Lord of the House

Vol 11 Chapter 80: The creek is the mountain trail

(The third update is coming, ask for a red ticket)

Luo Xiancheng quietly rushed to Fancheng and had a secret meeting with the envoys of Yanhu. Later, Wei Zhang was sent to Chaishan to invite Wang Xiang to come out, so that Wang Xiang, Tang Xitai, Zhou Bin and others in the hinterland of Huaishan confirmed that Luo Xiancheng was determined to join Yanhu.

Wang Xiang knew that Luo Xiancheng had taken this step, and those generals who had their iron hearts to join Yanhu with him. From then on, there was no turning back. Thinking about the past, he couldn't help but feel a little melancholy and reluctance to part.

Zhou Bin has been with Wang Xiang for a year in Chaishan, and is very familiar with Wang Xiang's temperament and mentality. Although Wang Xiang is indecisive by nature, he is not confused in grasping the overall situation.

Wang Xiang showed his reluctance for the old master, Zhou Bin and Tang Xitai saw it as if they didn't see it.

Zhou Bin and Tang Xitai said: "She, Luo Qibing, it should be in three or five days, Xitai, you go to Luzhou and report to Cao Shuai. Our ponds will be closed immediately according to the plan, and then Just wait for Luzhou soldiers and horses to sneak in..."

"Cao Shuai intends to move Fengli's army westward to make preparations first, but the lord is afraid that he will startle the snake too soon, so he did not do it," Luo Xitai said, "Even if Nanyang falls, Luzhou troops may not be dispatched immediately. Lord Zhou and Lord Wang have to be patient in Chaishan."

"I have been waiting in Chaishan for a year, but I still have patience," Prime Minister Wang put down his reluctance to let go of the old master and said to Tang Xitai and Zhou Bin, "Nanyang is in danger, and Suizhou, Shejia, and Yanhu soldiers and horses will send troops together. If Huang Binghao had a different opinion, he would definitely not stand still in Yuanzhou at this time. The strategy of attracting snakes has been completed, first go to Yuanzhou to remove the troubles in the heart of Jiangxi, and then send troops to cross the river north to advance is the current order in Huaidong. , Wait another month or two, how can I be impatient?"

Tang Xitai nodded secretly.

Whether Huang Binghao has a tacit understanding with the She family, the final veil will be unveiled when the army of Yan and Hu approaches the city of Nanyang, Luo Xiancheng and the She family openly defect and surrender to Nanyang and Xinyang at the same time.

If Huang Binghao really wants to join Yanhu in exchange for the rich and noble idea of ​​the king, he will definitely make some expressions and changes at that time.

According to Linfu's plan, if Huang Binghao changes, Huaidong's troops in Jiangxi will give priority to solving Huang Binghao and solving the hidden dangers in the heart of Jiangxi, rather than crossing the river to join the war as soon as possible.

This kind of plan was clearly established after Tang Xitai arrived in Yuzhang. Tang Xitai did not mention it when he came to Chaishan. However, Wang Xiang, relying on the current situation to make such a judgment, also shows that he has some strategies in his heart.

It is a pity that Luo Xiancheng is both greedy and has no ambition, and Wang Xiangzhi's talents cannot be fully displayed under his command.

Tang Xitai bowed to Wang Xiang: "Lord Wang, just be patient..." Wang Xiang secretly attached to Huaidong, and made great contributions to Huaidong's construction of the Huaishan Plank Road. , he is indeed talented, such a character is the most valuable in Huaidong, Tang Xitai is naturally polite to Wang Xiang.

Tang Xitai did not stay in Jinshui Village for much longer, and said goodbye to Wang Xiang and Zhou Bin, that is, under the **** of several entourages, he left Jinshui Village and dived along the north **** of Hengqi Mountain in the direction of Fohou Mountain.


Fohou Mountain is the main ridge of Huaishan, extending from southwest to northeast. There are more than 100 dangerous peaks with a height of more than 1000 meters. It lies between Chaishan County of Suizhou Prefecture and Yu'an County of Luzhou Prefecture. It is the boundary between Jiangdong and Jinghu. Mountain is the watershed between Han River and Chao Lake.

Jinshui Village is still nearly 60 miles away from Fohou Mountain. This nearly 60-mile land is sandwiched between Hengqi Mountain and Daiyan Mountain. It is an extremely remote and barren valley.

The stream is named Yanzi Stream. It gathers the flowing water from the northern foot of Hengqi Mountain, the south foot of Daiyan Mountain and the west foot of Fohou Mountain. It flows out of Jinshui Village and flows towards Chaishan City. It gathers other rivers and flows to Lishan Mountain, and finally merges into Suizhou. The main water system of the Fuhe River.

