Lord of the House

Vol 10 Chapter 144: assassin

Yu Xinyuan and Chu Wang Yuan Hancheng rushed back to Juchao from Shouzhou, bringing Huaixi's clear attitude, and the situation became clear, and officials who went west with the emperor could only struggle under the framework of persuading the emperor to return to the dynasty.

Otherwise, the emperor will be abolished and established, and Huaidong will join the Huaixi and Jiangzhou troops, and send a large army to establish Yongxing Emperor as the Supreme Emperor to return to the Jiangning Deep Palace to recuperate - officials who follow the emperor westward should stop thinking about what good fruit to eat, Huaidong If you wash your hands with the Queen Mother, you will no longer have any scruples.

Luzhou Mansion is the head of Huaixi. It was established as a military town in the early years, and the combat effectiveness of the town army was quite strong. However, after Deng Yu, the former guard, led his troops to the south to form the Huinan Army, the Luzhou Army in Xie Dan's hands still had 10,000 troops. However, compared with the old army, the officers, soldiers and soldiers are far behind. Furthermore, by this time, no one had any expectations for the combat effectiveness of the Imperial Army.

At this time, after the Royal Camp Army was incorporated into the Luzhou Army, although there were 30,000 soldiers and horses, but without the support of the Huaixi and Jiangzhou Army, how could there be any capital to fight against Huaidong, who "follows the Queen Mother to order the ministers"?

The news of Zhang Yubo's flogging of Gu Tianqiao reached Juchao, which made the officials who ran west with the emperor calm down. If the emperor took the responsibility for his own crime, it would not prevent everyone from returning to Jiangning City and continuing to live happily. Perhaps the authority is not as good as before, but it will not suffer from the present living sin.

After returning to Jiangning, Cheng Yuqian, Zuo Chengmu, Zhang Yan and others, whose power and interests would really be damaged, also had to face the current cruel reality: Xie Dan also controlled the supply of food and grass for the Luzhou Army for half a year in Luzhou City, but so The large amount of food and grass will be shared among the nearly 100,000 people in Xiben, and it will be enough to support it for another month.

Lin Fu didn't even need to do anything, he would only send troops and horses to slowly advance towards Luzhou, and at most one or two months would be able to overwhelm and crush this side.

Different from others, Cheng Yuqian, Zuo Chengmu, Zhang Yan and others still know the practicalities. They really don't have the capital to fight against Huaidong - if they force Jiangning to abolish the emperor and establish a new one, then there is even a possibility of negotiation. doesn't exist anymore.

After weighing the pros and cons, under the persuasion of Yuan Hancheng and Yu Xinyuan, Cheng Yuqian, Zuo Chengmu, Zhang Yan and others agreed to let Liu Zhi come to the nest first, but everything was kept from Emperor Yongxing.

In fact, in the end, if you really want to persuade the emperor to return to Jiangning, the emperor's opinion is no longer important.


On the 17th, Liu Zhi left the Yi River by boat, crossed the river into the Yuxi River, and went to Juchao.

Laijiang Binhu Lake in Juchao County, the big lake between Luzhou and Juchao in the northwest, is Babaili Chaohu Lake, which is the second largest lake between Jianghuai and Huaihe River except Hongzepu. The west and south sides of Chaohu Lake are crisscrossed by hills and mountains, and further west is the main vein of the vast Huaishan Mountains. To the west of Luzhou, Yicheng at the southern foot of Huaishan Mountain is opposite to Chizhou on the north bank of the Yangtze River, and is also the west gateway to the gate of Jianghuai.

The counties around Chaohu Lake, with Luzhou City as the center of gravity, constitute the most important place in Huaixi, which controls Huaishan in the west, Dajiang in the south, and Huai Shou in the north.

The Yuxi River, which crosses Juchao County and connects with Chaohu Lake, is on the opposite bank of Yijiang City.

Although this section of the Yangtze River is less than two miles wide after the winter, both sides of the Yangtze River are vast river beaches as far as the eye can see. When the summer floods hit, the river surface will suddenly increase to thirty or forty miles away.

Liu Zhi recalled Lin Bie's feat of defending the seawall in Huaidong. If the embankment could be built on both sides of the "Zhi" Yangtze River, the large sandy beaches on both sides of the river could be reclaimed into fertile land.

