Lord of the House

Vol 10 Chapter 105: warn

Standing on the bow of the boat, Chen Mingzhe looked at Jiang Tianyunkuo, and the worries that weighed in his heart were still half-hearted.

Hangzhou hadn't seen snow for several years. Chen Mingzhe looked at the sky and looked like it was about to snow. He was even more worried. It was raining and snowing, and Huaidong's troops couldn't get up any faster when heading north.

Although Xiaoshan is on the south bank of the Qianjiang River, it has always been attached to Hangzhou, and Huaidong sent troops to recapture Xiaoshan, and the Hanghu Army had to borrow the Huaidong Navy to fight against the Zhejiang and Fujian troops in the upper reaches of the Qianjiang River, so it temporarily placed Xiaoshan under the Zhejiang East system. Set up the jurisdiction.

On the river surface south of the southern foot of Nanping Mountain, dozens of specially-made flat-headed boats without cabins are anchored, connected with iron chains, and paved with pallets to form a pontoon bridge with a width of more than zhang and a length of four miles, spanning across Above the Qianjiang River, it connects Hangzhou and Xiaoshan.

A team of mules and horses are transporting supplies, crossing the river from Xiaoshan to Hangzhou.

After Lin Fu arrived in Xiaoshan, he sent people to Hangzhou to negotiate on the thirteenth, and wanted to use Hangzhou and Lake to aid Jiangning.

It is not simply a matter of transiting the border by road. It is a big problem to travel across Hanghu Lake and enter Jiangning by land. The logistical supply of tens of thousands of troops and horses is a big problem. Lin Fu intends that the Huaidong Army will directly take over the defense of Changxing County, the capital of Huzhou.

When the Zhejiang-Fujian Army had obtained sufficient materials from Huizhou that originally belonged to the Western Zhejiang recruiting troops, the Huaidong Army rushed into the northern foot of Fuyu Mountain and would be in a very disadvantageous position.

Changxing County is located in the northwest of Huzhou Prefecture, next to Taihu Lake. Huaidong grain and grass can be launched directly from Chongzhou, from Jiyang into Taihu Lake, and transported to Changxing County. With Changxing County as the logistics transit base, it will be able to effectively support Huaidong troops and horses. In the vast area from the northern foot of Fuyu Mountain to the first line of Maoshan, it fought with the Zhejiang and Fujian troops.

But in the face of Lin Fu's request, not only after Meng Yishan left, but Wang Yue, who was in charge of the affairs of northern Zhejiang and the military envoy of the Hangzhou Lake Army, hesitated. Stand up and support the Huaidong Army's request.

The Hangzhou side discussed behind closed doors for a day, and decided to send troops and horses to guard Changxing County with the Huaidong Army. It also proposed to send officials to accompany the Huaidong troops and horses to supervise the crossing of Huaidong troops and horses. When officials were sent to Xiaoshan to see Lin Fu, Lin Fu lost his temper. Directly drive the officials sent by Hangzhou back.

Meng Yishan was ordered to lead the troops to defend Liyang, and the situation suddenly became serious for the Hanghu Army. If the Huaidong troops and horses could not go north in time, the Hanghu Army would be exhausted and would have to stand alone between the Taihu Lake Xiling and Maoshan to resist the Zhejiang and Fujian Army. 's soldiers.

Meng Yishan and Chen Xiyan's private letter reached Hangzhou and Chen Huawen's hands on the 16th, and the next day, the Hanghu Army was in a series of battles with the Zhejiang and Fujian Army in Yaojiachong, Saitang and other places in the south of Liyang. Failed and forced to retreat to Liyang, where there was no danger. On the 17th, Chen Huawen took Meng Yishan's letter and forced Wang Yue to bow his head and agreed to hand over Changxing County to the Huaidong Army unconditionally, but the most precious four days had been wasted.

On the 18th, more than 300 sentry cavalry of the Huaidong Army headed north first to spy on the deployment of enemy troops at the northern foot of Fuyu Mountain. It was Zhang Jiheng who led a brigade of infantry armor and two battalions of light cavalry as the forerunners, crossed the river north, and first went to Changxing to take over the defense. Clear the obstacles for the main force of Huaidong troops to go north.

Since there was no preparation for 50,000 or 60,000 troops and horses to cross the border from Hangzhou to Beiyan County, the troops and horses did not move, and the food and grass were first. Although it was rainy on the 19th, it was fortunate that the rain was not heavy after the winter. The army and brigades still used a large number of mules, horses and camels to transport some materials, and followed the forerunners to the north, but the main force was unable to move out in such weather.

