Lord of the House

Vol 10 Chapter 55: read things

The night snow was silent, the spring was like a tide, and the dragons and tigers were violently tossing into the middle of the night, and Lin Bie was also sleeping like a dead dog.

After all, Sun Wenwan's face was tender, and when the morning light was slightly exposed, she went back to her residence to freshen up her red makeup, fearing that she would be embarrassed by the maid below.

When Lin Fu woke up, only the two sisters Su Mei and Xiaoman slept with him, hugging each other. Xiaoman is a snooze sleeper, and when he is pregnant, he sleeps more; Su Mei's body is weak, and as a first-time wife, he can't stand the whipping. In my eyes, I used to think that I would sleep in such a beautiful state, and once I found it, I felt that I had no regrets in this life.

"What are you thinking, husband?" Su Mei woke up, looked up and saw Lin Fu staring at the top of the tent in a daze, and asked aloud.

Xiaoman slept soundly, and half of them were lying on Lin Bie's chest - Su Mei and Xiaoman sisters had been in the same bed for more than ten years, and they were very close. Although last night was absurd and embarrassing, Sun Wenwan left first without too much embarrassment.

"When I woke up, I felt that I had no regrets in my life." Lin Fu said.

"My concubine doesn't want my husband to indulge in it and forget the great cause." Su Mei said.

"Of course," Lin Fu said. "Home and Yexing are one aspect. With you and Xiaoman as wives and friends, other women can no longer be seen."

"You can tell lies and deceive people," Xiaoman opened his mouth and bit Lin Bie's chest lightly, and smiled, "Sister Yueer, Sister Yingxiu, Madam Liu, Sister Gu, Sister Sun, and the mother-in-law surnamed Song. , and the maids in the room surnamed Song, which one can't catch your eye?"

With a cheeky smile, Lin Bie revealed this section. After getting up, Lin Bie swept away Canxue in the courtyard, and practiced swordsmanship for a while.

Before noon, I read two volumes of books in my house in meditation, but I can't be so leisurely in the afternoon.

Lin Fu said that he was fishing in Huzhuang for fun, and pushed trivial matters away. This was just talk. Even before that, he had to read and instruct a large number of official letters every day. Xuzhou had more than a month to recover, and the local area was gradually calming down. Lin Fu had to make time to meet with representatives of the local gentry.

Lin Fu asked all the people in the north of Pei County to retreat to the south, and in the area between Pei County and Xucheng, ensure that the people stranded in the area all live in villages, and prepare to build strong walls and clear fields. To the south of Xuzhou City, build more The surrounding house-style villages and village enclosures are used to suppress the penetration ability of the cavalry.

There is also the implementation of new policies in the Xuzhou area, reduction and exemption of rents, resumption of production, official ownership of mines and forests, stabilization of local governance as soon as possible, and relief of the financial pressure on Huaidong—all these things cannot be separated from the cooperation of local forces.

Although the gentry townspeople were severely suppressed during the Huaisi War and the Chen-Han Sanji rule of Xuzhou, they escaped devastating blows on both occasions, and they still retain a fairly strong force.

In the past few years, there have been many trials and tribulations. Under the brutal wars and the brutal rule of Chen Hansan, the gentry and village lords in Xuzhou were more accustomed to yielding and relying on power, and their loyalty to the monarch was weak. The Xuzhou gentry lacked enough trust in the generals of Huaiyang Town, who were from the refugee army, but placed high hopes on Huaidong behind Huaiyang Town.

The new policies implemented by Huaidong and many new things emerging in an endless stream are regarded as deviant and unacceptable by the old schoolboys and Confucian scholars in Jiangning. However, in the areas devastated by war, many of Huaidong's practices appear so gentle.

The measurement of land and acres, the reduction of rents and burials, and the registration of households are proceeding in an orderly manner. At this time, Lin Fu also hoped that Xuzhou would recommend a group of talents to be selected as reserve officers for training in various schools in Huaidong.

The officials in the world all came from the imperial examinations, and even if they were officials, they still needed to be famous.

Lin Fu recruited talents without sticking to one pattern, praised miscellaneous studies and suppressed Confucianism. On the one hand, the objective facts of Huaidong's development required this, and on the other hand, he also intended to make Huaidong's official system distinct from Jiangning's.

When the official system of Huaidong and Jiangning were completely different and difficult to integrate, Huaidong actually fulfilled the purpose of being independent of Jiangning from the inside.

In addition, Lin Fu demanded that all the mine resources in Xuzhou be officially owned, and private excavation required a letter from the government, and taxes were also paid to the government.

Compared with land, Xuzhou's coal and iron resources are more important.

After winning Xuzhou, Huaidong did not have to worry about being controlled by others in the supply of coal and iron ore.

Needless to say, the importance of iron ore resources to Huaidong, for ordinary people, the importance of firewood and rice is equal. Rural and rural households use rice straw for cooking, but urban households mostly use firewood and charcoal.

Charcoal is divided into charcoal and coal, which is also called coal in later generations.

Huaidong is located in the plain, forests are scarce, and charcoal is far from sufficient. Lin Bing intends to promote honeycomb coal in Huaidong area on the basis of the original briquettes and briquettes. Based on the demand of 200,000 urban households and industrial and mining fuels within the jurisdiction of Huaidong, the total annual coal demand in Huaidong is expected to reach hundreds of millions of stone in the initial stage.

