Lord of the House

Vol 10 Chapter 134: also towards

Compared with the containment of foreign forces such as Yue Lengqiu and Dong Yuan, Huaidong is currently facing an urgent problem to be solved, that is, what kind of power structure should Huaidong use to control Jiangning.

Emperor Yongxing ascended the throne in Jiangning. In order to deal with the situation at that time, the Imperial Camp Division was set up to take charge of the military and political affairs. , unprecedented concentration of military power.

The Yuying Army, Hanghu Army, and Huinan Army were successively destroyed and disabled. Except for Jiangzhou Army, Huaixi Army, Jinghu Army, Xiangtan Army and other foreign vassals, Huaidong Army was almost all the troops and horses that South Vietnam could control.

Huang Jinnian said: "The authority held by the lord today is the same as that of the imperial envoy. Of course, the imperial envoy should be concurrently held by the first assistant; according to what Jinnian sees, the lord should be the first assistant and the imperial envoy to govern the country..."

Lin Fu shook his head and said, "The queen mother invited Shen Rong to come to Jiangning in Weiyang, and she also intends to invite Liu Tingzhou and Yuan Guizheng back. After that, there will be quarrels in the political affairs hall, but I don't have the energy to go to the political affairs hall all day. fights..."

Qin Chengzu, Lin Mengde, Sun Jingxuan and others were not familiar with the official system, so they couldn't talk about this topic, but they also felt that Huang Jinnian's idea was unreliable.

One is that Lin Fu does not have so much energy involved in cumbersome administrative affairs. Second, once Lin Fu served as the first assistant, people would not be able to leave Jiangning and go to the front line to preside over the battle in person. Currently in the military, Lin Fu's position cannot be replaced by others.

In addition, Lin Xuwen is the deputy prime minister and cohabits with Lin Fu, which is very ugly in the eyes of outsiders. Furthermore, in the internal power structure of Huaidong, there cannot be a "second person" setting. Even if the issue of heirs will be involved in the future, it should be selected from Lin Fu's children, and it should never be Lin Xuwen.

Once Lin Fu becomes the first assistant, Lin Xuwen will inevitably resign as deputy minister; and once Lin Xuwen resigns as deputy minister, there is no other suitable official position above the court to place him.

Song Fu said: "The Master has a saying: The wealth of the world belongs to the minister, the prison of the world belongs to the court officials, the soldiers of the world belong to the privy secrets—a privy secret envoy is set up outside the political affairs hall, and the lord entrusts it. In order to control the military power in the world. Not only has the power in hand, but there is no trouble with trivial matters. In addition, the authority of the government affairs hall should be attributed to the various ministries and yamen, even if the queen mother summons Yuan Guizheng, Liu Tingzhou, and Shen Rong to enter Jiangning, it will not constitute a serious problem..."

"Song Gong's words are very good." Gao Zongting was familiar with the official system, and thought that Song Fu would have such an opinion, I am afraid that he has long thought about it.

Lin Fu frowned, he was not familiar with the official system, and he had to think about the strategy offered by Song Fu.

Huaidong wanted to control the government, except for him, Lin Xuwen, Huang Jinnian and other Liao Liao, including Qin Chengzu, Lin Mengde, Sun Jingxuan and others, who did not have enough qualifications to take up prominent positions with others for the time being.

Weakening the political affairs hall and returning the power to the six ministries, with Lin Mengde, Sun Jingxuan and others serving as ministers and other real powers in the six ministries, can avoid the intensification of conflicts and provide a buffer time for Huaidong to digest the land in the south of the Yangtze River. Presiding over the battalion division, dismantling the original military and political system, and concentrating the general and political power in the privy envoy, one is to catch the big and let go of the small, and the other is to help implant the Huaidong Military Division into the privy envoy system.

Lin Fu thought about it for a moment, then said a little bit: "The privy envoy is an official rank, and the government office can be called the privy council, and the details are labored by Duke Song, Zong Ting and others; here, we will work out the details for the time being. It is necessary to bargain—Dong Yuan, Hu Wenmu, Yue Lengqiu, I think they should not be too stingy if they hold the title of deputy privy envoy!"

