Lord of the House

Vol 9 Chapter 139: advance by retreat

When it was only July, the Kuaiji War, which the world was looking forward to, failed to break out after all...

On the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, the Qiqiao Festival, Lin Fu stood at the head of the city of Kuaiji, scout cavalry everywhere, and brought back the news that She Feixiong and his troops were evacuating from Xiaoshan in a big way...

"The enemy army is withdrawing from Zhitang. My former army has entered Zhitang and took over the defense village. There is nothing abnormal. Deputy Commander Tang has dispatched a large number of reconnaissance cavalry to Xiaoshan. When will the main force enter? Tang Fuguan led the elite forwards to press down in Xiaoshan. After taking over Zhitang, he sent someone back to ask Lin Fu for the next move.

Zhitang is one of the water sources of Jinghu Lake. It is located at the northern foot of Daxiang Mountain. It is the gateway to Xiaoshan from the northwest of Kuaiji County. The abandonment of Zhitang by the Zhejiang and Fujian troops means that She Feixiong abandons Xiaoshan.

"As Tang Fuguan sent a small group of elites to infiltrate the reconnaissance, the main force was stationed in Zhitang, and wait and see, to prevent the enemy from returning to the carbine..." Lin Bie gave a loud command, listening to the messenger repeating his correct password, he waved his hand to let him leave , went to Zhitang to send orders to Tang Fuguan.

"In the end, this battle was not finished," Gao Zongting sighed softly and said, "The She family is trying to delay the timing of the decisive battle until Yanhu has broken through the Hehuai line of defense!"

Lin Fu let out a long sigh of regret. Of course, he hoped that the situation on the southern front could be completely decided in the first battle, so that troops and horses could be drawn from the southern front to replenish Huaisi to meet the stormy impact of the Yanhu cavalry generals. It's impossible for everything to be just right - the She family would rather give up Xiaoshan and Shanyin after losing Kuaiji, and avoid close consumption with the Huaidong Army.

"Zong Ting, based on your familiarity with the people of Zhejiang and Fujian, the Zhejiang and Fujian army can break their arms and give up Xiaoshan and Shanyin. Could it be that Shewenzhuang has directly interfered in the war here?" Fu Qinghe asked Gao Zongting.

Although the Shanyin defenders have not moved yet, it is clear that after She Feixiong abandoned Xiaoshan to the north, the Zhejiang and Fujian troops could not defend Shanyin County, which is only separated from Kuaiji County by Jinghu Lake.

Either all or all. With the previous momentum of the She family's brothers gathering troops in Shanyin and Xiaoshan, it is hard to imagine that they could give up Shanyin and Xiaoshan so decisively.

"Maybe Shewenzhuang is already hiding in Shanyin or Xiaoshan, presiding over all this behind the scenes!" Gao Zongting's guess was more direct than Fu Qinghe, saying, "Retreat is his usual trick!"

Lin Fu frowned and said, "This is an old fox!" He could have expected that the Zhejiang and Fujian troops would not dare to forcefully attack and retake Kuaiji, but he did not expect that the Zhejiang and Fujian troops would so decisively abandon Shanyin and Xiaoshan...

Shanyin and Xiaoshan are connected to the terrain of Kuaiji, which is a relatively complete plain terrain surrounded by mountains and rivers such as Kuaiji Mountain, Puyang River, Qianjiang River, and Cao'e River. If the Zhejiang and Fujian troops want to defend Shanyin and Xiaoshan, their defensive camps must be similar to Huaidong. The canines are wrong.

In such a defensive state, it is extremely difficult for both the enemy and us.

Lin Fu also wanted Huaidong to grit his teeth so that he could use such a stagnant form that was unfavorable for both sides to quickly drain the military potential of the luxury family in Zhe County, so that after the winter, Huaidong could draw some troops from the southern line. Come out to support Huaisi.

The Zhejiang and Fujian troops gave up Shanyin and Xiaoshan so decisively, which made Lin Fu's wishful thinking fall into place.

Since the Zhejiang-Fujian Army abandoned Shanyin and Xiaoshan, the Huaidong Army had to take over, otherwise it would chill the hearts of the local forces, but the Huaidong Army is recovering the two counties of Shanyin and Xiaoshan, and the line of defense will be longer. , the troops will be diluted.

"Shewenzhuang's abacus is more refined, and it takes retreat as advance. It wants to drag the main force of our army in eastern Zhejiang and can't pull it out. In the end, when the Yanhu cavalry broke through the Hehuai line of defense and directly threatened the hinterland of Huaidong, the main force of our army had to Going north for reinforcements, the Zhejiang-Fujian army can get a chance to fight back," Gao Zongting said with a smile, "but no matter how good he is, he never thought that Huaidong had invested so many resources in Huaiyang Military Town in the past year or so. …”

Huaiyang Town has been greatly strengthened, 30,000 soldiers and 40,000 soldiers are deployed on the Huaisi line of defense - at least it can ensure that after the collapse of the Hehuai line of defense, Yanhu Buqi will not continuously pierce the Huaisi line of defense. It can buy Huaidong an extra year. This makes the luxury family's strategy of retreating, at least in the eastern front, will not succeed.

