Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 5 Chapter 73: patient

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"How? Have you seen it clearly?" Foers had just left the street where the Viscount House of Stafford was located, and he saw a sullen expression and walked back abruptly.

Hugh hesitated to the bottom:

"See clearly..."

After saying this, she seems to have finally come back, quite shocked and said:

"I know her, no, he!"

"He?" Fols was confused.

Hume habitually observed the next around:

"He is Sherman! Sherman I told you!

"He, he turned into a woman!"

Fols heard it one by one, and asked subconsciously:

"Would you admit it wrong?

"In fact, Sherman's sister?"

Hugh shook his head firmly:

"No, she admitted it, let me not bother her, she wants to say goodbye to the past!"

"But... how did he become a woman..."

Folls turned his eyes and suddenly remembered something, thinking and saying:

“It’s not impossible... there is an extraordinary way to make a man a woman at some stage.”

She remembers that Miss Justice had mentioned similar things in a free exchange.

"Ah? Really?" Hugh’s eyes widened and he asked in disbelief.

"OK!" Fols has already remembered the specific content and gave the answer quite steadily.

"This..." It was a little unacceptable for a while, but there was no rhetoric rebuttal. I had to ask, "Which way is it?"

Fols replied:


“Hey, it’s the ‘Assassin’ route.”

"Witches... Sherman turned out to be a witch..." Hugh repeats himself.

Suddenly, her voice got a little bigger:

"Will she be used by people?

"No, I have to remind her!"

The voice just fell, Hugh has turned, striding, trying to catch up with the rental carriage again.

However, she couldn't find the target even after chasing a few streets. Sherman and the carriage seemed to disappear out of thin air.

Hugh gradually slowed down, eventually stopped, and looked at the empty streets in front of him with complex expressions.

Behind her, Fols wears a few walls and finally catches up.

"I'm missing..." Hugh said.

Fols also turned his eyes to the front, responding thoughtfully:

"I was discovered..."

Not waiting for a break, she sighed and turned around:

"Go back, look for another opportunity."

Hugh did not take a step, still standing there.

After a few seconds, she said in Foss’s puzzled eyes:

"If they find a problem, will they act in advance?"

"It's possible! If they don't want their plans to go bankrupt, it's very likely to try to make a last fight tonight, before we get ready!" Fols immediately agreed with Hugh's judgment, "We return to Viscountford. There, go to a more hidden place and continue to monitor!"

Hugh nodded and did not hesitate to respond:

"it is good."


The dock area, a warehouse with lots of goods.

Sherman sat on a dirty wooden box, his hands were cut back behind him, and the body was wrapped with a thin and tough spider silk.

Her whole body is like being loaded with a transparent cocoon, and even the sound can't be emitted.

"It's not a bad thing for you." Terry stood in front of Sherman, holding a black flame in her hand. "At least you can be sure that he really loves you or deceives you."

Sherman was angry and frightened, trying to express his pleading with a sly voice, but Terry did not move a little, and held the black flame of the palm of his hand and pressed it on Sherman's stomach.

If the flame is spiritual, it will be dispersed like water first, and then it will seem to penetrate the skin and flesh without shape, trying to get inside.

Terry's smooth black hair drifted away from nature, and was invisibly hand-drawn, extending all around, so that the surrounding air was dyed with inexplicable taste.

Those hairs become thick and faint, scattered and distinct.

At the bottom of them, a deep ray of light emerged, with curses and words, flying forward quickly, blending into the dark flame, entering the snowman's stomach, disappearing quickly.

Sherman's face twitched uncontrollably, but there was no painful feeling. It seemed that this was just a purely neurological instinct.

She quickly calmed down and saw that the body in front of the black dress was a little faded and gradually transparent until it disappeared.

Sherman's pupils zoomed in and struggled again, but they couldn't get rid of the bondage.

She tried again and again, starting again and again, like a flood in a quiet warehouse rising by a centimeter and a centimeter.

I don't know how long it took, the door of the warehouse slammed open and slammed into the walls on both sides.

A figure walked in abruptly, and it was the middle-aged Viscount.

He did not go out as usual, wearing a white wig headgear, showing a high hairline and quite messy black hair, the latter stick together, seems to be soaked by the rainstorm, and dried some, but For a few hours before, the clouds were thin and the red moon was floating, and there was no rain at all.