It doesn't matter what title is given to Dong Yuan, Yue Lengqiu and others, the key lies in the military and territory - after Huaidong controls Jiangning, Yue Lengqiu, Dong Yuan, Hu Wenmu and others will still obey Jiangning in name. Dispatch, but the trend of feudalization is also difficult to change.


Jiangning City generally returned to calm on the sixth day of the sixth year. Although the battles experienced were not long, even less than ten days, it also brought Jiangning scars that were hard to heal.

Nearly 20% of the houses in the whole city were set on fire, and tens of thousands of civilians died in the war. The counties in the west were more thoroughly destroyed by the war, and it would take a long period of time to eliminate the sequelae of the war.

Although the curfew will continue for some time, and there are still many soldiers fleeing from chaos inside and outside Jiangning City to avoid arrest, most of the people are glad that the war can be over so quickly.

The Empress Dowager Liang and King Hailing and their entourage sailed westward against the current and finally arrived at the mouth of the Jinchuan River before noon on the sixth day of the first lunar month. Huang Jinnian rushed back to Jiangning in time to welcome him.

In the early morning of the sixth day of the sixth day, Huang Jinnian, Zhang Yubo, Zhao Shuhan, the few left-behind officials in Jiangning, as well as Xungui Mu Guogong Zeng Qu and Yongchang Hou Yuan Jinqiu, who were left in Jiangning, went out of Jiangning City's Donghua Gate to the mouth of Jinchuan River to greet the Queen Mother. towards……

After arriving in Gutang County, the Empress Dowager Liang also learned from Liang Wenbo, the magistrate of Gutang County, who was greeted on the boat by the news that Chen Xiyan and Zeng Mingxin died suddenly on the day of Jiangning's recovery. For Shen Rong, who was still facing the Queen Mother, it was undoubtedly a heavy blow.

Afterwards, the responsibility for the defeat of Huizhou and fleeing from the capital must be settled. Yu Xinyuan is difficult to protect, and Emperor Yongxing must commit his own decree. Zuo Chengmu, Cheng Yuqian, Wang Tian, ​​Wang Xueshan and other officials who fled to the west have to hold their tails. , it is possible to escape the purge - only Chen Xiyan is not bad, and people are still looking forward to it. Naturally, he can continue to gather the Wu Party and the remnants of Jiangnan local forces by his side.

With Chen Xiyan inside and Yue Lengqiu and Dong Yuan outside, it is possible to restrict Huaidong from covering the sky with only one hand on the court-now Chen Xiyan has passed away, and Yue Lengqiu and Dong Yuan will definitely not come to Jiangning to see Huai. Dong's face was living, not to mention Lin Fu, officials above the court who were qualified to compete with Lin Xuwen and Huang Jinnian were also rare.

Empress Dowager Liang Hou was supported by Hailing Princess Tian Shi and Yuan Yan, and timidly climbed down the river bank pier, and a handful of officials headed by Huang Jinnian knelt on the pier to greet him.

There were not many people who came to greet Qingliu, the scholar.

The gentry in Jiangning city who did not flee westward with the emperor in time, were devastated by the war far more than the commoners. Those soldiers of the Imperial Army who surrendered and rebelled knew where there were beautiful girls and little wives in Jiangning City, and where there were more gold and silver treasures to loot. The gentry who did not have time to escape from the city for refuge would naturally be unable to escape the catastrophe. How could there be so much loyalty to the imperial family who abandoned the capital and fled westward? Even if the people who were able to escape into the imperial city in time and escaped the catastrophe, they would be more grateful to Huaidong in their hearts.

Looking at the desolate scene in front of her, Empress Dowager Liang couldn't help sighing: This situation is more difficult than expected!

Empress Dowager Liang wanted to welcome the officials and called Huang Jinnian and others to come to the front to ask questions: "Has Duke Pengcheng come to Jiangning?"

"Pengcheng County is busy with military affairs, maybe he can come to Jiangning in the afternoon to greet the Queen Mother..." Huang Jinnian said.

