Lord of the House

Vol 10 Chapter 96: Collegiate

Huaidong has secret posts in Huizhou, Yulingguan and other places, but the mountains in western Zhejiang and Huinan are high and dangerous, and the news of the fall of Huangtian Village has reached Mingzhou. It is already late on the 18th, but there is no official news. Come.

Fu Qinghe sent a boat quickly to Mindong. It was rumored that he called Hu Zhiyong and Liang Wenzhan to sit in Mingzhou. He rushed to Xiaoshan in person and sent someone to Fuyang to spread the word. He informed Meng Yishan of the news of the fall of Huangtian Village, and invited Meng Yishan to Xiaoshan to meet and discuss. countermeasures.

The Hanghu Army has cleared the obstacles in the periphery of Tonglu and is now attacking Tonglu City. Fu Qinghe, as Huaidong's general operating system in eastern Zhejiang, is not under Meng Yishan, and the news of the fall of Huangtian Village is not a trivial matter. After seeing the special envoy sent by Fu Qinghe, Meng Yishan did not take any air. He asked Su Pinxiao to sit in the outskirts of Tonglu. He took Hangzhou to pass the sentence to Wang Yue, and took a naval warship. He personally rushed to Xiaoshan at noon on the 19th to meet Fu Qinghe; Chen Huawen, who was staying in Hangzhou, also rushed across the river.

Meng Yishan used soldiers, and also attached importance to the collection of military intelligence information by scouts and sentries. Although he did not send people to Huizhou and Yulingguan, he secretly sneaked into Chun'an, Tongziwu, Wuyuan and other places to collect information, and knew the fact that the Zhejiang-Fujian Army was uncharacteristically and sent troops from Tongziwu to the north along Daqingxi and attacked Yuyan. ——The change of the Zhejiang-Fujian army in western Zhejiang can only be explained by the loss of Huangtian Village.

The main force of the Anhui South Army has all entered the Daqingxi River Valley, and the Huangtian Village has been lost again, making the Anhui South Army's back road blocked, and there is a worry of the entire army's destruction-if the 20,000 elites of the Anhui South Army are annihilated by the Zhejiang and Fujian Army, This situation is too difficult, too bad.

It is impossible for Meng Yishan and Chen Huawen to ignore the fall of Huangtian Village.

"There is no news from Huizhou at this moment. I think Jiangning is also kept in the dark. What does Xie Chaozhong eat?" Xie Chaozhong, the commander-in-chief of the central army and horses appointed by the emperor.

"Wen Guo pretends to be wrong and is a common problem. Maybe Feng Anbo plans to retake Huangtian Village, and then tell Jiang Ning the details together." Wang Yue said.

When arguing over Xie Chaozhong's leadership, Meng Yishan and other generals of the Hanghu Army all stood on Chen Xiyan's side.

Chen Huawen, Chen Mingzhe and other key figures in the Haiyu Chen family were closely related to Chen Xiyan; the town of Ning Haijun was Jiyang, and Chen Xiyan, who retired from Jiyang, also had close contacts with Meng Yishan, and later transferred Dong Yuan out. In northern Zhejiang, Meng Yishan was used as a general, and Chen Xiyan was also able to overcome all opinions; and Su Pinxiao was able to lead the Bai Nao army and Haiyu army to co-edit, and it was Chen Xiyan's direct contribution - although Yu Xinyuan is vaguely in the Wu Party to overpower Chen Xiyan, But his greatest influence on the Hanghu Army was Wang Yue.

At the beginning, Wang Yue, as a young official of the Wu Party, went to northern Zhejiang with Chen Mingzhe and others to take up important positions and served as the judge of Hangzhou government. Yu Xinyuan's strong recommendation for the Hu army to take up the duty of guarding the army.

Wang Yue didn't know the details of the middle route either, but at this time he couldn't help defending Xie Chaozhong.

"There are multiple ways to fight in this battle. All battles are going up or down, and all of them are involved in one shot and the whole body. The success of the Western Zhejiang Road is also related to the consideration of the Hanghu Army, the Huaidong Army and the Jiangzhou Army." Meng Yi Shanyin With a sullen face, he said in a cold voice, "Zhexi Road has such a big leak, how can you cover it up so rashly?"

