Lord of the House

Vol 10 Chapter 22: breakout

Gu Wuchen's hair and beard are all white, blown by the wind, and his thin face is like an old tree that has been soaked in the pond for many years. Only a pair of eyes are shining, which makes him still look like Yuan Ting and Yi at this moment. Seeing Gu Siyuan and Ma Chao, Zhao Qinmin, Zhao Jin and others all climbed to the top of the city, and said calmly in a hoarse voice: "The grain storage in the city is about to end, and the reinforcements are far away. It seems that we can't expect reinforcements to come. Yang and I are here. Park negotiated and estimated that the enemy army is likely to continue to draw troops from here to enter the hinterland, and if they want to break through, now is the last chance..."

Zhao Qinmin persuaded: "The matter of breaking through the siege, please think twice before acting. Yangxin's grain storage will be exhausted. The enemy army may not be better than us.

There are some things in Zhao Qinmin's heart: the grain storage in the city is about to be exhausted, and there is no reinforcement outside, so defending is a dead end, but the tens of thousands of Hu cavalry rebels coveted one side, and only 20,000 or 30,000 remnants of weak generals can escape from the encirclement. ?

Even if he abandoned the city and fled to Jiangning, he would still be a dog who lost his family. Zhao Qinmin looked at Gu Wuchen and thought to himself, is it true that he has not tasted the taste of a dog who has been homeless for ten years?

"Father..." Gu Wuchen frowned and said as if he had made up his mind, "If I go out, even if I kowtow to my brother-in-law to make amends, I will definitely ask him to send a support army to the periphery to support him. ?"

"I've made up my mind, I won't delay it any longer," Gu Wuchen interrupted Gu Siyuan and said, "Please make sure to prepare within three days. Siyuan, Qingzhou is in today's situation, both you and my father and son have it. The responsibility cannot be avoided, so you and I should take the responsibility at this time. Now Huaidong has ships parked at the mouth of the Zhulong River, and the Hulu should be prepared to prevent our army from going to the siege. It depends on whether the soldiers and horses heading for the siege can successfully attract the attention of the Hulu, can I trust you?"

"I..." Gu Siyuan clenched his fists and nodded heavily.

Gu Wuchen looked at Yang Pu and instructed him to say, "You help Si Yuan to select candidates to go to the siege and attract the attention of the Hulu. When the Hulu pays attention to attracting the troops to the siege, I will lead the main force to break through the siege south. If you can cross the Xiaoqing River first, and the Hulu's troops in the south of the Xiaoqing River are limited, the chances of getting out of trouble will be greatly improved..."

Yang Pu was hesitant to say anything, but in the end he just answered in a muffled voice.

Ma Chao walked to Gu Wuchen and kowtowed three times, and said, "Old Ma can no longer wait for the opportunity, Lord..." The plan was to follow Gu Siyuan to the siege and act as a bait to attract the enemy's attention.

"Okay, okay," Gu Wuchen's excited Ma Chao lifted up from the ground, untied the saber from his waist, put it into Ma Chao's hand, and said, "You have been with me for more than ten years, and you are nominally a master and a servant. I regard you and Yang Pu as brothers. This saber has been with me for some years, but I was blinded by following me, and I have never had the opportunity to cut blood. I will give it to you today to kill a few more enemy prisoners for me. Let this swordsman have the name of the treasured blade..."

Zhao Jin wanted to stand up and speak, but gave Zhao Qinmin a slight pull behind him.

Zhao Qinmin's small action, Yang Pu saw in his eyes, just sighed in his heart and said nothing.

Gu Siyuan hesitated to speak, but Gu Wuchen stretched out his hand to hold his shoulder and said, "Don't say more, even if you hate me in your heart, the responsibility of attracting the enemy's attention to the siege must be borne by you!"

"How could the child hate his father? At this point, the child has no excuse to forgive himself..." Gu Siyuan almost bit his lip and said with a sad voice.


The three-day appointment period passed quickly, and a total of 3,000 generals and soldiers were willing to accompany Gu Siyuan out of Dongcheng to the mouth of the Zhulong River to break through the siege, as a dead man to attract the attention of the enemy. Most of the 3,000 dead men were old men who had followed the Gu family before Gu Siyuan entered Qingzhou. Even at this time, they were willing to sacrifice their lives to create conditions for the main force to break through.

At dusk, there was a strong wind, and some cloudy clouds blew. Gu Siyuan looked up at the sky and said to Yang Pu, "I'm afraid that there will be no stars and moon tonight. It's not a good opportunity for the main force to break through to the south..."

Yang Pu naturally knew what Gu Wuchen had in mind, but he was afraid that Gu Siyuan would not break through the siege alone, and persuaded: "If the timing cannot be delayed, if the food runs out, you will be completely passive - as long as it is not blocked by the heavy rain, are there any stars and moons at night? There is no serious problem. Is it possible that we still expect 30,000 to 50,000 people to evacuate to Qingzhou in an orderly manner? As long as we can attract the main force of the enemy, let the adults lead the army to cross the Xiaoqing River. As long as the army survives to the south bank of the Xiaoqing River and then collapses In the chaos, many more people can escape..."

At present, the main force of Yanhu troops and horses is mainly concentrated on the north bank of the Xiaoqing River, and the ones that cross the south bank of the Xiaoqing River are mainly Chen Zhihu's troops. If the main force of the Qingzhou Army can cross the Xiaoqing River one step ahead, it will be tantamount to gaining a greater chance of survival.

