Lord of the House

Vol 11 Chapter 69: Ferry collapse

(Third, ask for a red ticket)

At first, Chen Zhihu decided to lead the elites to cross the river to pursue the army in the river, but the generals all called it dangerous and tried their best to dissuade him. After all, there are still more than 30,000 troops in the Hezhong Army, and Chen Zhihu led 3,000 elites to cross the river to pursue the pursuit. Xingyang, Daliang and other places did not have strong soldiers to help, and Ye Jiduodi of Jinan and Yuan Lishan of Jining were too far apart. Chen Zhihu just smiled with his generals in a dismissive attitude: "Liang Chengyi led the river to flee, like a lost dog, his soldiers and horses lost their spirit. Furthermore, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians retreated south, without preparation and without rules. , how could it be possible to say that it can be withdrawn as soon as it is withdrawn? The situation is bound to be extremely chaotic, and there are three thousand elites attacking its key points, which is enough to take advantage of the chaos."

After a while, the development of the battle situation in Yanqueling completely confirmed Chen Zhihu's prediction before the war.

At this time, the Hezhong Army fled south, and although the soldiers and horses behind the palace were all elites in the Hezhong Army, they could fight against the wind. If they suffered a little setback, their morale would drop sharply. Even if Liang Chengyi had the advantage in military force, he did not have the determination and courage to fight Chen Zhihu to death.

There is a shallow stream out of the valley, and when the army in the river comes around, it is divided into two parts, the left and the right, with the shallow stream as the boundary.

After noon, Lu Xiong and Leng Zilin attacked successively. Together with the soldiers in ambush in the woods to the south, they first defeated the left flank of the Hezhong Army. From the hills and forests to the river beach, the army in the river was killed with blood. The blood flowed into a river, dyeing the stream crimson, but Chen Zhihu's group did not stop, then waded across the shallow stream and attacked the right flank of the river army.

Although the soldiers and horses that followed Chen Zhihu across Henan were only more than 3,000 people, they were the powerful Hu Ben who had followed Chen Zhihu to fight in the North for many years. The capitals under the battalion generals dared to lead a hundred or ten people to kill the enemy alone, without the slightest sense of being outnumbered. This division of tigers and wolves, who fought from the sea of ​​blood, competed with Huaidong for the title of the strongest army in the world at the beginning, and it was by no means comparable to the so-called "elite" of the He Zhongjun.

When Liang Chengyi learned that the chaser was led by Chen Zhihu himself, he felt a little uneasy. In addition, he knew what the current situation of the Hezhong Army was. He fled south in a hurry, his morale was low, and he did not have the determination and preparation to fight a tough battle.

After the left flank was defeated by the enemy soldiers, Liang Chengyi saw that the defeat was irreversible, so he withdrew the more than 1,000 cavalry on the right flank from the battlefield and fled to the mountains and forests to the south.

Liang Chengyi and the others retreated to Ruyang after all. They were familiar with the terrain. They passed through a shallow canyon between two low mountains, which was only one or two hundred paces wide and two miles long, and then ran up a mountain ridge.

Reining his horse, Liang Chengyi was out of breath. Looking back at the battlefield in front of Au Valley, there were scattered soldiers everywhere, and the enemy soldiers were unable to fight back. I thought that I wanted to eat this chasing soldier last night. Seeing the result in front of me, Liang Chengyi wanted to cry. But he knew that if Chen Zhihu couldn't be blocked at Jinshan Pass and asked Chen Zhihu to cross the Jinshan and attack the ferry directly, where the army and the civilians were mixed, it would be a great tragedy.

Liang Daisi then rushed out, surrounded by dozens of horsemen, and rushed to Liang Chengyi to join.

"What should we do?" asked Liang Dai, "First, withdraw the troops and horses to the Jinshan camp, gather the defeated soldiers, and rely on the camp to block Chen Zhihu in the north of the mountain, and then ask Fang Keshan and Ju Tao to lead the troops and horses to converge. In front of us is just Chen Zhihu's office. Although the light troops led by him were beyond our expectations, it would not be a lie that the main force of his troops was still submerged on the north bank of the Yellow River..."

Liang Dai was also afraid of fighting Chen Zhihu hard. At this time, he did not have the capital to fight hard, but he was not scared and lost his soul, and he could analyze the situation in front of him rationally.

The 3,000 soldiers and horses that followed Chen Zhihu were very strong, and they lost their armor and armor when they doubled their strength. But in Liang Dai's view, there is a limit to how strong Chen Zhihu is with three thousand tigers. Chen Zhihu's troops can defeat two with one, can they still defeat five with one and ten against ten?

