Lord of the House

Vol 9 Chapter 103: Huaiyang Line of Defense

Lin Fu and others entered Huaiyang City before nightfall, and there was no trace of Yanhu Youshao outside Huaiyang City.

Yanhu Youshao did not cross the line of defense to give the Huaiyang Army a chance to send cavalry to outflank. However, a small number of refugees flocked to the south.

Before nightfall, the snow stopped, and the icy cold wind was still blowing, blowing like a knife on his face. Looking at Liu Miaozhen wearing a bronze mask, Lin Fu thought to himself: No wonder there is no wind and frost on his face, white and tender as white. infant.

"I'm afraid there is a large group of cavalry hiding in the north!" Zhou Pu frowned, he retreated after a little contact with the Yanhu sentry, and he was quite puzzled. He guessed that there was a large group of Yanhu sentry cavalry hidden somewhere in the north. The sturdy and well-prepared Huaiyang City prevented them from penetrating into the depths easily.

The Yellow River flows eastward in almost a straight line from Tongguan. After crossing the girders, it turns to the northwest.

The Changhuai Army retreated to the south bank of the Yellow River, even though it still occupied several cities on the north bank, but due to the limited strength, the entire area from the southern foot of the Taihang Mountains to the north bank of the Yellow River became the control area of ​​Yanhu troops and horses in southern Jin.

Crossing the Yellow River from the southeastern foot of Taihang to the north of Huaiyang City, the straight-line distance is only four or five hundred miles.

Originally, this area was densely populated, and a large number of villages, fortresses and local armed forces would become obstacles to prevent Yanhu's exploration of horses from infiltrating in depth. The war that lasted for several years has left this area almost crippled. There are only one or two in the small mouths. The village plugs have been destroyed, and the forces of the township soldiers have been completely destroyed. Yanhu Tanma only needs to cross the weak defense line along the Yellow River and enter the Hehuai. The hinterland is almost into no man's land.

Tao Chun led his troops to retreat to the south bank of the Yellow River, and the troops expanded to about 40,000 people, and the defense line was about 300 li. Compared with the 600,000-70,000 soldiers in Datong Town who guarded the 600-mile line of defense, they were not too weak in terms of strength. It was only when Datong City and its side walls were the core that more than 400 fortresses were built according to the steep terrain, which constituted a complete Datong defense line, which could effectively prevent the infiltration of small enemy cavalry.

Tao Chun retreated to the south bank of the Yellow River, and the Yellow River was frozen in winter. Only a few remnant cities could be stationed together, and the ability to prevent infiltration was naturally weak. As far as Jiangning's strategy for Tao Chun was concerned, it was also to stick to the city in winter and prevent Yanhu from crossing the river to seize the city. After the Yellow River was unblocked, the Yanhu cavalry that had penetrated in had no place to settle, so naturally they could only retreat to the north bank.

In the past six months, the post stations, ponds, and people stranded in the countryside have been built with great difficulty between the rivers and the Huai River. Since there are no strong fortresses to defend against, they have all become the purpose of the infiltrating Yanhu to explore the horses.

The farming in the Hehuai area, which had just improved a little, was devastated again.

In terms of the way the Yanhu cavalry fought, it is very likely that a team of three or five hundred cavalry crossed the Yellow River defense line and penetrated deeply into the Hehuai, and then scattered to raid and reconnaissance.

Yanhu troopers infiltrated, and the weak Chuanyitangpu between the rivers and Huaihe was interrupted, and there was no news from the north. However, it is not difficult to verify Zhou Pu's judgment. Today, hundreds of refugees have crossed the defense line and headed south, and it is enough to send someone to conduct a detailed cross-examination.

They sent people to interrogate the refugees who had entered the city. As expected, they asked that there was news that a large group of Hu cavalry had besieged Yanling before entering the city the day before yesterday. However, the city of Yanling was complete, and there were more than a thousand defenders in the city.

Based on the information from the cross-examination, it was confirmed that there were about 400 or 500 Huqi in the north of Huaiyang.

"These cavalrymen won't be too far from Huaiyang, will they send the cavalry camp to search north at night and beat them hard?" Ma Lantou asked Liu Miaozhen. Huaidong invested a lot of resources, and now there are a large number of captives lurking in the north of Huaiyang City.

