Lord of the House

Vol 9 Chapter 99: Jiangning situation

In October, the Tianjin navy gradually withdrawn to Chongzhou for rest.

Before the Battle of Tianjin Sea, the Tianjin Navy had ten battalions of 6,000 soldiers. During the war, the number of recruits was expanded to 30 battalions and 18,000 soldiers. The brutal battle for defending the city made the Tianjin Navy endure 4,000 casualties. More than 100 people and more than 6,300 people were injured at a heavy price. If they do not abandon the Jinhai Sea and withdraw to rest, the entire Tianjin Navy will be maimed.

Lin Fu decided to add Jinwei Special Camp and Jinhai Battalion to the Infantry Division of the Huaidong Army.

The Jinwei Special Expedition Battalion, with Yang Yihang as the commander and Chen Enze as the commander, joined the army, and based on the two remnant battalions of the original Tianjin navy, a battalion of soldiers and a battalion of naval troops were transferred from Huaidong. Jinwei and other islands are responsible for harassing the coast of Yanji, restraining Yanhu troops, and guiding refugees to escape from Yanji to the south by sea; responsible for occupying Beihuangcheng Island at the mouth of the Bohai Sea between Dengzhou and Jinzhou, and building island villages for military purposes base…

The Jinhai Battalion, with Ma Yigong as the commander and Geng Quanshan as the deputy commander, was based on the remnants of the 12th battalion of the original Tianjin Navy. , to carry out overall training and training, and military attachés at all levels will also be selected into the war training school in batches for training in order to fully integrate into Huaidong.

The dead and dead were buried with monuments on the island, and more than 6,000 wounded and dead were scattered and evacuated to military medical camps in Hecheng, Shanyang, Chongcheng and other places for centralized treatment. Except for a few seriously disabled soldiers, most of the wounded and dead can be recuperated, and a group of qualified veterans and military attachés will be provided to Huaidong.

From the outbreak of the Jinhai defense battle to the final withdrawal, the battle lasted for about half a year. In half a year, the old soldiers whose will was not destroyed are rare and precious treasures.

Chen Dingbang was transferred to the Military Intelligence Department as commander to join the army.

The next step is the compensation for casualties and the reward for military merit. Huaidong admitted that the Tianjin navy has been sticking to Jinhai for half a year, which is a hard and outstanding contribution to Huaidong.

During the Jinhai War, the casualties and military merits of the Jinhai admirals were all carried out in accordance with the standards of the Huaidong Military Division.

Huaidong took out 200,000 mu of official land at a time to provide pensions and awards to ensure that the families of generals who died in battle, were severely disabled, and received military merit could directly obtain about 15 mu of water and dry land and a certain amount of land after arriving in Huaidong. Silver and rice subsidy instead of resettlement as displaced households.

The continuous influx of refugees over the past few years has made the price of grain and farmland continue to rise in areas not affected by the war in Jianghuai, and 200,000 mu of fertile farmland is worth at least three million taels of silver in the suburbs of Jiangning. Even in Chongzhou, where grain prices are relatively stable, At least it is worth more than two million taels of silver.

Jiang Ning affirmed the military exploits of the Jin navy in the north, and sent envoys to Chongzhou to announce the decree and reward, and also sent 20,000 taels of silver to show the emperor's great kindness.

The imperial army's combat power is getting worse and worse, but it's not that the previous Yanjing and the current Jiangning can't make up the basic salaries. The key reason is that after the war, they basically adopted an attitude of abandoning the disabled and war dead, and financially they simply could not afford the pensions for the disabled and war dead.

In today's world, from ordinary people to gentry, the most profound and longing appeal is land.

The new policy implemented by Lin Fu in Huaidong was not complicated no matter how complicated it was. It liquidated the farmland, guaranteed the interests of small and medium-sized tenant farmers, mainly tenant farmers, reclaimed wasteland, cleared official land, and raised displaced households to cultivate them as military households. Casualties are rewarded with acres of land, and generals and soldiers will naturally fight bravely and sacrifice their lives.

It is rare for an army to recover in a short period of time, if not collapse, after suffering more than half of its casualties. In the end, the Jinhai Navy had to abandon the city and withdraw. The damage to morale was even more serious. It was not a simple reorganization that could restore combat power. .

Those wounded soldiers could choose to be naturalized and resettled on the spot after they were cured, and most of them requested to be re-incorporated into the Huaidong Army as generals.

Of course, the price paid by Huaidong was that after Yudong Gongzhuang was removed from the village and established as a county, the more than 200,000 mu of fertile land that was confiscated as an official was allocated almost all at once.

