Lord of the House

Vol 9 Chapter 108: Defend Huai and attack Fujian

(asking for a red ticket)

Jiang Ning also realized that relying only on the strategy of fortifying the walls and clearing the fields, it is difficult to make the Hehuai line of defense truly stabilize.

In addition to the defense line along the Yellow River, the defense line along the Huai River must be reinforced, so that Jiangning does not have to face the threat of the Yanhu cavalry directly.

Lin Fu only inspected the Huaiyang defense line under the **** of a few entourages in late November. Jiang Ning was both happy and worried about the news.

The worry is that Huaidong's influence and control over Huaiyang Town is far beyond the previous speculation, Jiangning and other forces need to re-examine the strength of Huaidong. Based solely on military strength, Lin Fu has undoubtedly risen to the top of the leading military officials.

Foreign vassals are strong and monarchical power is weak, which is not a good thing for the newly established Jiangning regime.

But no matter what, Lin Fu supported Jiangning's regime. Although there are far-reaching concerns that the ministers will be strong and the rulers will be weak, in terms of the current situation, the stronger Huaidong's control over Huaiyang Town, the more stable the Huaisi defense line will be. At least that's a good thing given the precarious situation.

Zhao'an Liu Miaozhen and Chen Han guarded Xuzhou and Huaiyang, and Huaidong's management of the defense lines of Shanyang, Siyang, and Shukou made the defense line of the Huaihe River from the lower reaches of Hongzepu, even if it was not infallible, it was definitely not Yanhu's riding place Can pierce easily.

On this line of defense, Chen Han's three troops have 20,000 elite soldiers, Liu Miaozhen's troops have 30,000 elite soldiers, and Huaidong has 20 battalions of elite soldiers and several battalions of navy in Shanyang, Siyang, and Shukou. In addition, as many as 30,000 soldiers were deployed on the north bank of the Huaihe River.

Even if Chen Hansan's troops were excluded, Huaidong could mobilize 70,000 to 80,000 soldiers and horses for defense in the lower reaches of the Huaihe River in a short period of time. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for Yan Hu to break through the Huaisi line of defense at once.

Compared with Huaidong, the defense on the northwest side of Huaidong was too weak.

In early December, Lin Fu inspected Huaisi and returned to Chongzhou, and Jiang Ning's decree followed closely to Chongzhou.

Jiangning approved Huaidong's performance, abolished the Hecheng Caochang Division and established the county, and appointed Hu Zhicheng, recommended by the Huaidong Military Division, as the county magistrate; appointed the Huaidong branch governor Lin Mengde to also lead the Huaidong and Zhedong army chiefs, Xu Huai'an, Hai The money and grain of the three prefectures of Ling and Mingzhou were recruited and supported by the military division.

At the same time, Jiangning set up a town in Guoyang, and the Cavalry Commander above Xiao Kuian was appointed to lead the army of Guoyang Township. With the imperial censor of the capital of Zuoqi as the leader of the two Huai Army, he also knew the affairs of Haozhou Prefecture, and included Shouzhou, Guoyang, Sizhou and other counties into Haozhou Prefecture to strengthen the military defense force in the northwest of Huaizhou.

"No matter what, at this stage, the framework for defending the Huai Line has finally been set up, and a year of hard work has finally paid off. It's just that after the collapse of the Henan and Shandong lines, Chen Han San defending Xuzhou is another extremely unstable factor. Huaiyang is under great pressure!" Gao Zongting said with emotion while standing in front of the brand-new Hehuai Defense Line situation wall chart.

Lin Bie sat behind Nanmu's long desk and turned his head to look at the Hehuai line of defense hanging on the screen behind him.

In this time and space, there has never been a long-term confrontation between the North and the South, and the world has not yet had a profound understanding of the military principle of "guarding the river and guarding the Huaihe River". However, in another time and space that Lin Fu experienced, the situation of confrontation between the north and the south proved that once the situation in Yanji and Jinjun collapsed, the defense line organized along the Yellow River was extremely vulnerable in the face of the superior forces in the north.