In fact, the construction of embankments in counties such as Yijiang and Lujiang has been done by people for hundreds of years. However, they are all built by the people or local wealthy households with money and efforts. The people who can gather together are limited and can only build dykes with mud. The flood peaks that cross the Yangtze River in summer and autumn are really fierce, and the muddy dykes are often ten years old. Nine collapses, every year spends effort to repair.

In fact, as long as people do not live in the easily collapsed area, a large area of ​​arable land can still be grabbed after Mindi.

Although there will be losses due to the breach of the embankment, the fertility of the land can be effectively increased after the breach of the embankment and flooding. After the flood, and before the flood in the next year, one can rush to plant a season of wheat, even if there is a loss due to the collapse of the embankment, in comparison, the harvest is not worse than that of the dry fields between hills and mountains.

It was only because of the successive wars over the years that the Minti and Tan fields in this area were destroyed by successive years of floods and could not be cultivated at all. After the Huaisi War, Jiangning's taxation on Luzhou was very heavy, and Luzhou's own military support made the people's livelihood in the surrounding area more and more difficult, and there was no possibility of improvement.

Standing on the bow of the boat, Liu Zhi could still see a section of the dam standing alone between the river beaches in the distance, and he was quite emotional.

Liu Zhi came from a poor family when he was young, so he entered the Inner Province to serve as an eunuch. In the past, he was too utilitarian, and he had too many emotions about people's livelihood. It was a prison that made him reflect a lot. Thinking about his travels over the years, his knowledge is far beyond that of other eunuchs. Can also be a good officer.

Liu Zhi was thinking wildly at the bow of the boat. In the afternoon, when the sun leaned westward, he saw Juchao County behind Yinping Mountain.

On Juchao's side, Yu Xinyuan came forward to welcome him.

Liu Zhi came with the will of the Queen Mother and actually came on behalf of Huaidong, but after all, he was only the young supervisor of the inner guard under Zhang Yan. The ministers who fled west have not made up their minds to welcome the Queen Mother Yi's decree, so naturally they will not at this time. Wanted to go out of the city to welcome the decree.

Looking at the two bullock carts by the pier, the four walls of the bullock cart are unblocked, and the top cover is temporarily covered with silk cloth.

Liu Zhi sighed softly in his heart: I never thought that the emperor and the officials who fled to the nest would be so destitute that they couldn't even get together a few carriages.

Yu Xinyuan had a chat with Liu Zhi, and he could guess that Liu Zhi had already joined Huaidong before he would release Lin Fu from the prison to serve as an envoy. Apathy.

The two bullock carts slowly drove into the city surrounded by their entourage. The city of Juchao was in a state of chaos. Although they were all the families and entourages of the garrisoned troops and officials fleeing westward, they were still messy—a small town of more than a thousand households. One hundred thousand people were stuffed into it all at once, and the crowded situation can be imagined.

The hussars went to the Confucian Temple in Dongcheng, where the ministers had an impromptu discussion, with ox carts. The dusty streets were crowded with people.

In exchange for more food, the family members of many officials or the officials themselves, regardless of their status, took out gold and silver, and went to the streets to exchange rice noodles or precious preserved meat that had not been tasted for more than ten days.

The county government office, which was levied as a palace, was as messy as a market.

Although it has only been more than 20 days, the wealthy and noble family in Jiangning City in the past has already lost many appearances.

Liu Zhi didn't feel complacent either. He turned around and wanted to ask about the current situation of Emperor Yu Xinyuan. There was an abnormal sound of "whoosh", but it was only because the wind was blowing, and the short arrow fired directly from the crossbow pierced his chest. Only then did Liu Zhi realize that he had been assassinated on the street of Juchao. , I saw a man with a crown of hair and a blue shirt in the crowd from a distance drilled into the alley and pointed to the past: "The assassin is there..."

Yu Xinyuan was so remorseful that he wanted to slap himself, but he did not count the assassins hiding in the city, but he still chose Liu Zhi to assassinate him when he entered the city—Yu Xinyuan sent his **** to follow Liu Zhi's instructions to chase the assassins. Climbing into Liu Zhi's bullock cart, hugging his body and crying: "Master Liu, you can't die!"

