Lord of the House

Vol 10 Chapter 99: general trend

With the second water battalion warships as the main force, supplemented by requisitioned merchant ships, nearly a hundred sea-going ships carrying tens of thousands of generals and soldiers left Nantai Island in batches, like arrows falling off the string, and returning to eastern Zhejiang...

The second water battalion warship **** carried the main troop carrier of the Chongcheng Army of the Infantry Division Zuo Army. After arriving at the waters of Changguo Island, the troops were divided into two groups:

The troop transport ship was escorted by warships belonging to the battalion army in eastern Zhejiang, passed the Laotangshan port strait, turned into the Qianjiang waterway, and sailed to Xiaoshan to stop. The main force of the Chongcheng army landed in Xiaoshan to serve. The main force of the Second Water Battalion continued northward, entering the Yangtze River waterway from the northern waters of Shengsi Island to stand by.

Although Lin Fu took the Lin Zhengjun number first, but the speed was not fast enough to go there. He landed from the port of Chankou at night on the twelfth day, and rushed to Xiaoshan on a horse overnight to join Fu Qinghe.

At dawn, the ground was covered with hoarfrost, and the hoofs stepped on the frost. It was cold in eastern Fujian, and when we traveled north to eastern Zhejiang, we suddenly realized that it was winter. I don't think that riding a horse, getting off the horse outside Xiaoshan City, and letting the wind blow, makes me feel chills, and subconsciously closes the big hold to cover the wind.

"Is there enough cold clothes here in Xiaoshan?" Lin Fu asked Fu Qinghe and Liang Wenzhan who were coming up.

"It was not clear in advance that the army would be assembled in Xiaoshan. The military commander prepared supplies in Chongzhou at the same time as Xiaoshan. Xiaoshan had reserved cold clothes for the Chongcheng army, and there was still a shortage of 5,000 pieces. I have called Sun Wenyao from Xiaozhou, Kuaiji, Shanyin and other counties. Buying old clothes at a high price should be able to make up tomorrow..." Liang Wenzhan said.

When the Chongcheng army marched south, they did not prepare the cold clothes. At this time, Lin Fu was worried that Xiaoshan's cold clothes were not enough. If it was still a big cold day like last year, the generals in thin clothes would not be able to withstand the whole winter in the wilderness.

Lin Fu nodded slightly, and Fu Qinghe and Liang Wenzhan presided over the affairs of eastern Zhejiang. There was nothing to worry about. In the current situation, there is no way to buy old clothes from the private sector. He said, "Let's talk about entering the city, riding a horse all night, legs and feet. It's all over the border, I originally prepared a carriage for Zong Ting and Duke Song, but it overturned halfway, and I also rode here, suffering a lot, prepare some wine, and activate some muscles..."

Only the elite generals who have been trained for a long time can travel hundreds of miles a day and ride on horseback all night without getting tired. Lin Fu has been supervising the battle personally these days, and he feels tired even after riding a horse all night. Gao Zongting and Song Fu, if not Someone was holding him, and he couldn't stand on the ground - the situation was so urgent, and he couldn't rest at this time.

Song Jia, wearing a big purple cloak, came to greet Lin Fu and others-Lin Fu went to Mindong to supervise the battle. Song Jia was unwell at the time and could not survive the rough journey, so she stayed in Mingzhou to recuperate, but at this time she regained her face.

Song Jia followed Fu Qinghe and Liang Wen to the exhibition city to greet them, but came over by carriage, and went into the city now. Seeing that Gao Zongting and his father had been riding a horse all night, he gave them the carriage, and she rode side by side with Lin Tie, enjoying the The joy of reuniting after farewell.

After entering the city to wash up, eat hot soup and rice, and have no time to rest, everyone gathered in the hall and discussed matters around the brazier.

"Shewenzhuang made up his mind to lure the Anhui Southern Army into the village, and left Fushou in Feihuangshan and Yuyan. These two villages were originally after Huangtian Village, and the walls of the village were already thin, not to mention that they were given to the Anhui Southern Army in advance. After the storm was taken, Deng Yu was able to hold on to Feihuang for six days, which is not bad," Fu Qinghe said, "Luo Wenhu surrendered, Yu Pijiang was captured, and there is no news from Deng Yu yet, I think he led the remnants to escape. In the deep valley..."