Without taking Xuzhou into account, Huaiyang Town is located in the center and front of the entire Huai defense line. Once the situation in Henan and Shandong collapses, Huaiyang will inevitably bear the greatest military pressure.

Of course, all of this was already under consideration by the people of Huaidong, otherwise Huaidong would not have worked so hard to strengthen Huaiyang Town.

Qin Chengzu said: "For now, we can only do this step. After the collapse of Henan, Yanhu theoretically has a passage from Hezhongfu to Nanyang and Xiangyang to go south to Jinghu, but Tongguan and Huaiyang are opposite to each other. This passage forms a trend of attack. Even if Yanhu successfully captures the entire territory of Henan and Shandong, he will either advance westward to Tongguan and occupy Qin County, or completely destroy our military deployment on the north bank of the Huaihe River, otherwise it will be impossible to take risks from Nanyang. Go south to fight Xiangyang..."

Lin Mengde said, "Yan Hu has not suffered a major setback in the past ten years, so he might take a risk."

Lin Fu shook his head and said, "It's not a good idea to hope that the enemy will make mistakes. The focus of Huaidong's future work must adhere to the principle of 'defending Huai and attacking Fujian'..."

Lin Meng smiled embarrassingly. Although he was second only to Lin Fu and Lin Xuwen in Huaidong after he also led the Huaidong Army, he was good at politics and military strategy was not his specialty, so he was lucky. Thoughts are also normal.

Once the Yanhu soldiers and horses have captured Henan, they will rush to Nanyang and Xiangyang to attack Jinghu Lake before the threat of the two flanks is resolved. Yanhu's southern expedition in the middle of the army will definitely make Yanhu suffer a big loss - if this is the case, the situation will become relatively simple.

It is hoped that Yanhu will make such a low-level mistake of underestimating the enemy in strategy, and Huaidong will also make corresponding adjustments to the strategy of "defending Huai and attacking Fujian": give up the opening of the battlefield in southern Zhejiang, shrink the offensive against Zhejiang and Fujian, and actively attack Fujian. Shanyang's front-line reserves of combat power are expected to strike a fatal blow when Yanhu underestimates the enemy.

Of course, Lin Fu, Qin Chengzu, Gao Zongting and others have more pragmatic ideas.

Don't expect Yanhu to make a big strategic mistake. While actively establishing a defense line to defend the Huaihe River and preparing for a long-term battle, he focused on attacking Zhejiang and Fujian. Under the current situation, if Huaidong wants to maintain the stability and unity of the Jiangning regime, it cannot expand its power within Jianghuai. If it cannot be done internally, it can only obtain a broader space for expansion from the Zhejiang and Fujian regions controlled by the luxury family.

And only after the Shejia was completely overwhelmed, Huaidong could draw out the main force from the southern front and launch a counterattack against Yanhu on the northern front.

Under this guiding ideology, Huaidong's next step is to open up the southern Zhejiang battlefield.

After Lin Fu returned to Chongzhou, in addition to the Yueqing troops led by Liu Wenzhong and Zuo Guangying, he was also led by Tang Fuguan, Chen Dingbang, Yang Zichen and others, with the former military attachés of the Jian'an Army as the backbone, and Jianrui was recruited from the labor camp to form a new southern Zhejiang. military. The ten battalions of the Xinzhe Southern Army are temporarily organized. They have already started training in Chongzhou, and they will go to Yueqing by sea after the year. After merging with the Yueqing Army, the New Zhejiang Southern Army will take Yueqing as the base and move up along the Yongjia River to launch an offensive against the Zhejiang-Fujian Army defending Yongjia and Ouhai.

Just when Lin Fu Yudong Ya called his officials to further determine the future guidance strategy of Huaidong, the bad news of the fall of Pingdu and the massacre of more than 30,000 soldiers and civilians came from Qingzhou.

