Lord of the House

Vol 10 Chapter 13: fake envoy

(Second more)

When the great success was about to be completed, Jiang Ning sent a special envoy to announce that he had a secret message to declare to the Dengzhou navy generals.

The mood of the other officials in Dengzhou was different. When they heard that there were two thousand captives rushing towards Dengzhou, they panicked. When they heard that Jiangning had a special envoy coming, they seemed to have taken a reassurance and hurriedly asked about the convoy from Daoyu Village. The small school who came to report the letter: "Can the special envoy Jiangning lead the reinforcements here..."

"The special envoy came by boat, except for the entourage and dozens of boatmen and sailors, there are no troops." The news reporter did not know that something had happened in Changyi, and reported it truthfully.

Dengzhou officials were inevitably disappointed to hear that the Jiangning envoy had only one official ship coming across the sea.

Liu Zhiyong calmed down first, and gently pulled Liu Yefei's sleeve, asking him to pay attention not to be too rude, and asked the small school who reported the letter: "Who is Jiang Ning sent?"

"Zhao Sheng, head of the Ministry of War's Department of Staff." The small school replied truthfully.

Liu Zhiyong glanced at Liu Yefei, and Liu Yefei couldn't remember that there was a person like Zhao Sheng in the Jiangning Military Department.

Jiangning re-designated Pin Yi, an official of the Sixth Division, and the chief of the Sixth Division was an official of the sixth grade. It was normal for Liu Yefei to not know how many people there were in Jiangning City.

Although the rank of the six chiefs is low, the authority is heavy. For example, the head of the Ministry of Military Affairs and Fang Division came out of Beijing with a decree, thinking that the special envoy would go to the local area to supervise the war or handle other affairs.

Liu Zhiyong gave Liu Yefei a wink, Liu Yefei forced himself to be calm, and said, "You go to rest first, and when I have arranged the affairs here, I will go to Daoyu Village to see the special envoy..." The confidant of the matter retreated to the inner hall to discuss.

"It's just a coincidence, don't be surprised, uncle," Liu Zhiyong said, "If the news comes to light, it's impossible for Jiangning to send only one envoy..."

"Jiangning sent someone to die, and we will accept it according to the order!" Liu Fang was the adopted son of Liu Yefei.

"According to Chuanxin's small school, Jiangning's special envoy carried a secret decree to call me and the navy generals to declare in person, presumably it was specially for the navy, and I'm afraid something will go wrong in Swordfish Village," Liu Yefei frowned, worried. said, "Chen Zhihu is most concerned about the Dengzhou navy. If something goes wrong, what should I do?"

"At this time, the beauty of Chen Zhihu's use of deceitful tactics to call out the main force of Dengzhou Town," Liu Zhiyong said, "Hu Yuer is still guarding the swordfish village with four or five hundred soldiers and horses, maybe most of them are still watching. On the boat, what could be in the way? My uncle believed that a powerful enemy was about to attack, and when he went to Sauyu Village to listen to the order, he led hundreds of soldiers to strengthen the defense of Saury Village. , two endlessly, while Hu Yu'er and the Jiangning envoy were not on guard, they slashed cleanly..."

"Kill Hu Yu'er, what if the Saury Village is in chaos?" Liu Yefei asked.

Liu Zhiyong despised his uncle in his heart. He led hundreds of soldiers from here, and unexpectedly killed Hu Yu'er and the special envoy Jiang Ning. He was afraid that the soldiers under the swordfish village would be in chaos? Liu Zhiyong patiently offered advice: "My uncle said that Jiang Ning's special envoy was a spy sent by Yan Hu, and Hu Yu'er had already bought it for Yan Hu - as long as it lasts a day and the cavalry sent by Chen Zhihu arrives, the overall situation will be settled."

Liu Yefei hesitated, worried that things would not go so smoothly, and said, "Are you sending someone to invite Jiangning's special envoy here?"

"The Jiangning special envoy is most likely here for the Dengzhou navy; if the special envoy is invited, there is no reason for my uncle to bring troops to the Swordfish Village." Liu Zhiyong said.

Daoyu Village is more than 20 miles away from Dengzhou City. At this time, the sun is about to fall into the west mountain, and there is still time to send troops to Daoyu Village. Tomorrow, the cavalry sent by Chen Zhihu will rush to Dengzhou City, and the gate of Swordfish Village will not be so profitable.

Liu Yefei gritted his teeth and said, "Liu Fang, hurry up and order your troops, and bring the two battalions of infantry we can control with you..."

Liu Zhiyong thought that there would be only three battalions of infantrymen in Dengzhou, and he would bring two battalions of infantrymen to Daoyu Village at once.

Liu Zhiyong thought again, Chen Zhihu sent cavalry to attack, Dengzhou City is large and difficult to defend, and Swordfish Walled City is small and strong, easy to hold, and there are sea routes to evacuate. With a fear of death, it is best to bring his family with him.

Although Liu Yefei had always planned to use troops directly against Swordfish Village, it took a lot of time to bring the two battalions of infantry out of the city, and the sky was already dark.

Watching the two battalions come out of Dengzhou City, the Huaidong scouts lurking outside the city quietly retreated to the southern foot of Danya Mountain and set the two thatched huts on fire. The air was dry, and within a few breaths, the burned thatched shacks turned the hills red.

Liu Yefei and others also saw the thatched hut on the top of the mountain being lit on the post road below the mountain. They thought that the weather was dry and the water was gone, and they did not cause vigilance. , less than thirty miles from the coast of Dengzhou...


It was not someone else who pretended to be a special envoy to declare the decree in Daoyu Village, but Chen Enze who escorted Gao Zongting to Dengzhou.

