Lord of the House

Vol 3 Chapter 16: Madam in charge

Chapter 16

Gu Wuchen was going to enter the city from Donghua Gate, and the official ship would dock in front of the Qiweng Bridge.

Yang Pu and the officials from the Jiangdong Inspectorate, Jiangning Household Department, Jiangning Punishment Department, and Jiangning Metropolitan Procuratorate had long been waiting in front of the Qiurn Bridge.

Lin Fu arrived here on horseback from the mouth of the Jinchuan River. Gu Wuchen came ashore. Before getting on the sedan chair, Mrs. Gu Tang helped him organize his vermilion uniform. He saw Lin Fu coming and said, "You're here too? Alright, I want to go to a few yamen first, you and Si Yuan and the others will go to the mansion to rest first, and have a drink together in the afternoon..."

"Then I'll be waiting in the mansion." Lin Fu bowed to Gu Wuchen.

Jiangning Sixth Division and Three Courts nominally have the same powers and powers as the capital’s Sixth and Third Courts. Gu Wuchen officially took office today. In addition to Jiangdong Inspector’s Office, Jiangning Household Department, Jiangning Penal Department, and Jiangning Metropolitan Procuratorate all showed their faces and submitted documents.

Lin Fu thought in his heart that several mausoleum-guarding officials, including Jiangning's Minister of Household Affairs, Jiangning's Minister of Punishment, and Jiangning's Imperial Censor, would hide today to avoid seeing Gu Wuchen. It is frighteningly high, but in terms of real power, it is not even as good as Gu Wuchen, the deputy envoy of the Jiangdong inspector, not to mention that Gu Wuchen is the upstart of the Chu Party, but these mausoleum officials are all losers and victims of political/political struggles - Lin Bie Xin thought that it would not take much time for Gu Wuchen to turn down several cold yamen.

Gu Wuchen got into the big sedan chair and entered the city first. Yang Pu, Ma Chao, and Yang Shi all changed their official uniforms and rode their squires. Brothers and sisters Gu, Gu Siyuan, and Gu Junxun waited at the head of the Nine Weng Bridge for the luggage and cages to be loaded on the carriage, and then set off directly to the Gu Mansion located on the Tianhan Bridge in the east of the city. Compared to when he disembarked at Chaotianyi, there was a lot more luggage in the cage. It seems that Gu Wuchen gained a lot when he stopped at Chaotianyi.

Liu Xilin and the others escorted Gu Wuchen's family to this place, and they completed the duty of the trip. They had to cross the river north directly. Liu Xilin took the horse and said goodbye to Lin Bie: "The military order is with you, you can't Entering the city to harass Brother Lin, but there will always be a time for him to get together."

Escorting Gu Wuchen to Jiangning to take up the post, Liu Xilin only felt that Lin Fu did not have the sourness of a scholar, his courage and arrogance were convincing, and he was determined to accept it, but thinking that Lin Fu would be in Jiangning in the future, he would return to Dongyang to meet again. There are really not many opportunities, and I feel a little reluctant to leave while cherishing each other.

"I have prepared a small gift for Brother Liu and all the brothers. They are all Jiangning's specialties. They are not worth a lot of money. They are just a little thoughtful. I hope Brother Liu and all the brothers will not dislike it..." Lin Fu asked Zhao Hu to take the gift from the carriage. Come down and distribute it to Liu Xilin and the cavalry. Compared with the indifference and naturalness of the Gu family, Liu Xilin especially felt that Lin Fu valued these rude soldiers, and he didn't know what to say when he took the gift.

"Lin Juren, Madam called you here."

Lin Fu heard someone calling him from the front, and when he turned around, he saw that there was a woman in the carriage in front of him raising the curtains and waving to him, so he pressed Liu Xilin's shoulder and said, "Brother Liu, be careful when you go north, and I won't send you far."

"Go, go, when you go to Dongyang City in the future, you must send me a letter..." Liu Xilin saw that the carriage in front had already moved, and they were going to board the boat to cross north.

"Definitely, definitely." Lin Fu said.

