Lord of the House

Vol 10 Chapter 148: rip and seal

Since the beginning of Yue, there has been a tradition of "no surnames do not confer kings, and nobility does not break the soil", that is, the kings of the clan will join the vassal, and they will not break the soil or visit the people. In the past two hundred years, this tradition has been broken in two cases. One is that Cao’s foreign surname was named the King of Guyuan County, which resulted in the fact that Cao’s family was separated from Guanzhong; In the end, it was a serious disaster in the southeast - at this time, it was forced by the situation to reward Lin Fu for his achievements in "building a plant and an ancestral temple".

During the Yin and Shang dynasties, there was a state named Chong, and it was generally in the territory of West Qin County. Lin Fu used his achievements in rebuilding the shoji, and split the soil to seal the state of Chong. The five counties of Jiangmen, Yudong, Sisheng and the barren land of Yizhou were carved out as fiefs of Chongguo.

Lin Fu did not have enough manpower to master the two teams of Jiangning and Huaidong, and Xusi, Huaihai, East Zhejiang, South Zhejiang, East Fujian and other places under the jurisdiction of Huaidong, and their finance, civil affairs, military affairs, supervision and many other affairs. It is necessary to integrate with Jiangning, and everyone in Huaidong must gradually grasp the core power of Jiangning. How can they have the mind and energy to build two sets of teams?

But at the moment, Lin Fu can't fully grasp Jiang Ning.

The advantage of integration is that it improves efficiency and saves manpower. The disadvantage is that it will inevitably be restrained by foreign officials such as Zhang Yan who oppose Huaidong.

Jiangning's finances, in addition to supporting Huaidong troops and horses, also support Huaixi, Chizhou, Jinghu, Xiangtan and other armies.

Once Huaidong is fully integrated into Jiangning, other forces will certainly have to share Jiangning's wealth with Huaidong - so Lin Fu wants to integrate Huaidong into Jiangning, while retaining a private plot to ensure that In the future, we can flexibly adjust financial and military resources.

Chongzhou is the foundation of Huaidong's real rise. Hecheng, Jiangmen, Yudong, Sisheng and other places are all four newly established counties after Lin Bie managed Chongzhou. It is roughly only less than one-tenth of the area currently under control of Huaidong, but it is truly the essence of Huaidong.

The five counties of Chongzhou directly controlled about 80% of the scale of shipbuilding and maritime trade in the area under Jiangning's control at this time. Jiangning destroyed a lot of them, and almost all the weapons were built in the five counties of Chongzhou. In addition, the annual output of refined iron in the five counties of Chongzhou reaches 2 million kilograms, and the rough iron is 8 million kilograms, accounting for more than 50% of the area controlled by Jiangning; The headquarters of Heishuiyang Shipbuilding Society and Huaidong Bank are both located in Chongzhou, and the main garrison port of Huaidong Water Camp is within the scope of the five counties of Chongzhou. Over the years, the direct supply ratio of the five counties of Chongzhou for the military support of the Huaidong Army has almost reached Seventy percent.

The five counties in Chongzhou are the areas where the new land policy has been implemented most thoroughly, with more than 4 million mu of arable land. The land development and construction of ditches, dikes and ponds have already surpassed the five prefectures in the south of the Yangtze River, mainly planting rice, wheat and cottonwood. Although the tax and grain directly collected from the five counties in Chongzhou is only maintained at about 500,000 shi, the rice grain that can be purchased by the people in the five counties is also about one million shi each year.

There are about one million people in the five counties of Chongzhou, who are most deeply influenced by Lin Fu and are the most loyal. About half of them are soldiers. Ding Zhuang joins the army and is the backbone of the Huaidong Army.

By cracking the soil and sealing, cutting out the essence of Huaidong, and controlling the five counties of Chongzhou, it means that outside the financial system of Jiangning, Lin Fu can directly control the value of more than three million taels of silver every year. The resources of the army are used for military preparation, without being restrained by others.

Although Yizhou still only has input and no output, the potential of Yizhou Island is huge; in fact, Lin Fu cut down the investment in Yizhou Island at this time, and can still pump out 200,000 to 300,000 stone grains every year. coal and iron.

It's just that Lin Fu paid more attention to the late potential of Yizhou Island after the development, and didn't kill the chicken and get the eggs at this time.