Not to mention the official letter from the Ministry of War, even if it is the secret decree of Emperor Yongxing, Gao Zongting can forge several copies on Huangcheng Island, and it is difficult for Liu Yefei and Dengzhou naval generals to tell the truth.

Gao Zongting and the others were at sea, and it was only after Chen Enze who pretended to be a special envoy to enter the Saury Village, did they know that Chen Zhihu had sent troops to attack Changyi, and sent a cavalry all the way from Baibu to cross the Jiaolai River and attack Dengzhou.

Fortunately, Gao Zongting and Zhao Hu had already been prepared for Chen Zhihu to send a side division to Dengzhou to cooperate with Liu Yefei to control Dengzhou City and Swordfish Village. Therefore, it was calculated that Zhao Zhen would lead the main force of Dengzhou Town to go out for four days, so Chen Zhihu would send Chen Zhihu to Dengzhou to cooperate with Liu Yefei to control Dengzhou City and Daoyu Village. Enze pretended to be a special envoy to enter the swordfish village and tricked Liuye into flying out of the city.

Although Gao Zongting was familiar with Dengzhou navy generals such as Hu Yuer, but he came on behalf of Huaidong, it was difficult to convince Hu Yuer and other navy generals that Liu Yefei had already surrendered to the enemy.

The safest strategy is to use a trick to trick Liu Yefei out of the city first.

At this time, knowing that Chen Zhihu's faction had attacked Dengzhou all the way, Gao Zongting and Zhao Hu also felt lucky, at least they had more than one night to control the situation in Dengzhou.

Calculate the time, when Liu Yefei led his troops and horses on the road, their troops were divided into two groups. As long as they hurried to capture one of Dengzhou City and Daoyu Village before the partial division sent by Chen Zhihu arrived, the matter would be considered impossible. Bad……

Gao Zongting watched two fires burn on the southern foot of Danya Mountain, and said to Zhao Hu: "Then do as planned, I will lead a group of people to Saury Village, maybe I can persuade Hu Yu'er to open the water gate; General Zhao must be before dawn. Control Dengzhou City..."

Zhao Hu nodded, then got off the boat and approached his command boat.

Although the troops were divided into two paths, Zhao Hu was the main path, and Gao Zongting was the partial division.

The Swordfish Village is directly facing the sea, the inner pool and the waterway are connected to the outer sea, and the Dengzhou capital is still some distance from the coast.

Although Gao Zongting and Zhao Hu's purpose was to ensure that Dengzhou Fucheng and Daoyu Village could succeed, in comparison, Dengzhou Fucheng was much more important.

The Daoyu Walled City is sturdy, but it is simply a navy station. Except for dozens of warships stationed there, the internal dock is mainly for ship repairs. In Taozi Bay, southeast of Dengzhou Prefecture City, there are three shipbuilding workshops, including a government-run shipyard belonging to Dengzhou Prefecture, which is also the largest shipbuilding base of the Yue Dynasty in the north.

Although the scale of Dengzhou Shipyard cannot be compared with that of Longjiang Shipyard, it can never be given to Yanhu. The commercial fishing boats that carry out transportation and fishing near Dengzhou also mainly park in Taozi Bay to avoid the wind in summer and autumn. At this time, many sailors and boatmen gather in Dengzhou city.

In addition, Dengzhou is also the most important town in the east of Shandong Peninsula, except Qingzhou. There are more than 10,000 households in the city, rich and noble, including many family members of navy generals also live in Dengzhou city. If they only control the Swordfish Village, but fail to control Dengzhou City, the Dengzhou Naval General will not be willing to cooperate with Gao Zongting, Zhao Hu and the others to withdraw from the Swordfish Village.

Whether it's a foot fight or a water fight, they're all afraid of night battles. It is also very dangerous to moor at night~www.readwn.com~, but it is even more dangerous to choose the place closest to Dengzhou City to choose Yedu to moor.

Even if there are pilots on the shore, there is no telling how many ships will be lost tonight.

But no matter how much losses it suffers, it is not as important to control Dengzhou City in time.


Chen Enze pretended to be Jiang Ning's emissary, accompanied Hu Yuer, and stood at the head of the Sword Walled City to inspect the city.

It was only after Chen Enze entered Swordfish Village that he realized that Chen Zhihu had sent a cavalry to cross the Jiaolai River from Baibu to Dengzhou. The fire on the southern foot of Danya Mountain indicated that Liu Yefei had been lured out of the city.

Chen Enze is no longer the terrified teenager who was kidnapped by pirates. Six years have passed since the eighth year of Chongguan to this year. Chen Enze, who is only 22 years old this year, already has a pair of young children under his knees. He has a short mustache on his lips. He looks much more mature than his actual age. , eyes are deep, bearing Shen Yi.

At this moment, someone came up to the city to report that Liu Yefei was less than five miles away from Saury Village, and came with two battalions of troops.

Since it was known that Chen Zhihu sent a side division to attack Dengzhou, Liu Yefei led his troops to the Swordfish Village. Hu Yuer only thought that he was here to strengthen the defense of the Swordfish Village, but he did not have any doubts.

Hearing that Liu Yefei was approaching the Swordfish Village, Hu Yu'er looked at Chen Enze and said, "Master Zhao, Master Liu has come..." He meant that he would at least go down to the gate of Nancheng to greet him. Liu Yefei is his immediate boss, he can't be neglected, but he doesn't know the temper of the special envoy. It is said that the official position of the special envoy is the head of the Ministry of War, and his status is much lower than that of Liu Yefei, but the special envoy came on behalf of the Ministry of War with a secret decree. If he doesn't buy Liu Yefei's account, he can't do anything... My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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