"Okay..." Liu Miaozhen nodded. If she didn't take the initiative to attack, more and more captives would come to harass her. Instead, it was troublesome.

Lin Fu said to Sun Zhuang: "You participate in the search for enemy cavalry to the north," and said to Liu Miaozhen and Ma Lantou, "The scope of the search to the north should not be too deep, limited to a hundred miles, and divide the search into two or three groups. How to meet and contact the location, discuss carefully before departure, and formulate a detailed plan..."

The Huaiyang Town Army had two battalions of cavalry, one battalion was more elite and searched from the left flank. The two meeting points, that is, take the cavalry and lead the horse out of the city north.

After riding the camp out of the city, Lin Fu did not go down to the city wall to rest, but inspected the construction of the city.

Compared with the dilapidated earth wall a year ago, both the inner and outer sides of Huaiyang were covered with bricks, and the wall foundations were also reinforced. More importantly, the old city was renovated.

The old-style city has a slightly better adaptation to defend against small groups of enemy troops and short-term strong attacks, but with the long-term siege of large groups of enemies, its siege methods will become more and more diversified and heavy. The city will expose some fatal weaknesses.

In the newly renovated Huaiyang City, between the big city and the outer moat, a high and thick sheep-horse retaining wall was built, and an inner moat, or an inner moat, was dug inside the main city wall, which was also called a thick wall inside the inner moat. A duplex structure with two trenches and three walls. The city towers and urn city were abolished, and the outer guard walls were built, and the gates of the city gates were built with three layers of round wood and chiseled gates; the inner and outer trenches were abandoned and the suspension bridges were rebuilt as fixed bridges; Abolish the enemy building on the wall of the horse and rebuild the parapet.

In order to strengthen Huaiyang City and the Bianhe City on the west bank of the Bian River, which is dependent on the corner of Huaiyang City, the labor camp recruited nearly 30,000 soldiers from Huaisi, and borrowed soil to build kilns. A total of more than 200 people were fired before and after. 10,000 city bricks; using wood, almost all the trees around the city of Huaiyang were cut down for 20 to 30 miles, and the waterway connecting the Nanhu Lake in the south of Huaiyang City and the Bian River was dug deep and dredged.

The four cities of Huaiyang, Bianhe, Suining, and Suyu constitute a solid line of defense between Huai'an and Xuzhou that stretches for 245 miles. Huaiyang City is exposed on the periphery, and naturally bears the greatest pressure.

Of course, this line of defense is still weak with only these four cities. After all, there are not too many field cavalry to block the gaps between the cities. When a large group of enemy cavalry came, the elite infantry had a limited range of activities out of the city, and a large number of fortifications had to be built between these four cities to fill in the loopholes.

Of course, whether the defense line is stable in the end, the city and the defense are relatively secondary factors. The key is to see whether the soldiers and horses guarding the defense line are elite, and whether they have a firm will and determination to fight.

In order to strengthen the Huaiyang town army, ordinary ordnance is not counted. In the past six months, Huaidong allocated 3,000 sets of armor to the Huaiyang town army.

The predecessor of the Huaiyang Town Army was the downsized elite refugee army, with 30,000 soldiers and horses, and five or six thousand sets of armor. The armor rate was not even worse than that of the newly formed ordinary town army.

Huaidong successively replenished 3,000 sets of high-quality armors, increasing the armoring rate of the Huaiyang township army to more than 30%. For example, the Zhebei Army controlled by Dong Yuan, the Huinan Army controlled by Deng Yu, and the Changhuai Army controlled by Tao Chun were not even 30% in terms of armor coverage.

In addition, Huaidong also provided the Huaiyang town army with more than 2,000 bows, crossbows, and crossbows, more than 500 flying contradictory vehicles, 100 bed crossbows, and light and heavy rock throwing including scorpion crossbows. Hundreds of crossbows.

The sufficient supply of rice grains for a year and the supply of 150,000 kilograms of meat, mainly cured meat and kippers, to Huaiyang Town every month in the later period, Huaiyang Township Army generals were fully recovered. Follow up. There are also Liu Miaozhen, Ma Lantou, Li Liang and other generals who have been eliminated through brutal wars - at this point, the Huaiyang Town Army has been able to be elite soldiers.

