng?"

"Master Rod lost Suining..." Chen Zhu said.

"What!" Zhang Gou didn't expect Chen Zhe to come and open his mouth to say this news, which made him stunned for a while, unable to utter a word, and said bitterly, "If Suining loses it, he loses it. Why did you come to Chongcheng to die?"

"You know it was the eldest lady who took the city?" Chen Zhu asked, "Not only Sui Ning, but Su Yu was also lost!"

Zhang Gou stomped his feet in a hurry, and said, "What's so hard to guess? It's not that the eldest miss won the city, Sui Ning and Su Yu are so easy to lose, so that Chongzhou can't even notice it? It's not the first day. Lead the troops!" Zhang Gou said, "Since the master easily gave the two cities to the eldest lady, which ruined the situation of Huaidong in Huaibei, he went to Chongzhou to plead guilty, what kind of thing is it?"

"Master Rod was afraid of hurting us, so he went to Siyang to go to prison by himself. Xu Daozi came to me quickly and begged me to save Master Rod's life. What can I do? I can only come to you to discuss, Chen Zhuan said anxiously, "The pole is on his way to Chongcheng. I'm afraid he won't enter the city until tomorrow. What do you think we should do now?"

Zhang Gou touched the beard under his chin. He didn't care why Xu Daozi went to Chen Zhe, but didn't come to him, thinking in his heart: An Shuai killed Chen Hansan in Xuzhou, in the end, it was Huaidong The trap set by her conspiracy with Yue Lengqiu, the eldest miss has always held a grudge against Huaidong - the two cities of Suining and Suyu are as important to Huaidong on the northern line as Shengsi on the southern line. On the two wings of going out, Sun Zhuang slapped his **** to cut off Huaidong's wing. How could Huaidong take him lightly?

Zhang Gou stomped his feet in a hurry. He couldn't guess how Lin Fu would react to this, so he asked his family to quickly bring his military officer uniform, and asked Chen Zhui to leave the saber at home, and let him go to Dongya to plead guilty first.


When I entered the front yard, I heard someone in the room complaining loudly: "The chaotic minister, the chaotic minister and the thief! It's no use for adults to trust him so much, and he was ordered to guard Suining and Suyu! What is the difference between what he did and Kaicheng to welcome the thieves? One night. In between, the situation in Huaisi suddenly collapsed, and I don’t know how many villagers will leave their homes and die in the war! Until this thief was executed and died..."

Seeing Chen Enze guarding outside the official hall, Zhang Gou asked, "Who is inside?"

Before Chen Enze could answer, he heard Lin Bing's voice from inside: "Master Li, don't be impatient, it's not your fault that you lost the city twice. Governor Yue and all the lords of the county will understand. It's normal to betray, and it's normal to have no faith, Master Li, don't get angry about it - when Sun Zhuang is brought here, this official will of course give you an explanation."

Zhang Gou remembered that the old voice was Li Wei, the magistrate of Suining County. It turned out that Sun Zhuang was still in custody, but Li Wei rushed over first. He wanted to come to Sun Zhuang and throw the two cities of Suining and Suyu to the eldest lady, for fear of angering Huai. In the east, there were no officials who left the Yuan Suining and Suyu cities in trouble.

Thinking that as long as there is room for things, Zhang Gou tugged on Chen Zhu's sleeve and asked him to stay outside first.

Chen Zui was puzzled, and he was eager to excuse Sun Zhuang, so he rushed into the official hall.

Seeing that Chen Zhuo had not notified him, Lin Fu walked in through the door, his face sank, and he shouted, "Go out! No notification, no permission, who let you in?"

Chen Zhui is also a irritable person, but he gave Lin Fu a drink, and suddenly became flustered. Seeing Lin Fu staring at him, his eyes were not good, his heart was empty, and he forcibly retracted his foot that stepped into the threshold.

Zhang Gou said outside the threshold, "Zhang Gou, commander of the Military Intelligence Staff, and Chen Zute, commander of the first battalion of the Chongcheng Infantry Battalion, came here to plead guilty to your lord!"

"Come in!" Lin Fu said.

Zhang Gou and Chen Zhu walked into the official hall, Lin Mengde, Qin Chengzu and others were there; Li Wei sat under Lin Bing, looking at them as if looking at the enemy...

Zhang Gou didn't know what to say either. He wanted to plead guilty, he didn't know what to plead for, he wanted to plead, and he didn't know how to plead for Sun Zhuang. Ordinarily, he and Chen Zhuang should not know the news at this time~www .readwn.com~ Zhang Gou and Chen Zhe knelt down in front of the hall and kowtowed: "Sun Zhuang is foolish to Jiuzhong, but he has no bad intentions..."

"That's nice," Lin Fu said coldly. "Forty to five million hungry people are like swarms of locusts, crossing the border in the east, and there is no grass left. His grandson Ganzi has no bad intentions and still has loyalty to the old master, which is really good. Ah, the two cities were thrown out by patting the butt, but the people of Suining, Suyu, Muyang, Haizhou, Shandong and other prefectures and counties have sinned again, and they want to suffer another catastrophe under his influence? "

Zhang Gou looked depressed. He came from the refugee army. He knew that people would starve to death and what would happen when they were desperate. The 400,000 to 500,000 starving people who had been trapped in Huaiyang City for several months by Chen Zhihu and drowned for a breath, once they moved eastward, the flood that opened the floodgates and the hungry tigers descended from the mountain.

If the Red Jacket Army generals Suining, Suyu, and the counties east of Sishui were to make another misfortune, what reason would Lin Fu have to spare the life of Sun Zhuang, who let the disaster go eastward?

At this moment, Zhou Pu, who was well-armored, held a saber on his waist, walked in, saw Zhang Gou and Chen Zhe kneeling on the ground, and scolded: "You two turtle grandsons know the news too soon, because you dislike this. Isn't it lively enough?"

Zhang Gou and Chen Zhu didn't dare to reply.

Lin Fu asked Zhou Pu: "I'm all ready to be the..."

"The first battalion and the second battalion are on duty and can leave at any time. The other two battalions will have to wait until tomorrow morning at the earliest!" Zhou Pu said, "It's not safe to live in the New Year's Eve! Let's relieve everyone first!"

Lin Fu said weakly: "You even lead two battalions to go north with me." Looking at Zhang Gou and Chen Zhu who were kneeling on the ground, he said, "Prepare two horses for them, and prepare a carriage for Master Li... no Know what kind of temper Liu Tingzhou and Jiang Ning will have!" My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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