Although most of the Da Yue Dynasty's town army and government army were broken up and their combat strength was weak, it was hard to be worthy of the status of a soldier. The cavalry team led by Liu Xilin was a rare elite. The results, Lin Fu can find some kind and familiar military camp feeling in them.

Listening to the old woman's urging again, Lin Fu stopped greeting Liu Xilin, lightly clamped the horse's belly, caught up with the carriage that was already moving slowly in front, and greeted Mr. Gu who was sitting in the carriage through the carriage curtain: "What do you have to tell Lin Fu, Madam?"

"There's nothing else," Mr. Gu said while sitting in the car. "I heard from Yang Pu that you helped me clean up the new house, and I haven't thanked you yet."

"That's what Lin Fu should do." Lin Fu said, he knew that Gu Junxun was also sitting in the carriage with her mother.

"The food made by the lady of the Xiao family is delicious?" Mrs Gu said again.

Lin Bie was slightly startled, thinking that Mrs. Gu would never forget this threat. Could it be that after pushing her over for seven or eight days, she would be expected to be put in the house for me? He pretended to be confused and said, "Thank you, Madam, for your concern, Miss Liu's cooking skills are very good."

Gu's only thought that Lin Fu was thin-skinned and embarrassed. She only wanted Lin Fu to bring the little widow with a beautiful face and a beautiful face into the room. He hated it so much that he couldn't find anything else to say to Lin Bie for a while, so he asked: "I heard from the master that you are a little lacking in writing and writing, but you have a wide range of knowledge and knowledge, but I don't know what you plan to do after you arrive in Jiangning. Born?"

Lin Fu felt sorry for Liang Zuoren in his heart. Liang Zuoren sent Liu Yue'er to Gu's house to please Gu Wuchen. How could he think that Gu's family was the wife's head, and he hit Gu's inverse scale with a savage blow. He secretly smiled and said to Mrs Gu through the curtain of the carriage: "Lin Bie has no relatives and no reason in Jiangning, and there is no one to discuss any incidents. When the lady asked, Lin Bie had the cheek to ask the lady for an idea..."

In the carriage, Mrs. Gu regretted it too late. She just asked casually. Unexpectedly, Lin Fu would hit the snake and follow the stick. She thought to herself, "I'm asking for an idea, why don't I ask Gu's house?"

Gu said coldly: "Master appreciates you, what's the matter, even if you say it, what's the courtesy?"

Lin Fu thought that maybe Gu Wuchen was fed up with this woman, but the reason why Gu Wuchen became the upstart of the Chu Party was his talent and experience, mainly because his marriage with the Gu family made him the son-in-law of the leader of the Chu Party, Tang Haoxin , Deputy Prime Minister Zhang Xie's colleague. He secretly spit, and said respectfully on the surface: "Lin Fu wants to distribute Dongyang tea paper and other products in the Jiangning office. The Gu family is the official tea merchant of Dongyang. Lin Fu wants to ask his wife to agree, and the Gu family will transport the tea from Dongyang. It's all sold by me in Jiangning. If the Gu family agrees, in addition to buying the tea at the current price, Lin Fu is also willing to give the Gu family an additional 1,000 taels of dry shares every year."

Sitting in the carriage, Mrs Gu was slightly startled. She didn't expect Lin Fu to set up a business in Jiangning. She wanted to tell Lin Fu, "What does the Gu family want her to do?" She was about to open her mouth, but then she thought: Master is now the biggest of the Gu family. Why can't she decide about the Gu family? Then he thought about the benefits of agreeing to Lin Fu.

Originally, Gu Wuchen was an official in Jiangning, and the Gu family was in Shiliang County, which is hundreds of miles away. Gu Wuchen had no time to go to the Gu family’s affairs, but let the Gu family’s tea be distributed by Lin Bie’s business in Jiangning, and things went wrong. There is a difference, Mr. Gu thought to himself: the matter in Shiliang County is beyond the reach of the master, and the matter under the eyes of Jiang Ning, the master can always ask. Thinking about it this way, I felt that it was a good thing to promise that the tea leaves shipped out of Dongyang by the Gu family would be distributed by a company under Lin Fu's name. Then I thought about the meaning of the extra thousand taels of silver dry shares promised by Lin Fu, and I thought about it. After a while, he was not sure, so he asked Lin Fu through the curtain of the car, "It's enough to buy tea at the current price. What are you going to do with the extra money for the shares?"

