Lord of the House

Vol 10 Chapter 115: Heart-to-heart strategy

The rebel outposts had already approached the outskirts of Jiangning. From dawn, the Imperial Guard troops and the Jiangning navy in Yumajian had been out of the city in confusion, for fear that the rebels would be blocked in Jiangning City and could not get out.

The city has completely fallen into chaos, and people are setting fires and breaking doors everywhere. I don’t know how many traitors are making waves in the city. Abandon the armor and flee, or directly participate*.

Standing at the head of the city, you can see a team of soldiers and horses participating*, although Chen Xiyan was ordered to stay behind, but he has no ability to stop the spread of chaos in the city - the rebels are coming, these generals who are taking advantage of the fire will probably rush to join the enemy, right?

At this time, there were only five or six generals who were still willing to obey Chen Xiyan at the head of the city, and there were only three or four thousand imperial troops who could directly control them, and the minds of these three or four thousand imperial troops were still extremely unstable.

The emperor and the city officials have all run away, and the city is in chaos. If there is still the last bit of conscience or only the last line of fear, who would want to stay in the city and wait for the rebels to kill?

The trend is gone, the trend is lost! Chen Xiyan, Wang Yue and others were full of despair.

"Where is Gao Zongting?" At this time, Chen Xiyan could only go to the doctor in a panic, and could only hope that Huaidong's deployment in Jiangning would be the last straw.

"Or at Donghuamen." Zeng Mingxin said.

Chen Xiyan and others, surrounded by more than a hundred generals, headed for Donghuamen. When passing through Chaoyang Gate in the southeast, I encountered Zhang Yubo and Zhao Shuhan stumbled over.

Zhang Yubo held a knife in his hand and was wearing a leather armor. His body was covered in blood. The dozens of soldiers behind him were all stained with blood. There were three or five people who were still injured and supported each other. Killed in chaos.

Although Zhang Yubo was a civil servant, he joined the army as a secretary in his early years, and he was a common man in arresting robbers and robbers. He was supposed to be a famous marshal of both civil and military, but his temper was too straight, and he was not valued by Gu Wuchen before, and he was unwilling to merge into Huaidong.

Zhao Shuhan was much more embarrassed, his forehead smashed, and his robes—obviously rolled in the mud several times.

"Chen Xiang, Jiangning City is in chaos!" Zhang Yubo roared in pain.

"Why didn't you two go west with the emperor?" Chen Xiyan asked.

"I can't bear to go, I don't have the face to go." Zhang Yubo and Zhao Shuhan replied, and bowed to Zeng Mingxin again, "Did Grandpa Zeng also leave?"

"I can't bear to go, I have no face to go." Zeng Mingxin replied with the original words.

Chen Xiyan wanted to cry when he heard it. If there are three or four out of ten officials and generals in the city, who can be sincere like Zeng Mingxin, Zhang Yubo, and Zhao Shuhan, what is the situation? It was Cheng Yuqian, Zuo Chengmu, and Zhang Yan who also made cartilaginous eggs in the end and went west.

Although Zhang Yubo and Zhao Shuhan were friends with Lin Fu, they were indeed loyal to the imperial court.

After the war in Xuzhou, Zhang Yubo finally chose to return to Jiangning. Zhao Shuhan did not leave Jiangning to go to Huaidong even though he was depressed over the years. Chen Xiyan knew all this well, but Zhang Yubo, Zhao Shuhan and Lin Bie had no personal friendship. There, they can't be used anyway.

Chen Xiyan did not expect that the two of them did not leave Jiangning to avoid disasters, nor did they follow the emperor on a westward patrol. Judging from their appearance, they should not know what Huaidong had behind them.

Chen Xiyan didn't say much. After meeting Zhang Yubo and Zhao Shuhan, he continued to go to Donghuamen. On the way, he encountered two waves of insurgents attacking, and they were both killed. Chen Xiyan did not expect that some loyal generals of the imperial army would draw their swords and see him in the end. The blood actually started on his own family.

Chen Xiyan still met Gao Zongting and Zhao Hu at the Donghuamen gate tower, and Chen Enze who came with Gao Zongting and Zhao Hu.

When Chen Enze was by Lin Fu's side, he still looked like a teenager. Now he is wearing armor. Although he is thin, his eyes are bright, energetic, capable and alert. It seems that Jiangning City is not troubled by the current chaos and collapse , this mental outlook is far beyond the reach of the generals of the Imperial Army.

When Zhao Hu was in Jiangning, he emerged, and he was highly valued and trusted by Lin Fu. At this time, he had the style of a general, climbed the tower, and calmly watched the chaos in the city.

Huaidong can become a force, and Lin Fu has a heroic talent, but he also has a great relationship with Huaidong's ability to win people. The officers and soldiers have been festering for thousands of miles. Dong Yuan and Yue Lengqiu are also famous marshals, but their achievements are also victorious and defeated, and they cannot be compared with the Huaidong Army.