Although the source of Swallow Creek originates from Buddha Monkey Ridge, the valley is extremely steep, like a wedge opened by a giant axe, with stone cliffs hanging on both sides, and the stream flows through strange stone pools. Neither walking nor boating is possible, making the Swallow Creek Canyon an inaccessible Jedi.

Since ancient times, there have been many trails in Huaishan that mountain folks, woodcutters and medicinal farmers have taken to travel between Luzhou and Suizhou. Private owls and scouts travel around Huaishan, and they also take more of these secret trails, but they are all far away from Yanzixi Canyon.

Yanzixi Canyon has never been a passage to and from Huaishan. Although Yanzixi Canyon is the shortest route through Huaishan, due to the steep terrain, few people would think of taking advantage of the terrain of Yanzixi Canyon even if they want to pave the way.

However, the most important section of the Huaishan Plank Road connecting the Fohou Mountain is precisely in the Yanzixi Gorge.

In fact, the overall idea is very simple. It is to build a weir and dam to raise the water level in the stream road from Yanzi Creek out of Jinshui Village, so that the shallow creek with many strange rocks and no cars and boats is directly turned into an excellent place between Hengqiling and Daiyan Mountain. river course.

Because the cliffs on both sides of Yanzi Stream are extremely steep, almost at right angles, even if the water level of Yanzi Stream is raised by ten feet, the width of the river surface is only thirty or forty feet.

As long as the dam is built, the water storage of the river will be completed soon, and the formed river will directly connect with the military village built by Huaidong at the west foot of Fohou Mountain.

In comparison, walking out of the Yanzixi Gorge, the section of Buddha Monkey Ridge 60 miles away is quite high, but the mountain is quite easy, it is a highland meadow terrain. In the early years, there were mountain people who established a village there, under the jurisdiction of Yu'an County, Luzhou Prefecture, which is almost the westernmost edge of Luzhou.

However, after Huaidong took over Luzhou, the mountain people there were completely forcibly relocated out, thus becoming a military restricted area in Huaidong.

On the Jinshuizhai side, from Jinshuizhai to the west, the terrain became open, and villages began to gather on both sides of Yanzi Creek. The mountains on both sides have also become easier, and there are even a large number of terraces that the mountain people have opened up on the hillside.

However, after Wang Xiang was in charge of Chaishan, the mountain residents around Jinshui Village were also forcibly moved out and became a military restricted area controlled by Chaishan.

A high mountain may not be steep, and a low mountain may not be easy.

Jinshui Village and Fohouling Village are only 60 miles apart, but separated by the steep mountains of Daiyan Mountain and Hengqi Mountain, there is little contact between the two places. After blocking Huaidong, it became extremely difficult for even birds and beasts to walk this distance.

If outsiders do not have a precise spatial concept of geography, and only see one of the two walled cities, Jinshui Village and Fohouling Village, they will never imagine that the Yanzixi Gorge between the two villages will penetrate the last and most critical part of Huaishan. ring.

Wang Xiang built a dam to block the stream at the downstream of Jinshui Village, on the pretext of building two drainage channels from each end of the dam to irrigate more paddy fields. When the water level of Yanzi Creek is raised, it can directly irrigate the sloping land on both sides of the lower reaches of the original Yanzi Creek through the drainage canal to the west, transforming a part of the dry land in the terraced mountains west of Jinshui Village into high-yield paddy fields.

Since Yanzi Creek is east of Jinshui Village, the cliffs on both sides are extremely narrow. Even if the most open place is chosen, the dam length is only more than 70 feet, so the cost of building the dam is low. Compared with the nearly twenty-li-long dam temporarily built by the Huaidong Army on the upper reaches of Shanxi River during the Shangrao Battle, the Yanzixi Pond Dam naturally required a stronger construction, but because the length was only seventy feet long, the manpower and material resources were expended. far less than the former.

When the manpower was relatively abundant, and Suizhou was extremely short of food, it was normal thinking to build a dam and block the stream to raise the water level of Yanzi Stream in order to gain three or five thousand mu of paddy fields. Wang Xiang was in Suizhou, and he was an able official who was famous for his governance. Even if people see the dam being built here to raise the water level of Yanzi Creek, no one will doubt the real intention behind it.

The main body of the pond, which is less than 700 feet long, had been built as early as June, but the right time has to wait for the right time to store water in the mouth to raise the water level. The battle of Nanyang was about to break out, and the time was ripe for Yanzi Creek to fill its mouth with water.