In the southwest of Xuzhou and the east of Huaiyang, there are low mountains and hills such as Xiangshan, Taoxu Mountain and Huangsangyu. There was a history of digging coal for coal hundreds of years ago, and there are more than a dozen coal cellars. Destroyed by the war, only two are still in normal production. At this time, together with several iron kilns between Xuzhou and Yizhou, they were purchased by the Huaidong Military Division, and they were acquired as officials, under the Xuzhou government. Set up the coal and iron bureau specializing in its affairs.

Although the implementation of the New Deal in Xuzhou did not encounter much resistance, Lin Bie still felt great pressure on the shoulders of Xuzhou to resume production during the war.


The New Year was approaching, Lin Fu finally ended his vacation and moved from Huzhuang on the north bank of Shigou Lake into Xuzhou City. The stacks of official documents on his desk made him want to turn his head and go out of the city to extend the vacation indefinitely. go down.

Sun Jingtang, Gao Zongting, Ye Junan, Li Wei and others held him back.

"The backlog of displaced households in the Huaisi area is already extremely large, far exceeding the local resettlement capacity. This time, the withdrawal of troops from Linzhou to the south is to turn the area north of Peixian into rubble, as a buffer. After a month, it will be almost the same. Another 140,000 people moved to the south of Xuzhou." Li Wei put the urgent problems that Xuzhou urgently needed to solve in front of Lin Fu. Xuzhou army surrendered more than 19,000 soldiers, and Xingying also handed over all these surrendered soldiers to local resettlement the day before yesterday. Don’t talk about resuming production and repairing the city. To maintain Xuzhou, it will cost 1 million taels of silver next year... "

Lin Fu put Yizhou, Haizhou, Yancheng, Suyu, Suining, Huaiyang, Xiaoshan, Tongshan, Guanyun, Xiapi, Peixian, Guangqi and other fifteen counties under Xuzhou's rule. Large Xuzhou pattern, so that the civilian can be well matched with the military and government.

The fifteen counties under Xuzhou's jurisdiction, Suining, Huaiyang, Suyu, Haizhou, and Guanyun, although they belonged to Huai'an earlier, were bordered by Xuzhou and Yinan.

At this time, the peripheral defense line was pushed to the north of Xuzhou to the area of ​​Peixian County. From the counties to the south of Xuzhou, it was necessary to pay equal attention to combat readiness and restoration of production. The resources that needed to be invested in the restoration of production in the initial stage were particularly large.

Not to mention, to make the coal and iron mining in the Xuzhou area ensure the internal supply of the Huaidong area, millions of taels of silver will be invested.

Fortunately, there are several other sources for the supply of coal and iron. The development in Xuzhou can be carried out gradually, and there is no need to rush for a while. Even if you want to invest money, the military division will not directly pay for the money, but will give full play to the function of Huaidong Bank.

Even if the investment in coal and iron mining is not mentioned, the 15 counties of Xuzhou to resume initial production and resettle the refugees will consume an enormous amount of money.

Liu Miaozhen sat under the head of Lin Bing and thought: It is really not easy to be this family.

The Xuzhou Zhizhi envoy under the jurisdiction of Huaiyang Town, Fengli Camp, Huaidong Cavalry Camp, Yimeng and Miaoshan and other special marching troops counted nearly 70,000 soldiers and nearly 50,000 soldiers.

To maintain the armament of Xuzhou area, regular expenses such as city repairs, ordnance and armor, food and clothing for soldiers, etc., the military budget for next year is 2.6 million taels~www.readwn.com~ It is hoped that there will be no large-scale events next year. War, otherwise the cost will far exceed the budget.

During the war in Xuzhou, more than 30,000 enemies (including prisoners) were annihilated, and the successful capture of Xuzhou Xiongcheng was definitely a victory worthy of special mention. It is only after the war that the cost of the war is calculated, which still makes people secretly complain.

During the war, 20,000 bags of salt were consumed, almost exhausting the salt reserves in the Huaisi area.

The 6,000 elite cavalry that Huaidong had accumulated over the years was the key to Xuzhou's victory. The casualties of the soldiers were small, but the loss of more than 2,000 horses meant that the battle potential of the Huaidong cavalry in the next year would be exhausted. .

Although the family property of Chen Hansan and his generals was confiscated after the war, the income was very little, far from enough to make up for the consumption of the war. It also shows how difficult it was for Chen Hansan to support 20,000 soldiers and horses after occupying Xuzhou in these years!

The consumption of weapons and arrows can be offset by capture, and there is still a lot of wealth, which is a big gain in this battle.

Although the casualties of the Huaiyang Army were relatively light, there were still more than 3,000 people in total. The treatment of the wounded and the compensation and rewards for the sacrificed or disabled generals were even more expensive.

Liu Miaozhen, Ma Lantou, Li Liang and others used to be refugee generals who led their troops to fight in the world. They were wounded and wrapped in herbal rags. Slightly serious injuries depended on their fate. How could there be such a complete treatment by the Huaidong Army? system?

The sacrifice of the generals is also wrapped in straw mats and buried, and there is no pension; even the situation of the wives and children left behind will become even worse.

When it comes to rewarding merit, one is to be promoted as a general, but more often than not, there is nothing to reward, so when the city is broken, indulging the subordinates to burn, kill and plunder is also a form of reward and morale boost.

Serious and careful comparison, the refugee army was simply unable to compete with the well-organized Huaidong Army, Liu Miaozhen secretly said: It was not wrong at all to lose back then. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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