Lord of the House

Vol 10 Chapter 125: fogging

The enemy was planning to cut off their tails. Thousands of soldiers and horses came out of Fengqiao Zhu in the moonlight to advance, forcing Huaidong to first pursue Chen Zhu's troops who had reached Fengqiao Zhudong and retreated in order to secure their position.

Because Chen Zuo led his troops too fast and got too close, they could hold their positions at Xuxiyuan, and they were less than ten miles away from Fengqiaozhu, so the enemy troops caught up along the north bank of Xuhe River.

On one side is the Xu River, which has not yet stopped flowing in the winter. The water is gurgling under the gauze-like sky. Withered grass and rocks on the river beach are disordered, making it difficult for people to walk and horses to cross.

Chen Daozi and Chen Zhedong went around and joined the 3,000-horse infantry troops from the front. They gathered their foot formations first. Zhao Bao led the troops to harass the coast. .

Although there was no reconnaissance cavalry to go out, Zheng Mingjing also knew that some soldiers and horses of the Huaidong Army had approached Fengzhu Bridge, but their foothold was not stable, and he did not expect them to be before dawn. Out of the town port eastward to fight back.

To be able to defeat the first chasing troops of the Huaidong Army is of great significance. Even the troops heading south can be preserved. Zheng Mingjing immediately ordered Han Li and others to lead his troops to the north.

The soldiers and horses who left the town and headed east all had the consciousness of fighting for death in order to save their relatives. They fought fiercely, and they fought fiercely.

The two are shooting at each other, and the arrows are like rain, as if the rice stubble harvested in the autumn is in the wild. The horse that was hit by the arrow was neighing, but the general who was shot by the arrow and fell from the horse could endure the pain, and under the cover of his colleagues, he quickly withdrew to the periphery.

The Zhejiang-Fujian Army had a huge advantage in strength, and the infantry rushing towards the left flank was scattered, but Zhao Bao only had five or six hundred cavalry in his hands, so he didn't dare to intersperse them - it was useless to intersperse, and the other side was Xu He, if you can't stab to the end and pierce through, then the casualties will be difficult to control. He swung his knife and rushed to the front of a Zhejiang-Fujian army sword and shield soldier who didn't have long eyes to split the shield, restrained the horse, and led people back. Go, go to the northwest, and walk towards this flank of the Zhejiang-Fujian army.

Since the Zhejiang and Fujian troops rushed forward fiercely, they avoided the sharp awns and attacked their weak and weak sides. The characteristics of the armored light cavalry are flexible and maneuverable. The array of foot battalions will be scattered in the maneuver, and the weak points that are easy to penetrate will be found directly. It's just too stupid to go up against Buzz.

Zheng Mingjing straddled on horseback, and there were only less than 20 guards left and right with mounts.

At the beginning, in order to ensure the food for the middle and the right wing, the collected mules and horses were mainly incorporated into the middle, and the left wing also had few camels and horses. At night, when the troops were divided at Fengqiaozhu, there were only more than 2,000 mules and horses, and all of them were given to the troops and horses for the western withdrawal.

At this time, the sky is getting brighter, but it seems to be in the deep water. There is fog on the river, and it is wading along the two banks to the beach...

Zheng Mingjing raised his head and looked into the distance. At this time, fog appeared, neither good nor bad.

The cavalry is flexible and the fog can provide stronger concealment, and can attack the marching infantry array from a closer distance at any time, but there is a chasing force in Huaidong at the source of the Xu River. As long as they fight hard enough, Resolute enough, the Huaidong Army can make only a thousand cavalry not dare to chase and bite the troops and horses retreating to the west.

As long as the fight is firm enough, as long as they bite the vanguard of the Huaidong pursuers, under the cover of the fog, they can avoid the interference of the Huaidong cavalry from the flank...

If you die and then live and fight against the water, you will be able to play more smoothly! More dripping!

The troops and horses that the Zhejiang-Fujian Army split into the south as a bait, led by Zheng Mingjing personally, and under the cover of Xuhe and the left-wing Hashed Infantry, quickly interspersed eastward, approaching Chen Zuo's troops.

Under the mist, hundreds of nocturnal torches advancing eastward along the river bank are reflected in the Xu River, like the dense and dim stars in the sky...


"Fuck, motherfucker!" Zhou Pu strode on the horse's back and scolded.

Zhou Pu led four hundred cavalry around to the north of Fengqiaozhu, but no one paid any attention.

The left flank of the Zhejiang-Fujian Army successively left the east of the town and headed for the upper reaches of the Xu River. There were six or seven thousand soldiers and horses. The sky was brighter, and the soldiers and horses began to leave the town from the west and headed towards Gucheng along the Xu River.

At this time, Zhou Pu was naturally aware of the left flank of the Zhejiang-Fujian Army's survival by cutting its tail.

The Zhejiang-Fujian army's plan to cut off the tail was too ruthless. Almost half of the soldiers and horses were left as dead soldiers to save the other half of the soldiers and horses. Zhou Pu, who had always dared to fight tough battles, also had his scalp numb.