"Oh!" Empress Dowager Liang responded lightly, her voice was indifferent, and her heart was like a mirror: what did you say about the busy military affairs, Lin Bie postponed to Jiangning until the afternoon, but she was disdainful to kneel down to greet her old lady, otherwise Lin Fu How could it be possible that the **** would not enter the city until four days after Jiangning's recovery?

When the Zhejiang-Fujian Army was occupying the outer city of Jiangning, in order to limit the penetration of Huaidong warships into the hinterland, the Jinchuan River was blocked by sunken ships in many places, and they had not been completely cleaned up. City, and then enter the imperial city. Princess Yuanyan and King Hailing can both live in the palace.

The imperial city is well preserved, but the buildings around the imperial city have been demolished. She Feihu originally had the intention of attacking the imperial city, but it didn't come to fruition. broken.


Lin Fu entered the city from Fengyang Gate in Nancheng in the afternoon. Compared with the deserted Empress Dowager Liang entering the city, Lin Fu entered the city much more lively. Both sides of Yuqian Street were crowded with people who greeted each other.

Lin Fu rode on the horse, surrounded by the soldiers and horses of the old guard, and deployed many secret posts to prevent assassins in the crowd along the street.

Naturally, it was inconvenient for Lin Fu to stay in the imperial city directly. Chen Yuan, which was used as a mansion for Li Zhuo and Yue Lengqiu earlier, is located on Yuqian Street. She Feihu also briefly used Chen Yuan as a carriage to supervise the attack on the imperial city nearby. She Feihu abandoned Jiangning and retreated. Although he sent people to set fire to Chen Garden, but because Chen Garden was quite close to the imperial city, the fire was extinguished in time and the damage was not serious.

The First Brigade of the Tianjin Navy led by Zhao Hu was mainly stationed between the Imperial City and Chen Garden, and Lin Fu stayed in Chen Garden, which was also convenient for controlling the Imperial City nearby.

Before reaching Chen Yuan, Lin Fu got off his horse and led his horse to look up at the porch.

Seeing Lin Bie looking up at the eaves of the corridor~www.readwn.com~ and not going in, grabbing the reins in his hands, and not asking others to take the horse away, Sun Jingxuan said with a smile, "I have to quickly ask people to get up on the forehead! "

"It's better to wait a few days, make one piece today, and change it every few days, isn't it troublesome?" Lin Mengde laughed.

Entering Jiangning City today, how could these people be so unhappy? Lin Meng was beyond words, Lin Fu was now the Duke of the county, and in a few days he might be the Duke of the country or the king of the county.

Lin Fu just smiled lightly, ignoring the conversation between Lin Mengde and Sun Jingxuan about the door, and said to the people behind him, "You guys go ahead and wait, I'll go to Mu Guofu to worship the old man and come back!"

"When the lord goes to Mu Guofu to worship, he should also go to Chen Xiangye's house to worship; I'm not tired, so I can go with the lord." Song Fu said.

Lin Fu changed his mind and understood what Song Fu meant. Old Guogong Zeng and Chen Xiyan both died of exhaustion to defend Jiangning. When they entered the city, they worshipped the two, which can better show the failure of Emperor Yongxing. Lin Fu sighed in his heart, Just like Lao Guogong Zeng, there are only a handful of people who knew that Thaksin believed him to help him, but they all died one after another, making him want to repay but not.

In Liyang, I heard the news of Mr. Zeng's death, and the joy of recovering Jiangning also faded a lot. Lin Fu thought that when he arrived in Jiangning, he would go to worship Mr. Zeng first, but reminded Song Fu that he was in Chen Xiyan's house. Really want to go.

To say what is disappointing is that when you come to Jiangning, Zhang Yubo, Zhao Shuhan, and Yuan Jinqiu are all hiding away. Are they going to be strangers in the future? I don't know how Song Jia would feel when she heard the news that She Feihu died in the battle at the mouth of the Yiyang River - Lin Bie pinched her nose, only to find that entering Jiangning City was not as easy as she imagined, and there were so many things going on. Repeatedly pressing on my heart, I don't know when I can take a break. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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