Lord of the House

Vol 10 Chapter 42: defeated like a mountain

Ma Biao whipped the horse, and as soon as the horse's hoof reached the south bank, the ice layer of the Jingma River behind him broke open with a "click". Once the ice layer is broken, it will not be able to hold back its momentum, and the branches will quickly spread to both sides. In the blink of an eye, the river ice for two or three miles from east and west is broken.

Nearly a thousand people had just stepped off the embankment, and before they could escape, they all fell into the bone-piercing river water with the freezing cold.

In winter, the water is thin, and the water under the ice is only four or five feet deep. But at this time, nearly a thousand people fell into the river, and some people on the riverbank couldn't hold back their momentum and rolled down, entangled with each other in panic, and holding heavy armor, no one could break free. Second, it was freezing cold and fell into the river. Even if he could climb to the shore and be blown by the north wind that cut his face like a knife, he would lose half his life if he didn't die.

Compared with the more than a thousand people who fell into the river, what was more crucial was the sudden rupture of the river ice, which quickly caused a plague-like panic among the troops of Chen Hansan's three troops—there was no abnormality when the army crossed the river in the early morning, who would have thought the sun It has not been two hours since they came out, and this is the end of the day, and He Bing can't hold thousands of people through? The north wind blows people's faces so cold, how could this be the ice-melting season?

Only the Huaidong army will be prepared, and seeing the river ice crack open, countless Xuzhou soldiers will fall into it, and hundreds and thousands of people shout in unison: "Tian Nuo Huaidong, kill the traitor! "

Chen Han Sanqi heard the abnormal sound of "clicking" after the battle, and turned his head to see countless people falling into the cold water. He was horrified and his face was instantly pale. The embankment stabilizes the military.

However, Sun Zhuang, Zhou Pu, and Li Liang were all waiting for this moment. Taking advantage of the panic of the enemy, nearly 10,000 cavalry cavalry counterattacked with all their strength, killing Xuzhou soldiers in retreat.

It was blocked on three sides, and the river ice on the south broke open, becoming a dead end. However, once the army was defeated, more people behind the formation would be threatened and retreat, and it would be impossible to hold back their feet. Those generals who were pushed to the embankment could only watch as they were pushed down the icy river. Soon the more than 20 feet wide river was filled, and Chen Hansan's troops on the north bank of the Jingma River were completely defeated, and there was no counterattack at all.

Ma Zhen was also wrapped up in the chaotic army, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead. Chen Han Sanhao rushed to the river bank one step ahead and crossed the ice water with his cavalry. As soon as he arrived at the south bank, he watched the north bank get slaughtered. Sun Zhuang led more than 1,000 armored cavalry, like an iron plough, ploughing the chaotic army into openings. Across the distance, Chen Hansan could still see that his son Lang was killing the Huaidong iron cavalry. That **** tragic situation.

Chen Hansan was trembling all over, half of it was extremely angry and hateful, and the other half was dipping ice water under his waist when he was wading across the river, and the north wind was blowing in, and the ice was biting.

Ma Biao was a confidant of Chen Hansan. Except for a dozen of his entourage, he ran to the south bank in time before the river ice broke, and most of his troops were buried in the Jingma River. Seeing that half a lifetime of hard work was destroyed in an instant, Ma Biao vomited a mouthful of blood, and the blood on the corner of his mouth had not been wiped dry. He ran to Chen Hansan and cried, "Master, this is a curse!"

"God condemns your mother!" Chen Hansan never believed in the power of ghosts and gods. He kicked Ma Biao and said with a weeping voice, "This is the conspiracy of the Donghai Fox, but you and I are confused and can't see through him!"

Even if the main force on the north bank collapses, there are still three battalions of infantry on the south bank of Chen Hansan.

The generals of the palace soldiers were also terrified by He Bing, who had suddenly broken open without warning, and the great defeat in front of him. it is good?"

Chen Hansan had never experienced such a fiasco in his life, his teeth were trembling, and he was biting so hard that he didn't have many choices.