The so-called "ten sieges, five attacks, and double battles", Huaidong's pursuit of the left flank of the Zhejiang-Fujian Army can invest in troops, and only the main force of the Chongzhou Army and a part of the Changshan Army, plus the cavalry battalion, can barely gather 25,000 or 6,000 men and horses. Now, in the face of the Zhejiang-Fujian Army's left flank, it has an advantage in military strength, but the advantage is not even at the level of "fighting it".

Lin Fu made up his mind to make Zhou Tong lead his troops to pursue the attack. He wanted to use the mentality of the left wing of the Zhejiang-Fujian Army to be eager to retreat westward, and to use the main force of the battalion in the relatively open area between Maoshan and Jiuzi Mountain to catch up with the left wing of the Zhejiang-Fujian Army in the field battle. , First defeat, and then use the advantages of the cavalry to block the road of the Zhejiang and Fujian troops fleeing westward, in order to achieve the goal of eliminating the living forces of the Zhejiang and Fujian troops.

Obviously, it is an impossible task to annihilate the nearly 20,000 soldiers and horses from the left flank of the Zhejiang-Fujian Army on the plain at the western foot of Maoshan Mountain. Envelops the depths without a trace.

It can be said that at this time, Zheng Mingjing let go of the left-wing soldiers and horses, let the horses flee westward, and let Huaidong's soldiers and horses pursue them, and he was able to escape half of them. Of course, if they flee by rout, even if the left-wing soldiers and horses can finally gather half of the fleeing soldiers, their skeletons will inevitably be scattered, and they can only be broken up and incorporated into other armies, and it is difficult for them to exist as an independent fighting force.

Zheng Mingjing survived by cutting his tail in order to preserve an elite fighting force for the luxury family.

The future war in Jiangxi is bound to be equally cruel. The She family has lost troops in the past two years, and has fewer and fewer soldiers in the Eight Fujian wars. This time from Huizhou to the north, Su Zhanting, Tian Chang and other generals from Zhejiang County have all acted as the main force.

"Follow west, or go back?" Ma Pohou asked as he leaned over his horse.

"Fuck you!" Zhou Pu scolded bitterly and turned his horse's head back. There were quite a number of Zhejiang and Fujian troops advancing eastward along the Xu River. I can't stop it... If I can't eat mutton, I'll make a mess in the end, but it's not worth the loss.

"Then how do we fight next?" Ma was bashful, and didn't care whether Zhou Pu's tone was good or not. Although Lin Fu has repeatedly demanded that the generals should treat their subordinates as nephews and nephews, and it is strictly forbidden to beat and scold badly, but there are really few generals in the Huaidong Army who have a good temper. After he got used to the scolding, Ma Pohou just pretended he didn't hear it, and continued, "Looking over the river, it seems like it's going to be foggy, the speed of the bandit army's eastward advance is not slow, it's really going to be foggy and let them collide with the Dengcheng Tiger. Together, the situation is not good..."

The Zhejiang-Fujian army had the courage to die after the break, and it was a last-ditch battle. Compared with the combined forces of Chen Zhe's troops and the cavalry battalion, they still had an advantage in strength. A chaotic war in China is not good for the Huaidong Army.

"Let's catch up along the north bank of the Xu River, bite our **** and beat it," Zhou Pu said. "Before the fog forms, we must drag down the thief's offensive and not form a melee!"

Chen Zui led his troops to run too fast, which caused the Zhejiang and Fujian troops to break off and the troops and horses could take advantage of the opportunity, but Chen Zui's spirit of daring and fighting hard, Zhou Pu still appreciates - the war in east Fujian, Chen Zui The troops have repeatedly made military exploits. If Chen Zhu's subordinates were defeated and disabled, Zhou Pu would also be very accountable to Lin Fu, regardless of the left flank of the Zhejiang-Fujian Army still having a small number of troops left behind in Fengqiaozhu, and regardless of the retreat of the left flank of the Zhejiang-Fujian Army to the west. The horse, led two sentinel cavalry, directly inserted into the Fengqiao, pulled out the sword, commanded the cavalry, and attacked the troops of the Zhejiang and Fujian Army's left flank eastward marching troops and horses.

Zhao Bao also avoided the edge of the front wing and moved to the back.

Zheng Mingjing wanted to ensure the frontal attack power and to protect the flanks from the threat of Huaidong cavalry during the attack, so the number of troops reserved for the rear formation was very limited. Zhou Pu also did not care that the enemy soldiers were very dense with bows and crossbows. If he used bows and arrows to shoot at such a cost, it would have been a long time delay. He asked Zhao Bao to stand behind him. , he put on the long lance of the horse battle again, and with the reins in one hand, he rushed straight to the enemy's line. While opening the current spear, use the sharp blade of the lance at any time to draw a large blood groove on the cheek of an enemy soldier...

Among the Huaidong Army who were famous for their bravery, Mrs. Qiao Guo was not counted, but Zhou Pu should be counted first. Sun Zhuang was brooding about this, and asked Zhou Pu several times to fight against each other, but Zhou Pu always refused.

