Lord of the House

Vol 9 Chapter 134: defeated like a mountain

Yu Wenshan led the reinforcements to help Daoxubu, and the general was weak and exhausted, and even his bow was weak. At that time, the defenders of the first battalion of Duxubu had been defeated, and they were in an extremely disadvantageous position. However, most of the Huaidong Army, who had already landed on the beachhead, failed to launch decisively in time and seize the favorable terrain, but instead reorganized the formation on the beachhead that was restricted by the steep **** on the west side, so that Yu Wenshan could take advantage of it. , Yu Wenshan wore thick armor, led his followers on the left and right, took the lead, suddenly rushed forward with arrows, and finally defeated the Huaidong Army who was rushing to the beach at Daoxu Port.

However, victory on the battlefield cannot reverse the development of the entire war.

The reinforcements headed to Hutangtou were unable to resist the Huaidong Army and retreated steadily. The main flanks of the Zhejiang and Fujian troops gathered in Laotangpu and exposed to the wild were still in danger of being attacked.

In addition to the sudden opening of the beachhead below Laotangpu and launching a counter-offensive, the Huaidong Army chose a fourth beach location between Laotangpu and Hutangtou, and sent troops and horses to cross the Cao'e River!

The Laotangpu defense village is only fifty paces away, and it is not realistic for more than 10,000 soldiers to retreat to the defense village.

More than 10,000 people have evacuated into the village, and there will be four or five people in the empty space. The crowd is so crowded that it is difficult to turn around. Once the Huaidong Army seals the gate of the village and randomly dispatches a few catapults, it will be impossible to escape. The fate of the annihilation of the whole army.

"Commander," Su Tingzhan strode up to the stockade. At this time, the sun hanging over his head was fierce and fierce. Su Tingzhan was in front of him to supervise the battle. He was wearing thick armor and rushed to the stockade. Scooping water, he persuaded Feihu, "The last general will lead his troops to hold their positions, and the governor will lead the main force to withdraw from Shanyin-Laotangpu.

The road to Kuaiji City was blocked by Jinghu Lake. Although dozens of warships from the remnants of the Zhedong Naval Division were assembled on the east side of Jinghu Lake, they could not carry the army on board in a short time, and there were only two narrow roads, both on the flanks. Within the direct attack range of the Huaidong Army who landed at the head of Hutang, the main force had to be withdrawn from Laotangpu, and only Shanyin County at the foot of Kuaiji Mountain had to be withdrawn.

She Feihu's face was ashen and expressionless.

He was eager to win, and he drew too many troops from Shanyin and Kuaiji. Under the attack of the Huaidong Army in many places, he had become a top-heavy situation. The defending army of Kuaiji City was already less than one battalion, so he could only guard against sneak attacks. He led the main force to retreat to Shanyin, and Su Ting guarded Laotangpu. ?

When the Huaidong army continuously crossed the Cao'e River and entered the west bank, the city of Kuaiji only had a battalion of soldiers, could it support the reinforcements to come to Fuyang or Linshui to relieve the siege?

The battlefield situation is changing rapidly, and the generals sometimes make decisions that are actually no different from gambling.

In the face of Su Tingzhan's advice, She Feihu ignored it and only instructed left and right: "Hang my armor!"

She Feihu had plans to put on armor and go into battle. Su Tingzhan knew that it was useless to persuade him, and he handed over his hands and said, "I can't take down the beach in front of the **** at the end, but I can only use the head on the neck to repay the governor's kindness!"

Only by defeating the Huaidong Army in front of the old Tangpu Slope, will there be no threat or restraint in the heart, and the main force of the Huaidong Army rolling in from the north can be intercepted calmly.

On the beach of Laotangpu, the Huaidong Army only invested in the three battalions of Jiapu, but after the Huaidong Army established a firm foothold at Hutangtou in the north, in addition to the eight battalions of Jiapu who landed earlier, there were still stubble warships heading to the west bank. Come on, I want to send a large group of soldiers ashore to fight...

