Lord of the House

Vol 10 Chapter 61: close vote

From the beginning of Shewenzhuang's strategy of entering Zhejiang from the sea, the Song family has not been optimistic about the situation since Songfu.

It is also the Song family's self-isolation behavior that makes the distance between the Song family and the other seven clans grow farther and farther, so that the relationship between them is not as complicated and difficult to separate as before.

Taking the war in eastern Zhejiang as a division, the Zhejiang-Fujian army was successively defeated in the eastern strategy, and the situation turned sharply. On the one hand, the Song clan was secretly lucky, and on the other hand, it also strengthened its strategy of staying on its own.

Since they are waiting to see, then to join Huaidong or join Jiangning is a choice that many people in the Song clan have already had in their hearts but are inconvenient to say.

Compared with the other six surnames, they have long regarded the luxury family as their own, and they are closely entangled with the luxury family's interests. At this time, the Song family chose to invest in Huaidong without much psychological burden. In addition, the Quanzhou garrison was purely controlled by the sons of the Song family, which also made the Song family less anxious when they chose to invest in Huaidong.

The situation is also obvious. The Song family will not vote for Huaidong at this time. When Huaidong pulls out his hands and organizes troops and horses to land from East Fujian, it is very likely that they will choose Quanzhou first.

The She family has a large number of elite soldiers and horses stationed in Jin'an. Huaidong's pressure to fight Jin'an was too great from the beginning - landing from Quanzhou, first, close to Yizhou Island, hoarding war preparation materials and assembled soldiers and horses in Yizhou, and transporting them to Quanzhou is the most convenient landing; in addition, Quanzhou is adjacent to Jinjiang River in the north, and Huaidong soldiers encircle Quanzhou City, which can well block the Jinan reinforcements on the north bank of Jinjiang River; in addition, landing from Quanzhou can also connect the southern Fujian coastal prefectures to the south of Quanzhou. The county was isolated from Jin'an, so as to achieve the purpose of splitting it up.

After confirming that Huaidong had the ability to organize a large group of troops and horses to land on the coast of East Fujian in the autumn, the Song family had no choice at this time.

Song Jia came to Quanzhou at this time, not so much for Huaidong, but for the Song family. She didn't want the Song family to be forced to surrender when the army was approaching the city.

On the third day that Song Jia entered Quanzhou, from Song Fu below, Song Clan decided to give up on the sidelines and go to Huaidong.


Song Jia was inconvenient to stay in Quanzhou for a long time. The important thing was decided. She took a boat to Yizhou first, and then changed to a big boat through Yizhou and went north to Xuzhou in Heishuiyang.

The New Year has just passed, and it is already the first spring of the third year of Yongxing. Quanzhou does not feel very cold, but it will take another two months for the spring breeze to blow over the land of Xusi.

Song Jia stood on the deck, looking at the surging ocean waves, reflecting the sunlight, as if thousands of scales were hiding in the middle of the fight. After careful calculation, she had known Lin Bie in Jiangning for six years. The first time they met was because Ao Canghai led someone to assassinate She Fei. Hu failed to hijack her and She Mingyue, and was finally rescued by Lin Fu. Ao Canghai had long been the leader of Huaidong, and now the Song family is also going to be a minister to Huaidong. Thinking about it, it was a twist.

Otherwise, that accident would not have happened so much next time, would it?

Song Jia thought to herself that this fortune was really tricking people.

Standing on the bow of the boat, Song Bo looked at the mountains in the distance and the beacon fire pier built in Huaidong between the mountains along the coast.

Song Bo, on behalf of the Song family, went to Yizhou Island to meet with Zhao Qingshan, Sun Shangwang and others who were in charge of the southern line affairs in Huaidong, and secretly discussed the cooperation between the two armies. There are also dozens of sons of the Song family headed by Song Yi. They will go north with Song Jia, intending to be incorporated into the Jeju camp army and serve Huaidong, as Song's commitment to Huaidong will not be repeated. with guarantee.

The boat was so close to Yizhou Island that the trees on the shore could be clearly seen, and the beacon fire pier on the mountain near the cape was still flickering with the cold light of swords and guns.