"Well, let's keep the east line first, it's the best to be able to move the disaster westward." Lin Bie said with a wry smile.

The She family still has a total of 170,000 or 80,000 soldiers and horses in all parts of Zhejiang and Fujian. Although they are trapped in the lack of resources, the longer the time passes, the weaker they will become, but there will be a battle to the death, and it will inevitably be tragic - Lin Fu also does not want to let it go. The Huaidong Army came to receive a dying blow from the She family.

As long as we can ensure that the east line is not leaked, we can force the She family to look for opportunities from the west line-Lin Bing is playing this idea.

"To the south, the She family should retreat to Zhuji across the board," Gao Zongting told the guards to spread the map on the wall, "No matter how much it costs, we must at least control Lizhu, otherwise Shanyin's defense situation will be too ugly. now..."

Zhuji is backed by Dongyang County, with Kuaiji Mountain on the east and Longmen Mountain on the west. It is the Puyang River Valley Basin with a relatively long and narrow terrain.

Dongyang County, the center of defense between Zhuji and Zhejiang and Fujian troops on the eastern front, is only a hundred miles away. The terrain of the river valley makes the roads between Zhuji, Pujiang and Dongyang counties open. As a result, if the Huaidong Army did not have an absolute superiority in strength in Shengzhou, Shanyin and other places, it would be difficult to attack one place alone.

The Zhejiang-Fujian Army retreated to Zhuji, and had the tendency to command troops from the three counties of Shanyin, Kuaiji and Xiaoshan.

The Zhejiang-Fujian army shrinks the defense line, which can save a lot of expenses. The Huaidong Army seems to have two more places, but the defense line is elongated and the terrain is at a disadvantage. A large number of troops will be trapped in Kuaiji and cannot be drawn out.

Lizhu pointed out by Gao Zongting on the map is the Lake of Mirror Lake, which is located between the hills in the southwest of Shanyin County, and it is also a gateway for Zhuji to enter Shanyin. If the Huaidong Army can capture Lizhu, the situation of defending the Shanyin counties will be slightly better.

Lin Fu had thoroughly researched the map around Kuaiji, so he didn't need to see the map to know what Gao Zongting was referring to. He looked down at the city brick wall under his feet and said, "If possible, I would rather return Xiaoshan to Hangzhou. …”

She Feixiong led his troops to withdraw from Xiaoshan, and returned to Fuyang to the west. There were Longmen Mountains between Fuyang and Xiaoshan, which still caused the Huaidong Army to send troops from Xiaoshan to attack Fuyang, but the Zhejiang and Fujian troops sent troops from Fuyang to attack Xiaoshan Yi situation——Xiaoshan Old It belongs to Hangzhou Prefecture, and returning Xiaoshan to Hangzhou Prefecture is to rely on the Hanghu Army to stand alone against the Zhejiang and Fujian troops assembled in Fuyang and other places.

"I'm afraid Meng Yishan and Meng Xinshi don't have the guts to accept it!" Fu Qinghe said, "She Feixiong withdraws to Fuyang, and Fuyang and Linshui will have as many as 60,000 troops. Even if they want to capture Xiaoshan, you Can you really rest assured?"

Lin Fu took a long sigh, shook his head, and said, "I'm still afraid that Hanghu will have trouble on the east front, and I have to take the initiative to take some responsibilities-Hanghu wants to let the luxury family break through, which will also make Huaidong very uncomfortable. Ugly!"

Although the total number of troops and horses of the Huaidong Army on the southern front is over 80,000, but because the line of defense to be defended is too long and the troops are scattered, it is difficult to have any sharp offensive against the She family. The defense line cannot be withdrawn yet. If you are not careful, the fists that the Zhejiang and Fujian troops have withdrawn may be unexpectedly slammed.

In the afternoon, the news of the evacuation of the Shanyin defenders really came. Lin Fu ordered Ao Canghai to send reconnaissance cavalry to infiltrate to prevent the people from wrapping up when the Shanyin defenders retreated.

At night, Chen Mingzhe, the prefect of Jiaxing, made a detour to Kuaiji to see Lin Fu.

From the day before yesterday, the Hangzhou direction had clearly detected that the Xiaoshan defenders were evacuating to Fuyang in the west. Meng Yishan and Meng Xinshi were waiting in Hangzhou, and they did not dare to leave. They rushed Chen Mingche to Hangzhou and asked him to come to Kuaiji to contact the Huaidong Army. .

After arriving in Kuaiji, he learned that the Zhejiang and Fujian troops had also begun to withdraw from Shanyin and returned to the south. Chen Mingzhe was quite excited, and when he saw Lin Fu, he opened his mouth and praised: "Lin Lin is really a good soldier, and he called Zhejiang many times. The Fujian rebels lost their soldiers and lost their generals, and today I told them to leave with hatred..."

