Lord of the House

Vol 9 Chapter 42: Zai Wang

One general is incompetent, and a thousand troops are exhausted.

Hao Zongcheng was hesitant to send out two troops under the extremely unfavorable situation in western Liaoning. People in Jinhai knew that the Jizhen army could not escape the fate of destruction.

Entering March, bad news came one after another, as if a heavy hammer hit everyone's heart.

The Jizhen Army is the last heavy army group that Dayue Yuanshi can rely on in the north. The collapse of the Jizhen Army means that the north has completely lost its ability to resist captives in the field.

Under Hao Zongcheng's order, the Dengzhou navy who crossed the sea from Dengzhou and entered the Liaodong Peninsula to harass them also suffered a devastating blow in Jinzhou in the southeastern corner of Liaoning. At the same time, the Koryo Navy cooperated with the war in western Liaoning and invaded the Shandong coast from the east on a large scale, and fought fiercely with the remnants of the Dengzhou Navy in the sea area around Chengshanjiao.

Although the naval battle with the Goryeo Navy at the mouth of the Bohai Sea was mutually successful, the Dengzhou Navy had lost all troops and horses on the Liaodong, and its overall strength had been weakened by more than half, and it was no longer able to go north to support the war in Yanji.

The news that Cheng Tinggui's army collapsed in Danshan reached Jinhai on the first day of March, and Lin Fu immediately wrote to the court, asking the court to immediately burn down the Changli military warehouse, and gather the remnants of the Jizhen army stationed in Changli to Jizhou, so as to make the walls as clear as possible. , Weakening the supply capacity of the cavalry after the large-scale southward march to ensure that the key cities in eastern Ji are not lost.

Changli is the headquarter of the Jizhen army, and it is also the logistics base of the entire Jizhen army, with more than 5,000 troops stationed. During the period when Li Zhuo was in charge of Ji Town, Changli was also directly under the jurisdiction of Hao Zongcheng. All the supplies of grain and fodder transported by sea to supply Ji Town are distributed in Changli. Except for the large quantity of grain and fodder, there are countless armour and armaments.

The cavalry outposts had already infiltrated into the eastern Hebei region on a large scale. At this time, it was completely unrealistic to organize manpower to evacuate grain, armor, and ordnance from Changli. The only thing that could be done was to burn the city and abandon it.

Given that the grain storage in Gyeonggi was less than 200,000 shi, it would take considerable courage to completely burn down the Changli military warehouse, where the army's grain storage amounted to 200,000 shi. Ye Jiduodi did not give the court the opportunity to show such courage. On the third day of the third lunar month, five thousand fine horses bypassed Bazhou and went straight to Changli, where they seized the two tiger cottages, and penetrated between Linyu, Jizhou and Changli like a huge iron nail.

On the sixth day of the first lunar month, the number of captives entering the north of Changli increased to 10,000 cavalry, and at the same time the captives entering western Hebei moved eastward on a large scale.

The Changli Garrison's retreat was cut off - the Changli Garrison may not easily abandon the city and surrender, but it is somewhat wishful thinking to expect the Changli Garrison to resolutely burn down the Changli military warehouse after the retreat is cut off. Everyone knows that when the military warehouse is burned down at this time, once the city is destroyed, the Donghu people will face the massacre of the city.

It was also the sixth day of the first lunar month, and the envoys of the imperial court once again passed through the gap of the captives and came to Jinhai, bringing three edicts.

One is to transfer Shandong Liang Xi and Liang Chengchong and their sons to lead their troops from Pingyuan to the north to recover the southwestern region of Hebei. He also sent messengers to sneak in from the west of Ji, and named Cao Yiqu as the king of the county.


In the side room of the official hall, Lin Bie put his hands behind him and looked at the map hanging on the north wall.

Chen Zhihu moved north very quickly, and took the opportunity to move eastward for the captive soldiers in western Hebei, and found a space to enter western Beijing. After Chen Zhihu entered the west of Beijing, he was conferred the Marquis of Yanxi, a county marquis three levels higher than Chongzhou Bo. Chen Zhihu's subordinates joined forces with the Xuanfu army who entered the customs, and there were about 30,000 elites, and they were compiled as the Western Road Qin Wang Army. This is a heavy army group that was finally put together by the imperial court. Zhou Zongxian, the minister of military affairs, was entrusted with the important task of superintendent and commander, and directly controlled the army of King Qin on the West Road.

