Lord of the House

Vol 10 Chapter 88: meet old friends

On the ninth day of September, in the port of Chankou on the east coast of Mingzhou, the sun is shining brightly, and the waves are calm. Board the docked warships in an orderly manner.

Those five-masted ships, even if they are far apart, can be seen to be extremely spectacular, far beyond the reach of ordinary sea ships.

Since the military port and the civilian port are separated by a dam, fishermen, seamen, boatmen, sailors, and leisure travelers who are good and lively on the commercial and fishing boats can see the Huaidong generals boarding the ship. Situation——From the beginning of the spring, it was rumored that the war in Mindong was about to start. At this moment, a substantial step has finally been taken.

The speed of the sea route is very fast. Even if the luxury family has deployed a secret post in Mingzhou, those who have climbed the mountains and the mountains will not be faster than the sea ships if they want to send the news back to Jin'an.

Therefore, the Xingying and the prefectures did not block the civil port near the port, but only used sentry boats to move out of the forbidden waters, almost openly mobilizing troops and horses.

There are also some good young people and idlers in the city of Mingzhou, who hired boats to go out to watch the grand scene of Huaidong’s military deployment, thinking that they were talking about money—although there are no restrictions on entertainment these days, the entertainment activities of the people are too lacking. .

At this stage, even the ordinary scholars and idlers who are concerned about the situation of the war can also understand the situation.

Otherwise, it is not the soldiers and horses of Mingzhou who boarded the ship and transferred out, but the soldiers and horses from outside landed from Mingzhou and made up for Shengzhou or Kuaiji.

People from Mingzhou who saw Huaidong's troops and horses in action were not only excited but also a little disappointed.

"Follow Dongyang County, Zhuji, and Quzhou Prefecture one day earlier, and Mingzhou and Kuaiji Prefectures can also return to normal one day earlier, otherwise they will be tense all day, and I don't know when the extra troops and horses will come in, it's not like that. What's going on!" A two-masted fishing boat was moored on the edge of the breakwater, but several people in the bow were obviously going out to sea to watch the fun.

Today the weather is calm, the waves are light on the hull, and there is a small table at the bow. These people sit around the small table. There are scholars in Confucian shirts, idlers in the city, and people from Haidong. The seafarers who came here to do business met in the teahouse today. I heard that Huaidong sent troops today, so they made an appointment to go to the pier and hired a fishing boat to go out to sea to watch the fun.

This group of people watched from afar the Huaidong warships chatting between the blue sea and the blue sky. One of the soldiers in green robes was dissatisfied with Huaidong's decision to fight Mindong first.

Obviously, as a local in Mingzhou, I hope to hit Dongyang County as soon as possible so that the situation in eastern Zhejiang can settle down as soon as possible. Today, Huaidong has built a defensive line in Shengzhou, Kuaiji, Shanyin, and Xiaoshan, stationed with heavy troops, and has blocked the extra troops and horses in the valley of central Zhejiang, west of Dongyang County, and cannot get out. Mingzhou City is only one or two hundred miles away from the defense line—although Huaidong’s troops and horses have been invincible in these years, the Zhejiang and Fujian enemy forces are so close that it is like a sharp sword hanging over their heads, even if they know that the rope to tie the sword is very Strong, the heart will also be anxious.

"You know a bird!" There is a middle-aged man dressed as a sea guest who has different opinions. He is not very old, about 30 years old, but he is full of beards, looks old, and speaks rudely. Said, "Mindong is the old nest of the luxury family, if you take down Mindong, the luxury family will even take away the old nest, then it will be much easier to hit the middle of Zhejiang - and you can look at Dongyang County, the terrain is there. How many soldiers and horses can't be filled in at once. The attack of Yibao and Yizhai will not be able to take down the Quzhou Mansion until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse? If there is an ambush soldier hidden in a mountain col, you will not know how it will die! How convenient it is to land from eastern Fujian. By land, you can go from Cangnan to the south to score Shuiguan and Xiapu. When you land by sea, you can cut off the connection between the cities in eastern Fujian. , how to fight, how to fight, the initiative is always in the hands of Huaidong - only Xie Chaozhong, the big idiot, thought of fighting West Zhejiang from Huizhou... When Lao Tzu went to Huizhou for a business gang, a horse team of one or two hundred people left The road to Daqingxi is very difficult, and now it takes tens of thousands of troops to come out from there, hum, hum..."

The middle-aged Hai Ke snorted coldly, posing as if he was watching a good show of the Huinan Army.

"As far as you, Du Mazi, know military affairs and set up the envoys and ministers' recruitment list, why didn't you post?" Someone immediately stood up to refute the middle-aged Haike, saying, "Huaidong is going to make a big deal in Mindong, the imperial court is really fighting. Sending troops from Huizhou is a brilliant move. By defeating Wuyuan and Shangrao, Jiangxi will be separated from the rebels in central Zhejiang, and the rebels from Quzhou in central Zhejiang will be surrounded, and it will only take one winter to surrender. The recovery of the two Zhejiangs is not entirely due to Huaidong..."

"Fight, fight, fight, defend, defend, defend," the middle-aged Hai Ke had a fiery temper, and he didn't know how to soften his words. Yes, you know the word 'contention'..."

A white-haired old man sitting next to him came all the way with Hai Ke, and he was dressed in the style of Hai Dong. He stretched out his hand and pressed the arm of the bearded young Hai Ke, asking him to pay attention to what he said. of.