If the five counties of Chongzhou and Yizhou are separated out and listed outside Jiangning's finances, and other areas of Huaidong are integrated into Jiangning, Huaidong can be grandly compared with Huaixi, Chizhou, Xiangtan and Jinghu according to the proportion of troops. Share Jiangning's finances, save time in the court, Zhang Yan, Cheng Yuqian and other old officials hype with Huaidong.

How can outsiders know the truth of Huaidong?

Huaidong troops and horses have actually controlled Huaidong, Xusi, Jiangnan, Liangzhe, and Fujian. far weaker.

Under this circumstance, Lin Fu was willing to hand over the rest of Huaidong to "co-governance" at this time, and it was not too much to just cut off the five counties of Chongzhou under the seal of government.

I think that in the late Han Dynasty, Cao thief was entrusted by the world to order the princes, and he directly cut half of Shandong as a fief. Comparatively speaking, Lin Bing's appetite is still small, only five counties, in fact, four counties are newly established. Hecheng and Jiangmen were still barren grasslands five or six years ago, but Yudong was where the Empress Dowager's palace was located. However, Linfu did not intend to return them. Shengsi County was basically an island occupied by East China Sea bandits in the past, and Yizhou Island was even more desolate and miasma. the place.


Weiwei is one of the nine ministers, and it is actually a false title when added to Lin Fu's head, to show that Lin Fu has the right to control the palace ban. Combining the two positions of the governor of Jingying and the privy envoy will also make the imperial guard and Jingji. The three levels of defense and the Privy Council's military power are concentrated on Lin Fu.

The Privy Council is side by side with the Six Divisions, and its subordinate supervisors, officials and other auxiliary officials are also established and recommended by Lin Fu. The people of Huaidong will not be dispersed to the Six Divisions on a large scale for the time being, and they are mainly concentrated in the Privy Council. In charge of military affairs.

In addition to Lin Xuwen as deputy prime minister and head of the Household Department and Huang Jinnian in charge of the Military Department, Huang Jinnian's son Huang Chengen will be appointed as a member of the Ministry of Punishment, and Ge Siyu will be appointed as a waiter in the Ministry of Works, in charge of the water conservancy construction under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Works; Lin Tingli will transfer Jiangning to the Metropolitan Court. Ren Zuo Fudu censor. Lin Xulu was famous and famous, and Lin Ting entered the center, so he returned to Dongyang to serve as the prefect of Dongyang, and continued to control the Dongyang mansion on behalf of the Lin family. .

The five counties of Chongzhou are listed separately, and Hailing Prefecture is left with four counties, namely Hailing, Xinghua, Gaocheng and Jianling.

Lin Fu also believed in "power comes from the barrel of a gun" and did not want to restrain outsiders in military and political affairs. People in Huaidong should also be mainly united around the Privy Council, and should not be scattered.

The righteous name here was settled, and Lin Fu set up the Privy Council with great fanfare.

According to the previous structure of the Huaidong Military Division, the Privy Council still has three divisions of the Navy, the Infantry, and the Horse Army, as well as supervisors for food and equipment, war training, teaching, discipline, military intelligence, and military doctors. Cao Zi'ang will be transferred back to Jiangning to supplement Insufficient manpower, together with Qin Chengzu, Gao Zongting, Song Fu, Lin Mengde, Sun Jingxuan, Sun Jingtang, Wang Chengfu, Sun Wenbing, Hu Zhicheng, Zhu Ai, Wu Jiye and others, Yu Wencheng and Yu Wenbei, nephews of Yu Wangao, were conscripted into the Privy Council as generals. position, to prop up the system of the Privy Council.

The five counties of Chongzhou were split into Chongguo, and Lin Fu appointed Li Shuyi as the prime minister of Chongguo, with the same rank as the prefect to take charge of civil affairs; Sun Fengyi, Zhou Guangdong and others are still in charge. Those who are not in charge are directly led by the Privy Council, and ultimately belong to the Privy Council's supervisory system.

The Changshan Army, Chongcheng Army, Huaiyang Army, and Fengli Army under the Infantry Division remained unchanged. Except for the elite brigade of the Tianjin Navy who stayed in Chongzhou as the guard camp, all others were transferred to Jiangning.