Liang Chengyi first sent his cronies to rush south, and dispatched troops to help Jinshan. He planned to go to the fort at Jinshan Pass with Liang Dai first. No matter what, Chen Zhihu could not be allowed to drive straight in and attack the ferry.

It was here that the battlefield outside the Au Valley changed. The enemy soldiers did not gather at the mouth of the shallow stream, and they ignored the collapsed troops of the army in the middle of the river. While chasing after him, he went straight to Jinshan Pass.

The left flank of the Hezhong Army had collapsed, and the situation of the few on the battlefield had changed. Chen Zhihu led the 3,000 light soldiers with half the cavalry and half of the cavalry to win easily, with few casualties. In terms of the number of cavalry, they were also higher than the cavalry around Liang Chengyi.

Chen Zhihu gave up the stalking in the wild, and also gave up the defeated soldiers who were all over the mountains and plains from chasing them, and gathered the soldiers and horses to go straight to the point, causing Liang Chengyi's face to change greatly. Afraid that Chen Zhihu's fortress would be taken first by Chen Zhihu, Liang Chengyi drove his horse down the mountain, and wanted to get ahead of Chen Zhihu's cavalry, and led his troops to retreat to the fort at Jinshan Pass to strengthen the defense.

Chen Zhihu rode calmly and calmly on the back of the horse, looking at the moving heads on the mountain ridge not far away. At this time, Liang Chengyi's identity had also been exposed, but Liang Chengyi was always surrounded by elite cavalry guards. . But seeing Liang Chengyi galloping away from the mountain ridge and leading his troops to flee to the simple camp in the south, Chen Zhihu smiled coldly and said to Leng Zilin beside him, "As long as you maintain this momentum of rushing and fighting, He Zhongjun There will be absolutely no chance to restore morale. Don't worry about where Liang Chengyi flees, we will bypass Jinshan directly, attack the ferry, and defeat the tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians in chaos there. , I will leave it to the troops and horses from Xingyang and Daliang to pack up..."


Liang Chengyi quickly retreated from the Jinshan camp, his tail was bitten by Chen Zhihu's troops who were chasing after him, and he lost more than 100 cavalry, so he closed the barracks and forced Chen Zhihu's troops back with bows and crossbows.

There are seven or eight miles of valleys at the mouth of Jinshan. The camp is built on the rocky mountain in the middle of the valley. Naturally, a simple camp cannot fill the valley. Although Liang Chengyi was a big fish, there were reinforcements coming from the south, and Chen Zhihu gave up the camp and did not fight, but bypassed the camp and attacked directly south through the Jinshan Pass, not at all worried about the possibility of encircling the army in the river.

By this time, Liang Chengyi was too late to think about the strain.

Ruyang Remnant City is at the southern foot of Jinshan Mountain, but it is not in the passage from Jinshan Pass to Beiru River Ferry.

Around the ferry crossing on the north bank, there were about 100,000 soldiers and civilians mixed together, chariots and horses chaotically, crowded along the river bank, waiting for the ferry, there was no way to speak. This is also the direct consequence of Liang Chengyi's too hasty withdrawal to the south without much preparation. If Liang Chengyi had sent soldiers to build pontoon bridges in advance on the major rivers between Hezhong and Nanyang, how could it be possible to block the Beiru River for three days and less than a quarter of the people who crossed it?

Although under Liang Chengyi's order, thousands of soldiers and horses rushed out to intercept them north, but when they were panicked, the soldiers and horses were scattered and pulled out, which could neither be used in a concentrated manner, nor could they establish an effective area in the open space between Jinshan and Dayushan. To defend the formation, all three groups of troops were easily killed by Chen Zhihu's troops.

By this time, the defeat of the Hezhong Army on the north bank of the Beiru River had become a foregone conclusion and could not be stopped.

Throughout the afternoon, in the wilderness between Jinshan and Dayushan, the slaughtered rebels scattered all over the mountains and plains, and the refugees and military relatives at the ferry were in a panic, either running away, fighting for the ferry, or disregarding their families and children. They scrambled to cross the Beiru River first, hoping to escape this catastrophe.

When countless people jump into the river at the same time, no matter how good the water is, they will be pulled and wrapped by others to sink to the bottom.