The first was to lead the three battalions of infantry on the south bank to escape back to Xuzhou City.

It's just that there are more than a thousand Huaidong cavalry on the east side of the north bank leaving the battlefield and heading east along the river embankment on the north bank.

Although Chen Hansan was so angry that his mouth was full of blood, his brain was still functioning, and he thought: If the Jingma River was broken by the red jacket girl, and the Huaidong cavalry drove eastward, then there might be a special force in the eastern section of the river. A section of the river for the cavalry to safely cross the river.

The south bank of the Jingma River is twelve miles away from the north gate of Xuzhou. It is easy for Chen Hansan to escape back to Xuzhou city alone, but it is difficult to bring the three battalion infantry back to Xuzhou city smoothly—if the three battalion infantry on the south bank are abandoned , Chen Hansan wanted to escape back to Xuzhou City by himself, but there were only less than 3,000 troops left, and in Xuzhou City, Zhang Yubo, Liu Xilin and the soldiers of the King of Chu were united, and there were more than 1,000 troops in the heart.

Thinking of this, Chen Hansan finally couldn't help it and spat out a mouthful of blood!

"Master, master!" Ma Biao stepped forward and supported Chen Hansan, who was crumbling, to prevent him from falling.

"Meet the East Sea Fox, this life is over!" Chen Hansan spat out another mouthful of blood, his eyes darkened, and he grabbed the reins with all his might to prevent him from falling off his horse.

"Commander, go back to Xuzhou City. I'll wait to defend Xiaozhai. Dayan reinforcements are about to arrive. As long as we defend Xuzhou City and Xiaozhai, there is still a chance for things to be salvaged?" Ma Biao advised Chen Hansan to flee to Xuzhou City first.

At this time, the more than a thousand Huaidong Army, headed by Li Liang, who was heading east, was six or seven miles away and was about to cross the river on ice.

Although there was no salt or charcoal **** on the ice in that section of the river, the Huaidong cavalry crossed the river cautiously.

Once they crossed the river, a dozen or so cavalrymen formed a team and rode their horses towards the northern city of Xuzhou without stopping, apparently to intercept the remnants of Chen Han's three troops and flee back to Xuzhou city.

On the north bank, Zhou Pu and Sun Zhuang's soldiers joined forces, drove the chaotic troops to the west and killed them, cleared the foothills from the east to Xiaogu Mountain, and pushed dozens of carriages into the Jingma River. Taking advantage of the chaos on the ice-breaking Jingma River, build a simple trestle across the Jingma River.

As the number of Huaidong cavalrymen entering the south bank increased, Chen Hansan also had no intention of sending people to destroy the Huaidong Army's construction of a trestle on the Jingma River. Affected by the immediate defeat, Chen Hansan still had three battalions of infantry on the south bank, but he did not Knowing how much courage they still have to face the Huaidong Army head-on.

Although there were still nearly 3,000 defenders in Xuzhou city, the defenders on the north gate tower could see the battlefield on the Jingma River side. They saw that the main force of Xuzhou soldiers who fought out of the city was defeated so easily. Know how much determination they still have to stick to the city.

The worst consequence is probably that the Huaidong cavalry will arrive at the city, and the defenders will open the city gate and surrender without waiting for Zhang Yubo and Liu Xilin to cooperate inside and outside.

Thinking of this, Chen Hansan realized that the strength of the troops he could still grasp at this time was the three battalions of infantry on the south bank...

I don't know how long Jingma Hebing broke Huaidong. Chen Hansan didn't go back to the city. He knew that he couldn't escape to the north bank in a short time. He joined Zhou Zhizhong and Na Hexiongqi who was coming, and he vomited blood. After that, he didn't hesitate at the moment, and he took over a hundred remnants and headed for Xiaozhai. Now his morale has suffered a severe setback.


Zhou Zhizhong's prudence saved his life.

