Lord of the House

Vol 9 Chapter 115: Xindu Undercurrent

(Still single brothers, happy Tanabata!)

"The strength of the Zhejiang and Fujian troops in Yongjia is limited. After passing through Wushanjian, they lost more than 2,000 elite soldiers, and their strength was even more stretched. Our army has formed a siege of Tianshui Village, and it will be a matter of time to capture Tianshui Village. At this time, we will It is also necessary to guard against the soldiers and horses of the Zhejiang and Fujian troops guarding Wuxi, Ouhai and other cities on the south bank to escape from the battle. I think it is necessary to deploy a Chongcheng infantry camp from the south bank of the Yongjia River before storming Tianshui Village to contain Wuxi. , Ouhai and other city walled enemy troops..."

Lin Bie leaned against the long case, twisted his body and turned around, listening to Tang Fuguan analyzing the current situation in front of the topographic map of southern Zhejiang standing behind him.

Lin Fu hoped that Huaidong could implement the principle of "big creation and annihilation" when fighting battles, and to fight more annihilation battles instead of simply defeating or repelling things.

The war of annihilation can effectively weaken the strength of the enemy army, and at the same time capture a large number of armors, materials and prisoners of war, which can effectively supplement and strengthen oneself, so as to achieve the goal of persevering in combat and continuous strengthening.

Simply defeating and repelling is obviously not a good way to achieve this intention.

Although Wujianshan annihilated a considerable number of Zhejiang and Fujian elites in the first battle, if they could not take advantage of the opportunity of the Zhejiang and Fujian troops to be dispersed and garrisoned in the city, they could not quickly cut and destroy them, and let them escape and gather in Yongjia City to advance the war in southern Zhejiang in the later period. There will still be huge resistance.

Lin Bie's knuckles tapped on the long table lightly, looking at Zhou Tong, who had not shaved for several days, so that the unkempt beard covered half of his face and looked rough, and said with a smile, "Don't wait for me to speak, Zhejiang What to do with the South War, the decision is in your hands, I'm only responsible for helping you boost your morale..."

Zhou Tong scratched his chin, twisted his beard that was about to be knotted, and said, "Since the lord said so, then I'm welcome..." Then he turned to look at the officials and generals who were sitting in two rows, and he immediately responded. The latest situation adjusts the battle plan and the deployment of troops. "The northern front, Chen Zhu's troops have shrunk to the Wenjiao frontline, mainly to prevent the rebels stationed in Wenling and Huipu. , mainly to guard against the escape of the defenders of Wuzhai Village. Too much greed will lead to loss. Ouhai City is too far away. Before the opening of the Yongjia River waterway, the rebels still have the ability to quickly gather on the south bank, and it is not easy for troops and horses to enter too deep on the south bank. There is no way for the defenders of Ouhai to escape. Tang Fuguan's department must be ready to take Tianshui Village by force before the eleventh..."

The general strategy is determined, but there are still many details that need to be discussed clearly on the specific operational plan.

In addition to keeping an eye on the development of the war in southern Zhejiang, there are a large number of copies from various places, various requests for instructions, and official letters and even orders sent from Jiangning every day.

In the next meeting to discuss specific operational details, Lin Fu stopped participating, and with Hu Zhiyong and Gao Zongting, he withdrew first, and returned to the official hall where he usually handled official business and received local officials and generals in Yueqing.

A boat came from Mingzhou before noon, and the papers that Lin Fu needed to read in person were stacked more than a foot thick on the desk.

Lin Fu frowned and sighed, "Hey", he sat down with the long case, and laughed with Gao Zongting and Hu Zhiyong: "Life is hard, I just know why the ancients said that 'free' can only be obtained by stealing …”

Gao Zongting and Hu Zhiyong smiled, bowed in return with Song Jiazuo, who stood up behind the long case and saluted, and sat down in front of the lower left chief's case.

Lin Bie turned his head and asked Song Jia, "Pick up the most important things first..."

This file is more than a foot thick, and Lin Fu has to review it for a long time without doing other things. Usually Song Jia reads it first and writes a summary. The important Lin Fu will read the full text carefully, and even take it out for discussion with everyone; if it is not important, just glance at the summary and throw it aside, so that the official letters that must be dealt with almost every day can be disposed of in the shortest time, so that there is time. Use your energy on other things.