"If Deng Yu does not surrender, he will eventually be able to contain some of the Zhejiang and Fujian troops in the back road, which is good news..." Lin Fu said, Deng Yu did not surrender, maybe he had his own considerations: for example, his wife, children, and children were all in Huizhou City. If he surrenders, Xie Chaozhong will naturally throw all the sewage on his head. If Yuling Pass can't be broken, Xie Chaozhong should have enough time to take his wife, children and relatives into Jiangning to be punished; If you don't like the Shejia, maybe you don't think that Xie Chaozhong can't even hold the Yuling Pass. No matter how difficult it is, he can get through it with a bite of his teeth. Deng Yu was able to fight to the death without surrender, and he was a loyal general and minister of Dayue since the establishment of the dynasty.

"When the back road of Huangtian Village was cut off, most of the Huinan Army's cargo and grain were in Huangtian Village. The Huinan Army held fast to the end in Feihuang and Yuyan, and I was afraid that they would almost run out of food. It will also be greatly damaged due to lack of food," Gao Zongting said, "From Yuling Pass to the north bank of Qianjiang River, there are lofty mountains along both sides of Daqingxi, only a few mountain barbarians and Shanyue indigenous people live, and they have luxurious homes. Since the Daqingxi River Valley is to be used as a trap, the deep valleys on both sides will naturally be cleaned in advance, which means that even if Deng Yu leads the remnants in the deep valley, he will not be able to find enough supplies. may go all the way west..."

"Zong Ting said that Deng Yu will go over Yishan to find Yue Lengqiu?" Lin Fu asked.

"It is indeed possible," Song Fu said, "The Huinan army was crippled, and Deng Yu was unwilling to surrender to Dongmin, but he was afraid that Xie Chaozhong would put the blame for the defeat on him, except to go to Yue Lengqiu. There's no other way for him to think..."

"Huaidong also welcomes him!" Lin Fu said with his hands spread.

Everyone laughed, and Fu Qinghe said, "Yue Lengqiu can have such a position, it's not a general person, Deng Yu is the one who picked it up. Deng Yu didn't rely on Yue Lengqiu to come to Huaidong, there's no reason."

"Although the Huinan Army was disabled, it also consumed a considerable part of the strength of the Zhejiang and Fujian Army. Xie Chaozhong was completely a pussy. After Feihuang's fall, he had half a day to escape back to Yuling Pass, but he didn't realize it in advance. , and also attacked Huangtian Village with all his strength, and caught Zheng Mingjing, the subordinate of Shewen Village, by surprise in front of Huangtian Village, and fled. Taking advantage of the chaos, Yuling Pass was captured. Deng Yu defended Yuling Pass, which had not been broken for several years, and was destroyed by Xie Chaozhong in less than half a day. Chaos, trampling on each other, heavy casualties, and countless descendants. Huizhou then descended, and all the grain and ordnance that Jiangning had in Huizhou for the expedition of western Zhejiang also fell into the hands of the Zhejiang and Fujian troops..." Fu Qinghe continued to introduce the current Jiangning the critical situation faced.

Lin Bie pressed his hands heavily on the long table and said nothing.

"The situation really wants to be as sinister as he is!" Song Fu said with emotion.

The Huaidong Army in East Fujian, the Hanghu Army in Tonglu, and even the Huinan Army in the Daqingxi River Valley greatly consumed the strength of the Zhejiang and Fujian Army.

Since the beginning of autumn, one after another, the Zhejiang and Fujian troops have to lose at least 20,000 elites. Of course, the heavier loss is the ability of the luxury family to obtain supplies.

The grain fields in Jiangxi are mainly concentrated along the banks of Poyang Lake.

There are nearly 10 million mu of grain fields in the plains along the Poyang Lake, but the Shejia currently only occupies Yuzhang in the southeast of Poyang Lake, while Hukou and Jiangzhou in the north of Poyang Lake are still under the control of Yue Lengqiu. , making the entire coastal plain of Poyang Lake a buffer zone for war, and naturally it will not provide money and food to luxury families.

The luxury family wants to move to Jiangxi to establish a foothold, and at this time, they will not even loot the place directly.