"Master Chen is very polite," Lin Fu invited Chen Mingche to take a seat with a smile, and asked Chen Mingzhe's intentions straight to the point, "Master Chen came to Kuaiji by detour, what can you advise?"

"I don't dare to give advice," Chen Mingche said. "The She family's successive losses of soldiers and generals are already showing signs of fatigue, and the situation will not last long. The imperial court's recovery of western Zhejiang is just around the corner. However, the poisonous snake is about to die, but it can still counterattack. The Zhejiang and Fujian rebels Even if the troops are withdrawn from Xiaoshan, they are still gathered in Fuyang, and there are still a large number of troops and horses, which cannot but be guarded. Two adults, Meng Yishan and Meng Xinshi, asked me to discuss with Lord Lin how the two armies should join forces to combat the rebellion gathered in Fuyang. military?"

"If Lord Chen doesn't come to Kuaiji, I will send someone to Hangzhou to contact two Lord Meng," Lin Fu said. "Although the Zhejiang and Fujian rebels have suffered successive setbacks, their soldiers and horses have not been damaged, so they must be careful. Chen It would be great for your lord to come here..." He added, "I will go back to Chongzhou in a few days. Qinghe is in charge of the defense of eastern Zhejiang, and about the joint forces, I will ask him to discuss with Sir Chen in detail... …”

"There is General Lao Fu!" Chen Mingche bowed to Fu Qinghe.

Fu Qinghe returned the salute, asked Chen Mingzhe to move to the wall chart hanging on the north wall, and said: "When the strength is gathered, the strength is strong, and the strength is divided, and the two armies must work together to completely destroy the Zhejiang and Fujian rebels." After Fei Xiong led his troops to retreat to Fuyang, the pressure on the Hanghu Army was greater. We hope that the Hanghu Army can gain a firm foothold in Wuchao Mountain in the northwest of Fuyang County, and Huaidong will drive the water camp warships into the Qianjiang waterway. To peep around the pond..."

Zhuantang is a river valley plain formed by silting rivers and sands in the eastern suburbs of Fuyang County.

The Huaidong Water Camp can directly enter the Qianjiang Waterway from the Puyang River, and the troops will advance to turn the pond. As long as the Hanghu Army can enter Wuchao Mountain from the northeast and gain a firm foothold, they can actually work together to control the area from Wuchao Mountain to the north bank of Qianjiang River.

Fu Qinghe continued to explain: "...In this way, the troops and horses of the Zhejiang and Fujian troops in Fuyang can be blocked in the west of Wuchao Mountain and cannot advance eastward, and the fertile soil along the West Lake can no longer be affected by the war and can resume farming as soon as possible. , which should be of great significance to Hangzhou."

Hangzhou has been a land of fish and rice since ancient times, but due to the war, seven or eight out of ten of the fertile counties in the territory have abandoned the fields, which made the former taxation and government officials have no harvest for two years, and the people's livelihood has been withered and ruined.

Chen Mingzhe just came to Kuaiji on behalf of Meng Yishan and Meng Xinshi~www.readwn.com~ listening to Fu Qinghe's introduction, he just nodded and said yes.

Fu Qinghe added: "At the southern foot of Nanping Mountain on the south bank of the West Lake, if Hangzhou is interested, they can jointly build a floating bridge to connect the north and south banks..."

Nanping Mountain is closer to the east, on the south bank of West Lake, not far from Hangzhou City, and across the river from Xiaoshan County. At the foot of the southern foothills of Nanping Mountain, a pontoon bridge across the Qianjiang River can be built to connect Hangzhou and Xiaoshan. If the situation in the Hanghu area is critical, it will be very convenient for the Huaidong Army to send troops from Xiaoshan to help. Another function of the pontoon is to control the waterway.

"How many troops will Huaidong station in Xiaoshan?" Chen Mingche asked.

"The defense line north of Kuaiji Mountain is mainly concentrated in Xiaoshan," Lin Fu said, "There is no exact number yet, but the total number of water infantry troops will not be less than forty battalions..."

The She family resolutely gave up Xiaoshan and Shanyin. Given the current situation, there is no chance of a decisive battle on the eastern front in a short period of time. The main problem of the Huaidong army on the eastern front is how to operate and ensure that the eastern defense line is foolproof.

Not only can there be no problems in the area defended by the Huaidong Army, but also to ensure that the Hangzhou and Huzhou defense lines defended by the Hanghu Army are stable and have no major problems. This will force the She family to turn their struggling vision from the east to the west to find fighter planes. ——Even if the defense line in the Jiangxi direction is pierced by the She family in the future, it will be far more pierced than the Hanghu line of defense, which will allow Huaidong to take a few breaths and be less uncomfortable.

Although the Hanghu Army was relatively weak after Dong Yuan left northern Zhejiang, the original Haiyu Army led by the Chen family and the Hanghu Navy based on the Bainao Army were quite close to the Huaidong Army. Even if Meng Yishan and the Huaidong Army had no precedent for bad relations, Lin Fu was more willing to cooperate with the Hanghu Army. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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