Lord of the House

Vol 9 Chapter 82: Big defeat

(Ask for a red ticket!)

The more than 20,000 soldiers and horses who decided to divide their troops to the south were the soldiers stationed in Nanyuan of the Beijing Camp, surrounded by the Queen Mother Liang, Shangshu Zuopushe and servant Chen Xinbo, King Lu Yuanjianhai, and some of the ministers and concubines of the harem who moved to the south. South breakout.

On the afternoon of the 16th, the soldiers and horses on this road came out of the lake camp and headed southwest. At night, they stopped at Zhangjiaji, which is more than ten miles away from Yunya Mountain and nearly forty miles from Nantai Gate of Yanjing City. In the second half of the night, they stayed at Yunya. Refugees at the northern foot of the mountain could clearly hear the sound of a large number of cavalry rushing across the border like a raging flood, which made people tremble with fear.

It is said that the safest is to stay in Chengshouji honestly, mixed with the refugees, but Wu Qi sneaked up to Yunya Mountain to watch the battle at dawn. Chen Dingbang limped up as well, and just saw the Donghu cavalry group, like a black flood in the dim morning light, swept across the southern foot of Yunya Mountain and spread out, like a flood, and like a ruthless wild sand, towards Zhangjiaji. The bribe swept away.

The cavalry rushed in at night, and counting the time from the Jizhou camp, they continued to march for at least ten hours along the way, with only a small amount of rest time.

The Donghu people did not plan to take a break before attacking, but directly launched a pursuit array in the open area in front of Yunya Mountain. With the brighter and brighter morning light, they launched a ruthless attack on the southern deserters and horses stranded in Zhangjiaji. And resolute attack.

"Looking at the scale of the cavalry in front of the mountain, I'm afraid there will be no less than 20,000 elite cavalry," Chen Dingbang clenched his fists, stared at the battlefield in front of the mountain like a wolf, and said, "There should be an elite cavalry to monitor the three rivers Chen Zhihu—— In this way, the Jingying Army and Xuanfu Army who were going to Jinhai to encircle Jinhai have not been paid attention to for the time being, and they may not be intercepted until they are close to the periphery of Jinhai. Fight to the east - Donglu will wrap up this time!"

"I'm afraid that's the case!" Wu Qi said.

Although it is said that there were 60,000 or 70,000 cavalrymen of the Donghu people entering the Yannan and Jidong areas to fight in the later period, but to control the entire Yanji battlefield and take the initiative, the Donghu people gradually re-attached to the Han army to play the main force, and their cavalry was also scattered in many places. , the main force of cavalry assembled in the Xianghe-Jizhou camp in the later period was more than 30,000. After deducting the cavalry used to monitor Chen Zhihu's division, the main force of cavalry that the Donghu people can call in eastern Hebei is just that.

Chen Dingbang and Geng Quanshan used to be Lu Jingyan's relied generals, and they have been with Li Zhuo for a long time since Chongguan ten years later. How could their eyesight be so poor?

Other than that, this time, as long as Chen Dingbang can be safely escorted to Huaidong, it will be a big gain.

Compared with the swiftness of the Donghu cavalry, their aggression like fire, and their ambition to devour everything, the 20,000 Jingying troops stranded in Zhangjiaji were really nothing good.

The troops led by Ye Jiduodi to control the deep areas of Yannan were limited, and their main defense targets were Liang Chengchong's troops assembled in the plains and Tao Chun's troops assembled in the Qinghe River, and the intercepting troops that could be drawn were relatively limited.

The Jingying army that fled south should know that the main threat is not in front, but it should pay attention to guarding against the main force of Donghu cavalry chasing from the rear. Temporary camping should also take advantage of the turbulent nature of the river in summer, and try to choose a deeper and wider river to cross to the south bank for a short stay, so as to avoid the direct attack of the Donglu cavalry.

After nightfall, the troops who fled to the capital and stayed in Zhangjiaji made a fatal mistake on the first night they broke out of the encirclement. Although the pontoon bridge was set up overnight, nearly 20,000 soldiers and horses were stranded on the north bank of the Zhangjiaji section of the Weihe River, except for the more than 2,000 vanguard soldiers and horses.

From Yunya Mountain, for more than ten miles, there is almost no natural terrain obstruction except for two small river ditches. Probably after the Donghu cavalry's outpost passed Yunya Mountain, the Jingying army hurriedly deployed the defense in the rear, unloading the mules and horses messily, and piled them up to prevent the Donghu cavalry from rushing directly into the formation.

The Donghu cavalry's forwards avoided the chaotic chariot formation, divided into two teams and went around the flanks to find a gap to penetrate, and ruthlessly shot the Jingying generals with bows and arrows, in order to cause even greater confusion.

The Donghu cavalry were also mainly light cavalry and wore leather armor, but a cavalry regiment with a size of more than 20,000 people must also have armored cavalry, and the number was not large.

