Lord of the House

Vol 11 Chapter 51: The poor do not chase

Deng Yu went into battle in armor, but it was too late to turn the tide. Coincidentally, the Huaidong Army pushed four three-bow crossbows from the rear. Although the subordinates risked their lives to cover them, the huge arrows shot from the crossbows pierced through both of them and pierced into Deng Yu's chest before stopping.

Deng Yu was killed in the front line, and Deng's children grabbed his body and evacuated. The defense of the Zhejiang and Fujian troops at the Huating Pass collapsed, and thousands of remnants fled to the western foot of Lingshan.

Chen Zhuo, surrounded by his personal guards, boarded Yanzuiji. Yanzuiji was once Deng Yu's tent. Although it was only 50 feet above the river, it was the most dangerous place around. After the collapse of the Zhejiang-Fujian army at the pass, Deng Yu and dozens of personal guards fought stubbornly here.

Chen Zhu looked at Linji in the distance, the ridges and mountains in the north stretched for thousands of miles, and the rivers and streams in the south and west flowed, sparkling in the moonlight. The accompanying staff officers, military commanders and others said: "Those stinky readers, when they see these rivers and mountains, most of them will sing a poem and write a poem to suit the occasion. Old Chen, I searched for a long time, and gave the lord a few hundred words that he could recognize. I can't think of a fart elegant word..."

Shuiying came ashore from Xikou, and came up from the eastern foothills to annihilate the enemy. Su Pinxiao, surrounded by a group of retinues, came to Yanzuiji to join Chen Zhuo.

"There is an order from the camp. After defeating Deng Yu's troops, you don't need to use it to chase the remnant enemy. Immediately lead the troops to the south to intercept She Feixiong's troops..." Su Pinxiao said, and gave Chen the warrant issued by Lin Fu. stains look.

"I'm not chasing after that?" Chen Zhan was stunned for a moment.

For the soldiers who have gone to great lengths to defeat the enemy, chasing and destroying the remaining enemies and expanding the results of the battle is the climax stage of this feast of war. 20%, in order to truly annihilate the living forces of the enemy army, effectively organizing the pursuit is the most important link.

In addition, the Huating Pass was also an interception position that blocked the main force of the Zhejiang-Fujian Army's eastern line in the upper reaches of the Xinjiang River. Chen Zui let go of Huating Pass and led his troops to cross to the south bank. Even if there were water camps and warships blocking Huating Creek and preventing the enemy from fleeing westward, the enemy could cross the Huating Pass and go north along the east bank of Huating Creek. , fleeing in the direction of Yongshan and Leping...

At this time, the camp ordered to let go of the remnants of the Zhejiang-Fujian army on the north bank without destroying them, to abandon the flower pavilion and not guard it, and to transfer to the south bank to intercept She Feixiong.

Lin Bie's warrant was always concise and did not have much explanation. Chen Zhe read it twice, but was still confused, and asked Su Pinxiao, "Who brought the master's warrant here?"

"It's true that the lord's order is true," Su Pinxiao said. "Another military order was sent to Qimen before, and Hu Qiaozhong, Yu Wencheng and other generals led their troops south to Yongshan. I think it may be that the main camp plans to call Gandong soldiers and horses to fill in. Enter the Yongshan Mountain to intercept and defeat the remnant enemy..." Pointing at the west foot of Huatingling, he said, "Look over there: Deng Yu's troops will defeat you, Tian Jingshan and other enemies will not have the courage to fight, depending on the situation, they are going to Hengfeng. Retreat from the city. Letting the remnants of Deng Yu flee north will not be a big problem. If you lead your troops to retreat to the east and gather at the eastern foot of the city, you will even frighten Tian Jingshan and other enemies to flee east. This retreat and advance will make them waste it on the north bank. In two or three days, the main force of the Changshan Army and Chongcheng Army happened to be chasing them from the east! On the side of Huatingxi, there is not much difference between guarding or not guarding?"

"Hua Ting has an empty city plan?" Chen Zhuo frowned, just thinking of the main point.

"It should be so!" Su Pinxiao said, "The enemy of the Zhejiang and Fujian troops in Hengfeng and Qingxi has become a lost dog. Even if they have the courage to cross the Huating Pass, the navy can drag him along the Huating Stream for a day or two."