The fall of East Fujian, not only means that the hometown is taken away, but also means the loss of the most important supply area for the Zhejiang-Fujian army. In the past half a year, the She family has relocated a large number of people from the east coast of Fujian to the upper reaches of the Minjiang River, resettled them in Jian'an House, and even continued westward along Shanguan to Jiangxi for resettlement. Such a large-scale relocation will consume luxury goods. The large amount of resources of the family means that even if the luxury family opens the gap in Huizhou, it will not have enough resources to maintain a long-term war on the periphery of Jiangning.

It was good in front of him, Xie Chaozhong "sent" all the food and grass supplies hoarded in Huizhou to the luxury family.

At the beginning, in order to send troops from Yuling Pass to attack western Zhejiang, it was organized into a scale of 60,000 horses to recruit troops in western Zhejiang. In order to raise the war preparation materials used by the troops recruited in western Zhejiang to fight, the Ministry of Household and the Neifu could not wait to take out their bottoms and trousers, and Emperor Yongxing also cut the expenses of the inner court and provided 100,000 taels of silver. At this time, the luxury family has been cheaper, and it has become the material basis to support the luxury family in the long-term war on the periphery of Jiangning, which is really dumbfounding.

"Huizhou fell on the 8th, Zheng Mingjing led the outpost on the 10th, and even the two cities of Kejixi and Ningguo entered the periphery of Jiangning. At this time, a large group of troops and horses of the She family in western Zhejiang was rushing northward through the Daqingxi River Valley, passing through Yu Lingguan enters Huizhou and goes north to Ningguo to gather..." Fu Qinghe continued.

"What's Meng Yishan's reaction? Did you send someone to contact Meng Yishan in the past two days?" Lin Fu asked.

"It was suggested before that Meng Yishan would withdraw his troops from Tonglu and move to Dusongguan. Meng Yishan had a lot of concerns and never agreed," Fu Qinghe said. "But after the fall of Feihuang Mountain, Meng Yishan should have gotten the news earlier than us. They attacked Tonglu by force, and only sent someone to inform them. On November 8th, the Hanghu Army retreated to the south bank of the Qianjiang River, and went north along the Luzhu River to Linshui. But the speed of the luxury family was even faster. To win Ningguo. Meng Yishan did not dare to go west from Dusongguan to capture Ningguo, but chose to continue northward through Linshui and Anji, probably because he wanted to enter Jiangning first and compete for the first merit of King Qin! Jiangning's edict has also arrived in Xiaoshan, my lord Do you want to watch it?" Liang Wenzhan said.

"It doesn't matter if you don't read it," Lin Fu shook. He really had no interest in Jiang Ning's edict at this time, and said, "Meng Yishan was afraid at first, but now he is greedy again. I am afraid that he will suffer first!"

"Aren't greed and fear a natural weakness?" Gao Zongting said.

"It would be fine if Emperor Yongxing agreed to the entry of the Hanghu Army into Jiangning City..." Liang Wenzhan said.

Song Fu shook his head and said, "The imperial battalion is full and there are still 40,000 troops in Jiangning. Who would easily let a foreign soldier enter Jiangning City? Chen Xiyan may be willing, but let Meng Yishan lead his troops into Jiangning, Yu Xinyuan, Wang Xueshan, Is there any way for Wang Tian and others to survive? The Hanghu Army is early, and most of them are sent to the south of Jiangning to stop the Zhejiang-Fujian Army from advancing northward. If Meng Yishan is a smart person, at most Jingyi (now Yixing) can no longer move. Now, it's better to stay in Huzhou!"

"Maybe Meng Yishan won't be so aggressive. Apart from the navy and the soldiers and horses left behind in Hangzhou and Lake, there should only be more than 10,000 soldiers and horses who go north to help Jiangning with him..." Liang Wenzhan said.

Fu Qinghe shook his head. He did not agree with Liang Wenzhan's judgment, and explained to Lin Fu and the others: "In order to fight Tonglu, the Hanghu Army suffered heavy casualties, and it was only one step short of defeating Tonglu. Come on, I once asked Sun Wenyao to go to Tonglu to meet Meng Yishan on my behalf. I hope he would bite his teeth and take down Tonglu first. At that time, the Hanghu Army and Navy could control the Qianjiang waterway outside Tonglu, and there were conditions for attacking Tonglu. At that time, the withdrawal of troops has already begun, and in the end, it is still a bit greedy..."