Fortunately, Yu Wenshan defeated the Huaidong Army in the south, otherwise not only would the passage to Shanyin be cut off, but he would also face a three-way encirclement, and to the west was Jinghu with open waters.

"The situation on the Eastern Front depends on this war. If we lose, neither you nor me will be buried!" She Feihu put his hand on Su Tingzhan's shoulder and said in a strangely depressed and heavy tone.

According to the previous strategy of the Grand Governor's Office, the current situation should be dominated by delays; it is precisely the situation in Huaidong that forces the northern line, and is eager to reach the situation in eastern Zhejiang as soon as possible - but at this time, She Feihu insists on fighting to the death, and Su Tingzhan has no idea. It can be said that, after all, letting She Feihu lead the main force to retreat into Shanyin, it is also likely to lead to the fall of Kuaiji City.

Once Kuaiji City fell, the situation on the eastern front would be too bad for the Zhejiang and Fujian troops.

This victory is a great victory, and a defeat is a disastrous defeat - it is said that the brave who meet in a narrow path will win, but how much hope does this battle have?

With such doubts, Su Tingzhan led his hurs from the village to the front to supervise the battle.

The Huaidong Army at the beachhead was dismantling the chariot formation, and each group of armored soldiers had two to three shield chariots to support them.

There is a pontoon bridge behind the formation. Once the Huaidong Army expands the beachhead, it can quickly send more troops through the pontoon bridge. At this time, Su Tingzhan did not dare to let more Huaidong troops enter the beachhead. He pointed out two brave generals, and asked them to put on armour and lead the elite points to counterattack from two paths. He must do everything possible. , to suppress the Huaidong Army on the beach.

Su Tingzhan also ordered the four catapults urgently transferred from Shanyin City to be assembled in front of the formation, intending to use the catapults with the armored soldiers to destroy the Huaidong Army's beachhead array at one time.

These four catapults were all pulled and fired by manpower. Thirty to fifty people operate a catapult, which requires a hundred or ten steps of operating space. At this time, in the narrow slope, they could only put down four catapults to attack the Huaidong Army.

In addition, in order to hit the Huaidong Army, the catapults of the Zhejiang-Fujian Army must be placed in a front line within three or four hundred paces of the Huaidong Army; but if it is too close to the front line, it will easily be destroyed by the Huaidong Army's counterattack.

Therefore, the Zhejiang and Fujian troops could not use the catapult alone in front of the formation; historically, the catapult was used more in the battles of sieging cities and villages. to maximize the advantage.

At the moment, Su Tingzhan ordered the elite soldiers to rush forward, and never retreat from the Huaidong Army's vehicle formation, so that the catapult can be placed in front of the formation for use. The armored soldiers who arrived in the front could not retreat, and naturally had to suffer extremely heavy casualties.

If you want to win, you can only pay with human life, and a moment's hesitation may lead to a disastrous defeat.

Recalling the war with the Huaidong Army over the years, Su Tingzhan felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart. The Huaidong Army was far ahead in terms of armament. Not to mention the warship, the scorpion crossbow made by the Huaidong Army is a small catapult crossbow. Cooperating with the bed crossbow, the Huaidong Army warships can provide a blockade of about 300 steps in depth for the beach-going soldiers.

In order to attack the flanks in front of the Huaidong Army's beachhead, the Zhejiang-Fujian Army had to suffer extremely heavy casualties before they could approach the flanks of the Huaidong Army's car formation holding the river at both ends. Moreover, the scorpion crossbow produced by the Huaidong Army only weighs more than 300 kilograms. Four or five strong people can carry it, and they can advance and retreat with the assault department, which is very easy to use. Even within the car formation with a depth of more than 100 paces, in addition to investing in the three battalions of armored soldiers, the Huaidong Army also had to place several scorpion crossbows to cooperate with the defense, which made the Zhejiang and Fujian troops suffer.