The command of the generals of the camp had been issued, and Chen Zhu did not have the time to explain more to the generals below, that is, he ordered the troops and horses that were chasing northwards to return and retreat to the east of the pass to prepare to cross the river.

When Deng Yu seized Huating from the west of Hengfeng, in addition to his troops, he also joined with Tian Jingshan, a son of the Tian family who had withdrawn from Litang, and moved westward. When heading west to Huating, only Deng Yu's troops entered the pass in time, while Tian Jingshan and other troops were forced to retreat to the mountains to the north. From dusk onwards, it was only Deng Yu's men who had been severely attacked by Chen Zhu's men.

Deng Yu advanced to occupy Huating and took advantage of the terrain, but he couldn't hold it overnight, and the Huaidong Army was defeated. Tian Jingshan and other troops dared not come to fight for the Huating pass.

After the early morning, Chen Zhu's group began to retreat to the east foot of the pass, preparing to cross the river upstream of Yanzui Gorge to the south bank.

In the eyes of Tian Jingshan and other enemy generals, the Huaidong Army retreated to the east of Huating Pass for reorganization, but judging from the situation, it seemed that they were going to pursue them while winning. After Deng Yu's troops were defeated, the Zhejiang and Fujian troops west of Hengfeng seemed to have their waists broken, and they no longer had the courage to fight against the Huaidong Army in the field. In addition to sending a few troops and horses to break, the enemy general Tian Jingshan immediately led the main force to flee to Hengfeng City.

The enemy army was fleeing at night, and Chen Zhe could only hate that he didn't have an elite cavalry in his hand, otherwise he would chase down the remnant enemy whose morale had collapsed from the back road, and maybe he would be able to take advantage of the chaos to enter Hengfeng City.

Yesterday morning, Chen Zhu's team entered the Xinjiang River by boat, and passed by She Feixiong's team outside Hengshan City.

Chen stains in water, luxury flying bears in land.

During the day and night, Chen Zhu's troops captured Shangrao City and Huating Pass in two consecutive battles, startled the defenders of Shangrao, and defeated Deng Yu's troops. The distance between the two battlefields was 130 miles away, and the distance from Hengshan City was even 160 miles away.

Chen Zhu's troops acted so quickly, in addition to the well-trained Huaidong Army, they also took advantage of the convenience of boat divisions moving down the river and attacking the coast.

After passing by Hengshan, She Feixiong did not hesitate at all, even if he ordered his troops to rush westward, he wanted to reach the eastern border of Guixi where there was a way to go south before the Huaidong Army intercepted or caught up. However, She Feixiong's group walked on foot. After Chen Zhu defeated Deng Yu, She Feixiong's group was still more than 60 miles away from Lianchi Peak on the south bank of Huating Pass.

More than 60 miles, maybe only half a day's journey, but half a day is enough to kill.

The Xinjiang River in the upper reaches of Yanzui Gorge, including the river beach, is only four miles wide. Without the need for a troop carrier, Su Pinxiao called eight Jiyun-class warships, which could ferry three to four battalions of generals at one time.

At the end of the day, Chen Zui led 6,000 elites from the first division of the Chongcheng Army to cross the Xinjiang River, and formed a formation on the south bank of the Xinjiang River and the **** at the southern foot of Yilianchi Peak, blocking the way for She Feixiong to escape westward. And the outpost of She Feixiong's department could just see the top of Lianchi Peak.

The first division of the Chongcheng Army remained on the rest of the north bank, including more than 1,000 wounded and dead, and nearly 3,000 soldiers and horses. To deter Hengfeng's enemies from fleeing west.


She Feixiong had no option of retreating. Looking at the lofty Lotus Pond Peak in front of him, he heard the scout horse reporting the battle situation on the north shore. When Deng Yu was fighting Huating to the death, they actually sat and watched Deng Yu's subordinates be defeated, and did not dare to fight for Huating Pass, so they lost all opportunities.

Shi Hejin persuaded: "Young Commander, the enemy army formed a formation at the southern foot of Lianchi Peak, and with the advantage of the terrain, it is difficult for our troops to attack suddenly. The state army is here to help..."