"Too much greed will make people forget about fear and danger, and can't see where the trap is. Meng Yishan is in a hurry to go north, and he is going to fight for the first merit of King Qin." Lin Fu was not optimistic about the prospects of the Hanghu Army, and said, "In addition, , Chen Xiyan also has a great influence on the Hanghu Army. Most of Chen Xiyan in Jiangning is eager to hope that Meng Yishan will lead the Hanghu Army to approach Jiangning and help each other. Even if the Hanghu Army suffers a big loss, it is not surprising. "

"We can't make it in time. From Ningguo north to Jiangning, it is only three hundred miles away," Gao Zongting said, "I am afraid that the front troops of the She family have already assembled in Ningguo!"

There are spacious post roads in the plain, three hundred miles, and it only takes three days for the infantry to march in a hurry, while the Huaidong warship starts from Chongzhou and goes up the Yangtze River, and it takes five days to reach Jiangning. If we go by land, starting from Xiaoshan, crossing the Qianjiang River, and borrowing from Hangzhou and Huzhou, we have to walk nearly 600 miles, and the fastest is three days later than the Zhejiang and Fujian troops.

In the current situation, if the Huaidong Army rushes north, most of the Zhejiang and Fujian troops will give up and fight Jiangning first, and fight the exhausted Huaidong Army first in the southeast of Jiangning!

The 40,000 imperial battalions are purely decorations, and they will not make the Zhejiang and Fujian troops feel fearful. The speed of 30,000 elites heading north was not even much slower than that of the Huaidong Army.

At present, there are only 20,000 elite soldiers in the Chongcheng army in Xiaoshan.

If the Chongcheng army rushed 600 miles to the periphery of Jiangning, and encountered the main force of the Zhejiang and Fujian troops who had entered Jiangning earlier and had a strength of up to 60,000, what would have happened?

Right now, we can count on Jiangning's 40,000 imperial battalion army to be able to hold Jiangning City after the initial panic.

As for Huaidong's attitude towards Jiangning, it was decided before the war, just ignore it for now.

The She family seized from Huizhou the food and forage of the original recruiting army in western Zhejiang, and there was no problem of fighting fast; if the 40,000 imperial battalions could not defend Jiangning City for a month or two, even if they fell, they would not be able to complain. East.

Huaidong still has to fight Huaidong first.

It is a pity that the Hanghu Army did not grit their teeth and attack Tonglu first. It was not that Huaidong took the road from Tonglu to attack Chun'an directly along the Qianjiang River, and would drag most of the troops and horses of the She family in western Zhejiang and dare not go north. Best policy.

Lin Fu asked Fu Qinghe: "The soldiers and horses of the She family in Dongyang County should be almost drawn, right?"

"There are still 5,000 defenders," Fu Qinghe said, "but according to the information collected, half of them are newly recruited soldiers, and the dead soldiers who are truly loyal to the She family should be less than half..."

"Hey, Shewenzhuang put a bait just because he wanted us to eat it, but he couldn't make us eat comfortably. After all, this bait was used by him to delay time!" Gao Zongting said.

"The matter of attacking Dongyang County will be handed over to Zhang Gou; Chen Kuili's subordinate of the Zhedong battalion army will also be transferred to assist the siege of the city. If you have seen blood, you can rest assured to defend Dongyang in the future; Ao Canghai will lead his troops down first." Lin Fu said, "Zhezhong can't fight anyway. It doesn't make much sense for the main force of the Changshan Army to stay on the periphery of Dongyang. It's better to come down and prepare first..."

There is a valley road from Tonglu to Lanxi County in Quzhou. After Huaidong has conquered Dongyang County, it is necessary to continue to penetrate into Guyuan in central Zhejiang, and even to attack Shangrao and Xinzhou, it is necessary to capture Tonglu first, so as not to worry about catching turtles in the urn.

The She family deployed few elite troops in Dongyang County, but relatively sufficient troops in Tonglu. First, the She family wanted to prevent Huaidong from copying the entire northern route of the troops and horses, and the other was to tell Huaidong not to go deep into the middle of Zhejiang; otherwise, the She family's northern troops and horses could fight back with their carbine, give up Jiangning first, The troops and horses first entered from Tonglu and entered Guyuan in the middle of Zhejiang Province to copy the back road of the Huaidong Army.