Gao Zongting thought to himself that it was probably the revolutionary changes in the Huaiyang township army over the past year that allowed Huaidong to truly gain the trust of Liu Miaozhen, Ma Lantou, Li Liang and other Zhao'an generals, right? Obviously, Jiang Ning could not compete with Huaidong for control of the Huaiyang town army only by means of the simple means of conferring officials and jue.

It was night, and while waiting for the cavalry who went out of the city to search for news of success, they exchanged their experience with the generals of the Huaiyang town army on the attack and defense of the city.

When it comes to the offense and defense of the city, Yangxin and Jinhai defending the city have typical meanings, and in the Jinhai defending battle, the progress and development of Yanhu's siege tactics can be seen best, the catapult and other large The use of siege equipment has caused the Tianjin Navy to pay more than half of the casualties in the past six months.

Gao Zongting has been in the defense of Jinhai for a long time. He himself has research on tactics and military strategy. Naturally, he is the one who introduced the gains and losses of the Jinhai defense battle to the generals of the Huaiyang town army.

In the past six months, the generals of the Huaiyang Town Army, as they have received sufficient supplies of armour, ordnance and materials, consider themselves to be in the ranks of the strong army. Therefore, Lin Fu needs to explain the relationship between the Yan and Hu troops to the generals of the Huaiyang Zhenjun more thoroughly.

Generals do not have morale, but if morale is too high, they will inevitably use troops recklessly, adding unnecessary casualties.

Thinking that when the Jiangdong Zuo Army went north to the King of Diligence and achieved such a great record, it was mainly because they used the Achilles' heel of the Donghu people's recklessness and underestimated the enemy.

Lin Fu didn't want the same lesson to happen to the Huaidong Army or Huaiyang Zhenjun.

Although the Huaiyang line of defense has been strengthened in the past six months, once Yanhu's main force breaks through the first line of defense, and more than 100,000 troops and horses are assembled in front of Huaiyang, the pressure on Huaiyang will not be greater than that of the Tianjin Navy in the sea of ​​Jin. How much less pressure to bear.

Although Yan Hu paid twice as many casualties in attacking Jinhai by force, Yan Hu mainly drove the newly attached army to siege the city~www.readwn.com~ The fierce and brutal siege battle was beneficial to Yanhu's integration of complex and combat power. The uneven forces of the newly-affiliated army made the generals of the new-affiliated army lose their hesitant and repeated thoughts, and from then on, they gave up their lives for Yanhu.

Lin Fu has always emphasized the importance of meat to generals and soldiers.

Perhaps after Yanhu occupied the Northland, the amount of rice and grain that he could directly plunder was limited, but after occupying Yanjing, a large amount of gold and silver treasures and a large amount of Huangzhuang farmland that could be looted only from the royal family and clans could be obtained from the local wealthy households. You can also buy rice grain from Yanxi, and you can also buy a large number of livestock from Yanxi to supplement meat. The supply of the newly attached army is relatively sufficient.

And Yanhu's attack, condoning killing, looting, rape/prostitution, and releasing the murderous and murderous side of human nature - the newly attached army often shows stronger combat effectiveness than before, there is really nothing strange about it.

Of course, when Yanhu aggressively attacked the northern territories, the Liang family and the Changhuai army who were guarding the front line of Hehuai chose to watch on the sidelines. There are hundreds of thousands of troops and horses in the Hehuai line that are relatively complete and adequately recuperated, and Jiangning has established a relatively stable regime at the fastest speed. These two points are also the main reasons why Yanhu did not rush south after capturing the north.

Maybe in this winter, Yan Hu will not have any big moves.

At least until there is a more accurate judgment on the combat strength and resistance of the Liang family and Changhuai army, Yanhu will not rush to use troops when the foundation of the northern land is not stable, but the weakness of Qingzhou is too obvious.

Even if Yanhu's main task on the southern line this winter is to test the strength of the entire Hehuai line of defense and destroy the production of the inner line of Hehuai, he may focus on the east line...

Lin Fu really didn't know how the people of Qingzhou should deal with the current predicament. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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