The defensive formation hurriedly formed by the Nanfu Jingying Army at the rear was shot by the bows and arrows of the captive cavalry. , and immediately knocked down a corner of the formation of the Jingying army.

The several counterattacks organized by the Nanfujingying Army were all weak and useless, and were easily disintegrated. Before the end of the day, the formation of more than 20,000 people was completely penetrated by the Donghu people.

Due to the limited time, although the pontoon bridge was erected, the time for the Donghu people to catch up and attack directly was very short. The carriages of the princes, ministers and concubines of the harem who fled to the south did not have enough time to pass through the pontoon and retreat to the south bank, and they were more protected in the middle of the headquarters. When the formation was directly penetrated by the Donghu cavalry and driven by the chariots and chariots protected in the middle, it was like a hornet's nest stabbed by a bamboo pole.

The Nanjingjingying army did not collapse at the beginning of the hasty engagement, and its performance was quite surprising. This formation was completely penetrated by the Donghu people, the main commander and the flag were cut off, and they were driven by the southern escape car in the middle of the protection, causing complete chaos, and the ending could not be rewritten.

Just as Chen Dingbang had expected before the war, the Donghu people had to gather their forces to pursue the east, and the main focus here was to defeat them.

After the Nanfu Jingying army was defeated, the main force of the Donghu cavalry began to withdraw from the battlefield and retreated to the southern foot of Yunya Mountain, leaving only more than 3,000 cavalry to continue to control the battlefield, cut, chase and destroy the defeated princes and ministers who fled south. Only more than 3,000 men of the Jingying army and some princes and ministers fled to the south bank, and the pontoon bridge was broken in time.

Countless collapsed soldiers were chased and killed, desperate to choose their way, and forced into the turbulent river. Wearing armor, it sinks when it enters the water; countless people are entangled together, and even if the water is good, it will be dragged to the bottom of the river by other drowning people. Looking at the shadows struggling in the river, Chen Dingbang seemed to hear their desperate howls.

There were also a few defeated soldiers who persisted in defense; more collapsed soldiers seemed to realize that there was no hope of fleeing south, and turned to the northwest, either fleeing or breaking through in the direction of Yanjing. More generals threw away their armor and chose to bow their knees and surrender to the Donghu people, kneeling on the ground like wooden stakes in rows of trees that had just been cut down.

The disparity in combat power is too great, and there is no suspense at the end. On the battlefield, the Donghu cavalry rushes to the left and right. It doesn't feel good when people see it. Although three or four thousand people escaped, starting from Zhangjiaji and crossing Yannan, there is a distance of nearly five hundred miles. In this area, Donghu has more than 40,000 footsteps, and finally a few people can succeed in the south. Escape, really hard to say.

Seeing that the Donghu people had sent people to control Yunya Mountain, Wu Qi, Chen Dingbang and the others did not dare to stay on the mountain, and returned to Chengshouji at the northern foot of the road from the path to hide in the dark room of the tea shop. Right now, I can only stay in Chengshouji and use the refugees as cover, wait for the opportunity to leave Yanji, and have no intention of going to Sanhe to contact Chen Zhihu.

"It's better to keep the news of Emperor Chongguan's death with alcohol and medicine from Li Bingbu for the time being," Wu Qi asked Chen Dingbang to say, "Even if there is still room to drill into the Sanhe, the southward road is almost completely blocked. It's hard to predict how Chen Zhihu will react when he finds out the truth - we can't go to Sanhe to take this risk."

Although Chen Dingbang did not directly serve as a general under Chen Zhihu, he was from the same line of the East Fujian Army and knew Chen Zhihu well.

When the situation has developed to this point, Chen Zhihu is likely to detain them and throw them directly at the Donghu people.

At this time, the army was in chaos, and it was impossible to send someone to look for Lu Xiong, the dog. Wu Qi can expect that until the end of the Sanhe War, it may not be so important for Chen Zhihu to know the truth of Li Zhuo's death.


Under Ye Jiluorong's attack, more than 20,000 troops fled to the capital in the south. Except for a few who escaped in time, they collapsed in less than half a day.

The Taihu Camp, with only a thousand defenders left, surrendered on the 17th and night in Kaicheng. In addition to retreating into Yanjing City, Chen Zhihu's passage to the south was strictly blocked.

Ye Jiluorong led the main force of his cavalry to rest for a while at the southern foot of Yunya Mountain. A small group of cavalry entered the northern foot of Yunya Mountain and occupied Chengshouji. In the face of the powerful force of the Donghu people, the local gentry and refugees chose to surrender. Immediately after that, on the 18th, nearly a thousand new annexed Han troops entered the Chengshou assembly camp, and the Donghu people began to control the outskirts of Yanjing City.

On the 17th night, a cavalry of the Donghu people came from Hejian City to join them.