As the main force of more than 30,000 cavalry led by Ye Jiduodi moved eastward, the army of King Qin of the West Road also moved to the southern border of Gyeonggi for defense. The life and death of the Jizhen army is unknown - many people realized that the Jizhen army was doomed after Cheng Tinggui's army was defeated - the imperial court did not dare to throw the Xiluqin King's army into battle.

Although Ye Jiduodi's army was wedged into eastern Hebei, Linyu, Jizhou, Changli and other cities, as well as more than 20,000 people from the remnants of the Jizhen army, were divided into cities.

Under the current circumstances, the imperial court's troops in Yanji are no less than the captive troops, and even if they are properly deployed, they still have the strength to fight in one battle. However, after the main force of the Jizhen army is destroyed in western Liaoning, it is unknown how many troops the Donghu people can import from western Liaoning. .

"For the Liang family's own interests, it is certain that the troops will be stationed on the front line of the plain, but until the situation in the north has not improved, we cannot expect the Liang family to bring troops in to fight..."

Gao Zongting has been in poor health since he came to Huaidong to report the letter last year. In the room where the stove was burning, he was still wearing a fox fur to relieve the cold. He stood beside Lin Bie with a frown, staring at the map to analyze the current situation... …

"...Liang Chengyi would not let the Cao family send troops from Tongguan to the east through Daohe Mansion, and the imperial court also took this into consideration, so they dispatched the Cao family to send troops from the northwest to besiege Datong's captive soldiers - the Cao family would not refuse to send troops, but at the moment The Cao family's troops and horses were all gathered on the southern line such as Tongguan, and they had to wait for them to transfer their troops to advance to Datong from the north. There was no time for half a month, and they couldn't catch up at all. At the same time as the siege of Datong, the Huhus of Yanxi only sent a small number of cavalry to participate. From time to time, there is a big profit that can be fought, and it will inevitably increase the number of troops and horses to go south to Jinzhong. The Cao family and the Hu Hu of Yanxi offset each other. In short, the war in Yanji cannot be counted on the Cao family..."

Gao Zongting's tone of commenting on the Liang family's intentions was rather disrespectful, but seeing that Lin Fu didn't say a word, Huang Jindi asked impatiently: "Can the Changhuai Army have 20,000 elites from Jinzhong to enter western Hebei; If the soldiers go north, if they can reach 20,000 elite cavalry soldiers, the situation will be improved..." At this time, he was worried that Lin Fu saw that the situation was bad and changed his idea of ​​transferring the Huaidong Army to the north. The situation is not optimistic.

"I have sent someone to Chongzhou to issue orders," Lin Fu comforted Huang Jinnian's concern, "Chongzhou has made all preparations, and in about two days, King Qin and my warrant will reach Chongzhou. Jinghaihai The division will take the first step to clear the Korean water division from the Bohai mouth, and the troop transport will not delay the work for two or three days!"

Gao Zongting glanced at Lin Bie, and then at Huang Jinnian, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth:

Today, the Shejia's offensive on the western front against Huinan is urgent and fierce. Although the Changhuai Army only dispatched 20,000 elites to the north, and 10,000 elites crossed the river south to prepare for Deng Yu's inability to sustain in southern Huinan, the western front is really capable. Can you hold on to your grasp?

Under such circumstances, how could Lin Fu spare Huaidong's forces to support the northern front? I would be thankful that 10,000 elites could be transferred here.

Obviously, under the command of Hao Zongcheng, the Jizhen army lost a lot of space. When it collapsed, it was impossible to consume the strength of the Donghu people. With the interruption of the road, it was impossible to know for a while what the outcome of the war in western Liaoning would be. What, but you can know that the number of prisoners entering the customs from western Liaoning was not 100,000, but 80,000.

Not as good as the last time, when Donglu broke through and came in with the intention of robbery, until the spring flowers bloomed, Donglu would retreat and leave. This time, Donglu's ambitions were obviously greater. The several cities that Ye Jiduodi captured and focused on fortification obviously needed key points in terms of landscape and terrain.

In terms of targeting Jinhai, Ye Jiduodi not only controlled Weijinsai in the upper reaches of the vortex, but also deployed more than 10,000 cavalry from Weijin to Bazhou. The intention of the periphery - the Donghu people have learned enough lessons from the battles in Yannan three years ago, and it is difficult for Lin Fu to use the strange soldiers from the direction of Jinhai.

