Lord of the House

Vol 9 Chapter 70: Offense and defense

On May 14, the news that Donghu changed his country name to "Dayan" and changed his year name to "Mandate of Heaven" spread to Jinhai. In the official Tangchaoyi newspaper of the Yue Dynasty, Donghu was also called "Pseudo Yan" or "Yan Hu" to reveal his ambition to inherit the former Yan Zhengshuo.

At the same time, Jingqirou, the vanguard of the Donghu people, approached Wangdengtai Mountain from the south bank of the Wushui River, and began to compete with the Jinhai defenders for Wangdengtai Mountain, the only highland outside Jinhai.

The more than a thousand elite horsemen on the left and right flanks of the Donghu people are all skilled in bowing and horses, with machetes and bows, and wearing armor on horses. Suddenly they gathered, like big arrows piercing the sky; suddenly they spread out, spreading out for several miles, like a dark cloud covering the water, like a dragonfly coming to the flank of the Jinhai defending infantry formation.

The Jinhai defenders' infantry had strong bows, but they contracted the inside line and could not stretch out.

The Donghu cavalry avoided the front and only tentatively touched the flanks. At first, both sides were more likely to shoot at each other with bows and crossbows. The arrows flew like a torrential rain, and it seemed like a swarm of locusts flew through the air, making a dense and sharp noise. .

The cavalry on the horses are all wearing armor to protect their vital points. Occasionally, those who fall off the horse are also rescued by Paoze, but the horses are shot with arrows and blood is like a spring, and every battle does not know how many war horses will be damaged... The empty arrows are stuck on the ground again. Such as just cut wheat stubble.

Both sides are arrogant and brave, unable to bear their temper. They reined their horses and drew their swords to fight. Often they passed by with one blow. .

The battle for Wang Dengtaishan, although it was a tentative contact battle for both sides, had the strength to not admit defeat at the beginning, and it was going on quite intensely. In the wild field with Lili green grass, bloodstains were mottled, horses hooves stepped on it, and a stump of a stump arm was kicked out accidentally. In every battle, almost a hundred old soldiers were killed, injured or disabled on both sides.

The Donghu people intercepted the Guoshui River in the upper reaches. The water depth of the Guoshui River on the north side of Wang Dengtai Mountain was less than three feet. The warships stationed in Jinhai were forced to withdraw from the Guoshui River.

Seeing that the Donghu soldiers and horses are fighting more and more, the defenders can't stand such consumption, especially the war horses, which only took two days and lost more than 400 horses-the Donghu troops and horses are many, and the loss of 4,000 war horses may feel distressed, but The defenders had only 3,000 warhorses in Jinhai, lost more than 400 warhorses, and the cavalry could not even reach the level of one person and one horse-how could the defenders dare to carry on without restrictions in such a war of attrition?

On the 16th, the defenders were forced to give up Wang Dengtaishan and shrunk to the interior defense.

While the Tianjin Navy was shrinking inwards, Wu Qi and Zhou Pu led the Huaidong Cavalry Battalion to jump out of the encirclement and head south along the coastline. If the cavalry were to block the interior lines, their role would be very limited. It was far better than being free on the periphery, and it could restrain the enemy from attacking the city with their hands and feet... As long as the Donghu people could not completely block the coastline, the cavalry and Jinhai City would be able to do so. Keep in touch at any time through the sentry ship and cooperate with each other.

After winning the Wangdengtai Mountain on the 16th, the elites of the Donghu people began to repair the half-destroyed sentinel fort. With the sentinel as the core, a large-scale camp was built along the Wangdengtai Mountain. The Donghu people then moved in successively, and the total number of troops and horses of the Donghu people in the Wangdengtaishan camp soon surpassed the Jinhai defenders.

The troops and horses gathered by the Donghu people on the outskirts of Jinhai were mainly from the newly attached Han army, but there were more than 10,000 elite cavalrymen. The **** was naturally suppressed and could not stand out on the inside.

The Donghu people obviously learned the lesson of Yangxin's defeat in the siege battle. This time, the troops approached Jinhai, and they did not rush up to attack the city, but adopted a strategy of advancing layer by layer.

After a large number of soldiers and horses filled the Wangdengtai Mountain camp, the Donghu people did not immediately storm the outer walls of Jinhai, but calmly drove a large number of people captured from Yanji and other places to borrow soil and fill the river on the northeast side of Wangdengtai Mountain. .

In just one day, the second interception dam across the Guoshui River was constructed more than ten miles away from the mouth of the river, and the Ditai Fortress outside the camp of Wangdengtai Mountain was built along both sides of the interception dam. The Shuimo strategy completely blocked the Jinhai defenders on the inside.

Although the Donghu people built a water interception dam at a slightly upstream position, because the topography of the estuary is slightly lower than sea level, the waterway of the estuary still has water about two feet deep at low tide. The water depth is not enough for the warships to enter, but it forms natural obstacles on the north and south banks of the Eddy River.