"In the end, the most troublesome thing at the moment is Yue Lengqiu's reaction," Gao Zongting said. "Jiangning should have an edict to go to Jiangzhou and Shouzhou. We can stop the Huaixi soldiers and horses from crossing the river. If Yue Lengqiu can't bear it. Stay, go back to Jiangning first, and we didn't catch up, this problem is also very difficult!"

"For Yue Lengqiu, he is more likely to have only a small number of troops in Jiangzhou, and he will personally lead the army into Jiangning to watch the situation," Song Fu said, "Yue Lengqiu should have better patience than Meng Yishan, But it is difficult to tell him to stand still in Jiangzhou..."

Everything in Jiangzhou relies on Jiangning's supply, and Yue Lengqiu can't imitate Lin Fu and treat Emperor Yongxing's decree as stinky shit, without even looking at it. If Jiangning does not fall, Yue Lengqiu does not move, and will be held accountable afterwards; if Jiangning falls, Jiangzhou will also be in trouble due to the lack of supplies. Yue Lengqiu is in Jiangzhou, and it is difficult to sit still like Huaidong. If Yue Lengqiu was lured out, Jiangzhou would be in danger.

Compared with Jiangning, the first goal of the luxury family should be Jiangzhou. Only in Jiangzhou can the situation in Jiangxi be complete, and the entire Poyang Lake Plain can be fully occupied. Only then can the luxury family have a place to recuperate and recover.

Considering the overall situation, Yue Lengqiu should stay in Jiangzhou and do not move. It is a pity that Emperor Yongxing would not take the overall situation into consideration and ask Yue Lengqiu to keep Jiangzhou and not save Jiangning. Compared with the risk of staying in Jiangzhou, Yue Lengqiu's rate The possible benefits of supporting Jiangning are too great, and it may even replace Chen Xiyan as the first assistant and master Jiangning's garrison.

Compared to this, Jiangzhou's gains and losses must not be that important in Yue Lengqiu's eyes.

However, Huaidong had the means to stop Dong Yuan's Huaixi troops from crossing the river, but he did not have the confidence to prevent Yue Leng Qiujiang from advancing eastward.

"Well, even if the She family temporarily occupies Jiangzhou, even if Jiangning is lost, the situation is not too bad to be out of control~www.readwn.com~ Lin Fu said, "Send someone to Hangzhou tomorrow and tell them clearly and clearly. , Huaidong troops and horses are going to borrow from Hangzhou, and Han Caizhi's troops from Zhejiang and Fujian will be incorporated into the Changshan army from now on. It's been a long time since I had a good fight in an open place. "

Although Lin Fu only came to Xiaoshan to supervise the battle, he knew the deployment of troops in eastern Zhejiang very well.

"If the She family captures Jiangning, we will move westward from Huzhou, forcibly cut off the connection between Huizhou and Jiangning, and force the She family to come out to fight?" Gao Zongting asked.

"Of course," Lin Fu said, "Is Jiang Ning a luxury family?"

Even taking into account the casualties of the Changshan Army attacking Dongyang County, the number of Huaidong infantrymen who will eventually be assembled in Xiaoshan will reach 50,000; The main force of the second water battalion was also nearly 30,000 troops.

Even if the She family moved all the main force of their subordinates to the vicinity of Jiangning, Lin Fu still had the intention to fight a big battle in the past.

Song Fu smiled slightly. In theory, if the luxury family won Jiangning and Jiangzhou, they could connect the Qianli area from the west of Jiangning and Huizhou to Jiangzhou, but the luxury family needed time to digest.

It takes time for She Feixiong to attack Jiangzhou. Coming from Jiangzhou, Hukou, Chizhou, and Yicheng are all big cities on the south bank of the Yangtze River. After they have to be captured one by one, Jiangzhou can be considered to be connected with Jiangning, and it will take a lot of time.

Yue Lengqiu led Jiangzhou's main force eastward, and could mobilize 50,000 to 60,000 troops and horses. With Yue Lengqiu's scheming, even if he would give up Jiangzhou, he would still leave a way for himself between Chizhou and Yicheng.

In the meantime, as long as Huaidong can cut between Huizhou and Jiangning, and cut off the single-line connection between Huizhou and Jiangning, even if the luxury family occupies Jiangning City, they will be restless in Jiangning City. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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