According to common sense, when the Huaidong Army transferred the cavalry guards on both flanks to attack Chen Hansan, Zhou Zhizhong should resolutely counterattack from Shajiaji, so that the Huaidong Army could not care about each other - but Zhou Zhizhong was quite dangerous to defend the camp, and he was still in shock. At the time, I just wanted to strengthen the defense of the camp first, so as to last until He Xiongqi came.

Mo Jiben was a greedy person. Even though he saw that Liu Miaozhen's personal formation was quite strict and did not have many flaws, he did not want to lead the troops to be trapped in the camp without doing anything when He Xiongli arrived. He quarreled with Zhou Zhizhong and insisted on leading the troops to fight back.

Zhou Zhizhong's delay caused Chen Hansan in the south to gently stab him like a Shata.

The defeat of Chen Hansan's troops was a matter of the blink of an eye. More than 10,000 soldiers and horses were in chaos, killing the Huaidong Army bloody, without any resistance.

Zhou Zhizhong's face turned pale with horror, Chen Hansan's subordinates were defeated so easily, and the situation was extremely unfavorable for them without Chen Hansan. Zhou Zhizhong was even more afraid to leave the camp to fight. While he sent people to guard the wall, he sent people to inform Na Hexiongqi that he should stay at Weiwangpo and not approach easily; , so as not to give the Huaidong army a slack and be caught off guard.

If it weren't for the support of Hexiong Qi's 10,000-odd cavalry, Zhou Zhizhong would not have the confidence to bring the 20,000 cavalry back to Shouzhang.


The sky is high and the air is cool, and standing at a high place overlooking the distance, as long as there are no mountains in the way, the eyesight is better, and it is not unusual to see the scenery twenty or thirty miles away. The Jingma River was only more than 12 miles away from the northern city of Xuzhou. The defenders stood on the north gate tower, and they could see the situation on the north bank of the Jingma River clearly.

Not only did the defenders on the North City Tower see the battlefield on the north bank of the Jingma River, but there was an ancient ginkgo tree in the garden behind the Yin'an Palace of the Chu Palace, which was about five or six hundred years old. People provide a high post to watch the situation in and outside the city.

"The Huaiyang Army was victorious. Countless rebels fell into the Jingma River for no reason, as if they were swallowed, but none of them appeared. The woman in the red jacket must have used some kind of magic trick!" If you want to talk nonsense~www.readwn.com~, just tell us what you see! Zhang Yubo scolded, the reputation of this demon method spread out, which is not good for Huaidong.

Chu Wang Yuanhancheng didn't care about these details. His body was trembling. He hoped that Huaidong's army could win, but he didn't believe that Huaidong could win so easily. The situation outside the city.

"There is a cavalry team coming across the river from the north bank to Xuzhou City. It's screaming strange. The rebels fell into the river and can't see their heads. They can cross safely. Seeing the armor hanging, it is Huaidong cavalry." Lying on the top of the tree and reporting the situation outside the city.

Liu Xilin asked Wangshao to come down. He climbed up personally and saw the situation outside the city. There were almost six or seven hundred cavalry in a straight line. They came to Xuzhou to seize the city. : "I don't know which general leads the team, but it is definitely the Huaidong cavalry battalion - the cavalry cannot attack the city, if the defenders do not surrender, if we want to take Xuzhou City as soon as possible, we can only help from within! "

"How did this happen? Chen Hansan still has 3,000 troops in the city. It's better to wait for the main force of the Huaidong Army to arrive at the city to attack the city." Yuan Hancheng objected.

"Chen Hansan still has 3,000 defenders in the city, and regardless of whether these 3,000 defenders are affected by the defeat outside the city and their morale is damaged, we will assist in the siege from the inside, as long as we attack the next city and defend it Just look, open the city gate to usher in a large army, and ask Chen Hansan to give the four cities a share of the three thousand defenders in the city, how many troops can stop us from taking one of the city gates?" Liu Xilin saw the king of Chu. With a worried expression on his face, he said, "They will either surrender or leave the city at this time, how much will they have to fight with us..." My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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