The Jinhai defense system consists of seven fortresses, six of which are located on the north bank of the vortex river, and there is only one small town on the south bank of three hundred feet, which makes the Jinhai defenders deploy their troops, resulting in an imbalance between the north and south sides. The Donghu people's siege camp was built on the south bank. In addition to taking advantage of the terrain of Wang Dengtai Mountain, it was more to form a tit-for-tat in the deployment of forces.

When the Donghu soldiers and horses took a firm footing in Wang Dengtai Mountain, it was difficult for the Jinhai defenders to carry out an effective counterattack, and they fell into passive defense from the beginning.

The Donghu people built the nearest enemy platform three or four miles away from Nanzhai, and then drove their soldiers to attack Nanzhai. Troops and horses unfolded, black and black pennants like forests, and blocks of simple refusal horses were hurriedly formed, and they were thrown to block the door and block the road.

Although it was a bit bluffing, it also relied on the large number of people to defeat the counterattacks of the Nanzhai defenders again and again. In the back, there are groups of captive civilians digging trenches, excavating long trenches surrounded by mountains and rivers, and building earth and wood on the outside of the trench to build a parapet for archery and conflict prevention.

In an ordinary offensive and defensive battle, the attackers fill the trenches and the defenders dig trenches.

The Donghu people who attacked this time have to give up their plans to attack the city in a hurry. From the beginning, they wanted to dig a long trench and build a parapet to block the Nanzhai, and then plan to attack the city; and the Tianjin Navy is deeply influenced by Huaidong, Huaidong The idea of ​​​​defending the city is to defend the middle and attack, defend the middle and hide the attack, and will not give up the effort of counterattack and fall into the passive defense of the city unless it is absolutely necessary.

In this offensive and defensive battle, the attackers dug trenches, and the defenders instead attacked to fill the trenches, hoping to maintain a channel for external counterattacks.

Both the offensive and defensive sides are all brave and brave soldiers, and they are not afraid of death. This battle of filling and digging trenches has been carried out like fire from the beginning, and it is very tragic. When the battle broke out, the brave generals of both sides wore armor and held swords and fought on the battlefield. After two days of stalemate, the defenders were forced to give up their efforts to counterattack from Nanzhai.

Going out from the Nanzhai City, on the battlefield more than two miles wide, there are countless broken limbs, broken arms, refusal of horses and carts, broken knives and halberds, arrows like insect corpses - Lin Xuwen, Huang Jinnian and others watching the battle at the top of the city can see They were dazzled, trembling, and trembling; and Gao Zongting, Sun Shangwang, Ma Yigong, Yang Yihang, Geng Quanshan and others who knew the depth of the war were even more bitter in their hearts.

In order to seize the initiative, the number of casualties increased in the three or four days of the war - the Tianjin Navy's 20,000 defenders could not withstand long consumption. But give up the fight for the initiative, let the Donghu people deploy calmly on the periphery, and the Jinhai defenders will fall into a more tragic offense and defense tug of war in the later stage.

When the East Hu people competed for the control of Wang Dengtai Mountain in the early stage, the Hu people's cavalry was the main force, but in the later period when the troops approached the village, the new-affiliated Han army was the main force.

Those newly attached surrendered troops attacked one of the Donghu people's puss, and they were easily killed. At this moment, they turned their guns around and attacked Jinhai. They were very hard-working and fearless to death. what medicine.

"It's not the way to fight like this," Sun Shangwang said to Lin Xuwen, "Even if you passively defend the city, you must keep Jinhai's strength from being seriously damaged!"

Ma Yigong and Yang Yihang are not afraid of fighting hard battles, but there are tens of thousands of troops outside the city. If they fight like this, they will not be able to consume the elite of the Donghu people, but the Jin Navy will soon be unable to support it.

Gao Zongting frowned and accompanied Lin Xuwen to stand at the head of Nanzhai City, overlooking the surrounding enemy forces, which meant that he had despised the determination and means of the Donghu people to attack Jinhai before. So spicy and steady.

Seeing that Nanzhai was about to be completely blocked, Yang Yihang, who was in charge of the defense of Henanzhai in the vortex, didn't look good.

Even if this side gives up its efforts to fight back out of the city, and allows the enemy to blockade and deploy on the periphery, according to the actions of the Donghu people, it will take almost a month to organize a siege after they are fully deployed, but it will be completely blocked. Inaction on the inside made him feel very useless.

"Looking at their actions, it seems similar to the Battle of Hecheng the year before, and the Donghu people are also learning from Huaidong!" Sun Shangwang sighed slightly.

After the Zhejiang and Fujian rebels attacked Hecheng, Huaidong organized a counter-offensive, adopting a strategy of first completely blocking and then focusing on breakthroughs. No one on the Jinhai side participated in the Battle of Crane City that year, but the battle cases of the Battle of Crane City were studied in detail here.

Those who are capable can see the whole picture at a glance. Looking at the deployment of the Donghu people in the first few days, it is not difficult to speculate on their overall strategy to besiege Jinhai.

The more urgent and hasty the Donghu people attacked, the more opportunities the Jinhai defenders had to fight back; The city is in distress and cannot do anything else. The longer the time drags on, the more prepared the attackers will be, the more passive the defenders will become, the more brutal the battle will be, and the harder it will be to defend the city.

