Lord of the House

Vol 10 Chapter 47: Father and son talk about danger

The situation has become extremely serious for Shejia, and Shewenzhuang does not want to deny this. During the Kuaiji war, he stayed in Zhe County to supervise the war.

In order to be able to control the war on the east and west fronts, Shewenzhuang set up the line in Chun'an.

Tian Chang and Su Tingzhan rushed to Chun'an, only to find that She Feixiong and others came from Wuyuan and other places first.

Chun'an is hidden between the mountains and mountains of Zhejiang and Jiangxi. Although the distance is more than 300 miles, the weather is much warmer than that of Fuyang outside.

On the night of arriving in Chun'an, Shewenzhuang just arranged a night banquet, and was not in a hurry to discuss matters, but in private, the generals were discussing the impact of the Xuzhou war on the southern front.

Some people can realize that Huaidong's plan to delay the army, some people still insist that Huaidong and Jiangning will have a war with Yanhu in Linzhou and Shouzhang, but the impact of the Xuzhou war on the southern front is obvious.

Once the defense line on the front line of Hehuai is stabilized, Huaidong and Jiangning will inevitably draw troops to fight Fuyang first.

Now Fuyang, Linshui and other places are in their hands, and they can threaten Kuaiji and Xiaoshan in the southeast; Hangzhou, Huzhou and the counties around Taihu Lake in the east and north; Huizhou and Jiangning in the northwest - as long as Fuyang , Linshui and other places are in their hands, and more than 100,000 soldiers and horses in Jiangning and Huaidong in Huizhou, Hanghu, Kuaiji and other places have trouble sleeping and eating, and dare not act rashly.

Once Fuyang, Linshui and other places fall, the Hanghu Army under Meng Yishan will only need a small number of troops to plug the gap and defend Hanghu and the prefectures and counties around Taihu Lake; while Deng Yu's Huinan Army does not need to worry about the side and rear Threats from Dusong Pass and Qianqiu Pass can focus on using troops from Yuling Pass on the south to Chun'an and Sunyuan; while Huaidong's troops in eastern Zhejiang do not need to worry about the threat from Fuyang, and can More focus on the use of troops in Dongyang, Zhuji and other counties.

The momentum of the offensive will change dramatically.

Naturally, they would not give up Fuyang, Linshui and other places easily, but if they really wanted to fight in Fuyang, the situation was quite unfavorable for them.

There are passages into Fuyang from Xiaoshan and Hangzhou, and if they want to support Fuyang, they can only take the Qianjiang waterway and send troops and materials from Tonglu. Once Huaidong and Hanghu Army join forces, they will be able to form a siege against Fuyang, and then block the Qianjiang Waterway on the west line of Fuyang. Soldiers are done.

The battle situation will only make people more frustrated.

Together, Huaidong and Hanghu Army can easily gather 100,000 troops and horses in the periphery of Fuyang, and supplies are supplied from Hangzhou, Kuaiji, Mingzhou and other places, which is very convenient; What about the supply of thousands of soldiers and horses?

It was not as good as when they occupied Mingzhou, Kuaiji, and Yongjia, where food, grass, armor, and armaments were relatively abundant. At this time, one hundred thousand soldiers and horses had to be assembled along the way, and only one item of food was enough to make people sad.

The Fuyang war doesn't need to go on, as long as it drags on for the first half of the year, they will be unable to hold on and withdraw their troops and give up Fuyang.

The situation has come to the moment when a breakthrough must be made on the Western Front.


"Other people are waiting to see that Huaidong and Yanhu lose both in Linzhou and Shouzhang, but I know in my heart that this battle will not be successful. Beiyan is frustrated in Xuzhou, and his spirit is frustrated, so he will not rashly fight another tough battle, but Huaidong really wants to fight. , Beihu still has an absolute advantage in the situation, how could Lin Fu rashly take risks in order to save the Liang family?"

In the room where the brazier was burned, it was as warm as spring. Shewenzhuang only summoned the eldest son, She Feixiong, to sit and talk in the room.

"Ganzhou is also extremely cold, and our army lacks cold-proof clothing. If we hit Ganzhou hard at this time, the casualties will be unbearable." She Feixiong led the troops in Wuyuan.

Although Shewenzhuang came to the north to supervise the battle, the most important military power of the She family in Zhejiang County was still in the hands of She Feixiong.

She Feihu committed a series of impatience and rashness in Kuaiji, which made the She family fall into a deeper passive, and after capturing the military power, within the She family, she has lost the qualification to compete with She Feixiong.

Within a family, there can never be only one voice. She Feixiong leads troops all year round, has prestige and power, and the heir status is stable. Shewenzhuang cannot ignore his opinions when making decisions.

"Huaidong used a risky strategy to win in Xuzhou, and this can never be done again. The main reason is that Xuzhou is too important to the situation in Huaisi, and the success or failure of Xuzhou is related to the safety of the northeastern Huaihe line. Thinking about it in Lin Fu's heart, there is also a feeling of being forced to do so despite the danger. It's really helpless to use odd," She Wenzhuang said slowly, "I also know that the conditions for us to seize Ganzhou are not mature, but the situation has come to us, and we have to take a slant. , to the point where the military is taking a risk..."

She Feixiong thought silently, and She Wenzhuang continued: "In the past, we might have thought that if we can't beat it, the big deal is to return to East Fujian. As long as Xianxia Ridge is sealed, we can still occupy Fujian, and maybe we can instigate Guangnan people. The family followed the ceding of land and became king, but do the current situation allow us to do so?"