Gao Zongting looked a little haggard. During this period of time, he had been working hard, and he had never been able to take a good rest. When he first came to Jiangning, he was faced with such a complicated situation, and naturally he was extremely exhausted.

Zhang Yubo and Zhao Shuhan were naturally overjoyed to see Gao Zongting, Zhao Hu, and Chen Enze present.

Lin Xulu sent people to contact them several times a few days ago. When they wanted to take them and their families out of the city, they rejected Huaidong's kindness. They knew that Huaidong had made arrangements on the prison island, but they didn't know the details.

Seeing Gao Zongting, Zhao Hu, and Chen Enze, three people who should not have been in Jiangning, it is only when Huaidong has a plan to deal with this situation. But it is sincere to save the lives of more than a million people in the city.

Zhang Yubo asked directly, "Mr. Gao, how many soldiers came from Huaidong?"

"Jiangning's chaos is too fast, which is beyond our expectations," Gao Zongting said. "At present, there are only 3,000 people available at the river mouth!"

"Only three thousand people!" Zhang Yubo closed his eyes in pain, there were too few people.

Jiangning City is built on mountains and rivers. It is not a regular square, but in general each city wall is more than ten miles wide. The first step of the city is calculated by one soldier and one auxiliary soldier. To defend Jiangning City, at least two Ten thousand soldiers, twenty thousand auxiliary soldiers or people's brave.

Jiangning City is dangerous, but too big.

Lin Fu was able to defend Yangxin City with 3,000 soldiers. Although Yangxin City was not dangerous, the key was small. It only took more than 1,000 steps to go around the city. In total, two to three battles could be arranged at the head of the city for each step. pawn. And Lin Fu could use troops again. At that time, the morale of the Jiangdong Zuo Army was high. Unless Hu Bing could wipe out the 3,000 soldiers of the Jiangdong Zuo Army at the head of the city, it would be impossible to take Yangxin City.

Jiangning City was so big, and the rebels' right wing and middle road two armies of 60,000 troops were about to rush in. It was impossible for the 3,000 people in Huaidong to defend Jiangning City.

Huaidong's soldiers and horses can be said to be the most elite in the world, Gao Zongting knows military affairs, and Zhao Hu is also a brave general of Huaidong, but after all, he is a human being, not a god. The soldiers and horses of the She family attacked Jiangning directly, and they are not the scumbag soldiers and puss soldiers of the Royal Battalion Army. It is impossible for Jiangning City to defend, otherwise the Hanghu Army defending Liyang would not be able to support it and destroy it in less than ten days. .

Meng Yishan was able to put on his armor and go into battle in person, but in the end, his life and death were unknown. It can be seen that even if the Hanghu Army was not as elite as the Huaidong Army, his determination to defend Liyang City was still very firm.

Chen Xiyan also felt powerless. All he could control were the three or four thousand unsettled imperial troops and horses. To defend the city, first of all, he had to divide his troops to suppress the chaos in the city. Jiangning City is too big, the residents in the city plus the influx of refugees, far more than one million, and now it is completely chaotic. The main force of the rebel army can arrive in half a day at the latest, throw six or seven thousand people in, and suppress the chaos in the city in half a day?

And I don't even know how many secret agents and secret agents of the rebels have been mixed into it, but there are definitely, and there are definitely not a few, some who have lurked before, and some who have sneaked in with the refugees recently.

The order in the city was not disordered, and the hundreds or thousands of rebels who had sneaked in could not make a big storm. The rebels, with only 6,000 or 7,000 people, how could they be suppressed before the main force of the rebels arrived?

"Jiangning is difficult to defend, and the imperial city is difficult to attack!" Gao clan stared at Chen Xiyan with bright eyes, "No matter how chaotic Jiangning City is, not many people will die, but we must not allow this beast of luxury to ravage Jiangning!"

When Emperor Gaozu founded his country, Jiangning was the capital, and the old city of Jiangning was the imperial city. On the periphery of the imperial city, a new fortified city wall was built on the basis of the old city, which is the scale of Jiangning city today.

The layout of Jiangning City and Yanjing City is the same, it is a triple city. Although there is no Kuocheng, in terms of layout, it must be listed in the top three of the world's most powerful cities. The imperial city mainly encircles Miyagi and the six official departments of Jiangning.

Although Jiangning City is large, with more than forty miles per week, the imperial city is much smaller, only about three miles per week, and the palace city in the imperial city is even smaller, more than a hundred paces on Thursday, and it is not even comparable to the palace of the king of Chu in Xuzhou city. . This is mainly due to the financial difficulties when Emperor Gaozu first established his country.

When Emperor Yongxing came to Jiangning for King Ning, he directly used the old palace city as the palace of King Ning. Thinking of spending a lot of money to build a new imperial city outside Jiangning.

Although Jiangning City was chaotic, the imperial city was still under Chen Xiyan's control. After the imperial guards from the Imperial Majian had withdrawn, Chen Xiyan's trusted general led hundreds of people to guard the openings of the imperial city.