The Donghu people have already used large-scale equipment such as catapults on a large scale in the siege of the city, which is even less good news. From the Donghu people's accurate use of the vortex river terrain from the very beginning, it can be known that the coach of the Donghu people in charge of attacking Jinhai this time is a very capable, thoughtful, and familiar with military affairs, which makes people worry about his follow-up. There will be more vicious means to be used to catch people off guard.

Sun Shangwang and others didn't realize that it would be Yejier, the Khan King of the Donghu people, who came to supervise the battle in person. This was an important factor in the extremely fierce fighting of the newly attached Han army.

"The Donghu people may also have the intention of consolidating and subordinating the attached army by besieging Jinhai..." Gao Zongting looked at the flags of the Donghu people densely like a jungle under the clear sky in the distance. In terms of strength, it has far surpassed the defenders, and there are many signs that the soldiers and horses of the generals will be transferred to Jinhai to participate in the siege of the city.

Before the war, there were more than 60,000 or 70,000 Han troops in the newly attached Han army compiled by the Donghu people. The winter war has continued until now, and the total number of troops surrendered in Jizhen and Datong is more than 100,000.

If it is true as Gao Zongting said, the Donghu people will completely block Jinhai on the inside, and then transfer all the newly attached Han troops and surrendered troops to the periphery of Jinhai for integration... Lin Xuwen frowned, only then did he know that he wanted to defend at first. Jinhai, it's somewhat of a fantasy.

Judging from the ability and means of the Donghu people's coach to dispatch the newly-affiliated Han troops to participate in the war in the past three or four days, in addition to being able to adjust the elite cavalry to sit in the center, the Donghu people are likely to eventually mobilize hundreds of thousands of newly-affiliated Han troops to continue. attacked the city of Jinhai.

Obviously, the Donghu people have already controlled most of the prefectures and counties such as Yanji and Jinjun, and it is impossible to easily withdraw from the customs. If the Donghu people do not retreat, Jinhai is the nail they must pull out—even if there are 300,000 to 400,000 refugees participating in the defense of Jinhai, how confident are they that they will be able to defend it?

Thinking of this time, Lin Xuwen had completely given up his thoughts of sticking to Jinhai, and secretly said in his heart: As long as the 300,000 to 400,000 refugees and refugees in the city are evacuated, he will do his duty.

Of course, if they can drag Jinhai until Yanjing falls, and then give up, no one in the world can blame them for not fulfilling their duties as ministers.

Sun Shangwang asked, "Should I send someone to contact Master Wu and Master Leopard, and send someone to sneak into Beijing to report the situation here?"

Gao Zongting looked at Lin Xuwen and said, "Lord Lin please arrange - no matter what the price is, let Beijing know the situation here. Jinhai is no longer a good direction for Yanjing to break out of the encirclement, according to Donghu people in Tianjin. The deployment outside the sea is likely to use Jinhai as a trap to lure Yanjing to break through here."

The Donghu people transferred both the Xinfu Han army and the prisoner-defending army here to participate in the attack on Jinhai~www.readwn.com~ This means that there will be no infantry to encircle Yanjing - Yanjing will definitely try to break through before the food runs out. .

Although Gyeonggi is close to the Jinhai Sea, when the periphery is blocked and it is impossible to accurately judge the enemy's situation, the troops and horses that break through the encirclement are most likely to collide with the Jinhai.

When the breakout troops traveled to the periphery of Jinhai day and night, and found that the Donghu people intercepted more troops in the periphery of Jinhai than imagined, they would fall into a desperate situation where they could not advance or retreat. The fate of the cavalry was crushed and strangled.

After being reminded by Gao Zongting, Ma Yigong, Yang Yihang and others realized something, secretly saying: The Donghu people's tactics are really ruthless, and they will definitely try their best to lure the Yanjing troops and horses to break through in the direction of Jinhai, and they will be defeated in the wild. Only by sending someone to sneak into Beijing to report the situation here, can Yanjing be prepared to break through the siege.

Lin Xuwen frowned and asked, "Even if we spread the news at all costs, will Yanjing accept it?"

Once upon a time, Yanjing was very much looking forward to the Huaidong Army landing in Jinhai from the east to support Yanjing and King Qin. However, under the name of King Qin, Huaidong used the strategy of attacking the east and the west. Jiang Ning was forced to acquiesce to the situation, but Yanjing knew that. After the truth of the matter, the monarchs and ministers in the palace and temples, as well as the traders and pawns in the streets, all denounced Lin Fu and the people of Huaidong as traitors and thieves.

Even if Yanjing finally chose to remain silent on this matter, and there was no decree to inquire about the guilt—perhaps the decree that knew the inquisition would be detained after reaching Jinhai and could not be passed on—Yanjing’s attitude towards Jinhai changed from The previous high hopes have become hatred and wary.

Although Yanjing may eventually be forced to break through in the direction of Jinhai due to the situation, it is difficult for Yanjing to unreservedly accept the news from Jinhai. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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