On one side is the Tianjin Navy with low morale and half of the disabled, with a total of only 13,000 to 4,000 people, and on the other side is 200,000 mu of fertile farmland worth two or three million taels of silver. Maybe most people want to get both, and they don't want to give up either. They think that the Jin Navy was not affiliated with the Huaidong Army before, so there is no need to take out so many good fields for pensions and awards.

However, Lin Fu wanted to obtain a team of elites from Jinhai Battalion who had good morale, were loyal to Huaidong, and were fearless. Then, through the allocation of fields, he encouraged the people who moved to the south to settle down and take root in the south; 40,000 soldiers will be recruited into labor camps to engage in local water conservancy construction and other affairs; they will also serve as reservists and receive basic combat training, so that they maintain their desire for war rather than fear.


The Cao family made a surprise attack on Yinping in late September, and the army entered northern Sichuan.

Jiangning was beyond the reach of the war on the Western Front, and he just kept sending envoys into eastern Sichuan, and rewarded the officers and troops assembled there, hoping that they would be able to annihilate the bandits and block the army of the Cao family at the same time; some even suggested that the eastern Sichuan be The army was transferred to Jingzhou, and the rogues and the Cao family were killed.

After Jiang Ning established the new emperor, as the center of the southern regime, although the efficiency was not too high, it was successfully operated.

The Ministry of Household headed by Wang Tian took over all the taxes, levies and discounted silver in Jianghuai, Jiangxi and Lianghu prefectures and counties; Lianghuai salt and silver, over-tax gold, city tax and tea, horse, iron and wine tax revenue were all included. The government was directly allocated by Emperor Yongxing.

Although the mountains and rivers are dilapidated, and there are many remaining places, there are actually quite a few resources controlled by Jiangning.

In addition to the local expenditure and the money directly occupied by the local military equipment, the Ministry of Household can also control the summer tax and autumn grain payment of nearly 4 million stone rice grains and the additional income, including Pingjiang Prefecture, Jiangning Prefecture, Weiyang Prefecture, and Danyang Prefecture. The government contributes more than half.

In addition, the inner government can control more than 2.5 million taels of miscellaneous tax revenue.

The Imperial Camp Division was set up to govern the various armies, and the Imperial Camp Army was organized as the Jiangning Imperial Guard. Under the Imperial Camp Division, the Army Leader Division was set up to control the supply of money, grain, and weapons for the various armies.

The main combat forces directly controlled by Jiangning, in addition to the newly formed Yuying Army, were the Huinan Army led by Deng Yu, the Changhuai Army led by Tao Chun, the Ning Haijun led by Meng Yishan, and the army led by Chen Huawen. The Haiyu Army.

With the efforts of Yue Lengqiu, Chen Xiyan and others, Deng Yu, Tao Chun, Meng Yishan, Chen Huawen and others all agreed that grain, money and weapons should be allocated by the military commander, and the money, grain and taxes in Pingjiang Prefecture, Huizhou Prefecture and other places were also allocated. It was unified by the Ministry of Households, and also accepted the ministers sent by the new emperor as military watchmen to supervise the army.

In fact, it is also Deng Yu, Tao Chun, Meng Yishan, Chen Huawen and others who have weak control over their subordinates. Under the current situation, it is more in their own interests to unanimously support Jiangning's rule.

However, Jiangning's request to centralize power was met with varying degrees of protest in Huaidong, Ganzhou, Jiangzhou, Jingzhou, Qingzhou, Jinan, Hezhong, Tanzhou and other places. It is easy to say that dispatching military envoys to watch the army, it is easy to overstate the situation, but the money and grain support, the local military commanders, all hope to be able to recruit and use themselves, at least to maintain the status quo.

Jiangning also knew the priorities. If you push the local military commander in a hurry, there will be no good fruit to eat, but the resources that can be mastered will naturally give priority to strengthening the army that can be directly controlled.

Jiangning strengthened the passage from Ningguo to Huinan, and blocked the forces of the She family in western Zhejiang between Dusongguan, Qianqiuguan, and Yulingguan. Dong Yuan, Deng Yu, Meng Yishan, and Chen Huawen jointly defended the main line of defense against the extravagant soldiers and horses in western Zhejiang, and the total number of soldiers and horses was gradually expanded to 80,000.

The imperial battalion guarding Jiangning, the total number of soldiers and horses has also been expanded to 60,000.

On the Western Front, with the Luzhou defenders as the core, part of the Zhejiang North Army and a part of the Changhuai Army that were transferred to the west in the first half of the year were incorporated, with a total of 30,000 Luzhou troops.