Zhou Pu has been in Lin Bie's body for the past few years, and he has a rare opportunity to kill the enemy. It is difficult for his subordinates to feast their eyes on him. The current situation forces Zhou Pu to take the lead in dragging down the enemy's offensive, even if the enemy's shields fly. When the soldiers died, everyone on the left and right screamed with excitement, ignoring the rain of guns and arrows, and rushed in.

The warhorse Gao Jun, although he is constantly hit by arrows, but after his blood swells, there are several arrows hanging on his shoulders and abdomen, and he can still support him. Everyone is in double armor. Time does not affect the battle. Once the large shields of the enemy line are opened and the spears sticking out diagonally from the enemy line are disturbed, there will be a gap for the cavalry to penetrate...

Zhao Bao led his team to stand up for a while, and when he saw the gap opened, he led the team to follow up.

Zhao Bao learned knives from Zhou Pu, Wu Qi and others, and was not used to using spears.

As a rising general of the younger generation, Zhao Bao is the strongest in martial arts among the three brothers of the Zhao clan, but his reputation in the army is not just a matter of skill. He must fight on the battlefield. As a cavalry general, Zhao Bao was incorporated into the Huaidong Cavalry Camp, and there were not many opportunities to participate in tough and hard battles. With his temperament, how could he be willing to let people point fingers at the back and say that he relied on his brother Zhao Hu to achieve the Cavalry Camp. Will the position be on?


When Zheng Mingjing led his troops to Xuheyuan, he was in contact with Chen Zuo's troops when he heard the panic.

Zheng Mingjing kept more than a thousand soldiers and horses behind the formation to prevent the flank from being attacked.

Although the generals and soldiers in the rear had the intention of fighting to the death, they could not bear the two brave generals of the Huaidong Army to take the lead and fight fiercely. The time they could support a stick of incense did not collapse. support……

Zheng Mingjing watched the fog getting heavier, and regardless of whether the flanks were in neutral or not, he called his subordinate Han Li back: "You lead 600 people to fight back, as long as the sky is bright, you will wade south, don't worry about this side. If we break up, we'll meet at Dongsheba at noon!"

The creek is deep, not topless, shallow, not even waistless, but this weather makes people wading across the river, and if they can escape to the south bank, they will lose half their lives... Han Li accepted it without hesitation.

Once the attack came out, there was no turning back. Zheng Mingjing had to continue to attack eastward. Further east, there was a shoal of rocky rocks. At this time, the fog rose again, and the main force from the south could cross the Xu River from that shoal. Of the six hundred people, there is no plan for how many people will survive, and non-confidantes cannot take on this role.

Zheng Mingjing abandoned his horse and walked on foot, holding the double halberds used in foot warfare, wearing heavy armor, surrounded by left and right armored soldiers, and attacked the Huaidong Army with arrows...


The enemy troops marched very fast~www.readwn.com~ Chen Daozi and his troops rushed back with Chen Zhe, and just as they had just retracted their positions, the Zhejiang-Fujian army arrived at the rear. The Zhejiang and Fujian troops rushed to fight without any hesitation.

In order to prevent the decisive defeat of Zhou Pu's troops at the periphery of the Zhejiang-Fujian Army in Fangjiawa from repeating itself on Chen Zuo's head, and in order to buy more time for Chen Zui, Chen Daozi led a light cavalry to counterattack the Zhejiang-Fujian Army's troops from the front. stride.

Chen Daozi was also Sun Zhuang's subordinate in his early years, and he and Dengcheng tiger Chen Zui were colleagues in the Huaisi Army and had a life-threatening friendship. In exchange for others, most of them will guard the responsibility of covering the flanks, and the matter of guarding the position will only be handled by Chen Zhe.

Although the armored cavalry has the advantages of flexibility and maneuverability, in the battle against the foot formation, it cannot penetrate the enemy formation.

The light cavalry sword was three inches longer than ordinary knives, but no matter how long it was, it could not be longer than a spear. When Lin Fu first equipped the light cavalry with war knives, he made it clear that the combat mission and direction of the cavalry battalion would always be on the flanks.

Chen Zhui saw Chen Daozi lead the light ride to the top, but he couldn't keep up with the fierceness of the enemy, and people kept falling from the horse, and knew that just guarding could not hold his position. He led his troops forward lightly, except for mules and horses, the lieutenant generals and soldiers were too cumbersome to even large shields, and there were no sharp weapons such as flying contradictory vehicles to defend their positions.

The war was fought with momentum, and Chen Zhu was called Dengcheng Tiger, and he knew this truth all too well... At this time, Zhou Pu and Zhao Bao led the troops to fight the lower back of the enemy, and Chen Zhu called his general Li Baidao: " Let the bandit army rush into chaos, you and I can only watch others walk with their noses up in the future, are you willing?"

"how to spell?"

"Chen Daozi is in front, you lead someone to cut in from the left wing, follow up, someone is blocking the front, and Mo Daozi slashes his mother's mother. Ask me how to fight, ask me!" Chen Zhe said with scolding and gestures. . My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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