She Feixiong shook his head in pain, and said in a deep voice, "It's too late, the enemy of Lianchi Peak can't be defeated, you and I will both be buried here, no luck!"

Yes, the Huaidong Army has not many water camps and warships hidden in the upper reaches of Shanxi. Except for the three thousand navy troops that have already entered Yanzuiji, I believe that the Huaidong Army can no longer hide the combat power on the water. Need to hide again.

However, the collapse of Shangrao's defense line was in the blink of an eye. In just two days, it was on the verge of collapse. I am afraid that the news had not reached Jiangzhou at this time. It would take ten days and a half months at least for Jiangzhou to organize a navy through Poyang Lake and back into the Xinjiang River after getting the news.

Donghai Fox is leading the main force of Huaidong Army to chase from behind at full speed, how could they be given ten days and a half months, such a long respite?

The defeat of Shangrao is a foregone conclusion, and the situation in Jiangxi has become so bad that it is irreversible.

Even if the Jiangzhou navy came to the rescue and gave them a chance to retreat to Ganzhou or Yuzhang, after the Huaidong army broke through the Shangrao line of defense, they could completely abandon Ganzhou and Yuzhang, and their main force would go directly north from Huating and pass through Fuliang. , along the east bank of Poyang Lake to attack Jiangzhou.

At that time, when it joins with the Huaidong Naval Army, which came from the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and stationed in Luzhou, the main force of the Huaidong Army will be able to form an outflanking trend on Jiangzhou. The Jiangzhou navy will be sealed within the Poyang Lake, and there will be no chance to enter the Yangtze River.

She Feixiong is not a person who is greedy for life and fear of death, and at this time is still thinking about the problem from the standpoint of the overall situation of the She family.

She Feixiong knew that his father was in Jiangzhou instead of organizing the main force of the navy to come to help. It would be better to take advantage of the last fighting force in his hand, so he simply gave up Jiangxi, crossed the river north, joined Chen Hansan, and formed an alliance with Luo Xiancheng in Suizhou. In order to welcome the Northern Yan troops and horses to go south, perhaps they can save the last bit of foundation for the She family and not erase the Donghai Fox from the world.

Maybe my father would make such a decision? Dad always makes the best decision, right?

She Feixiong thought silently in his heart~www.readwn.com~ and felt that he was about to be abandoned.

Wang Hui, Tian Jingshan and other generals on the north bank were already frightened. They stagnated at Hengfeng and Qingxi, waiting for the Jiangzhou navy to receive support. However, when they retreated from the waterway to Ganzhou and Yuzhang, Feifeixiong felt ridiculous.

The more he sneered in his heart, the colder She Feixiong's face became, and he ordered: "Send someone to the north bank to tell Wang Hui and Tian Jingshan that the main interceptor force of the Huaidong Army has attracted us to the south bank, and if they want to give birth, immediately hit me westward. When the main force of the Huaidong Army catches up from behind, there is absolutely no way for them to survive. Don't think that Jiangzhou will have reinforcements. Even if Jiangzhou sends reinforcements, they may not be able to arrive before they annihilate the main force of the Huaidong Army. , tell Shejiao to cross the river..."

The Huaidong Army warships were mainly concentrated near Yanzui Gorge. Although there were sentry ships on the Xinjiang River to block and monitor, it was not difficult for a few people to cross the river in the night to transmit information.

"Young Master, Wang Hui and the others might be better off breaking through to Jiangzhou!" Shi Hejin said.

At the southern foot of Lianchi Peak, the Huaidong Army had six or seven thousand elite formations blocking their way. Although they had the upper hand in military strength, they had all lost their geographical advantages, weather, and people. He couldn't count on the Jiangzhou navy to come to help. If he wanted to catch half of the main Huaidong army and break out from the southern foot of Lianchi Peak, Shi Hejin had no confidence.

Shi and Jin thought, She Jiao crossed the river alone to join them at this time, fearing that it would be a near-death!

"Just give the order to go." She Feixiong said happily, that is, he went to the front to prepare to attack Lianchi Peak.

After learning the news of veteran Deng Yu's death in Huatingai, Shi and Jin had a premonition of doom. Seeing the back of She Feixiong striding forward, Shi and Jin thought to themselves: Could it be that the young marshal is worried that Wang Hui and the others will surrender with luxury? My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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