As early as the last echo attacking East Zhejiang, Huaidong and Jiangning buried the root of the conflict. This has nothing to do with whether Huaidong embraces King Ning as the emperor—not to mention that their identities are different from ordinary people. In the ears of the people of Huaidong, it is too unnecessary to cause suspicion.

There was a lively discussion here, and more than a dozen warships over there loaded supplies and people, and soon, surrounded by other warships, set off to leave the port.

There was no fun to watch, the fishing boats also returned to the port, the others hired carriages and horses to go back to the city, and the two sailors went to Zhankou Town. The wharf is also close to the town of Zhankou. A small school approached, saw two sea passengers, and called out, "Gong Du, General Du..."

The white-haired old man stopped and didn't understand what the generals in the Huaidong Army were calling them to do. When they approached, he recognized the bodyguard beside Lin Fu of Pengcheng County.

"It turned out to be General Chen..." The old man greeted with a smile.

"Duke Du made fun of me, what kind of general am I?" Chen Hua smiled and said, "Your Excellency learned that Duke Du was in Zhankou, and that I came to find Duke Du and General Du, and the inn said Duke Du went to sea. , I just wanted to go to the pier and wait for someone, but I didn't expect to meet someone, what a coincidence..."

These two seafarers are not other people, they are Du Rong and Du Cheli who captured Huaidong many years ago. Du Rong was bound by Lin. Later, after persuading Du Cheli to surrender to Huaidong, he was freed, but he did not stay in Huaidong, but he could not return to his hometown in Mindong. In the eyes of the people who were implicated in Mindong, they crossed the sea to Haidong and became a seafarer between Jeju, Jiangzhou and Kyushu Island.

After August, when Jeju and Mingzhou resumed navigation, Du Rong just wanted to come back and have a look, but he did not expect to encounter Huaidong sending troops to attack Mindong - although Huaidong did not care about Du Rong and Du Cheli's actions, their identities were special after all. Very much, they went ashore from Mingzhou to report their whereabouts.

Du Rong and Du Cheli lived in the inn in Chakou Town, and it was not surprising that Lin Fu knew about it, but Du Rong felt that there was nothing in his behavior with Cheli that could arouse suspicion. What are you looking for them to do?

"What does Duke Pengcheng want us to do for the forgotten characters?" Du Rong asked.

Du Rong was not very old, but after capturing Huaidong as a prisoner, his head turned pale almost overnight, and he never recovered. After Du Cheli surrendered, he still had a temper, and he stumbled with others at every turn.

"My lord told me to come to you, but didn't say why?" Chen Hualian said.

Not doing anything wrong, not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door, Du Rong and Du Cheli followed Chen Hualian to the barracks to see Lin Bie.

A permanent fort was built on the side of Jikou. The official name was Fanghai City. It was used for both water and land. The buildings were also neatly arranged and complete.

After Lin Fu arrived in eastern Zhejiang, he did not enter the city of Mingzhou, but met local officials in Zhekou Village.

After the garrison was launched, Yingcheng seemed a little deserted. When they reached the public hall where Lin Fu lived, Du Rong and Du Cheli also took the initiative to ask the guards to check whether there was any entrainment, and then went inside with Chen Hualian...

The last time I saw Lin Fu in Chongzhou was the eleventh year of Chongguan, and it was already the third year of Yongxing's autumn. Thinking back to the time when Chongguan met in Weiyang for eight years, Lin Fu was still an inconspicuous scholar who was fascinated by Sumei's beauty. Who would have thought that he could have the current scenery?

Walking in with Chen Hualian~www.readwn.com~ Du Rong thinks of these years, and Duan is really moved...

"Surely Duke Du is at Zhaikou!" Song Jia stood on the porch, smiling happily, and said to Du Rong, "I saw that the Military Intelligence Department said that Duke Du was at Zhaikou, but I thought it was a mistake..."

"Hello, young lady," Du Rong said in a salute, regardless of whether Song Jiagao was happy or not, he still called him by his old name, "I've been tired of staying in Haidong all these years, and I just think about things passing by, and I won't miss it when I come back..." Being free, he was still worried that Huaidong would misunderstand their ulterior motives.

"Your Excellency is waiting for Duke Du and General Du inside!" He pushed open the door and invited Du Rong to enter.

The light in the room was darker, and I could see a tall man sitting across from Lin Bie, with long hair tied casually and draped behind his shoulders. When the man looked back, Du Rong was shocked and called out: "Song male……"

Sitting opposite Lin Fu was not someone else, but Song Fu, the master of the Song family, Yongtaibo.

"It's been quite a few years since Yongtai parted ways. Brother Du, don't come here without envy!" Song Fu stood up, walked to the door to greet him, and sighed, "The strategy of abandoning the land and going to the sea will not work after all!"

"If there is no Huaidong, it may not be impossible." Du Rong still didn't think there was anything wrong with the strategy of abandoning land and sea in Zhejiang and Fujian, and he didn't care about seeing old friends, so he stood in the courtyard and refuted Song Fu.

Song Fu smiled slightly and did not argue with Du Rong - when the Zhejiang-Fujian Army fought against Li Zhuo, Du Rong was one of the first people who advocated abandoning the land and sea. The identity also sneaked into Weiyang's layout early, which is almost something Du Rong is proud of.

Even in the case of Huaidong, this strategy has completely failed, and Du Rong is not willing to admit that Zhejiang and Fujian are inappropriate in this strategy - the so-called "doing things depends on people, and success depends on heaven". My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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