After Tang Xitai left, Wang Xiang and Zhou Bin ordered the ponds and dams to be filled with water.

It rained heavily in Chai Mountain that night. Tang Xitai rushed back to Foshan Mountain and could not walk by water. He could only climb over the steep mountains and forests. He walked 60 miles for a day and a night to arrive.

As if a big river suddenly formed between the deep gorges, even in the upper reaches of the Buddha Monkey Mountain, the water level has risen by three feet. There is also a small lake with an area of ​​several hundred acres at the foot of Fohou Mountain.

Tang Xitai worked very hard to climb the mountains and mountains, and it was raining at night. He rushed to Fohouling Village, like a chicken in soup, but he was very excited when he saw that the last link of the Huaishan Plank Road was finally connected.

The master of Fohouling will be Huang Zuyu, who was ordered by Lin Bing, to select Jianrui from the soldiers for training. There are about 6,000 soldiers and horses outside the Chongcheng army. Since the spring, Huang Zuyu has been stationed on Fohouling for training. .

Tang Xitai rushed back to Fohouling Village. In addition to the main general Huang Zuyu, Cao Ziang and Zhou Tong, the commander of the Chongcheng Army, came quietly to Fohouling to watch the situation in Jingxiang.

Tang Xitai didn't even change his wet clothes, so he reported the latest situation west of Huaishan to Cao Ziang.

Lin Bie was far away in Yuzhang, and it was inconvenient to travel by car or ship.

Even if the military situation is reported at the fastest speed, it will take six or seven days to travel from the hinterland of Huaishan to Yuzhang via Luzhou. Therefore, in the direction of Luzhou, Lin Fuyu and Cao Ziang have the right to deal The power and the lost horses gathered in Luzhou were all controlled by Cao Ziang.

"Let's go back to the stockade..." Even though he knew that the final battle in Nanyang was just around the corner, Cao Zi'ang was still as calm as usual, looked at Tang Xitai in wet clothes, gave him a horse, and went back to the army first.

After returning to the village, Tang Xitai changed into clean clothes and walked to the command shed. Cao Zi'ang, Zhou Tong, and Huang Zuyu were all there, discussing around the map of Jingxiang.

Tang Xitai walked over and looked up at the map hanging on the wall.

The Changle Army, the remnants of the She family, and the troops of Chen Hansan and Yang Xiong between Hanshui and Huaishan were actually under the strict supervision of Huaidong scouts.

From late June, the main force of the Shejia crossing the river remnants, especially the elite fighting forces directly under the Shejia's jurisdiction, will have nearly 40,000 troops~www.readwn.com~ will gather in Shicheng.

Shicheng is located in the middle reaches of the Han River, across the Han River from Dangyang County in the north of Jingzhou Prefecture.

When Hu Wenmu focused his defense on Jiangxia, it was difficult for the She family to cross the Han River from Hanjin to attack Jingzhou. They moved their troops upstream along the Han River and assembled them to Shicheng. They wanted to cross the Han River from Shicheng and insert themselves into Jingzhou from Dangyang County. , is an option.

However, another more important geographical feature of Shicheng is easily overlooked.

Shicheng is located on the north bank of the Han River. From Shicheng to Xiangyang, the Han River runs almost straight from north to south. The waterway travels about 200 miles. There is no major geographical obstacle between the land and Xiangyang. The traditional Han Zuo post road is sandwiched between the east of the Han River. Between the bank and the west vein of the Lulin Mountains, it can directly reach Fancheng where the Nao River joins the Han River.

As long as Luo Xiancheng surrendered Fancheng, the elite soldiers and horses gathered by the She family in Shicheng would be able to pass through Fancheng and attack Xinye, the southern gateway of Nanyang, in just two or three days.

Although there is no scout report yet, Tang Xitai suspects that the She family's troops in Shicheng have already moved north.

Cao Zi'ang pointed at the map and said, "Although the water level of Yanzi Creek has been raised, it is easy to sail, but at one time only four or five thousand soldiers can be crossed. Let the boat go down during the day and return empty at night, no matter how well arranged, It will take half a month to sneak 50,000 soldiers and horses into Chaishan, plus the necessary supplies. Nanyang will definitely give up. If they can defend for three months, they will be considered good fortune, but the soldiers on the Luzhou side , you should immediately arrange for the dive into Huaishan..."

Zhou Tong nodded and said: "After all matters in Jiangxi are resolved, we will decide to send troops here, at least it will take half a month. The situation is ever-changing, half a month is too long, and there is no delay. Luzhou side When going to the empty camp first, at least tell Tang Fuguan and Sun Zhuang to sneak into Chaishan and stand by!" My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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