On the face of Viscount's Viscount, a drop of sweat was sliding down the neck along the stiff lines, and there were countless black thin lines flowing under the skin.

His body was slightly squatting, his face muscles were twisted, and his eyes were full of pain and worry.

After looking around for a circle, after discovering Shiman, he was first happy, and immediately became anxious. Some of them were difficult to grasp the balance and rushed over.

When Shiman saw that he had entered the warehouse, his face suddenly became vivid, and it seemed to be a layer of light.

She then showed a mixed look of fear and fear, madly trying to shake her head, but her neck was fixed firmly by the spider's silk, and she could not turn.

She became more anxious, so that tears spilled from her eyes, and it was crystal clear and fragile.

Seeing that Viscountford was about to run to her, there was a loud bang between the two.

There seemed to be an invisible wall, separating the Viscount and the Sherman from both sides, which was insurmountable.

"If you want to lift the curse and take her away, then there is no secret answer to my question." At this time, in the corner of the warehouse, a figure quickly sketched out.

Her five senses are all charming, and the combination is even more sweet, as if every lover who was fantasized by a boy and a teenager is the witch Terry.

Not waiting for the Viscount of Stafford to respond, she raised her right hand directly and let a dark flame come out.

On the face, hands, and neck of the Viscount of Fordford, all the exposed skin became transparent, highlighting one blood vessel after another.

In each blood vessel, the black flame burned quietly and silently.

The pain in the eyes of the Viscount of Stafford reached its peak at this moment, and disappeared instantly.

His expression became extremely cold, and the twilight actually took a few minutes, as if it was not himself who was cursed, but Terry separated by a long distance.

In the corner of the warehouse, Terry's body was full of black flames, and the dense invisible spider silk was shining, but they could not be ignited.

In the twinkling of an eye, Terry, like Snowman, was "sealed" in a transparent "cocoon", which was difficult to move and could not escape.

The position of the ventilator at the height of the warehouse, another figure figured out, this is a lady who does not see the specific age, wearing a simple and holy white robe, black and blue eyes, clear and beautiful, own kind of indescribable charm .

"Catherine Pelle..." Terry seemed to have exhausted her strength and finally shouted a name.

At this time, Viscount Stewart grabbed himself and grabbed an unreal puppet that was entangled in black fiery.

He squinted at Sherman on the side of his eye and turned to Terry:

"I don't care about life-related things. After the death of Sikes, I know that I will be my turn one day.

"Oh, you are hunting me, of course, there are others who want to hunt you. We are very patient, afraid to scare you away, do nothing, wait until today.

"And, your gift is very good."

Hearing the words of the Viscount of Fordford, Shiman, who was still habitually struggling, stopped all movements and his expression was sluggish as never before.

Her eyes were wide, but she had no focus, as if she was sinking in the water.

"Love..." Terry suddenly smiled and seemed to ridicule herself.

She is not nervous, not flustered.


Meige Manor, the night is deep.

Arranging more than 20 guests to stay, Klein, who was ready for the next day's hunting activities, just woke up and suddenly woke up.

His intuition was touched, and a picture was drawn in his mind:

Chunas Corg, who wears shirts and trousers, will fly out of the window of the guest room and float out against the natural rules.

This... I haven’t done it yet... He came here and has his own purpose... Klein’s thoughts flashed, it’s controlling a cockroach outside, turning it into a secret mate, with its “eyes” Look around.

Almost at the same time, Chunas Colger appeared.

After the demigod left the Meige Manor, he immediately confuses the "distance" and quickly came to the bank of the Tassok River, ready to cross.

The cockroach looked quietly and did nothing.

He is going to the south bank of the Tsock River... What does he want to do... He likes to go hunting in the countryside, is it to cover up such actions? He introduced me to Meige Manor and why? Klein lay in bed and carefully analyzed the behavior of Chunas.

When the half-god of the military militia really set foot on the south bank of the Tsok River, Klein suddenly remembered one thing:

After he escaped from the underground relics of Ins Zangweier and others, it appeared in the northwest of Bakerland, which is the south bank of the Tsok River, not far from the area where the Meige Manor is located.

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