Song Jia has a very good memory. While spreading out various official letters and ponds in front of Lin Fu, she briefly narrated the main contents of the book: "From late February, the air in Qingzhou has warmed up, the rivers have begun to unblock, and the cavalry of Yan and Hu have The main force withdrew from Qingzhou, Linzi and other places before March, and retreated to the north bank of Zhulong River. Qingzhou suffered a lot during this trip, and Qingzhou wrote to Jiangning's Zhezi with the character "destroyed and lost, countless". Building a fortress on the south bank of the Zhulong River... I'm afraid it's unavoidable what I worried about a few years ago."

Lin Fu took a stack of papers, which were compiled by Song Jia about the news about Qingzhou. He stopped on the desk in his hand and didn't fall down for a long time. He has always been worried that the Qingzhou Army will adopt an external defense strategy and shift the focus of defense to the front line of Yangxin.

After the Yellow River broke its embankments, the old channels were abandoned and could no longer be used. In northern Shandong, the main channels were taken from the Zhulong River and other rivers into the sea. The Zhulong River's water potential has increased greatly, becoming the natural dividing line between Shandong and Yanji to the north of Yangxin City, and also a natural barrier for Qingzhou to defend against the southern invasion of Yanhu troops stationed in Yannan.

With Yangxin City as the core, fortifications are built along the south bank of the Zhulong River to form a dense fortress defense line. To do this, in addition to investing a lot of resources to build fortifications and requiring the Qingzhou Army to have a considerable ability to go out of the city and field, it is also necessary to have enough time to operate this line of defense.

Lin Fu looked at the transcript of Jiangning's excerpt from Qingzhou, and it was obvious that Qingzhou wanted to build the Yangxin-Zhulonghe line of defense in seven or eight months before the winter and before the next wave of Yanhu's southward invasion.

Obviously, the current situation is extremely unfavorable for Qingzhou. The Qingzhou army is weak and fundamentally lacks the ability to execute external defense.

Huaidong has always suggested that all the people from the south bank of the Zhulong River to Linzi should be evacuated to the south, forming a clear buffer zone with a depth of 200 miles from north to south. Building a continuous defense between Yangxin and Linzi can limit Yanhu to the greatest extent. The cavalry's infiltration and combat capability in the direction of Qingzhou.

Huaidong's suggestion was not accepted by Qingzhou, and Jiangning's side had always been a fortified defense.

Huaidong had already chosen to give up Qingzhou completely strategically, but Gu Wuchen and Gu Siyuan were Jun Xun's father and brother after all, and Yingxiu's uncle. Although their faces have been torn apart completely, once Qingzhou falls into an extremely bad and dangerous situation, there will still be many entanglements that are unclear and unreasonable.

Maybe Zhang Yubo, Lin Tingli and others will stand up and plead for Qingzhou at that time and ask Huaidong to rescue Qingzhou. At that time, Lin Fu will refuse to be human at all, and everyone's faces will not look good.

Lin Fu stayed in southern Zhejiang to supervise the battle this time. In fact, he mainly wanted to escape possible entanglements without looking out of sight and out of mind.

Lin Fu quickly flipped through the documents about the news of Qingzhou, and even the special letter sent by the Imperial Camp Division was handed over to Gao Zongting to be responsible for the revision.

Gao Zongting and Hu Zhiyong remained silent about Qingzhou affairs and did not speak out. Lin Fu picked up another document from his desk and motioned Song Jia to continue.

"The new emperor ascended the throne and opened the Enke in Jiangning in mid-March, and people from all over the country gathered in Jiangning one after another, but first, they caused a good show of co-signing and beheading Zhang Xitong," Song Jia said, "The voice of Yue Lengqiu's resignation was also very turbulent... …”

"Zhang Xitong should have been beheaded long ago, but Yue Lengqiu still has to protect it!" Lin Fu sighed softly.

Although Huaidong and Yue Lengqiuming have been fighting for years, I have to admit that Yue Lengqiu still has his own set of opinions on military affairs. The ministers of Jiangning, Chen Xiyan, Cheng Yuqian, Wang Tian, ​​including Lin Xuwen, have limited understanding of military affairs. The current core task of the Jiangning regime is to deal with wars on both sides of the North and South.