Pingdu County is a county on the east bank of Jiaolai River. It originally belonged to Dengzhou Prefecture. Later, in order to better manage Jiaolai River transportation, it was still under the efforts of Tang Haoxin, and it was included in Qingzhou Prefecture together with Laizhou. After Liu Ye flew out of Zhideng Prefecture, Laizhou was first reclassified to Deng Prefecture, and Pingdu County was temporarily subordinate to Qingzhou.

Perhaps the people in Qingzhou expected that Pingdu County would be assigned to Dengzhou sooner or later. Although Pingdu was a very important city along the Jiaolai River, the defenders were mainly local soldiers, and they did not transfer soldiers from the Qingzhou Army to strengthen the city defense. It was easily captured by the infiltrating Yanhu cavalry and suffered the disaster of massacre of the city.

The fall of Pingdu means that the Jiaolai River will be destroyed by the Yanhu cavalry.

Once upon a time, Lin Fu hoped that the soldiers and horses of Qingzhou could retreat to the fortresses along Yishan and Jiaozhou Bay and Dengzhou City. These are all areas that Huaidong can directly support from land and sea routes. The relatively weak Qingzhou Army can use guerrilla tactics to conduct tug-of-war with Yanhu's superior forces on the Shandong Peninsula, gradually consuming and attacking its offensive forces. vigor, so as to create more favorable conditions for future counterattacks.

Lin Gu broke, and Lin Fu's plan naturally went bankrupt, and Huaidong had completely abandoned Qingzhou strategically.

The news of the fall of Pingdu and the massacre of more than 30,000 soldiers and civilians reached Chongzhou, which only made people in Huaidong sad, and would not adjust the established military deployment in Huaidong.

"Huaidong must be prepared for Liu Yefei and Dengzhou navy to drop the enemy!" Qin Chengzu had more realistic concerns when faced with Tang Chao, who was slaughtered in Pingdu. Yanhu chose to slaughter the city, naturally to combat the resistance of Shandong's military and civilians.

The Qingzhou Army was better. Zhang Jinxian, Cheng Weiyuan, Chu Zheng and others persevered in such a difficult time of the year, and would never have the intention of surrendering. However, Gu Wuchen led the Qingzhou system as the head of the Ministry of War, and actually separated Qingzhou, and surrendering Yan Hu Duan could not obtain a higher status than this. Even after the surrender, Yan Hu would be driven to fight Huaidong. The Gu family and their sons would not easily think of surrender unless the mountains and rivers were exhausted.

But Liu Yefei and the generals of Dengzhou Town are hard to say.

"Before the fall of Qingzhou, Liu Yefei should not have chosen to surrender," Gao Zongting said. "Otherwise, Dengzhou will be attacked by Qingzhou from land and Huaidong from sea. But after Qingzhou fell, Dengzhou was blocked in a corner of the peninsula. There is no retreat, and at that point, instead of expecting Liu Yefei to cooperate with Huaidong to defend Dengzhou, I believe that he is more likely to choose to surrender... We must be prepared for this."

Lin Bie nodded and asked Gao Zongting and Qin Chengzu to come up with a preparatory plan, but he didn't say much about it.

Even if Gu Junxun understood that Huaidong chose to abandon the deployment of Qingzhou, it was related to his father and brother. Hearing the news of the fall of Pingdu and the slaughter of 30,000 soldiers and civilians, he was naturally in a bad mood~www.readwn.com~ Lin Fu left Dongya and returned home. When I went to Beilu Bieyuan, I saw Gu Junxun sitting in the room gloomy and didn't know how to comfort her. At this point, even if the people of Qingzhou and Huaidong had settled their quarrels at this time, it would be impossible for Huaidong to support Qingzhou in terms of supplies.

Gu Yingxiu was sitting in the room trying to comfort Jun Xun, and when she saw Lin Fu coming back, she stood up and asked, "This New Year's Eve is really worrying, so I just watched the north side being nibbled and occupied step by step. Can you really defend this half of the country in the future?"

"The change of the situation must have a process of disappearing and rising," Lin Fu said. "It is impossible to hope that the situation will be reversed all at once, but it is certain that victory belongs to us in the end. First of all, we must have the determination to fight for a long time and follow Prepare……"


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