Under the protection of two Huaidong Jiyun-class warships, Song Bo and the others were on the northwest coastline of Yizhou Island, heading for the mouth of Sanzhuxi.

Like Zhejiang and Fujian, Yizhou Island is also a mountainous terrain, with many lofty mountains above 1000 feet, which is very majestic. However, the resources of flat fields are a little richer than those in eastern Fujian, and the coastal plains and basins suitable for farming are mainly concentrated in the western part of the island. .

East Fujian has only been fully developed in the past two hundred years, and the development of Yizhou Island is even more lagging behind.

If it wasn't for the sheer family's painstaking efforts in development to suppress the East China Sea bandits, Yizhou Island would still be a wild place where only Shengfan and Daoyi live.

Although Jinzhuxi is called "stream", it is the most important river in the northwest of Yizhou Island. At this time in the early spring, it was the dry season, and the mouth of the sea was ten miles wide. The boat sailed upstream from the mouth of the brook, and the mountains on both sides were ups and downs, about 20 miles upstream.

According to ancient records, there was originally a huge lake between these mountains, Jinzhuxi and other rivers merged into it, and then entered the sea from the mouth of the mountains in the northwest. Swing plain.

Yizhou Island suffers from severe storms in summer, making it difficult to survive. Only the Hudang Plain between the northern mountains is surrounded by mountains and is the least affected by the storm. It is close to the sea and is connected by a large river. Shejia originally built Yizhou County, and it was selected on the north bank of Jinzhuxi, which is also the first area of ​​Yizhou Island to be developed.

In the early years, more than 10,000 households and more than 200,000 fields belonged to Yizhou County, most of which were distributed on both sides of the Jinzhu River.

In the thirteenth year of Chongguan, which is also the first year of Yongxing, after the fall of Mingzhou, the She family was forced to abandon Yizhou Island, and about 20,000 Jianyong were forcibly moved into Fujian. Nature is also a wolf.

It has only been a year and a half since Huaidong took over Yizhou Island. Although her sister said that Huaidong had moved nearly 100,000 people to the island in the past year and a half, Song Bo still had a question in his heart.

East Fujian has more mountains and less land, and there is a large coastal plain in the west of Yizhou Island that can be cultivated. However, in the past two hundred years, only this lake-dangling plain between the northern ridges has been developed, and it is not without reason.

Yizhou Island has a hot climate and lush forests, making it extremely difficult to reclaim wasteland.

Secondly, the island was seriously ill with miasma. In the early years, extravagant families built a city on Yizhou Island, and prisoners were also used to dye the miasma and die. Four or five out of ten.

With such a high mortality rate, how could ordinary people be willing to move here?

In addition, the source of the creek in Yizhou Island flows out of the mountains and flows into the sea. The process is relatively short, but in summer, the rainfall is abundant, and it is very easy to cause floods.

Yizhou County was washed away by floods twice. It was not until a section of Shitang was built on the north bank of Jinzhuxi River in the southeast of the county that huge manpower and material resources were invested, and Yizhou County was not directly threatened by floods. But on both sides of Jinzhuxi, although the fields are fertile, they are always under the threat of flooding in summer.

Except for the Hudang Basin where Yizhou County is located, the area of ​​the coastal plain in the south is even wider, and it is necessary to measure it carefully. Tens of millions of acres of flat fields are not a problem, but in addition to the difficulty of reclamation, serious miasma, and flooding of rivers and rivers in summer, In summer and autumn, it often faces severe storm tests.

If Huaidong hadn't taken over Yizhou Island, Song Bo would never have believed that any force could triple the population of Yizhou Island in such a short period of time.

Song Bo had been to Chongzhou. Although the dredging of the Yanhe River in Huaidong had not been carried out at that time, the Xisha Island had already grown in size, and Song Bo had a preliminary impression of Huaidong's political ability. The piles and spies are most concerned about the information of Huaidong, including dredging the salt river, building and defending the sea wall, and reclaiming the Huaidong Lake, all of which show that Huaidong has extraordinary ability in politics.