Kicking Yue Lengqiu out of the center is likely to make Chen Xiyan, Zhang Yan, Cheng Yuqian, Wang Tian, ​​Liu Zhi and others misguided in the defense and military affairs of the North and South, making a big mistake.

Although Huaidong would be restrained by letting Yue Lengqiu stay in the center, but in order to maintain his own interests, Yue Lengqiu would also try his best to stabilize the north-south line of defense.

From this point of view, letting Yue Lengqiu stay in the center is more beneficial than detrimental.

In addition to the matter of asking Zhang Xitong to behead Zhang Xitong, Jiang Ning also has other turbulent undercurrents lurking under the relatively calm sea.

Xie Chaozhong, who was trusted by the new emperor because he served as the commander of the guard camp of Ningwangfu, and finally became the commander of the imperial army, can be regarded as a new noble in Jiangning city. At least in Jiangning, his fame is not under the Huaidong Hou Lin Fu .

When Xie Chaozhong accompanied the new emperor to Jiangning, his family members stayed in Yanjing as a pledge; when Chongguan Emperor broke through the encirclement, his family members also followed the army and lost news in the war. Xie Chaozhong's newly married wife in Jiangning was not someone else, but Yu Xinyuan's niece.

After Chen Xiyan completely retired due to the matter of the Qu family, Yu Xinyuan became the new leader of the Wu Party, and Chen Xiyan came back and directly served as the first assistant and became the head of the ministers of the new dynasty, which made Yu Xinyuan unhappy. The two fellow villagers were secretly at odds, separated from each other in appearance, and there were many differences in political affairs.

There are several similar complex relationships. For example, Liu Zhi, Zhang Yan, and Xie Chaozhong are close to the core figures of Ning Wangfu. After the new emperor ascended the throne, Liu Zhi divided Zhang Yan's power in the inner minister and Xie Chaozhong in the imperial army. power, and new contradictions arose between them. Turning their heads, Liu Zhi, Zhang Yan, and the others were interested in reconnecting with Huaidong.

Yue Lengqiu and Huaidong compete for military resources~www.readwn.com~ Chen Xiyan and Yu Xinyuan are worried that Huaidong forces will infiltrate Jiangnan and infringe the fundamental interests of the Wu Party, but as far as Liu Zhi, Zhang Yan and others are concerned, as long as Huaidong is not destroyed Emperor Yongxing's mind, on the contrary, had no fundamental conflict of interests with Huaidong.

There was a mess of things, although Song Jia was standing beside him and gave a concise narration, Lin Bie still looked at it.

Lin Fu suggested that Jiangning urge Dong Yuan, Deng Yu, Meng Yishan and other ministries to cooperate with the war in southern Zhejiang and step up the counterattack of the Zhejiang-Fujian army in western Zhejiang. Jiangning's reaction was also very cold. Gao Zongting and others said: "It seems that our pace in southern Zhejiang is faster and bigger..."

Gao Zongting said: "If the war in southern Zhejiang continues, it will still be unfavorable to Huaidong. We need to take all our efforts to capture the counties of Ouhai, Yongjia, Huipu, Wenling, and Tiantai, open up the land link with Mingzhou Prefecture, and connect southern Zhejiang, Only by connecting the Eastern Zhejiang theaters can we achieve the initial goal of 'defending Huaihuai and attacking Fujian'..."

"The real tough battle was fought in Wushanjian," Lin Fu frowned and said, "The next step is to attack Tianshui Village, which will not be too difficult, and it will be relatively easy to fight back to Pu and Wenling; perhaps the Zhejiang-Fujian army Will take the initiative to withdraw from Ouhai, the She family will not easily give up Yongjia and Tiantai, they are hard bones that are hard to chew but must be chewed!"

At this time, the guards came in and reported that Tang Xitai and Wen Qiao had already entered the city.

Lin Fu, Hu Zhiyong, and Gao Zongting got up and went to the gate of the yamen to greet the squire Wen Qiao who came to Yueqing with Tang Xitai.

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