Lord of the House

Vol 9 Chapter 112: Government and military

For the forced expedition to join the army, the King of Qin went north to Jinan, but he surrendered the eastern captives to Jinan. After the war, Yangxin was rehabilitated and relocated to Jinhai for resettlement. During this period, he also learned to read, got married and had a pair of children. Hu Jinxiong's experience in the past few years made Wen Qiao villagers amazed.

When the army was in chaos, they were recruited to join the township soldiers, and they were all poor men looking for food on the edge of the knife. Rich people are greedy for life and fear death. For them, the world is a land of wealth and honor, and the enjoyment has not been exhausted. How can they be willing to die? But for a poor man, who has to work all day and endure hunger, can't marry a wife, is suffering in life, and dares to sacrifice his life to fight when he can see hope.

The power of role models is endless. Hu Jinxiong and others showed their opinions. His experience told the people around them that their eyes were bright and their mouths were dry. Tang Xitai and others pushed the door and walked into the yard without realizing it.

Tang Xitai and other Chongzhou boys have been with Lin Fu for the longest time, and have been taught by rumors for the longest time. They are also aware of the power of this mobilization method. When they walked in, they saw that everyone in the yard was immersed in the stories of Hu Jinxiong and others, so they stood by the porch. Don't startle them.

After a while, someone saw Tang Xitai and others coming in, and was disturbed. Hu Jinxiong stood up and introduced Tang Xitai: "This is Mr. Tang Xitai Tang, who came to be Wenling's parental official on behalf of Huaidong; what grievances did everyone suffer in the future? , you can ask Master Tang to call the shots for everyone..."

Huaidong only has the right to directly appoint inspections, and officials at the county level need to be appointed by the court.

Lin Fu was not in a hurry to let the Southern Zhejiang Army recapture the whole of Wenling, but let Tang Xitai come over to mobilize all the rural forces in Wenqiao. In the future, if the whole territory of Wenling is captured, unless there are other transfers, it is logical that Tang Xitai will be the magistrate. Hu Jinxiong directly introduced Tang Xitai as Wenling's parental official, and it was not inappropriate.

Tang Xitai stepped forward, bowed his hands to Xiang Yong who was surrounded by the yard, and then said: "Everyone was fooled and coerced by traitors before, but if they were not willing to be thieves, everyone was a victim. This point, The Huaidong military commander can clearly detect the fallout. The day before yesterday, you stood up to resist the rebels, opened the gate in time, and responded to the Huaidong army to come in to recover Wen Qiao. Saying Gong…”

"..." Tang Xitai said, "Everyone was oppressed by the traitors in the past and lived very hard, but if the traitors are not completely eliminated and driven away, can you live a good life? Can you eat enough and marry a wife? It's getting late today, so I won't say much. I'm willing to join the Huaidong Army. I welcome you on behalf of the military division. Everyone should go to Hu Xiaowei to sign up. All salaries and rations are treated equally, and family members enjoy the treatment of military family members. What is military family members, Hu The lieutenant explained it to everyone just now, so I won't say much today. If I have doubts in my heart, I won't force it to stay. Each person's 10,000 bucks will be considered as the reward for the day before yesterday, and the injured will receive more depending on the severity of the injury. Some money for medicine..."

In the eyes of the villagers, Tang Xitai is an official, and it is always separated by life. Tang Xitai announced the recruitment. Some people below are eager to try, but they are always confused and don't know how to decide. Tang Xitai handed over this matter to Hu Jinxiong, who returned to the public hall with Hu Renjie and other local squires to discuss the matter of taking over the place.

Just now everyone only heard Hu Jinxiong's experience with blood boiling, but some details were confused and didn't understand much. As soon as Tang Xitai and others left, the big temple boiled over, and they asked what they were talking about. Hu Jinxiong and other military attaches patiently explained it clearly.

Most people couldn't make up their minds for a while. After all, they had just passed through life and death, and they were more thinking about going home to settle their minds, but there were also more than 60 people who signed up to join the Huaidong Army at that time.

Then someone came in carrying Huaidong copper coins to distribute pension money and money for wound medicine.

Hu Jinxiong was busy here for a long time before he dismissed more than three hundred Xiangyong. More than 60 people who signed up to join the army also went home first, and asked them to report to the public office tomorrow. After being busy, Hu Jinxiong didn't have time to go home. After eating in the big temple, he went to the public hall to find Tang Xitai.

Tang Xitai, Hu Renjie and other local squires were talking about the New Deal, when they saw Hu Jinxiong come in, and saw that the black and strong young man behind him looked a bit like Hu Jinxiong, they asked with a smile, "This is Sanwazi, how old is this year, and his name is what?"

"When I left Wen Qiao, the third child was only thirteen. She looked big. She was only seventeen years old this year, and she didn't even mention a daughter-in-law. How can a countryman be famous and not famous?" Hu Jinxiong said, "I The name was given by Lord Sun Shangwang."

"General Hu's family is a tiger son of a general family, how can a countryman compare? Sanwazi is also a brave champion in the village," Hu Renjie quickly stood up to give up his seat, smiled flatteringly at Tang Xitai and Hu Jinxiong, "Please, Sir Tang, give me a name... "

"General Ass, Ass General? Thousands of famous generals in Huaidong Army, I'm a bum!" Hu Jinxiong showed no appreciation for Hu Renjie's flattery.

Tang Xitai smiled and invited Hu Jinxiong to sit beside him, and said, "Master Sun helped Xiaowei Hu to be named Jinxiong, and the three children will borrow the name of Duke Hu and call him Jinjie..."

"Sanwazi, don't kowtow to Master Tang..." Hu Jinxiong instructed his timid younger brother.