"It's useless to say this now," Fu Qinghe said. "If Huangtian Village can't be recaptured in time, let's think more about the consequences!"

Fu Qinghe opened a martial arts hall in his early years and worked as a nurse for singer Su Mei, and later rose to Huaidong with Lin Fu. If it is said that Fu Qinghe personally presided over the battle, there was only the battle of Xisha Island. He suffered heavy losses under the attack of pirates. He did not have a great reputation for military exploits. Cang Hai, Zhou and other famous generals naturally cannot tolerate others being despised.

Those who are good at fighters have no illustrious battles. Fu Qinghe can arrange the military affairs in eastern Zhejiang in an orderly manner, so that the Zhejiang and Fujian troops have no chance to take advantage of it.

"What Mr. Fu said is very true," Chen Huawen said. "If Huangtian Village can't be recaptured in time, the Huinan Army will be cut off, and the entire army will be destroyed. This consequence is really no trivial matter."

"Hanghu and Huaidong have to take some precautions, but the most urgent task is to send a fast cavalry to Jiangning to inform Xie Chaozhong about concealing the military situation. If there is any big deal, we have to wait for Jiangning's decree!" Meng Yishan said.

"The Huinan Army is in danger of being destroyed. If the Huinan Army is destroyed, can Xie Chaozhong hold the Yuling Pass?" Fu Qinghe said, "Everything is waiting for Jiangning's decree, I'm afraid it will be too late..." Fu Qinghe pointed at the key point and directly questioned Does Xie Chaozhong have the ability to guard Yuling Pass?

In the early years, Xie Chaozhong escorted King Ning to the south, and was only the commander of a battalion of soldiers and horses; after King Ning arrived in Jiangning, the guard battalion was expanded, and Xie Chaozhong served as the commander, equivalent to a town general; The imperial battalion is under the control of the army and holds great power. He has become one of the leading generals in Dayue who can stand side by side with Lin Fu. From the battalion command of 600 soldiers to the command of 100,000 soldiers, Xie Chaozhong has risen too fast, has no foundation, and lacks With enough practical experience in leading and governing the army, some of the direct-line generals employed by Xie Chaozhong in the Yuying Army were even worse than him in this regard. main reason.

To talk about the experience of running the army, in Fu Qinghe's view, Chen Huawen is far more reliable than Xie Chaozhong.

Chen Huawen was born a scholar, but in his early years he led the township soldiers to defend against pirates, and he also experienced many wars. Although he did not have great military exploits, he developed the Haiyu Army step by step. The prestige of Xie Chaozhong can't be compared.

"Is Mr. Fu a little unfounded," Wang Yue forced a smile, "General Deng Yu said back then that the danger of Yuling Pass would be guarded by a thousand troops. The fact is just as General Deng Yu said, She Feixiong is known as the Eighth Eighth Pass. The first brave general in Fujian has fought Yuling Pass for many years. When did he get to Yuling? Even if he could not retake Huangtian Village and take over the Anhui Southern Army, Feng Anbo had tens of thousands of imperial troops and horses, and he should be sure to defend Yuling Pass. ...According to what Xiaguan sees, Huaidong's troops in eastern Zhejiang and the Hanghu Army should attack Dongyang and Tonglu with all their strength. Only in this way can they relieve General Deng Yu's pressure. According to what Mr. Fu said, even if Jiangning does not wait. Under the decree, what should Huaidong do to prepare?"

"It's not what Huaidong has to do to prepare?" Fu Qinghe said, "Hanghu Army must first conquer Tonglu and then Chun'an before they can support the Huinan Army trapped in the lower reaches of Daqingxi; Huaidong is in eastern Zhejiang. If you want to co-operate with the southern Huizhou army, you must continuously capture the fortresses of Dongyang, Lanxi, Quzhou and other fortresses - if the She family intends to annihilate the southern Huizhou army and open a gap from Huizhou, it will inevitably be in Tonglu, Chun'an, Dongyang. , Quzhou and others left their elite guards to guard them, and no matter how fast our speed is, it is far from being able to directly transfer an elite force from the Hanghu Army or Huaidong Army to Huizhou from Dusong Pass. From what I see, the Hanghu Army should immediately Give up the forcible attack on Tonglu, deploy the elite troops to station near Dusong Pass or Qianqiu Pass, and then send someone to Jiangning to ask for an order, even if there is any change, we can respond in time..."

