Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 5 Chapter 130: Dorian's request

Jowood District, Hope Road 22, Hat Trick Hotel, outside Room 2016.

Folse came straight through the wall and did not attract anyone's attention. Then, she slammed the door at the agreed rhythm.

Not long after, his shoulders were wide and his arms were thick, and Dorian Gray Abraham, wearing a black suit, unlocked and twisted his handle.

The gentleman looked at it very quickly and left, letting the position open and letting Fulth enter.

"I really didn't think that you could become a 'record officer' so soon..." After closing the door, Dorian carefully checked the lock, then turned his body and sighed.

In terms of the standards of this era, he is already a middle-aged person, but he can still stay in the sequence of 7 "astrologers", and there is no hope of promotion.

And his student, Firth Wall, took a year or so from sequence 9 to sequence 6.

The contrast between the two is not much sighed by Li An and secretly sad.

The blood of the Abraham family was supposed to be noble and enviable, but now it is a heavy curse that frustrates him.

"This is all the teacher you teach." Although Fols does not like to go out and likes to stay at home, but also from time to time will be invited by the nobility, to participate in the best-selling novels of the high society literature and art salon, not to know how to speak, And she did get a lot of help from her own teacher, from knowledge, money, to recipes and materials.

Dorian glanced at her and shook her head and smiled:

"I haven't only taught you a student, the speed of promotion, there is only one person in my memory who can compare with you."

He paused and continued:

"Next, your goal is to sequence 5 'Travellers', and I have higher expectations for you, I hope you can gain divinity and become the 'secret master' of Sequence 4.

"Of course, I also have a request, that is, when you really become a demigod, try to pray to a hidden existence, listen to his answer, and figure out what He is saying.

"This is indeed dangerous, but for the demigod of Sequence 4, there is enough capacity to bear. There is no other factor, and there should be no problem."

"Teacher, is this answer important to you?" Fosmin knew what was going on, but he still pretended to be curious and confused.

Dorian was silent for a few seconds and sighed a long time:

"Very important, my parents, my brother, my sister, my children, too many people have paid for the pursuit of this answer, but nothing has been obtained...

"Don't worry, the reason we pay such a big price is because there is an old curse hidden in the blood of our family, and you have no blood relationship with us.

"I don't expect to find a way to lift the curse in my generation through this answer, but I want to know where it originated and what is the cause of death..."

Having said that, Dorian took a breath and didn't talk anymore.

I don't know why, at this moment, Firth intuitively felt the heavy accumulation accumulated from generation to generation in the millennium.

It is really difficult for her to imagine how painful a person's ancestors, parents, brothers, sisters, and children would die directly or indirectly because of the same curse.

I think of the teacher’s care for myself. In recent years, I have only harvested this care and love from the elders, and I have nod my head, and nodded hard:

"I will work hard."

Dorian put away the feelings just now and gently bowed:

"The most commendable thing about you is your kindness."

Fols was a little embarrassed, and instead talked about a word mentioned in the teacher’s words:


She remembered that the teacher had not told the Abraham family himself that he had falsely claimed that he and Lawrence, Anlisa and others were members of a secret organization.

——In order to distinguish between what the teacher said and what I learned at the Tarot meeting, Foers had to do some serious work before going out, so as not to accidentally say what he should have known. Message.

Dorian simply replied:

"To solve the curse problem, my family has joined the organization."

He immediately opened the topic:

“Why did you move in a hurry this time?”

"I was stared at by the official extraordinary." Fols first said half of the truth, then complained about the postman.

Dorian did not say more, avoiding Firth, arranging the ceremony, summoning the mound creature Marmos, who loves music, and letting it spit out three items.

This is a transparent to almost illusory spar, the second is the old parchment, and the third is a small hunter backpack.

“This is an extraordinary feature left by a 'traveler'. With it, you don't need to collect additional master materials. This is the 'traveler' potion formula, which contains the corresponding auxiliary materials. If you don't have a good way to save, try to digest the 'record officer' potion in half a year, or else their spirituality will be completely lost..." Dorian handed the items in his hand to Fols.

"Thank you teacher." Fols said sincerely.

Then she unrolled the parchment and quickly scanned through the potion recipe, focusing on the ceremony:

"There are four completely different depths in the depths of Yuling, and special coordinates are set up far apart."

"The purpose of this ceremony is?" Foer thought for a few seconds, and asked to ask the teacher.

