Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 5 Chapter 59: Fourth music

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Wearing a monocle and bearing the image of "winner" Nyuni, Amon seems to be not a sneak, an attacker, but a visitor, very expressive desire to say that he is prepared in advance, and "magic Mirror "The origin of Arrods.

He didn't finish his words, suddenly stopped, and saw the opposite Dawn. Tang Taisi brushed it into a dirty gray mouse.

The mouse raised his right front paw and pressed his eyelids.

At the same time, in the garden of No. 160 Berkrend Street, the face of the thin and angular black-haired brown Mann Spallo appeared in the middle of a pile of roses.

Just now, Amon said a very attractive topic, while secretly splitting a "bug of time", trying to invade Klein's body and want to "parasitic", but Klein has always been highly alert, through the "spirit" The change of the line of the body has perceived this matter. At the crucial moment, let yourself change the position with a secret manufacturer!

Silently, Amon, a mixed-race youth, once again appeared in front of Klein.

In the rear of him, a transparent worm with only twelve links fell from the third floor and fell into his body.

At this moment, the cockroaches in the garden soil, the insects in the trees and the mice in the shadow corners, have been drilled out, or surrounded by the place where the German Sparrow and Amon confronted, or away from this area.

Klein had just listened to Amon’s patience just now. A big part of the reason was to make time to make secrets!

For a "Mage Master", a secret is complete!

Amon still did not rush to start, pinched the monocles caught in deep eye sockets, looked around, and smiled at the corner of his mouth:

"Your behavior tends to expose your problems. For a mentor in the field of fraud, all you have just done is enough for me to seize your weaknesses.

"In such a stressful and dangerous situation, you have only turned mice, worms, birds, and cockroaches into your own secret mate. They did not consider the housekeepers, maids, and maids in the house. What does this mean? Explain that you have excellent morality. Level, and still regard themselves as human beings, not willing to hurt them.

"I have grasped this point, even if my avatar is not as good as you, I can play you to collapse, I can't do it."

"Oh, yes, you can stop trying to manipulate my 'line of the spirit' secretly, because you are manipulating the 'line of the spirit' that I stole, they belong to your housekeeper, your maid, yours The driver, continue, I am afraid that you will blame yourself."

Even the "spirit of the spirit" can steal? No, it's more like a pass-through... Klein's face is slightly condensed, interrupting the manipulation of Amon's "line of the spirit."

He has been so patient, letting the other side talk nonsense, but also because of the secret of the idea of ​​Amon avatar into his own secret.

For a "Mage Master", this kind of delaying time and concealing the exertion of the battle should have been his best and favorite type. Unfortunately, he encountered the current position at the top of the "stealer" route. "Amazing God" Amon, even if it is only a avatar, also makes him a little helpless.

- Klein actually suspects that Amon’s words are cheating on himself, but he has no way of distinguishing and is afraid to gamble.

At this time, you need the "audience" to cooperate!

"You said so much? Shouldn't it be just to find a way to 'parasitic' me? You should understand that before you hit me, it is very difficult for you to parasit a '诡师' who can see the 'spirit of the spirit' "Gleman Sparo looks like Klein looks at Amon, and suddenly calmly speaks."

Amon suddenly laughed:

"You finally found out."

"You are stealing my destiny?" Klein once again changed positions with the secret mate, so that the body kept flashing in all corners of the garden.

"No." Amon shook his head, his hands in his trouser pockets, and smiled leisurely. "Arodes's 'mirror' is willing to listen to your instructions and deliberately please you, which means that you are not like I expected. So simple, I am not the extraordinary person of the 'tyrant' approach, and certainly will not steal your destiny so recklessly, huh, I suddenly have a hunch, and directly replace you will happen something I don't want to see."

"How do you know that Arrods is pleased with me? There should be no such thing in the fate of Flora Jacob." Klein Spallo's appearance of Klein appeared on the tree.

His different secrets continue to change position.

Amon took out one hand and pinched his chin:

"Did I just say it? I spent some time to distinguish and find the source. Well, I went to the steam church and chatted with Arrods. It was not too frank, I would rather endure my torture and not disclose. Your true origin, unfortunately, it is inside the steam church, otherwise, I directly 'parasitic' it, I know everything."

Even a living seal can be "parasitic"? If Arrods strictly abides by the rules, then its past answers show that it is not too clear about my real situation, but there is some speculation... Klein’s eyes are slightly enlarged, just to speak, I will hear Amon laugh. One channel:

"You are not in a hurry, what are you waiting for?