Lin Fu didn't intend to divide the Imperial Guard and the Jingying Army into two systems, which would only add to the trouble. He also served as the Commander of the Guards and the Governor of the Jingying Army. , step, horse three armies:

The forbidden navy was set up, and the original Jinhai, Miaoshan and other navies were incorporated, and the army was supplemented. The number of troops was 10,000, and Yang Yihang was the commander of the capital.

The forbidden battalion infantry army was set up, under the command of Zhao Hudu, with the main force of the Yuanjin navy as the skeleton, and supplemented with brigades.

A forbidden camp was set up, and Zhou Pu was the commander of the capital. Huaidong is so cavalry, and can only have two sets of brands in one team.

Of course, the three armies of the forbidden camp are also under the jurisdiction of the Privy Council Shuibu Masan, so as to ensure the centralized use of military and political powers.

The forbidden battalion mainly guards and controls Jiangning, and the task of combat is lightened, so it is not the focus of Lin Fu's next strengthening.

The eastern Zhejiang area is free from the threat of war, and the two prefectures of Hailing and Huai'an will be directly under the jurisdiction of the Jiangning Six Ministries. , are also directly under the threat of war.

Lin Fu will set up a battalion under the Privy Council to govern the military and political affairs of these places. Yue Lengqiu will be the deputy envoy of the privy council, recruit envoys from Jiangxi and also lead the general manager of the battalion in Chizhou, and know the affairs of the Chizhou government. He is in charge of the battalion in Chizhou. Pull out money.

Dong Yuan served as the deputy envoy of the privy, recruited envoys from Henan, and headed the Huaixi battalion general manager, responsible for the Huaixi defense area, and increased the rank of Minister of War. To the limit of 110,000 troops, after deducting local taxes, additional money and food will be allocated.

Hu Wenmu, the deputy privy envoy, served as the general manager of the Jinghu camp~www.readwn.com~ in charge of the Jinghu defense area, with a total of 60,000 troops.

Zhang Han, the former prefect of Tanzhou and the director of military preparations, was appointed as the deputy envoy of the privy, increased the rank of the military minister, and was also the general manager of the Tanzhou camp, responsible for the Xiangtan defense area, with a total of 50,000 troops.

Zhufu counties in eastern Zhejiang were separated from the threat of war, the eastern Zhejiang battalion was abolished, and the western Zhejiang battalion was set up. Fu Qinghe also led the general manager, and the commanders of the Shuibudu were divided. In addition to the need to retain local troops, the infantry was incorporated into the Chongcheng Army, and the number of troops increased by 40,000; Ren Su Pinxiao was the commander of the water army in the west of Zhejiang, and Sun Wenhui was the deputy commander. It was integrated with the Bainao Army, and the number of troops was 10,000.

The East Fujian camp was set up, with Zhou Tong as the general manager, and the troops and horses under the jurisdiction were the same as the original Fujian east camp.

Xuzhou Xingying was set up, and Liu Miaozhen was the head of the Xingying, and the combined force with Xu Si Xingying was also increased to 40,000.

In addition, the three counties of Yijiang, Qingyang, and Nanyang were separated from Chizhou Prefecture, and together with Luzhou Prefecture, they were merged into one defense area, which was guarded by Jiangning Xiping, Ao Canghai and led Yijiang, and the Donghai Prefecture army would be incorporated into Changshan Camp. , 40,000 troops. The third water battalion, which is mainly based on inland warships, will switch defenses with the second water battalion and enter the Yijiang to assist in defense. The actual strength of Huaidong's troops stationed in Yijiang and Luzhou will be as many as 60,000.

Shanyang is the most important support on the inside of the Xu Si defense line. It divides Shanyang, Siyang, Mukou and other cities into a defensive area. Ning Zechen also leads Shanyang to guard. The second water camp will also be mainly stationed. Guarded at Huaikou, the total force is about 40,000.

Excluding the local military armaments, Jiangning's army has a total of more than 520,000 soldiers registered by the Privy Council and the Ministry of War. Among them, Huaidong's troops have increased and expanded again and again, and now it has reached 20. With a size of 40,000, in addition to the local garrison troops and navy, the field infantry number reached 120,000. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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