Chen Huawen stayed in Hangzhou and could not walk away. He even had to guard against the Zhejiang and Fujian troops attacking Anji and Linshui from Dusong Pass and Qianqiu Pass. If the troops and horses were delayed for a day, Meng Yishan, who was guarding Liyang, was one more threat. Although Meng Yishan was greedy for merit, Chen Huawen was not happy, but Meng Yishan was going to destroy the Zhejiang-Fujian Army in Liyang, and the damage would be the overall strength of the Hanghu Army and the Chen Xiyan faction, which was definitely not what Chen Huawen wanted to see. .

Driving Chen Mingzhe from Jiaxing to Hangzhou, Chen Huawen could only let Chen Mingzhe go to Xiaoshan to meet Lin Fu.

Chen Mingzhe took a boat to cross the river at Nanpingshan Ferry. He didn't feel the wind on land. After getting on the boat, he felt the waves swaying. Even the pontoon in the distance was blown to the left and right by the river waves. It is often necessary to use two or three people to pull the mules, horses and animals across the bridge, so as not to disturb the mules and horses and interrupt the whole process of crossing the river.

South Bank Ferry, there are military camps everywhere. One by one, all the way to the outside of Xiaoshan North City, it is impossible to see how many troops Huaidong has assembled in Xiaoshan.

Huaidong sent officials, and Chen Mingzhe entered Xiaoshan City with him. He was catching up with Lin Fu's busy entering the city through the south gate, and he met Chen Mingzhe before the journey. Lin Fu sat on the back of a horse with a whip, looked at Chen Mingzhe, and said with a smile, "Why does Mingzhe have time to come to Xiaoshan?"

"General Yishan was trapped by the unfavorable battle with the enemy in Liyang. I hope that Huaidong troops will come to relieve the siege," Chen Mingzhe bowed and saluted. Now that Lin Fu's position is far beyond his ability, he said, "Hanghu army is only those soldiers. After all the trouble, please ask Pengcheng to help!" He took out Chen Xiyan's private letter to Lin Fu from his arms, "This is a letter from Chen Xiang to Pengcheng..."

Lin Fu turned over and dismounted, handed the whip and horse to the squire, took the letter, and opened it in front of the Yuanmen to read it. Between the lines, one could feel Chen Xiyan's sincerity and sincerity of exhausting all his efforts for the court.

Lin Fu took the letter and felt very emotional.

Chen Xiyan can't say that there is no flaw in his virtue. In order to compete for the position, he even condoned the Qu Jiatong bandits and put Gu Wuchen and him to death to smear the Chu Party. Very, but after Chen Xiyan became the first assistant, he had very little selfishness, and he was always trying his best to stabilize half of the Yuan Dynasty.

Perhaps in Chen Xiyan's heart, for the sake of the overall situation, he can do whatever he can. This is quite similar to Tang Haoxin, and it is hard for Lin Fu to hold a grudge against Chen Xiyan.

"There is a soldier and horse that will cross Jiangbei tonight. Looking at the weather, I'm afraid they won't be able to make the trip..." Lin Fu looked up at the sky and said nothing.

Chen Mingzhe didn't know what to say. The pontoon was already steep and narrow. He had seen it with his own eyes. It was shaken by the wind and waves. With enough boats, it is much slower than walking on a pontoon bridge to cross the river with 40,000 or 50,000 soldiers and horses.

Lin Fu invited Chen Mingzhe to walk side by side with him into the Xingyuan, and introduced Huaidong's plan to send troops while walking, and said, "As long as it is not rainy tomorrow, I will send another 9,000 troops; next, I will personally lead 20,000 troops. Yu Bujia thought that the central army and the rear army still needed 20,000 infantry and brigades to be dispatched. However, when the main force of Huaidong troops and horses moved westward along the southern foot of the Xiling of Taihu Lake, it should be after the 28th day. Will Meng Yishan be able to hold on to Liyang? At that time?"

Crossing the river from Xiaoshan to Liyang takes about 400 miles of twists and turns. In the case of the Zhejiang and Fujian army about 20,000 soldiers intercepting at the northern foot of Fuyu Mountain, Lin Fu’s plan was completed in less than seven days, and the speed is not unpleasant. The key It is whether Meng Yishan can support the main force of Huaidong troops in Liyang to arrive.

Chen Mingzhe also had concerns in his heart, but he would not show his timidity in front of Lin Fu. He was also afraid that Lin Fu would have more excuses to delay sending troops. Meng Yishan's situation in Liyang was even more dangerous. Those who take care of the overall situation, the court is dangerous and evil, and Duke Pengcheng must be the mainstay that the court can rely on..."

