Lord of the House

Vol 9 Chapter 117: siege the city

There is a Jiangxin Island at the mouth of the lower reaches of the Yongjia River, which divides the Yongjia River waterway into two branches, the north and the south. Therefore, it is the gateway to guard the Yongjia River.

In the early years, Xiutianshui, Wuxi and Zhangdu villages on both sides of Yongjia Prefecture and Jiangxin Island were used to prevent pirates from entering and raiding the inland from the Yongjia River. At the beginning of the year, Sanzhai recruited villagers and built warships. They also transported huge boulders to dig holes and wore iron chains to seal the river.

Usually, the iron chains are sunk into the river, so that the ships can pass through the river mouth as usual; in case of bandits, the iron chains are pulled up from the bottom of the river to stop the pirates from entering the Yongjia River.

The Suojiang Iron Chain cooperated with the anti-zhai township soldiers to prevent small groups of pirates from plundering, but when the strong Huaidong water camp attacked, it appeared weak and powerless. When the Huaidong Water Camp attacked southern Zhejiang the year before last, the warships went against the current to meet them, and they used a giant axe to break the chains that locked the river and entered the river road, allowing them to directly attack Yongjia City.

After that, the She family strengthened the defense of southern Zhejiang. She Feihu became the governor of southern Zhejiang, recaptured Yongjia City from the original resistance army in southern Zhejiang, and then completely blocked the downstream Jiangkou.

In addition to closing the river with iron chains, She Feihu also scuttled many fishing boats at the mouth of the Yongjia River, drove a large number of hidden piles into the bottom of the river, and vigorously strengthened the defense forces of Tianshui and Wuxi villages on both sides of the river.

These two fortresses are both small cities with a circumference of less than two miles, but they are built with thick brick and stone walls and are extremely strong. There is an archery tower at each corner, which is built high and dangerous. From a distance, there are densely packed crenels for archery. .

Huaidong must capture one of the two villages of Tianshui and Wuxi, so as to calmly remove the obstacles blocking the river, and then Huaidong warships can re-enter the Yongjia River and play their due role.

After the end of the Battle of Wushanjian on the 9th, the main force of the New Zhejiang Southern Army directly crossed Wushanjian and entered the north bank of the Yongjia River upstream of Tianshui Village.

In order to prevent thousands of Zhejiang and Fujian troops from Tianshui, Wuxi, and Zhangdu escaping to Yongjia and Ouhai by boat, Zhang Jiheng led his troops to land on the south bank ahead of schedule and blocked the land passage between Wuxi and Ouhai.

Zhou Tong also ordered thousands of trees with branches and leaves to be thrown into the Yongjia River from the north bank, and even collected hundreds of Wu Peng boats from other places, and sunk them into the Yongjia River waterway.

At the same time, a team of people who were recruited, dug ditches, built walls and built camp fences outside Tianshui Village day and night. With complicated fortifications, Tianshui Village was blocked to the limit, and the defenders were first cut off to fight back. Or the possibility of breaking out from the land.

On the 12th, Xinzhe Nanying was ready to take Tianshui Village by force.

Nearly 10,000 soldiers and horses were deployed, and the flags and flags were unfolded like a rosy cloud; The Xinzhe Southern Army has also built a sentry building outside the north gate of Tianshui Village, which is more than ten feet high, and can monitor the situation in Tianshui Village at any time.

There was no siege, and the Tianshui Village was directly surrounded by water.

The distance from Tianshui Village to Wushanjian to Yongjia is very close. After the New Zhejiang Southern Army took control of Wushanjian, the road from Tianshui Village to flee to Yongjia by land was cut off. This point, the Tianshui Village defenders can see clearly from standing on the wall of the walled city, so there is no need to set up a suspicious formation here to lure the defenders out of the village to encircle and destroy them.

After completing the encirclement of Tianshui Village, Lin Fu rushed to the front line.

In the camp directly opposite the north gate of Tianshui Village, Lin Fu climbed the wall of the Muzha camp, next to the crenel, and watched the Tianshui Village in the distance. Zhou Tong, Tang Fuguan, Chen Dingbang, Zuo Guangying and other generals were by his side.