For a time, corpses lay all over the field, and countless soldiers and civilians drowned in the turbulent waters; even half of the ferries did not capsize. Seeing that Chen Zhihu and his troops were guarding the ferry, they did not dare to go to the north bank to pick up people to cross the river.

At sunset, more than 2,000 enemy soldiers were chasing from the direction of Xingyang. Liang Chengyi and Liang Dai didn't have the guts to retake the ferry from Chen Zhihu's hands, and they didn't have time to take care of the troops and civilians who were chaotic and fleeing between Jinshan and Dayushan, and led their troops to flee eastward along the northern foot of Jinshan.

Passing through the northeastern foothills of Jinshan Mountain at night, in a ravine dozens of feet deep, I met a prisoner of the enemy troops coming from Xingyang. It seemed that people from all directions shouted: "Catch Liang Chengyi alive, catch Liang Chengyi alive!" How many enemy soldiers were there? Liang Chengyi and Liang Dai's branch broke through. Liang Chengyi personally led two hundred cavalry to kill the enemy soldiers. It was not until dawn that they reached the north bank of the Beiru River in the southeast of Jinshan Mountain, and escaped from the inner port. The Ministry of General Fang Keshan's Ministry converged.

Converging with Fang Keshan, Liang Chengyi checked the remnants, and there were less than 3,000 people around.

Liang Chengyi didn't dare to stay, let alone gather the defeated troops to the west. Knowing that there was still a reorganized army in the ruined city of Ruyang that had not been dispersed, Liang Chengyi just sent someone to order them to break up.

Afraid that Chen Zhihu would lead his troops to pursue him, Liang Chengyi went southeast along the north bank of the Beiru River overnight, looking for an opportunity to cross the river.

Now that the baggage on the north bank has been lost, and the refugees and their relatives scattered by the enemy soldiers are no longer taken into account, it is still easy to cross the river with only 3,000 remnants. After fleeing to Changqiao Port in the southeast of Jiaxian County, a ferry from the upper reaches arrived. Liang Chengyi and his 3,000 remnants spent more than half a day crossing the Beiru River.

Fortunately, due to the obstruction of the Beiru River, Chen Zhihu's troops were unable to cross the river to pursue them for a while. The soldiers and civilians who had crossed the south bank were not afraid of being attacked for the time being. The Liang clan and the families of officials and generals were the first to cross the river~www.readwn.com ~ Escaped.

After crossing the Shahe River and reaching the southern border of Mount Lu, less than fifty miles away from Nanyang, Liang Chengyi dared to stop a little on the south bank of the Shahe River and gather up the remnants again.

From Shahe to Wuyang in the north of Nanyang Fangcheng, there is no big river to block, and it is convenient and quick to escape. Moreover, the Shahe River is also very strong, and when crossing to the south bank, he is not afraid that Chen Zhihu can quickly cross the river to chase and kill him, so that Liang Chengyi, who has become a frightened bird, feels a little at ease.

After gathering the remnants and connecting the soldiers and horses who had crossed the Beiru River with Liang Yanshun first, there were no more than 7,000 people left in the Hezhong Army who fled south to the territory of Lushan. Liang Dai also successfully crossed the Beiru River and fled to join him, but there were less than 700 troops who fled south with him.

After all, the soldiers and horses that Chen Zhihu first inserted were only 3,000 people. Although they were elite enough, after defeating the Hezhong Army, they did not have enough troops to spread out to chase and kill the defeated soldiers and the generals of the Hezhong Army, named Liang Chengyi, Liang Dai, Fang Keshan, etc. All the generals escaped smoothly.

Looking at the surging sand river, Liang Chengyi wanted to cry without tears.

When Chen Zhihu led his troops to chase, Liang Chengyi had a total of 28,000 troops on the north bank of the Beiru River, and he was so easily killed by Chen Zhihu's 3,000 pursuers to pieces and collapsed. Of the 28,000 soldiers and horses, in the end, less than 5,000 people were able to escape, not to mention that Chen Zhihu took away a large amount of luggage and supplies from the Hezhong Mansion with the army. As for the hundreds of thousands of refugees who went south with the army, most of them were naturally blocked in Ruyang on the north bank of the Beiru River, and could no longer go south to Nanyang.

Yuan Jinsheng came to Shahe to join Liang Chengyi. Seeing this situation, he was really speechless. He and Liang Chengchong originally hoped that after Liang Chengyi led the Hezhong soldiers to withdraw to Nanyang, they would be able to strengthen the defense to the north of Nanyang. Who would have thought that the Hezhong Army would chase and kill Chen Zhihu halfway like this? My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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