Send envoys to Qichun to recruit An Luo Xiancheng, asking Luo Xiancheng to cut himself off from the false king, Xu Fengyang Hou, Xiangyang guard envoy, guard Xiangyang, Xiangyang City and the surrounding twelve counties to call him. Luo Xiancheng demanded a lot of money, and demanded that he be sealed off as the king of the county and the entire old Chu Jinghu county be assigned to him. There was a stalemate for a while, but the situation did not continue to deteriorate.

Luo Xiancheng did not dare to use troops rashly until he saw signs of Zhejiang and Fujian troops breaking through on the western front. But fundamentally, Luo Xiancheng did not believe Jiang Ning's promise to recruit security.

In addition to the southern line, what Jiangning focused on strengthening on the northern line was the Changhuai Army led by Tao Chun.

After Yanjing, Xuanfu, Sanhe, and Jinhai fell one after another, Yanhu's large-scale military operations in the north basically stopped. Yanhu in the south of Jin, in the direction of Hezhongfu, assembled more than 30,000 cavalry; in Yannan, in the direction of the Qinghe, Pingyuan and Yangxin, assembled 60,000 cavalry; more troops and horses, They all gathered in Yanjing and Jizhou to rest.

Judging from this situation, Yanhu seems to be more concerned about forming a stable line of defense on the north bank of the Yellow River in order to absorb the newly occupied Jinjun, Yanji and other places.

On the surface, Jiang Ning would not pursue the guilt of King Lu's Mi Zhao, but the actual sequelae were still very serious for the Liang and Gu families.

Jiangning first ordered Tao Chun to lead the Changhuai Army to retreat from the Qinghe River to Daliang (now Kaifeng), and put the 5,000 soldiers who were withdrawn from Dengzhou Town under the jurisdiction of the Changhuai Army. The Lianghuai salt and silver were allocated to a part of the Changhuai Army, which was increased from 200,000 taels of silver to 400,000 taels per year. Tao Chun originally led the army of the King of Qin to the north, which was only more than 20,000 people, and joined the exiles in Qinghe and Dengzhou Town. After joining the army, the army quickly expanded to 40,000.

Although Jiangning did not set up an envoy in Dengzhou, he made Liu Yefei go out to Dengzhou as the imperial censor of Zuoqiu, and also supervised the local military preparations and restrained the Dengzhou town army. On the basis of the original Dengzhou Navy, a water infantry army of 10,000 people was formed.

In fact, the total number of troops and horses directly controlled by Jiang Ning gradually increased to 220,000 by the end of October.

But the total number of troops and horses not directly controlled by Jiangning was even greater.

Not to mention the troops and horses of Huaidong for the time being, UU read www.uukanshu.com Ganzhou, Tanzhou, Jiangzhou and Jingzhou have four envoys, and Jingzhou has the largest number of troops and horses, up to more than 40,000, and the total number of troops reaches 140,000 .

The Liang family gathered nearly 90,000 soldiers and horses in Hezhong House, Pingyuan House, and Jinan House. Because the Liang family was involved in the secret edict of King Lu, the Lianghuai salt and silver planned to be allocated to the Liang family were wiped clean.

Liu Ye flew to Dengzhou Town, naturally to limit the further eastward expansion of Qingzhou's forces, and the additional Lianghuai salt and silver allocated to the Qingzhou army was suddenly reduced from the previously planned 400,000 taels to 150,000 taels of silver.

The Qingzhou Army took over the eastern part of Linzi Prefecture, which was given up by the Liang family. It was almost possible to **** it away, but the Liang family did not stay. The Liang family was also afraid that the search in Linzi Prefecture would be too ruthless and would arouse public anger, so they reduced or exempted Linzi Prefecture's taxes for two years before leaving.

In addition to receiving an allocation of 150,000 taels of silver from the Lianghuai Salt and Silver, the Gu family and son could only withhold taxes from Qingzhou.

After all, Qingzhou is far inferior to the land of fish and rice in the south. It has 11 counties under its jurisdiction, and even the sum of Huai’an and Hailing. There are as many as 8 million mu of registered fields, but there are many dry fields and few paddy fields. Shangding tax is only 500,000 shi, which can be used to support the army, about 200,000 shi.

The Gu family and the people in Qingzhou distanced themselves from Huaidong. Withdrawing the principal and interest from Huaidong Bank amounted to 170,000 taels. With the sum total of Lu Lu, it was not a problem to maintain a supply of 30,000 soldiers and horses.

The key is to build a defense line around Yangxin to prevent the Donghu cavalry from interpenetrating and infiltrating. The Qingzhou Army's 30,000 soldiers and horses are only better than the displaced people's army. It is necessary to greatly strengthen the soldiers and armor in a short period of time. , it is very difficult.

Fortunately, Huaidong had already sent 100,000 catties of iron material to Qingzhou before he turned his face. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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