Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 5 Chapter 136: Suddenly

160 Burke Lund Street, the home of Dawn Dontes.

After Klein bypassed the "transfer", there was no delay, and the altar was immediately arranged, a ceremony was held, and the "Death" was prayed:

"You are the essence of death;

"You are the monarch of the dead;

"You are the last destination of all living beings.

"I pray for your help and pray for knowing how to solve the problem of the 'Red Angel' evil spirit. He is attached to a 'gatekeeper' and works with the spiritual priest Haitel to Beckland. Became an assistant to Patrick Brian..."

In this matter, Klein really has no choice but to ask for help from the "night goddess."

- Don't mention that he is looking for a hard-working monk leader, Arianna, to have the ability and opportunity to get rid of the problem of Soren Einhorne Medici, even if the "red angel" evil spirits disappear, the spiritual group The high priest of the artificial death **** can immediately understand that something is going on here, and thus associates with other anomalies, and judges that the state of artificial death is wrong. Then, using his own personality, possible seals, and familiarity with this approach, Anyone who does not get the benefits of destruction.

And if you let the "red angel" leave, the evil spirits of this "conspiracy" will not be long before you can detect that Patrick Brian has an abnormality. With his knowledge and intelligence, it is not difficult to guess the nature of the problem.

"No matter how to deal with it, it is a mistake. It is an angel in the field of war. Even if there is only a three-in-one spirit, there is no way to solve the problem that He has created. This must be His idea for Heiter...

"Actually, there is an extreme idea, that is, let this 'red angel' evil spirit be killed by other churches, official forces or secret organizations because of other things. In short, the goddess related can not be seen, to make things clear. Chu Ming understands white...

"The difficulty of this idea is how to make a high-ranking person in the conspiracy field jump into a trap... This one is not handled well, and the fire will burn on himself..." After the prayer, Klein casually divulged his thoughts. Wait patiently for the "night goddess" to give back.

After a dozen seconds, the herbal embers that pleased the gods were rolled up by the invisible wind, flew out of the cauldron and landed on the table, forming a word:

"He is here, the earth will be a knife."

What does this mean? Klein looked at the seemingly acquainted sentence and frowned slightly.

As a "diviner", he habitually began to interpret:

Because of the king's problem, Lun was caught in the shadow of war, so the "red angel" symbolizing war came.

This means that war may not be able to stop it.

- By the sequence 1, it will become a symbol.

Klein thought about turning around, the invisible wind stopped, and the interior of the altar isolated by the "spiritual wall" became extremely quiet.

No other revelation? Klein waited for a while and confirmed that it was just like this. He ended the ceremony and cleaned up the altar.

He then went to the sofa area in the room to sit and see if anything else happened.

After a full quarter of an hour, he did not see the secretive angel of the night monastery, the secret angel of the thirteen archbishops, Arianna.

Don't need to deal with the "red angel" evil spirits, just let it go? Or, there are other ways, but I don't need to mix it? Klein is not a devout night believer in nature. Since the goddess said that he doesn't care, he certainly doesn't bother to take care of it. Anyway, it is not only extremely troublesome but also very dangerous for him.

Shaking his head, Klein took out the pen and paper from his pocket and began to do "dream divination."

What happened tonight made him intuitively think that time can't be delayed, and he must digest the "Mage Master" potion as soon as possible.


In the foggy sea, a steam sail is a hybrid ship that is very close to the pirate ship.

A man and an older woman were tied back to the edge of the deck with their hands tied together, and then the pirates either used their hands or feet to let them fall to the sea.

The voices of Tong Tong Tong Tong have been one after another, but the pirates have not been affected at all. They laughed and finished the bloodless killing.

After clearing the scheduled captives, they took the guns, carried the lanterns, and got to the side of the ship, ready to appreciate the struggles of those poor worms.

However, under the light of the light, the deep blue sea next to the boat was quiet and undulating, without a figure.

"Sinking so fast?" A pirate blurted out in surprise.

The leader of this pirate group frowned and looked at it for a while:

"Maybe there are some sea monsters passing by, and those who dare to resist are regarded as the food of the gods.

"Exactly, this has fed it and will not attack us..."

Having said that, this leader waved his hand:

"Let's enjoy it!"

As a fairly senior pirate, he knows that there are many strange things on the sea. Facing them, it is best not to explore the reasons and try to clarify the truth. Since it has not harmed himself and his companions, thank you for the storm. The Lord "Blessed, nothing has happened."

The people who determined the rotation were violently drinking, eating large pieces of meat, singing loudly, and fighting for the dominance of young female captives.