It is difficult for the three thousand soldiers to defend Jiangning City, but it is not difficult to defend the Imperial City, at least for seven or eight days.

Although the wall of the imperial city is not wider and thicker than the outer city, it is also two feet high and six feet thick, and the whole body is made of bricks and stones.

"The imperial city is located in the heart of Jiangning, with 3,000 soldiers, enough to defend it. Even if the rebels win the outer city, in just two days, the Huaidong Water Camp will be able to take the Dongyang government troops across Chaotiandang to the prison island. Threatening the rebels outside Huamen will make the rebels trapped internally and externally," Gao Zongting said decisively, "and then wait for the Duke of Pengcheng to lead the main force of Huaidong troops to come to the rescue! If the enemy does not retreat, we will fight to the death in Jiangning City!"

"The heart-to-heart strategy is feasible," Wang asked Chen Xiyan to hesitate, knowing that he was worried about letting Huaidong's troops enter the imperial city, and it was impossible for him to clear things up afterwards, but it was a matter of the people of the city, so he had no choice but not to persuade him. If the army is in trouble both internally and externally, it is inevitable that there will be no time to slaughter the city. As long as the imperial city is not lost, the rebels in the city will also be frightened and will be restrained. In addition, the sooner the rebels are expelled, the less damage Jiangning will suffer. The army has held Jiangning for three to five months, and even if it is recaptured, it will be completely reduced to a ruined city!"

Huaidong's troops and horses can't be talked about too much. If the Zhejiang and Fujian army's 60,000 troops and horses completely occupy Jiangning City, and defend the city according to the strong city, Huaidong will not be able to use a good way other than to cooperate with the Jiangzhou army for a long time to besiege. .

If it is said that Prison Island is an important point that is approaching Jiangning City, it cannot be missed, and the Imperial City is an important point where death comes first. If the imperial city could not be taken down, even if the 60,000 troops of the Zhejiang and Fujian troops controlled the outer city, they would not be too determined to defend it.

As long as Huaidong's elite Jiang Ning is in the heart, the she family will not dare to relax military discipline and slaughter soldiers.

"People all over the city!" Zhang Yubo roared at Chen Xiyan with his voice down.

The siege battle is the most cruel to the people in the city. Yue Lengqiu guards Xuzhou. Almost one third of the people in Xuzhou died of starvation and illness. How long can the people in Jiangning City support the grain storage in two months or three? moon? Even if the extravagant family does not slaughter the city, they still have the ability to keep Jiangning City for three to five months and drag the main forces of Huaidong and Jiangzhou to the periphery.

What are the plans of the luxury family, I basically understand at this time:

First, Jiangning will be completely disabled, Jiangzhou Army and Huaixi Army will be cut off from money and food, and Jinghu Army will also be trapped by money and food for a long time.

The second is to drag the main force of the Huaidong Army and Jiangzhou Army to Jiangning.

The third is that after She Feixiong occupied the whole territory of Jiangxi, the main force of troops and horses came east to Jiangning to participate.

The fourth is to shake the political foundation of Da Viet~www.readwn.com~ Even if Luo Xiancheng can be invited to advance eastward, it can also change the deployment of troops.

The fifth time is three to five months, which is enough for Donghu to make a complete strategic adjustment in Hehuai, attack from Xinyang or Nanyang, and tear apart the defense line in the upper reaches of the Huaihe River—shejia casts Donghu, and at least can be crowned king.

The reason why Donghu didn't move was not because Donghu didn't want to make noise, but it was only a little more than a month from the fall of Yuling Pass to the arrival of the Zhejiang-Fujian army under Jiangning City. In such a short period of time, Donghu was not allowed to react at all. It would take ten days and a half months to know that Jiang Ning's letter was to be sent to Yanjing City through the dark whistle.

For a month, Donghu couldn't react, but if the She family captured Jiangning City and defended it for three or five months, would Donghu still not react?

Those generals who did not leave in the end of the Royal Battalion also looked at Chen Xiyan eagerly.

The emperor hurried out of the city to escape for his life, and the generals of the imperial camp who still wanted to stay loyal to him were undoubtedly delusional. Therefore, as soon as the news spread, the imperial army was in chaos, and most of the soldiers fled the night before, and then the chaos caused even greater chaos.

There are not many generals left, some are influenced by Chen Xiyan, some have their family members gathered in the imperial city to protect, some are the generals who were promoted from the bottom by Li Zhuo and Gu Wuchen who have not changed their sincerity - there are various reasons for these generals to insist They haven't dispersed until now, but it doesn't mean that they really have the will to die. When the main force of the rebels comes over, in a desperate situation, most of them will still choose to either disperse or go to the enemy.

When Li Zhuo was appointed as Jiangning garrison general, Gao Zongting still had influence in the former Jiangning garrison general. with hope. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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