The Koryo Navy once seized this catapult from the Huaidong Water Camp. She Feihu and Qin Zitan also tried their best to obtain a warship and two catapults from the Goryeo people and transported them to Jinan to find craftsmen. counterfeit.

Not to mention the high cost of imitation, the twisted strings used by the scorpion crossbow are extremely difficult to imitate. Jinan has trial-produced 20 or 30 scorpion crossbows. .

At this time, Su Tingzhan was even willing to exchange a few scorpion crossbows for a few scorpion crossbows to accompany the army. No matter how solid the shield car is, it is not a city wall after all. However, the armament is poor, and if you want to defeat the Huaidong Army's beachhead, you can only fill it with the lives of brave soldiers.

The Zhejiang-Fujian army's counter-offensive this time was exceptionally violent. The armored generals pushed forward as densely as a wall, and they rushed forward with murderous aura. After the battle, hundreds of civilians carried their arms on their shoulders and dragged huge catapults to move forward. If the catapults are placed in front of the array with projectiles, within the crowded array of generals, one stone bullet is likely to directly kill several people...

Tang Fu looked at Fu Qinghe and said, "The enemy is desperate. If our next counterattack fails, we will inevitably suffer heavy casualties - please move the guard to the ship to stand up for the last commander!"

"The generals on the left and right are looking at you and me. I'm not the one who crossed the river to boost morale and backed away when he saw danger," Fu Qinghe put one arm behind him, squinting and smiling, and said, "Since the enemy generals In a desperate attempt, whether our army can open the gap, whether it can contain the main force of the defenders in Laotangpu and prevent them from withdrawing, this is the one move! This time, we should be able to use all the grenadiers!"

The kerosene tank was first used by the Huaidong Army for ship warfare and large-scale use for foot warfare, but it was first created by Zhou Tong when they attacked Yongjia.

When Wen Tingrui led the remnants to withdraw from Yongjia City, Zhou Tong decisively made the infantry carry a large number of tinder cans to climb up the city head to open the road, like a broken bamboo, first opened the gap from the southeast corner of Yongjia City, and once removed the east gate tower of Yongjia City from the Zhejiang and Fujian soldiers. Take it from your hand. He then burned down the trestle bridge connecting the east and west banks of the Nanxi River at that time, and blocked an enemy army on the east bank, failing to withdraw.

Wen Tingrui and Qin Zitan led the remnants to retreat into the Nanxiyuan River Valley and were defeated in a surprise attack. The generals were killed and injured countless times. Although three or five hundred remnants fled to Xianju, no one could remind She Feihu and others that the Huaidong Army was attacking. The tactics used in the last battle of Yongjia City were very different from the past.

Intensive throwing of kerosene bombs is the most effective against dense infantry formations - almost in a very short period of time, it can cause chaos in the dense array of enemy troops, and with counterattacks, it can easily overwhelm the enemy formation in one fell swoop.

Although more than a thousand kerosene tanks have been prepared here, and more than a hundred people have been selected as flaming bombers to be placed in the formation, but because Tang Fuguan led his troops to stick to the initial task of sticking to the beachhead, he was trying to recruit the main force of the defending army as much as possible. They were attracted to Laotangpu instead of driving the defenders into the walled city for defense. Therefore, in the fierce battle yesterday, the kerosene tanks are only used sporadically in defense.

Offensive and defensive use of fire is a conventional tactic. The Huaidong army uses kerosene tanks, and the Zhejiang and Fujian army shoot rockets. As long as they don't burn flammable equipment, armor and beards are burned, and it is easy to put out, and it is difficult to attract special attention.

When Su Tingzhan issued a death order that allowed advance and no retreat, the two thousand armored soldiers were divided into two teams, and the stubborn stubble rushed to the beachhead, which was doomed to a bleak ending...