"My lord went to Jiangning, the wife, the son, and the young lady all moved to the blessed land. Lin Fu originally prepared generous gifts to show his heart, but Lin Fu set up a business and started a business, and he was a little shy in his pockets. Madam please accept it with a smile..." Lin Fuxian didn't mention the business, and handed the gift list to the woman in front of the carriage and asked her to pass it to Mrs Gu in the carriage.

Mr. Gu sat in the car and took the gift list, and his heart skipped a beat, thinking that Lin Fu, who had looked down on him before, was so arrogant. Gu Junxun, who was sitting beside him, turned his head in doubt, and saw that the gift list included eight official silver ingots, one white suet jade pendant, and two famous jujube red horses;

Gu closed the gift list, and his impression of Lin Fu suddenly improved. He thought that his nephew Gu Siming said that Lin Fu was a poor scholar with no money. He was probably jealous and said bad things about him. Disgusted, she said in the car: "The second generation of your family is kind to the Gu family, how can I accept such a generous gift from you? How dare you say a small gift!"

Eight ingots of official silver are four hundred taels. In addition to the 5,000 taels of silver in Lin Fu's hand as the principal of the business, there was less than 1,000 taels of silver left to turn around. He gave the Gu family 400 taels as a congratulatory gift. Blood was dripping from his heart, but he knew that the biggest one in Jiangning Relying on the fact that he is the care of the family, this is not enough. Although Gu Wuchen appreciated him quite a bit, but the head of the Gu family was the Gu family who was sitting in this carriage, but Gu Siyuan, the son of the Gu family, had a bad impression of him, so how could he not pay a lot of money? Lin Fuyou felt that the eight-ingot official silver gift was too light. Gu Wuchen was appointed as the deputy envoy of Jiangdong inspector. What, Lin Fu gritted his teeth and let the two best horses out of the four good horses brought to Jiangning this time; the white fat jade pendant was a gift from Zhang Yubo, who joined the army from the Zuo Sikou of Dongning Prefecture a few days ago~www. readwn.com~ It's only worth a few taels of silver, but the quality of the jade is very subjective, and Lin Fu has the cheek to write this jade pendant into this gift list, just to guide Mr. Gu to mistake it for the value. A good item of hundreds of taels of silver - this He Yi, in Gu's eyes, has almost a thousand taels of silver.

Even so, Mr. Gu still did not forget to mention "great gifts and small gifts", obviously because of the dry share money of 1,000 taels of silver every year. Lin Bie smiled, and he was afraid that Mr. Gu would forget about it, and said, "To tell the truth, Madam, I originally prepared twenty-eight ingots of official silver as a congratulatory gift, and the shipyard had to pay two thousand taels urgently the day before yesterday. For the silver order, Lin Bie was in Jiangning and could not find anyone else to borrow it for a while. In a hurry, he could only temporarily withdraw twenty pieces of official silver from the He Yi for the adults and his wife. I wanted to prepare more for He Yi, but then I thought again: Why can't the 20 pieces of official silver that I took out for emergency before be counted as the principal of the business for the lord and his wife? Lin Fu privately made an proposition for the lord and his wife. Ten pieces of official silver is considered as the capital of the adults and the wife's shareholding in the business. It's just that when the business has no profit or loss, Lin Fu can't let the adults and the wife bear the business risks, so he decides to pay the adults and the wife one thousand taels of silver every year for profit... ... Madam won't blame Lin Bie for making an assertion?"

Official silver standard large ingot, one ingot has fifty taels of color.

Twenty official ingots are worth a thousand taels of silver.

In the carriage, Mrs. Gu listened to Lin Bujiang talking about these 1000 taels of silver, which was originally nothing, and said with a wide-eyed smile, "How can I blame you?

"Then I'll go to the house later and write the stock subscription contract to you, Mrs." Lin Fu said.


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