In the lively atmosphere, the pirate first tie a beautiful passenger who had long been fancy, entered the room that originally belonged to the captain, and could not wait to open the last process of the carnival night.

In the middle of the night, the tired pirate leader stretched out his right hand and touched something cold and temperatureless.

The pirate leader woke up, and with the blushing moonlight shining through the window, he saw a piece of rough wood in his arms.

Above the wood, a branch with green leaves is grown, holding the pirate leader like a human hand.


The pirate leader's pupil was rapidly zoomed in. While pushing the wood away, he jumped out of the bed and stumbled back.

Was I was with such a thing before? He was full of thoughts of panic, and he refused to wear clothes, picked up guns and sabers, and left the room directly.

Outside the door, there is a pirate guard.

"Stolen, how happy..." The pirate saw the leader open the door and asked in a busy voice.

The pirate leader wanted to blame the other party for secretly drinking, so that the speech was vague, but he could look up and see the inside and around his mouth. He grew a golden grain of wheat, and even the surface of his tongue was dense. all of them.

... The scalp leader's scalp is instantly tightened, and the numbness feels from top to bottom, and it will cool down and go straight to the caudal vertebrae.

At this time, the door to the opposite room was also opened, and a pirate shouted with a cry:

"Not good! Head, me, I have a lot of mushrooms there!"

The pirate ran out when talking.

At the same time, he felt itchy eyes, so he raised his hand and picked up his right eye.

He groaned, and a blue-green vine grew slowly in the gap between the eyelids and the eyeball, with a dark red grape on top.

Around the grape, the flesh and blood are blurred.

"..." The pirate leader saw that his body was a little stiff, and asked in a voice that was not his own. "You, met, what..."

Still squinting, the pirates who didn't feel the problem didn't need to remember, said directly:

"The shadow of a long stick looks like me!"

"Wo... Ye right..." The pirate with a golden grain on his tongue echoed the answer.

He was blocked by the leader and did not see the terrible appearance of his companions.

The legs of the pirate leader began to shake uncontrollably, and the instincts turned around and rushed out of the cabin.

At this time, he saw a long, stick-like shadow plunging from the side wall and pumping on himself.

The shadow flashed away, and soon I didn't know where to go, like an unreal nightmare.

The pirate leader took a slow shot before he raised his hand and tried to block it, which of course had no effect.

Then, he looked at his own state in a panic and fuss, and found nothing unusual.

"Fortunately, okay..." The pirate leader couldn't help but vomit.

After he had not finished speaking, he suddenly heard a slightly vague voice:

"so far so good……"

This voice seems to come from his body!

The pupil of the pirate leader was magnified to the extreme, and his hands picked up the clothes uncontrollably.

He immediately saw his chest and abdomen, splitting three gaps, one big and two small.

Inside the big one, the two rows of white teeth are neatly arranged, and the small center is inlaid with two flexible rolling eyes.

This is a mouth and two eyes!

The pirate leader has a mouth and two eyes on his chest and abdomen!

"Do not!"

A screaming voice erupted on the ship, with an indescribable, intense fear of extremes.

In the next quarter of an hour, some pirates went crazy, slashing their companions, and some of them escaped smoothly to their own ship. As a result, they found that the people above became deformed, and they jumped into the sea desperately.

When everything subsided, only a dozen of the more normal pirates were soft on the deck, hiding in the room, and stinking on Monday.

After a while, one passenger after another in the cabin, one less.

They dare not look at the scene in front of them, or thank the gods, or stay in the same place with doubt.


In the early morning, Klein turned to get up and started washing.

He just changed clothes with the help of the personal servant Nyuni, and he saw the butler returning from the housekeeper Walter to the door:

"Sir, Bishop Electra came to visit."

"...let him wait for me in the living room where you can enjoy the cigar." Klein snorted and said.

He suspected that this was the late response of the goddess.

Walter immediately turned around and arranged downstairs. It didn't take long before he returned:

"Sir, Bishop Electra has left and left. He told me to tell you that it is necessary to go to St. Saul's Church this morning, saying that the church and the government will jointly hold an air defense exercise."

"Air defense exercises?" Klein's brow wrinkled a little.

At this moment, his inspiration suddenly touched, turned sharply and looked out the window.

The Stratus is not a thin air, and a ship with a dark brown color is close to it.

These airships are marked with diagonal stripes of red, white and yellow. This is the flag of Fossac!

Seeing this scene, Klein Horan understood what he had overlooked before:

War is not necessarily initiated by the Kingdom of Lun!

An old and secret organization must have high-ranking members in other countries, otherwise it will not affect the world situation!

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