The Bamin war soldiers came in a crowd, covered their heads and faces with large shields, and pushed forward against the loose shield cart. Or dozens of people crowded and rushed towards the car, ignoring the shooting of arrows and flying stones, knocking the shield car to the ground, breaking the gap, and more soldiers rushed to the gap - the Huaidong Army was as strong in front. After the armoured of the rock, the grenadier ignited the cloth head of the clay pot sealed with the cork, and threw it at the enemy line.

Although it is only a distance of thirty or forty steps to throw, but within the range of thirty or forty steps, no less than three or five hundred soldiers of the Zhejiang and Fujian troops can be crowded. The jar shattered when it touched the iron armor, and the specially made viscous kerosene was spilled out, adhering to the pockets, armor, and sword shields, and it couldn't be wiped off.

A sea of ​​flames suddenly burst into flames before the car formation.

Although more than 2,000 soldiers selected by Su Tingzhan to lead the death battle were not afraid of death, they were caught in a sea of ​​fire, burned into flames, and panicked. The wailing and screaming filled the battlefield instantly, and my heart trembled when I heard it; the back line was even more hesitant.

At this moment, Tang Fuguan ordered the drums to attack, and the two thousand armored soldiers rushed to the left and right with their shield chariots, trampling on the residual fire on the beachhead.

The soldiers of the Zhejiang and Fujian troops in the front line that the armor was lit were like firemen. Some fierce people rushed forward to hug the Huaidong Army soldiers and they wanted to die together, but more people, or abandoned their soldiers and armor, rolled on the spot, trying to put out the flames on their bodies, and give the Huaidong Army a counterattack. Stand up, step back hastily.

Suddenly, the more than 2,000 Zhejiang and Fujian troops who entered the battlefield and the hundreds of civilians who marched with catapults scrambled and smashed. However, the terrain in front of Laotangpu Village was narrow, and eventually a large number of defeated troops were forced to directly attack the main force of the Kuaiji defenders assembled on the north side of Laotangpu Village...

She Feihu was on horseback, and he was going to lead the main force to the north to meet the main force of the Huaidong Army who had landed and rushed from Hutangtou. How could he have thought that the flank would suddenly collapse?

"Captain, UU read www.uukanshu.com escape. If you don't escape, you won't be able to!" Su Tingzhan fled in embarrassment.

"You've done a good deed!" She Feihu took out his whip with hatred, pulled a **** whip mark out of Su Tingzhan's face, and ordered more than a hundred armored cavalry around him, "Follow me down, no matter who is there. In the front, always rush to death! There must be no hesitation!"

"The Governor, it's too late!" Su Tingzhan stepped forward and pulled the reins of the She Feihu mount. "After today, the Governor took my head. I have no complaints, but if I don't run away, all the horses will be here!"

A large number of broken soldiers came like a wave, and more than 2,000 soldiers of the Huaidong Army clenched and chased after them.

She Feihu only had more than a hundred cavalry in his hands, and he had to disperse the defeated troops before he could contain the Huaidong Army’s offensive—and the Huaidong Army’s troops on the east bank had already moved, and the two armies were passing quickly. Pontoon, come to the west bank.

When the main force was so wrapped up in the army that they could not move, how could only a hundred cavalry stop the offensive of the thousands of soldiers of the Huaidong Army? To the north, the main force of the Huaidong Army, which had already entered the west bank, was only three or four miles away.

At the critical moment, there is simply no time to withdraw the brigade to Laotangpu Village for temporary shelter.

Today's plan, only extravagant flying tigers lead the horses to escape first, so that most of the soldiers and horses will spread their feet, and then open the passage and opening to escape to Shanyin City, is the only feasible strategy to save as many troops as possible at the moment.

Once the main force was involved in complete chaos, they were defeated and fled in all directions, which would only be slaughtered by the Huaidong Army. It was impossible for She Feihu to rectify his troops and hold one or two cities and wait for reinforcements to come.

She Feihu threw his whip and wanted to hit Su Tingzhan again, and the left and right generals also came together, grabbed the reins, and fled west.

In an instant, the army was defeated like a mountain. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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