Gu Siyuan was silent, and after a long time, he asked Yang Pu: "Uncle Yang, I have been ignorant since I was a child, and I have caused so many troubles. Even before embracing King Lu, my father can still worship each other and enter the cabinet, you say Did Dad ever have resentment in his heart?"

Although Gu Siyuan finally assumed the responsibility of encircling and attracting the attention of the enemy, he resolutely embarked on the road of no return. In order to better attract the enemy, he even chose to encircle the enemy before dusk. Dongcheng, leading the 3,000 elites behind him to protrude, will be surrounded by the enemy army. At this moment, but at this moment before resolutely going to death, no one can avoid shaking and hesitation.

Yang Pu glanced at Gu Siyuan, his heart aching like a twist, but he couldn't tell the truth.

The horse cavalry came from the west and asked Gu Siyuan, "Young Master, do you want to say goodbye to your lord?"

Gu Siyuan glanced at Yang Pu, saw that he was silent, sighed softly, and said to Ma Chao, "No, a man is generous to die, not a mother-in-law like that." He tightened the tie of the pocket and gently wrapped the horse, indicating The defenders at the gate of the city opened the east gate, and a horse rushed out first, followed by Ma Chao and Yang Pu, Hu Lala first was more than 200 cavalry, and continued to be armored soldiers, heading towards the east outside the city. The enemy camp stepped on...

The enemy army will have 100,000 troops assembled around Yangxin, but there are not many troops who are actually forced to camp under the city - just in Yan Hu's mind, it is impossible to accurately estimate when Yangxin's grain storage will be exhausted, and he is more worried about the strength of the troops. The main force under Yangxin City will drag on for too long. For them, the best strategy is to lure the main force of Qingzhou Army out of the city as soon as possible to break out and be defeated and annihilated in the field. The Defenders saw hope of a breakthrough.

According to the original plan, Gu Siyuan led 3,000 dead soldiers out of the city and directly attacked the enemy's camp outside Dongcheng, attracting the other three sides of the enemy as much as possible. Break through and pull out the space.

The three thousand dead men from Gu Siyuan and below all had the determination to die. After they left the city, they had no intention of surviving. At the moment, it was like a heavy bell. It only took a stick of incense to break through an enemy camp outside the east city, and immediately attracted two enemy troops of more than a thousand cavalry troops to attack from the left and right.

Without the slightest intention of retreating, more enemy troops were supposed to be mobilized before dark and involved in the chaotic battlefield outside the East City. The three thousand dead soldiers were divided into two teams, marching to meet the horse, without any timidity, The fierceness that is inspired, on the contrary, makes the enemy army avoid the edge.

Gu Siyuan is not an invincible military general, he has only mastered his riding skills over the years. After leaving the city, he was involved in a melee with the army. Even if Gu Siyuan was on horseback, his line of sight was greatly restricted, and he could not even see hundreds of steps away.

At this time, Gu Siyuan could only follow the command flag waved by the tower, and instruct the three thousand dead soldiers to follow him to the left and right.

According to the plan agreed earlier, Gu Siyuan led 3,000 dead soldiers to attract more enemy troops outside the east city, but turned to look at the east city gate tower, the flag suddenly changed, and he directly ordered them to enter directly...

Gu Siyuan was puzzled and looked at Yang Pu on the left. Yang Pu said loudly, "I'm afraid that something has happened to the other three sides. We will act according to the flag's order and proceed along the river eastwards. Be careful that we lose our way after dark."

On the battlefield, people howled and neighed, and soldiers collided, and they could not speak without shouting. After getting involved in the melee, the field of vision was limited, and he could not even see the distance a thousand paces away~www.readwn.com~ non-famous generals could not clearly judge the situation.

There were also a large number of enemy troops on the left and right, and Gu Siyuan didn't know why the Chengtouqi order did not agree with the original idea. Maybe something happened that he couldn't see, maybe the city saw that their side was ok and asked them to Drag the enemy as far as possible to the east, and create a larger opening so that the main force can break through - no matter what he thinks, Gu Siyuan can only act according to the flag order at this time, otherwise he will be blind and shout loudly. Yelling: "My sons, follow me to the east..."

Gu Siyuan originally thought that the further east he fought, the more cavalry enemies would be attracted to the front to intercept him, and the resistance would become larger and larger. Who would have thought that the resistance to the perimeter would not only not increase, but would tend to weaken when it was more than ten miles away. .

At this time, the sky was dark, and Gu Siyuan was crowding on the left and right. He struggled to attack a low hill. He was able to watch the surrounding situation. The darkness on the left and right were all enemy troops. However, he turned his head and looked back. He actually left the city ahead of schedule and formed a group outside Nancheng...

Gu Siyuan subconsciously rode his horse to fight back.

Yang Pu took hold of his rope and said: "Young Master goes out of the city under the banner of your lord, and the enemy will mistakenly believe that your lord is greedy for life and fear of death, so he chooses to join the Huaidonghai ship along the route of *wei, and he will definitely send a large stake. Soldiers and horses to intercept and pursue - this is the key to making a decision. Look left and right, all the enemy forces are in the dark, and it was hard to attract these enemy forces here. Let's go, isn't it ruining the master's plan to break out of the encirclement?"

Gu Siyuan had an intuition that the enemy army in Nancheng was stronger, but after persuading Yang Pu, he became puzzled again.

It's just that on the battlefield, there is no time for Gu Siyuan to wonder. At this time, there are enemy soldiers coming from the left and right, Gu Siyuan can only lead his troops to continue to rush to *... My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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