"I have always respected Chen Xiangming, even if Chen Xiangming knew that Huaidong was worried about the Jiangning Incident and tried to gather 10,000 troops in Hailing half a year ago, Chen Xiang finally hoped that the Hanghu Army would advance to Jiangning, and I have no complaints. Even if Chen Xiang is worried, worried that I will become Cao Cao, I have no complaints against Chen Xiang! Chen Xiangyu wants to use Dong Yuan and Yue Lengqiu to balance Huaidong, but I still have no complaints against Chen Xiang!" Lin Fu directly He led Chen Mingzhe into the official hall, and saw that Chen Mingzhe heard the word "Cao Cao" spit out from his mouth, his body trembled obviously, he stood at the door, and said without changing his face, "Even if there are all kinds of injustices and speculations, I have no doubts about the imperial court. Sincerity is not changed, loyalty remains the same; presumably Chen Xiang is also the same, this is also what I respect Chen Xiang, this is also called 'pampering and humiliation is not frightened'. However, no matter how much humiliation is not frightened, it can't stop the monarch and his ministers from doubting each other. Before the fall, Chen Xiang was there. Even though his head was smashed in front of the hall, he couldn't stop the emperor's determination to kill the good situation. Meng Yishan led the Hanghu army to the north, intending to enter Jiangning City to assist in the defense. Even if he was a little selfish, he was loyal and sincere to the court. , I want to come to Chen Xiang is also the meaning, but what is the result? 10,000 Jiangnan soldiers forced the emperor to the She family's knife! The She family is desperately begging for the opportunity to defeat each other, Huaidong soldiers Before the horse moved, the Hanghu Army took the initiative to send it under the blade, how could the She family be merciful?"

Chen Mingzhe stood there blankly. He thought that Lin Fu would cover up even if he had ambitions. Where did he expect that he would accuse Emperor Yongxing of his faults without any cover up?

"The emperor's loss lies in his fear of wolves and tigers in the back, and his indecision and indecision. He has killed all the easy wins and turning points one by one. It's really painful!" Lin Fu didn't care about Chen Mingzhe's face. , said to himself, "Brother Mingzhe, do you think what I said is right?"

"..." Chen Mingche forced a smile and said, "Pengcheng's concerns are beyond Mingche's control..."

"You don't have to watch Huaidong's troops in Xiaoshan," Lin Fu said, "I will cross the river the day after tomorrow at the latest. I won't say anything casual to brother MingZhe. You believe me once~www. readwn.com~Hangzhou side, and MingZhe brother to coordinate..."

Lin Fu has already said so deadly, and he has no intention of keeping guests. Chen Mingzhe can't stay in Xiaoshan. After meeting with Fu Qinghe, Song Fu, Gao Zongting, Liang Wenzhan and others, he hurriedly crossed the river and returned. to Hangzhou.

When crossing the river, sleet and snow fell from the sky, and Chen Mingzhe felt more depressed and worried. In this weather, even if Huaidong troops and horses started to pull out, the speed would be much slower than usual. I just hope that Liyang is also rainy and snowy, which can stop the extravagance. Home offensive against the Hanghu Army.

Meng Yishan led his troops northward, Su Pinxiao also led a navy army northward to Taihu Lake, Chen Huawen assumed the responsibility of staying behind, nearly 10,000 soldiers and horses were mainly stationed in Fuyang, Linshui, Anji line, and he himself was in Hangzhou, coordinating Huaidong The matter of soldiers and horses crossing the border.

Seeing Chen Mingche returning home in the rain and snow at night, Chen Huawen asked eagerly, "When will the Huaidong troops and horses be dispatched?"

"As long as it's not snowing tomorrow, there will be nearly 10,000 elites heading north..." Chen Mingzhe only hurriedly ate a few bites of food in Xiaoshan, and his body was soaked by the rain and snow. He entered the city and went to Chen Huawen's house in Hangzhou. He was cold and hungry, and he was also the prefect of Jiaxing, a dignified fifth-rank prefect, and he was a little too down. Some of his words were also told, and he asked, "Second uncle, what kind of mind do you think Lin Fu has?"

Chen Huawen pondered for a moment, took a breath and said, "I'm afraid Lin Fu's words are for our Chen family!"

Chen Mingzhe never thought about it all the time. After being reminded by his second uncle Chen Huawen, he thought, "That's right, what Lin Fu really wanted to do was to warn the Chen family not to be indecisive. Buried away!

Chen Mingzhe sat there with a pale face and said nothing! My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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