Dusong Pass and Qianqiu Pass are the two counties of Zuixi and Ningguo in the north of Huizhou. Fu Qinghe does not expect the Hanghu Army to open the way and let the Huaidong Army enter Dusong Pass or Qianqiu Pass. He only hopes that the Hanghu Army can make a difference. Be prepared, even if Yuling Pass is really not guarded, as long as Meng Yishan leads a group of elites and enters Ningguo in time, he will be able to block the Zhejiang and Fujian troops!

Although Ningguocheng was not as dangerous as Yuling Pass, it was still blocked by the northern gap between the two large mountain systems, Huaiyu Mountain and Yishan Mountain. Even if the Zhejiang and Fujian troops dare to bypass Ningguo to attack Jiangning, they should consider the Huaidong Army and the Hanghu Army in the future after the division of Ningguo to attack Jiangning.

Meng Yishan knew Fu Qinghe's sober words, but according to Fu Qinghe's remarks, the Hanghu Army gave up Tonglu and did not fight, and also assumed the responsibility of deploying troops without authorization.

Dusong Pass and Qianqiu Pass, like Yuling Pass, are the key points for Zhejiang and Zhejiang to enter Jiangning.

After Fuyang was recaptured, the two passes became the hinterland pass again. After the establishment of the Western Zhejiang Recruitment Army, the jurisdiction of the two passes was transferred to the past.

Although Jiang Ning's distrust of foreign soldiers was exposed here, it was nothing in itself. These two passes are the key points and key points for entering Jiangning, and it is normal for them to be directly under the jurisdiction of the Yuying Army, but for Meng Yishan, it is of great significance for Meng Yishan to deploy a large number of troops and gather them near Dusong Pass and Qianqiu Pass for defense.

If Emperor Yongxing is sensible, it's okay to say; if he is ignorant, the hat will be buckled~www.readwn.com~ Meng Yishan feels that he can't bear it.

Furthermore, the Hanghu Army had already paid a heavy price for fighting Tonglu. At this time, he gave up fighting Tonglu, and Meng Yishan could not explain to the generals below.

In addition, the mobilization of the Hanghu Army, Wang Yue, the military envoy, is not entirely a decoration.

Meng Yishan pondered for a moment and said, "This matter must be ordered by Jiang Ning..."

Fu Qinghe sighed in his heart, and secretly said: Huaidong's due responsibilities have been fulfilled, and then we will see if Jiangning has this fate to escape the catastrophe...

Before Jiangning's decree, only the Hanghu Army could really be deployed in advance, even the nearly 10,000 soldiers and horses assembled by Huaidong in Hailing City, and they could not cross the border into the Jiangyu area under the jurisdiction of Weiyang and Danyang.

"If that's the case, please send someone to Jiangning to report the details of Huangtian Village. Huaidong will also send someone to Jiangning. Everything will be ordered by Jiangning," Fu Qinghe said, "but anyway, The Hanghu Army will gather the garrison scattered in the east of Hangzhou to the west, and always be prepared..."

Meng Yishan nodded, attacking the periphery of Tonglu, the Hanghu Army would suffer a lot of casualties, he also had the intention to send more troops and horses to advance westward, and he had to be more careful when attacking Tonglu next, not as fierce as the other day. , even if it is surrounded first, if something goes wrong, it is convenient to withdraw.

After sending off Meng Yishan, Chen Huawen, Wang Yue, and others, Fu Qinghe went directly to Shengzhou to join Ao Canghai. No matter how the Huaidong Army chased away, they would fall behind the luxury family. Ma took the time to take down Dongyang County first.

In addition, in eastern Mindong, the She family has abandoned all coastal cities except Jin'an City, and the army and civilians are large-scale west. Come. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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