Above the enemy's fortress, there are all the soldiers who are well-organized and well-mannered. They must be the elites of Bamin who are loyal to the luxury family. It is rare to see local recruiting figures at the head of the enemy's walled city.

Tang Fuguan rubbed his hands together and said, "Even though the Fujian thieves have taken all the families of the village soldiers and generals into Yongjia as hostages, they still dare not use the village soldiers to defend the village. The battle at Wushanjian has severely dampened their morale..." This is a good thing.

Lin Fu turned around and said, "The Ba-Fujian warriors, especially the descendants of the clan, went out to Fujian to attack Zhejiang, and received a lot of favor. If the city is surrounded to death, they will never surrender lightly, and Tianshui is small and strong. , easy to hold on, they want to defend the city even more, and let us suffer. This battle must be fought hard, and the time cannot be prolonged, and we must use more scheming..."

When it comes to sieging the city and winning the fortress, there are no more than a few methods. Dozens of counterweight catapults gathered together, aiming at the corner of the wall in the northeast corner of Tianshui Village. The first thing fired at Tianshui Village was not a stone bullet. , but a mud ball with a lot of leaflets wrapped in the middle.

The mud pellets were lighter than the stone pellets, and they could be thrown farther and hit Tianshui Village directly. No matter if it hits the ground or not, the mud pellets will instantly smash into pieces, revealing the capitulation letter and leaflet wrapped in oil paper.

The leaflets are dazzling, some publicize the new policies implemented by Huaidong in southern Zhejiang, some offer silver rewards to tempt the defenders to surrender, some accuse the luxury family of occupying Zhejiang County for three years of bad deeds, and some publicize that the Huaidong army is invincible and invincible. .

The families of the generals of the township soldiers were taken hostage to Yongjia. Most of the families of ordinary township soldiers retreated to the stockade before the war. Passive resistance, teach them how to protect themselves and their families in the fierce attack.

The Huaidong Army also mobilized people who were close to the defenders, wrote hundreds of letters in a targeted manner, and shot them into the stockade.

The children of poor families in southern Zhejiang are also literate and read a lot. As long as they can disperse a large number of leaflets into the stockade, they will not worry about messing up the pool.

In addition to the leaflets, Zhou Tong also organized generals with pure and loud voices from southern Zhejiang to go under the wall of the village every day under the cover of large shields to shout.

This foreigner's work was done enough, and the rock-throwing crossbow was pushed closer, and the stone bullets weighing more than 30 to 40 kilograms attacked the corner wall in the northeast corner of Tianshui Village like a falling star.

There are also catapults in Tianshui Village, but the Huaidong Army's catapults did not hit the face, but only the corners. The Zhejiang and Fujian army's catapults counterattacked on the inside of the wall. Due to the narrow angle inside the wall, there were more catapults. The catapult can't be put in either.

And because the catapults of the Zhejiang-Fujian army were pulled and fired by people, a heavy catapult required dozens or even hundreds of civilians to work together to fire the catapults. Hundreds of people huddled together under the Walled City, creating chaos. , further limiting the strength of the defenders' counterattack.

Often, the Huaidong Army fired seven or eight bullets, and only one of them counterattacked in the stockade.

The range of the catapult is related to the tip of the crossbow. In terms of the tip material, there is no distinction between the Huaidong crossbow and the Zhejiang and Fujian crossbow. However, the Huaidong crossbow uses heavy objects as its launching force, while the Zhejiang and Fujian crossbows are dragged and launched by people or livestock.

If there are too many people, it will be difficult to work together, and repeated training is required. However, in the wartime when the stone bullets were flying against each other, no matter how skilled the training of the crossbowmen, it was difficult to overcome the panic. If three or five people are killed by falling rocks, their hands will be soft, their feet will be paralyzed, and they will not be able to work together to operate the catapult, and they will be at a disadvantage.