After taking the 'Traveller' potion, you will start the spiritual world uncontrollably. When you have mastered the power, you will find that you have lost your way. At this time, you can use the four special coordinates to return to reality. The world, otherwise you will be trapped in the depths of the spiritual world for a long time. It is not only dangerous, but also will assimilate you, let you lose your mind and become a creature that depends on the spiritual world." Although Dorian did not want to be a "traveler", But I have seen the student promotion sequence 5 before.

"There should be something else to replace..." Fols seemed to whisper as he thought.

"Yes." Dorian nodded. "There were items in the organization that allowed people to return to reality directly from the spiritual world. Unfortunately, it was lost."

Not waiting for Firth to ask, Dorian turned and said:

"If, I mean, if you can really become a demigod, and fulfill my wish, I will give you an important item that I am in charge of. This is a teacher's expectation for you."

One of the powerful seals of the Abraham family? Fols vaguely had some speculation, did not dare to promise anything, or just like the same:

"I will work hard."

Then, she took this topic and asked curiously:

"Teacher, you just mentioned that Sequence 4 is the 'Secret Master', that Sequence 3, Sequence 2, and Sequence 1?"

Dorian suddenly smiled:

"You are only in sequence 6.

"Well, sequence 3 is called 'roamer', sequence 2 is 'traveler', and the name of the potion in sequence 1 is 'star spoon'.

"Oh, fortunately, you mentioned this problem. I have forgotten to sort out a note on spiritual exploration. These are things that must be kept in mind after becoming a 'traveler'.

"This way, I will stay for another night, you will come to me for information tomorrow."

While thinking about the "apprentice" route to the high-ranking potion name, Fols agreed to it:

"Okay, teacher."

After confessing these things, Dorian took a few steps back and forth, thinking for a while, and shouted again:

"The extraordinary characteristics of the same route will have a certain attraction. When the sequence is low, it is not obvious. The higher the sequence, the stronger.

"Sometimes, this attraction will not directly make you feel it, it will make you unconsciously close to a high sequencer in this route. When you become a 'traveler', you should always pay attention to this matter. It is."

Having said that, Dorian paused:

"The half-god of the 'apprentice' approach is not too much. Among them, you need to be especially careful about a man named Buttis. He is the 'secret saint of the Aurora'. Like Louis, it is our organization. The traitor, I will give you his portrait tomorrow."

Buttis... Firth repeated the name that the teacher just mentioned in his heart.

At the same time, she had a new understanding of the last encounter with Aurora and Luis Wien:

Perhaps it is not an encounter, but an attraction between extraordinary characteristics, the teacher has a strong enough "apprentice" way to seal the seal!

Fols quickly pressed this idea down and began to ask questions about playing the "recording officer."


Silver City, Berg Home.

"There was a way to bypass the front area of ​​the 'Giant Wang Ting', from the 'declining forest', 'the ridiculous tunnel' into the interior..." Dairik Berger recalled just above the fog, by "the world "Mr. shared information.

This is very important for Silver City, because the early exploration from the camp in the afternoon shows that the closer to the "Giant Wang Ting", the more monsters from the dark, the stronger the strength.

"You must tell the chief!" Dairik slammed up and rushed out of the house and went straight to the round tower. He wished to see the chief of the "Six People's Committee" Colin Iliad.

In accordance with the embarrassment of Mr. "Down Man", he said that he recalled some of the murals seen in the "shadow" of the afternoon town, which described a secret passage into the "Giant Wang Ting".

Colin Iliad listened quietly, did not interrupt Dairik’s remarks, and finally nodded lightly:

"Good, you are doing very well.

"What do you want to exchange for this merit?"

"The complete brain of the adult mind dragon." Dairik was ready.

Colin didn't ask why, thought about it:

"If that secret passage is true, then the value must outweigh the complete brain of the adult mind dragon, um... you can pick something else, and you have a higher sequence of potions for the 'farmers' route. Interested?"

This is asking Mr. "The Fool"... Dairik has a clear understanding, but a strange saying:

“Do we have a higher sequence of potion recipes for the ‘cultivator’ route?”

He doesn't remember it at all.

"Of course, you should remember that the queen of the giant king is the 'bumper goddess', but the surrounding area lacks the corresponding extraordinary materials. You don't have to worry, you can think about it again." Colin Iliat calmly shifted the topic, " Are you already able to master the power of the Priest of Light?"

"Yes." Dairik responded succinctly.

Colin was silent for a while, looking at the half-children in front of him:

"What kind of holy seal do you want to pick?"

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