Thinking back to the time when Lin Bie was not prosperous, in Jiangning's prison island, all kinds of methods, although disdainful of Qingliu scholars, and even smeared as "pig herds", they really showed Lin Bie's extraordinary political ability. It was also at the time of Jail Island that Lin Fu cultivated the first batch of capable people.

Afterwards, Huaidong's Xingxue, advocating craftsmanship, and eclectic recruitment of talents all laid the foundation for Huaidong's rapid rise.

For a few days in Quanzhou, Song Jia told all of what she had seen, heard, and felt in Huaidong over the years, just to make the Song family understand that Huaidong's rise was not a fluke, and Huaidong's rising model was by no means others. able to imitate.

Although it is far away from Huaidong, it is connected to Lushan and it is easy to sneak in. It is close to Yizhou, but it is not easy to approach and sneak in across the vast sea. Therefore, the Song family is taking over the neighboring Yizhou Island for Huaidong. The situation is not very clear.

When I entered the mouth of Jinzhuxi with the boat, I saw that the shacks on both sides of the river were indeed much denser than in previous years. After entering the Hudang Plain, I found that besides the original old embankment, a new remote embankment was built on both sides. Protect the fields and houses from the flood

Although Song Jia's identity has not been disclosed, Zhao Qingshan and Sun Shangwang, who were in charge of military and political affairs in Yizhou, understood it. Moreover, Song Jia went south with a secret letter from Lin Bie, ordering Zhao Qingshan and Sun Shangwang to cooperate and recruit Song's secret attachment to Huai. East, when the time is ripe, Huaidong will land directly from Quanzhou and occupy East Mindong.

The main berthing port of Huaidong No. 1 Water Battalion is Chiwei Cape Bay on the south coast of Zhuxi Estuary. Only a few warships responsible for the island's defense are moored at Neihu Port, southwest of Yizhou County, except for those with soldiers on deck. Outside the warships, there are more than 100 ships of various sizes parked in the Neihu Port, among which there are several five-masted giant ships.

It was only when the She family forcibly withdrew its troops and civilians from Yizhou two years ago that so many ships were moored here.

"Huaidong really opened up the Southeast Asia route!" Song Bo said with emotion, those five-masted giant ships are not suitable for inland rivers. uukanshu.com can only go to the Nanyang Islands for business.

"Do you still suspect that I lied to you?" Song Jia said with a smile, "Huaidong only allocates an additional 200,000 taels of silver to Yizhou Island every year. If it hadn't opened up the Nanyang route, this amount of money would not have been used at all... At present, the Nanyang route is operated by Yizhou Island. The state is responsible and ensures that all the revenue from Nanyang in the first three years is invested in Yizhou Island. Last year, the goods transshipped to the Nanyang Islands via Yizhou included thousands of raw silk, seven ships of tea, iron, porcelain, cotton cloth, tung oil, and more than 20 dyes. Ship, from the Nanyang Islands, brought back 400,000 shi of rice to make up for the initial shortage of rice grains on Yizhou Island, and also brought back more than 800,000 taels of gold and silver—all these were put on Yizhou Island!”

Song Bo was of course aware of the huge profits of sea trade. In the early years, the Song family also had ships going to sea.

In addition to being limited by navigation and shipbuilding technology, it was also mainly because the interests of maritime trade at that time were scattered among various families, and the luxury family was unwilling to undertake the responsibility of eliminating sea pirates from far and near. severely restricted.

Every year, there are several families or dozens of family members of the Song family who gather two or three ships of raw silk, tea, cloth and other goods, and venture to leave the port from Xiapu, via Heishuiyang, to Kyushu Island in Haidong to seek huge profits. The profit is enough to build a new ship.

The risk of going to the South China Sea is too great, and it is not easy to send a ship there.

The scale of trade between Zhaoyizhou Island and the Nanyang Islands in the past year is naturally due to the development of a stable route, so it is possible to have so many ships.

The difficulty of developing Yizhou Island is mainly due to the serious limitation of natural conditions. In the past year, the profits of the Nanyang route, including 400,000 shi of rice and 800,000 taels of silver, have been invested in Yizhou Island. In such a short period of time, it is not impossible to move nearly 100,000 people to the island. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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