In addition to heavy counterweight catapults, the Southern Zhejiang Army also has more than ten light and easy-to-move scorpion crossbows that can be carried to the wall near the village to fire small stone bullets. Although it was a small stone bullet, it weighed 20 kilograms. When someone hit it, the bones shattered and they died.

The heavy rock-throwing crossbow fired stone bullets, even mixed with 100-pound boulder bullets. The arrow tower and the battle shed collapsed after a single blow. It was about to smash the northeast corner wall of Tianshui Village and smashed a gap. Okay. Let the soldiers of the Southern Zhejiang Army pour in directly and connect with the defenders.

The northeast corner of the fortress was attacked by a concentrated catapult; the Xinzhe Southern Army was not far behind in the northwest, and drove a group of civilians braved arrows, arrows, rocks and trees to transport soil to the walled wall and fell down, building a siege road.

The walls of Tianshui Village are thick and high, and the defenders are not lacking in elites.

The Xinzhe Southern Army directly used a ladder attached to the wall to force it, and was attacked by arrows, arrows, stones and trees on the wall of the village. Not to mention heavy casualties, there was no certainty of victory.

Both the enemy and us are elite soldiers, and their will to fight is not weak. The simpler the method, the more difficult it will be for the enemy to resolve.

Dui Siege Road, in fact, is to build a **** that extends directly to the top of the Tianshui Village wall. Although it is time-consuming and labor-intensive, the ladder is much easier to use. One is that after building the city, you don’t have to worry about being broken by the defenders like a ladder; the other is to attack the city on a ramp, which is more convenient and faster than climbing the ladder, and the soldiers can protect themselves more effectively; the third is that the ladder is attached to the wall, one person per ladder, each other. It is difficult to cooperate with each other, and the siege road should be wider, so that several people or a dozen people can advance and retreat together, and they can also gather catapults and nest-cart archers to suppress the city head and cooperate with the battle.

Tianshui Village is small~www.readwn.com~ Therefore, the Xinzhe Southern Army only built a road in the northwest corner, and replaced it with other Dazhai Xiongcheng. For the convenience of siege, it is possible to build several or even a dozen.

It took a long time to build the road, and Tianshui Village did not have any countermeasures at all. In addition to the northeast side gathering stone throwing crossbows to fire stone bombs day and night, in the north of Tianshui Village, the Xinzhe Southern Army also sent armored soldiers to take turns. Surrounded by giant rushing vehicles, they slammed into the village gate and the weak points of the wall; dozens of nest vehicles even higher than the wall, loaded with crossbowmen, approached the wall, and shot at the defenders...

No matter how firm and strong the will of the Bamin soldiers who were loyal to the luxury family was in the Tianshui Village defenders, there were only more than a thousand soldiers.

The Xinzhe Southern Army was thinking of hard consumption, and it took turns to attack the village for several days in a row, and it did not stop for a moment.

The Tianshui Village garrison initially guarded and guarded the local township soldiers and did not use it to defend the village. However, the offensive and defensive battles continued for several days. Shouzhai.

After a large gap in the northeast corner wall collapsed, the township soldiers had no intention of participating in the counter-offensive, and were the first to form a rout.

In the face of the defeated township soldiers and the continuous influx of soldiers from the New Zhejiang Southern Army, the Ba Fujian soldiers who were loyal to the extravagant family could not be saved even if they were elite. Tang Fuguan led his troops to completely capture Tianshui Village on the 17th. In this campaign, 500 enemies were wiped out, more than 1,400 people were captured, and more than 1,600 people from Tianshui Village were captured...

The New Zhejiang Southern Army lost more than 800 members in this campaign, and the total number of casualties even exceeded that of the defenders. However, the New Zhejiang Southern Army was able to continuously obtain reinforcements, and the will to fight became stronger.

That night, Zuo Guangying was instructed to lead his troops to the south bank by boat, merge with Zhang Jiheng's troops who had landed on the south bank earlier, and after advancing to the Wudang Village Wall, formed a siege from the land to the south bank of Wudang Village on the 18th. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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