Sanwazi had a stubborn head and was about to kneel and kowtow when he walked to the front of the hall. Tang Xitai stopped him and said, "Huaidong is not happy with this rule..." and asked Hu Jinxiong, "What is Sanwazi's plan in the future?"

"Apart from his strength, he can either pick dung or eat rations. What else can he plan to do? He is also willing to join the army. I am afraid that Master Tang will say that I am following my own interests, so I brought him here to tell him." Hu Jinxiong said.

"Fighting tiger brothers, going to battle with father and son soldiers, what kind of selfishness is this?" Tang Xitai laughed, "It's better than this, I also lack people who are familiar with places around me, why not let Sanwazi follow me?" Tang Xitai quite understands the thoughts of adults In order to occupy southern Zhejiang, it is necessary to vigorously promote the generals and officials of southern Zhejiang from Huaidong. Hu Jinxiong was promoted to deputy sentry general because of his military achievements, but he was selected to assist him in organizing local military preparations, not just martial arts.

A military attache at the grassroots level who is brave and willing to fight, is the easiest to get promoted in Huaidong.

"That's the best!" Hu Jinxiong didn't know when he would be transferred to the front line to lead troops to fight. He was not afraid of putting his head on his waist, but he hoped that his brother would have a good way out. This is also human nature.

Sitting down here, Tang Xitai then discussed with Hu Renjie about taking over the place.

The local township soldiers were either disbanded or accepted by the Inspection Division and incorporated into the Huaidong Army, and all the soldiers and armor were also accepted by Huaidong.

Abandoning the custom of governing the township in Lijia, the county set up an inspection division to govern the township.

Local forces also benefited from tax reductions and exemptions, errands, and all kinds of head-to-head apportionment. Naturally, local squires such as Hu Renjie would not object.

The locality must fully accept the copper coins cast by Huaidong, and it is not allowed to buy it. It must accept Huaidong's redemption of materials from the locality with copper coins; however, the locality can pay the rent with Huaidong copper coins, and use Huaidong copper coins to buy places from Huaidong's material station in Wenqiao. Need salt iron tea cloth and other materials.

The issue of minting coins is the most taboo to release or not to collect. If the military secretary blindly manufactures copper coins without any means of recovering them, the value of the copper coins will most likely depreciate significantly, so the local governments will try their best to *. However, Huaidong agreed that the local government should pay taxes with the copper yuan issued by Huaidong and buy materials from Huaidong, which ensured the stability of the currency value.

As long as Huaidong can ensure the stability of the currency value, the written regulations of copper yuan are equivalent to "ten coins" and "hundred coins", and there is no particularly big difference. There is no excuse for refusal, even if there is still some concern locally.

In addition, the inventory of fields, small households, mines, etc. is officially owned, and the entry and exit of materials must be paid lijin, and the city tax is also collected by the officials; and Huaidong recruited soldiers from Wen Qiao, whose families are classified as military, and renting farmland and renting is not allowed. If it exceeds 30%, the landowner shall not arbitrarily take back the farmland leased by the military.

Compared with the fears of military raids, the conditions proposed by Huaidong were much more relaxed than those of the local gentry such as Hu Renjie. Besides, they don't want to be too involved in local affairs and military preparations, in case the extravagant family counterattacks in the future and they will be liquidated again.

The discussion of local affairs was quite pleasant. Hu Renjie and other local squires were apprehensive and insisted on donating 2,000 taels of silver before leaving. Tang Xitai said that he wanted to ask the court for their credit, but he refused to do so.

In the next few days, the main force of the Taizhou Army, which belonged to the provincial governor's office in southern Zhejiang, stayed in Wenling and Huipu. , UU reading www.uukanshu.com compiled local township soldiers.

The rent reduction does not seriously infringe on the squires and wealthy households. The most important thing is that the land rights are not infringed, so there is no local rebound, but the benefits of the landless tenants are extremely obvious.

Taizhou Plain is a rare land of fish and rice in southern Zhejiang, so the surrounding gentry have particularly serious land acquisitions in Taizhou. There are more than 40,000 households in Huipu and Wenling counties, at least 80% of them are landless tenants.

In order to maintain a huge military expenditure, the luxury family levied a particularly heavy tax on the existing control area. In addition, the extravagant family ruled Zhejiang and Fujian, and relied on the local gentry forces. Even if the local forces were suppressed, it would only facilitate the infiltration of forces related to the Ba Fujian clan to control the region.

Heavy taxes were apportioned on a per capita basis, and the tenants were exploited extremely heavily, but they were unable to resist.

Tax reduction and exemption, head apportionment, and all taxes are distributed to the fields. Most tenants do not even have to bear direct taxes in addition to the land rent. When Huaidong's tax reduction policy came out from Wenqiao, the local people in Taizhou were eager for Huaidong to completely conquer the two cities of Wenling and Huipu as soon as possible, and drive the extravagant family out of Taizhou.

Even if the Ding tax is reduced or exempted, and the head is apportioned, Taizhou tenants have to bear a very heavy land rent. Because the Taizhou Plain has a rare high-yield paddy field in Antarctica, the land rent is usually more than 60%.

As long as he joined the Huaidong Army, his family's land rent suddenly dropped to less than 30%. Even if the war in Taizhou was still at a stalemate, the local tenant Xiangyong who ventured to join the Huaidong Army was enthusiastic.

When Chen Shu led his troops to attack Tongyu Village on the south bank of the Jiaojiang River in early March, the number of Xiangyong recruited and participated in coordinated operations reached four battalions; before the formation of the New Zhejiang Southern Army was only fifteen battalions. . My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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