Although Ye Jiluorong was worried that there would be a gap in the direction of Hejian, allowing more people to escape, but he needed to concentrate more cavalry to advance eastward and go to the outskirts of Jinhai to annihilate the soldiers and horses escorting Emperor Chongguan to the siege. ——In Ye Jiluorong's view, this is also the main force of the Southern Dynasty's breakout, including the Xuanfu army and the Jingying Beiyuan guards who are loyal to the inner court, have sufficient supplies, and are well-armed, adding up to 40,000 Yu Jiazu and some cavalry units can barely be called elites.

Although the Khan King Yejir had assembled more than 10,000 elite cavalry and more than 90,000 newly attached Han troops in Jinhai, the combat strength of the newly attached Han troops was uneven. Once the Xuanfu army and the Jingying jailer arrived at the outskirts of Jinhai ahead of schedule, and the Tianjin navy fought hard to counterattack from the city, it would be difficult to guarantee that they would not be caught by the simple trenches and parapets alone.

As long as they arrive at the outskirts of Jinhai in time, join forces with King Khan, and wipe out more than 40,000 main force of Xuanfu army and Jingying jailers, the situation in Yanji will almost be settled. Some princes and ministers fled to Jiangning, which is not at all counted. what.

Ye Jiluorong made good use of cavalry. In the three to five months after the autumn and winter of the ninth year of Chongguan, Ye Jiluorong led a cavalry of less than 30,000 people to send 160,000 to 70,000 soldiers and horses, including the Jingying Army and the three-side reinforcements at that time. , they are completely contained within the scope of the Gyeonggi counties and dare not attack.

Starting from the southern foot of Yunya Mountain on the 17th and night, after nearly a day and a night of forcible marching, Ye Jiluorong led 20,000 elite cavalry to the outskirts of Jinhai before nightfall on the 18th. The Xuanfu army and the Jingying jailer entered Jinhai only two hours earlier than Yeji Luorong, but they sent troops to Yejier to intercept the north bank of the Chaohe River, and they could not cross the Chaohe River, which was less than 20 feet wide. Not on close to Jinhai City.

Ye Zier entrusted the cavalry led by Ye Ji Luorong to support him to rest overnight on the south bank of the Chaohe River. On the 19th, he released the Xuanfu army and the Jingying guards to set up a pontoon bridge on the Chaohe River to the south bank to conduct a battle. A trestle bridge was set up on the upper reaches of the river, intending to drive the cavalry to the north bank to attack the flank of the soldiers and horses of the Southern Dynasty.

The battle of the Chaohe River is much easier than expected.

The eastern deserters were divided into two divisions, Jingying and Xuanfu. Only by crossing the Chaohe River to open the gap in the periphery of Jinhai and escaping into the city would it be considered a life of escape. The Jingying guards built a bridge to rush to cross, and fought fiercely with the intercepted Xinfu Han army. They gradually expanded their control area on the south bank. When they planned to transfer more troops to the south bank to participate, a Xuanfu army was unwilling to move south with the emperor. ~www.readwn.com~ left the formation directly from the left rear wing and escaped from the battlefield in the northwest direction.

Although the Xuanfu army that was withdrawn had only four or five hundred people, the sudden change made the Xuanfu army reveal a fatal weakness in the back, and the morale of the whole army was greatly demoralized, which became a key opportunity for the defeat of the Chaohe war. .

Ye Jier's eldest son, Ye Jibaishan, the king of Doluo County, just led 2,000 elite cavalry to cross the Chaohe River from the upper reaches. The left rear flank of the Xuanfu army was chasing after him.

At that time, there were nearly 30,000 soldiers and horses in the Xuanfu army and the Jingying jailer on the north bank, but in less than a stick of incense, the two thousand elite cavalry led by Ye Jibaishan were smashed. The number of cavalrymen crossing the river continued to increase, and the battle on the north bank became less suspenseful...

The thousands of Jingying guards who crossed the Chaohe River first were also in chaos. They seized the opportunity to intercept the Xinfu Han army and defeated them in one fell swoop. Countless people were forced into the Chaohe River and drowned. The tidal river is blocked.

Although the Xuanfu Army was one of the last elites in the imperial court's control, by the end of the army's heart was dissipated, and there was not much will to persist in fighting. The order to break out of the encirclement came too suddenly, and ordinary generals and soldiers were not prepared in their hearts, and almost all subconsciously moved the capital to the south. Even if there were no incidents where the formation of the fleeing army had left the formation, it would have been impossible to rely on such an army to open the gap for the Donghu people in the periphery of Jinhai.

Huang Jinnian, Lin Xuwen, Gao Zongting and others stood at the head of the North Walled City of Jinhai City, watching the eastern deserters and horses completely defeat the Donghu people-this was also a very heavy blow to the morale of the Jinhai defenders, but the eastern deserters and horses completely defeated the Donghu people. It is impossible to cross the Chaohe River and establish a solid foothold on the south bank, and there is no way to get out of the city. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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