The situation in the north has deteriorated to such a degree that with the addition of 10,000 elites from the Huaidong Army and the 2,000 elite cavalry that have already arrived in Jinhai in advance, how much can the whole situation be improved?

Maybe Lin Fu just wanted to keep Jinhai, but if Yanjing could keep it, his diligence would not be reduced by half. Bar?

Gao Zongting secretly speculated in his heart.

At this time, Wu Qi walked in, walked to Lin Fu's side, and said, "Hao Zongcheng, Zhang Ximin and others fled to Linyu Pass, and they fled back with only more than 400 cavalry; from the west of Liaoning, there were a large number of prisoners. Came on a trail..."

Wu Qi's voice was not loud, and everyone present could hear it. The atmosphere in the venue was extremely cold for a while, and no one was too lazy to say anything more at this time.

Hao Zongcheng and Zhang Ximin almost fled into Linyu Pass alone, and the time before the final battle in western Liaoning was so short, it is not difficult to imagine what the outcome of the battle in western Liaoning would be—the Jizhen army led by Hao Zongcheng could not be expected to be able to do so. In western Liaoning, 20,000 to 30,000 Donghu elites were killed.

If Ningjin also falls, Ningjin will not only become a frontier base for the eastern captives to march from western Liaoning to Yanji, but the food and forage stored in Ningjin will also support the captives to fight in Yanji for a long time.

At this time, the sea ice has not melted, and Linyu Pass can't stop the captive riders. A large number of captive riders can directly bypass the Linyu dangerous pass and go south through the sea ice...

"Tanma should shrink back, there's no need to sacrifice manpower," Lin Fu commanded calmly, then looked at Lin Xuwen and Huang Jinnian again, "I'm a little tired, so I'll go back to the island to rest first."

The imperial cavalry had already failed. At this time, to a large extent, the Huaidong horses were interspersed and spread messages in the eastern Hebei region through the night. However, with the increasingly strict control of the soldiers in the east of Ji, the sacrifices of the Huaidong horses were great— - Lin Fu is ordering Huaidong's entire line of exploration horses to retreat to Jinhai~www.readwn.com~ and stop paying attention to the changes in the situation around Jinhai. Now is the time to grit your teeth and defend Jinhai.


Chongzhou enters March, the climate is getting warmer, the grass and trees are sprouting in spring, and pedestrians can wear jackets and jackets to keep out the cold, but the weather in the north is still cold.

Before March, the soldiers of the Changshan Battalion assembled at Chongcheng Port and Hecheng Port to be dispatched.

The Jinghai Division retreated all the way to the inside line, not to mention, the Gongyi Battalion also dispatched 20,000 reserve soldiers to gather in Hecheng, Jiangmen, Chongcheng and other places. Huaidong began to collect cold clothes from the people on a large scale from mid to late February. The Guanyintan Shipyard has been reducing its shipbuilding capacity since early February, and has continuously recruited craftsmen from the shipyard to supplement the Ordnance Supervisor.

Almost at the same time that Lin Fu went to Jinhai to assist in defense, the work focus of Huaidong's government office was comprehensively adjusted and turned to prepare for King Qin.

Waiting for the decree of the King of Qin to come, the Jinghai Marine Division has an early northward trip, together with the Dengzhou Marine Division, and fought fiercely with the Goryeo Marine Division infested at the mouth of the Bohai Sea. Before the army goes north to the Qinwang by the sea, the Goryeo Marine Division will be cleared out. , to clear the obstacles to the north.

On March 12, the warrants from King Qin and Lin Fu were the first to reach Chongzhou.

Qin Chengzu, who stayed behind in Chongzhou, was ordered to convene the main officials of Huaidong in Chongzhou, including officials from Hailing Tongju Wu Meijiu and other officials, to convey the order that he would personally lead Huaidong Qin Wang's army north to support Jinhai and Lin Mengde to stay and preside over. The fast horses sent messages to Chongzhou and Huaidong, and also sent messages to Haiyu, Jiyang, Jiangning and other places through fast boats, asking the Haiyu army to shrink to the Dongjiang area to guard against the extravagant Zhejiang navy. Will take the opportunity to harass.

Even in the pessimistic atmosphere, Huaidong was boiling for a while. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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