Before Yu Xinyuan went to Huaixi, Tie Xin thought that Huaidong would cleanse the officials who fled to the west. When he was dying, he was struggling. After returning from Huaixi, his mood was different. Although it is hard to get a good deal in the east, it is not a problem to protect relatives and support his old age. Who would have thought that Liu Zhi would be assassinated on the streets of Juchao?

If Liu Zhi was assassinated, which minister would Huaidong send to negotiate?

If Huaidong doesn't talk about it, then he will only abolish the emperor and establish King Lu in Jiangning. If he doesn't surrender here, then he can only wait for the Huaidong army to come out and fight...

Yu Xinyuan could almost imagine the coming bloodshed, the ups and downs of emotions, and such turbulence, how could he control the howl.


The house where Zhang Yan lived in Juchao City was not large, but he had no family or servants to follow, so he had to be more spacious. After Chu Wang Yuanhancheng arrived at Juchao, he lived with Zhang Yan in the same courtyard—there were not so many at this time. Sophisticated.

When someone came to report that Liu Zhi was assassinated in the city, Yuan Hancheng and Zhang Yan were playing chess and talking about the Lianghuai salt and profit, and he was shocked at the moment. Yuan Hancheng didn't say a word, just called someone to take him there to find Liu Zhi, who was assassinated.

Although Yu Xinyuan was flustered, he still did not lose his sense of proportion. He informed Cheng Yuqian that he was dispatching soldiers to block the streets, and Liu Zhi, who did not dare to move the short and medium crossbow, could only send someone to ask the national team from the Provincial Medical Bureau to come to the street for first aid.

Yuan Hancheng and Zhang Yan arrived, Liu Zhi had been moved to a residential house facing the street, and only Cheng Yuqian and Zuo Chengmu were blowing their beards and staring in front of the street. Zhang Yan hurriedly asked, "Have you caught the assassin?" If Liu Zhi was assassinated, only by catching the assassin could he explain to Huaidong and the Queen Mother, otherwise they would face the consequences of abolishing the emperor. Liu Zhi was assassinated in Juchao, and the Empress Dowager Huaidong directly abolished the emperor and established himself~www.readwn.com~ Dong Yuan, Liu Tingzhou, Yue Lengqiu and others have nothing to say!

No matter what, Huaidong could not be asked to find an excuse to directly abolish the emperor and establish a new one.

"This street is full of people, how can I catch it?" Cheng Yuqian beat his chest and stomped his feet. He watched Lin Fu and Huaidong rise step by step. Without the righteous name, he didn't have much courage to fight against Huaidong.

Zuo Chengmu was still calm, frowning and said: "Liu Zhi entered the nest today, it is a top secret matter, except for a few people like me, few people know, who will shoot?"

Zuo Chengmu woke up the dreamer with a single word, Yuan Hancheng, Zhang Yan, Cheng Yuqian and others stood on the street and looked at each other, looking at each other with a hint of suspicion - after all, not everyone would like Emperor Yongxing to return to Jiangning, after all Some people want to die and struggle, and don't give in to Huaidong! There are not many officials and soldiers in the city who want to assassinate Liu Zhi, but there are not many people who know that Liu Zhi has entered the nest today - the behind-the-scenes instigator of the assassination is about to come out.

"Wang Xueshan!" Zhang Yan pointed out Wang Xueshan's name like a thunderbolt, knowing that Liu Zhi would enter the city today and only Wang Xueshan was not here at this time. There may be other reasons, but Wang Xueshan is the most suspicious.

Zuo Chengmu looked at Cheng Yuqian, Cheng Yuqian looked at Yuan Hancheng, Yuan Hancheng looked at Zhang Yan again, Zhang Yan said cruelly: "Send troops to search Wang Xueshan's residence, if there is a mistake, I will kowtow to Wang Xueshan to apologize!"

"Invite Lord Chu to accompany Lord Yu, and the three of us will search Wang Xueshan's residence!" Zuo Chengmu said.

The least suspicious is Yuan Hancheng, the king of Chu who represented Huaidong in persuading the emperor to return to the dynasty. Several other people had doubts and people were unpredictable, so Zuo Chengmu asked Yuan Hancheng to stare at Yu Xinyuan, and he was not separated from Zhang Yan and Cheng Yuqian. Monitor each other, must use ruthless means to search out the assassins... My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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