She Feixiong sighed softly and said, "When Zi Tan was there, he said that the benefits of the East China Sea were not taken seriously. It's too late to regret it." It is just more convenient for Huaidong to concentrate the main force on the southern line to land on the coast of eastern Fujian and directly attack the heart of the luxury family. At that time, even if the She family still has more than ten or two hundred thousand soldiers and horses, but there is no field to support soldiers, how can they still talk about ceding land and becoming king?

But if the situation drags on like this, it won't work.

Except for the Guyuan in the middle of Zhejiang where Quzhou Mansion is located, almost all the grain and cotton land in southern Zhejiang and eastern Zhejiang was taken away by Huaidong. Although the territory they occupy in Zhejiang County is not smaller than Huaidong, it lacks grain fields and is insufficient. to maintain such a huge armament. Before Jiangning and Huaidong came to the rescue, it was urgent to gain more living space on the western front.

living space!

It is impossible to complete the battle in one battle, and it is necessary to fight for a larger living space in order to maintain survival. Only by surviving can we wait for the opportunity.

In the past two years, what Huaidong has targeted against them is nothing more than doing everything possible to compress and erode their living space.

"It's hard to keep track of the old things, and it's my mistake," She Wenzhuang sighed bitterly, and added, "If you don't fight Ganzhou at this time, do you have the confidence to maintain your advantage in Fuyang after next spring? As long as the situation in Hehuai A little solid, after next spring, Huaidong will use troops against Fuyang, and if we can take the south of Jiangxi first, then Fuyang will not be so important to us."

"It's just that it is difficult for Ganzhou to suddenly fall," She Feixiong said. "On the eastern front, we are trapped in too many troops. We have to guard against the attack of Deng Yu's Huinan army. Children can only gather 50,000 troops at most in Sunyuan. Go west. The Ganzhou system has 30,000 troops and horses under its jurisdiction, and it is necessary to guard against the Jiangzhou system and officials to help, 50,000 troops and horses are not enough!"

"Dongyang must be defended, not only to defend the grain land of Guyuan in central Zhejiang, but also to hold Huaidong troops and horses on the eastern front as much as possible, but as long as it captures the prefectures and counties in southern Jiangxi, Fuyang is a chicken rib," Shefeizhuang said. "At this time, you should give up Fuyang resolutely. Fuyang, Linshui and other places can use 40,000 elite soldiers. Chun'an only needs 10,000 soldiers and horses. I will guard the back road for you and gather 100,000 elites for you, but You must take down Ganzhou within three months, or my family will die in the burial place!"

"Give up Fuyang at this time?" She Feixiong was stunned for a moment, and gave up Fuyang without fighting. If it was unfavorable to attack Ganzhou, they would have no choice but to retreat to Dongmin. And once he retreats to Dongmin, he will inevitably torture Huaidong from sea to death, which is really what his father said, "death in a burial place"!

To She Feixiong's shock, Shewenzhuang was rather dull. He slowly talked about the arrangements after the occupation of Ganzhou: "I've been exhausted all these years. After conquering Ganzhou, the eight clans will move some people to Ganzhou to gain a foothold and control Ganjiang River and Poyang Lake can still be operated, and I will guard those remnants of Mindong for you in the future!"

She Feixiong Muran saw that the hair on the temples under his father's crown was snow-white. If it weren't for this, who would put his luck on a decisive battle of siege and land grabbing with little chance of winning?

"The child will never fail his father's trust!" She Feixiong knocked down and bowed to the ground ~www.readwn.com~ three times.

"It's a great responsibility," She Wenzhuang put his hand on She Feixiong's shoulder and said, "After this battle, I will go back to Jin'an. The Song family has been too restrained over the years, and the restraint is not reassuring! Not in Jin'an, I'm afraid no one can suppress Song Fu."

She Feixiong asked in surprise: "If the She family is defeated, will the Song family be able to survive on their own?"

"I didn't approve of the marriage between the second child and Song Fu's daughter back then, but the second child was so fascinated that she lost her heart and soul. That woman is not a fuel-efficient lamp. I am afraid that their father and daughter have already met behind our backs," She Wen said. Zhuang said, "If it weren't for the dangerous situation in Kuaiji in the middle of the year, how would I dare to leave Jin'an so easily?"

She Feixiong remembered that bright and flirtatious face, and only then did she fully understand why the first battle in Ganzhou had to be fought. If it is delayed until after next spring, the Fuyang war is at a critical juncture, and the Song family is attacked. She Feixiong really doesn’t know how much life can be left for the She family.

"When did father notice?" She Feixiong asked in a suppressed voice.

"It doesn't matter whether you notice it sooner or later, it's useless," Shewenzhuang shook his head and said, "Over the years, the Song family almost gave up Yongtai and moved to Quanzhou with their entire family—Song Fu, an old fox, I understand. , he's just waiting for the price. As long as you can conquer Ganzhou, I can barely hold him down, otherwise..."

There is no need to say more, the Song family seems to have only thousands of elites in Quanzhou, but as long as the Song family joins the family in Huaidong, and Huaidong gathers tens of thousands of troops to land from Quanzhou, it will inevitably lead to the complete collapse of all fronts of the luxury family. There is no need to fight the battle.

"I couldn't stab the evil spirit to death back then, leaving this scourge!" She Feixiong thumped the ground with hatred. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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