"Don't you know that the sequence 2 corresponding to my route is called 'Destiny Trojan'? Although I am just an ordinary avatar, some abilities can still be applied initially. For example, do some tricks on your destiny. It has some errors in a certain period of time. Just like now, no matter how you call for help, no one will notice it.

"Oh, that is to say, even if you inspire the night badge in your hand, you can only borrow the secret influence, and you can't pass on the idea of ​​asking for help, no matter how you agree. Also, even if you call 'Help ', or to create an explosion, passing pedestrians and servants in the house can not be heard.

"That's why I said so much. For an ordinary avatar, this kind of operation requires enough time.

"Well, it's your turn to answer my question."

Klein didn't answer directly, and kept changing positions with the secret couples. However, he always kept a secret mate on the front of Amon to "talk" to the other party.

At this time, he asked the secret agent to ask:

"Since you have completed the manipulation of the field of destiny, why not do it?

"You seem to be waiting too..."

This is a thin piece of "paper man", and the voice of Germain Sparo has not fallen. There is a fierce wind in the distance.

Leonard, wearing a black trench coat, was pulled by a silver-and-white metal cane and flew to Berkrend Street at high speed!

Klein, who had flashed to the side of Amon, immediately said:

"This is what I am waiting for!"

He said that one side was already excited by the dark night coat that was clenched in his hand.

At the same time, he made a snap on his left palm, lit the tallest tree in the garden, and let the red flames slam into the air.

This is so vivid, like a giant torch, which is an anomaly that can be seen at a glance in the entire block. However, no matter who is wiping the window on the first floor, or a pedestrian walking under the tree of the Indus tree, None of them noticed, even Leonard Mitchell, who was in the air, ignored this scene and moved closer to the scheduled high speed at Burke Lund Street 39.

Just then, the voice of the "red glove" sounded pale in the mind of Pales Soloas:

"Turn, go to number 160."

... Leonard, though puzzled, but with rich experience in extraordinary events, did not ask why, immediately smashed the "Haizhiyan" cane and changed his direction.

In the garden of No. 160 Berkrend Street, Amon raised his head and pressed his right hand to the monocle made of crystal. He smiled and said:

"This is what I am waiting for."

He didn't go to see Gelman Sparrow, his face gradually became clear, and it was difficult to stop the surprise and continue to say:

"I can actually find the abnormality of this area's fate...

"It is Him, Pales!"

During the speech, the "God of the Gods" changed the action of the press, and just got his own monocle.

At this time, the whole block was covered with a strange darkness, as if it had been isolated from reality and became a secret.

In the living room at 39 Burk Lund Street, Hairouer looked out the window and whispered in a slightly confused way:

"Is it going to rain?"

This is not an important thing, she immediately retracted her eyes and reached out to the three-layer tray for afternoon tea.

Then she saw her father, Mr. Maht, strangely spreading his right hand.

A little bit of light condensed out of thin air, and the palm of the hand became a crystal-like monocle.

Mr. Maht immediately put the monocle on his right eye.

This... Hailuer has clearly noticed that it is wrong, and looked at the other people in the room with a slight panic.

Her mother, Mrs. Liana, took off the decorations on the bridge of the nose, put on the monocles that I didn’t know where to take it out, and the maids who were standing next to her also came up with a uniform piece. Wear glasses and wear to the right eye at the same time.


Hailuer instinctively stood up and stepped back and knocked the chair to the ground.

The voice alarmed everyone in the room, and Mr. Maht, Mrs. Liana, and the maid maids turned their heads and looked at Hailuer.

Their mouths smiled a little.


Hailuer collapsed and made a scream.

The scream came out of the house, penetrated the garden, and attracted the attention of the pedestrians on the street, and Amon had put down the right hand of the monocle, looked at the silhouette of the air, and smiled:

"Palles, this is the 1950s of the fifth century. The skills of relying on gregarious gathering to improve the level have long since become obsolete."

On the side of his side, Klein no longer talks nonsense, and stretches his hand into his arms, like a slap in the face, making the "squirming hunger" transparent, and condensing a transparent book in front of him.

And Amon just raised his hand gently, and the leather gloves disappeared.

However, along with the human leather gloves disappeared, there is also the figure of Gelman Sparrow.


It was not the gloves that fell into the palm of Amon, but a mouse, a mouse that was revoked by the secret.

On the other side of Amon, Klein, who was wearing a shirt and a vest, flashed out and threw out what he had just thrown out and threw it at the target.

That is a thousand paper cranes.

PS: Update in advance on Monday, ask for a monthly ticket~

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