Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 5 Chapter 141: Spiritual attitude

"The Grains Act was abolished... government employees unified examinations... making concessions and introducing church forces into the military... These seem to be in line with the trend of the times, but in essence they are suppressing and weakening the nobility and supporting the new class. Compared with the previous rule of more than a thousand years, this can really be a rule against the normal situation, which is the kind of order that the 'Black Emperor' needs...

"In the last ten years, the architectural style has changed a lot...

"Russell can get the 'uniqueness' and get the corresponding sequence 1 extraordinary characteristics. The ancient secret organization may have a lot of strength, and may even provide a part directly. When the great emperor falls, who will be those characteristics? take away?

"And, Bernard has been in Beckland in recent months, and often comes over before...

"Oh, mainly the asymmetric aesthetics of the empire of the Quaternary, which influenced my cognition, and the rules that violated the normal situation were interpreted as miraculous, contrary to the order of human nature. Now think about it, what is the normal situation, Isn't it that everyone has been used to it in the past, not directly against the instinctive state of survival? From tribes to countries, from feudalism to republicanism, not all of them violate the normal situation at the time, and there are countless people who want to return to the past?

"The word "old and old" can sum up the problem...

"It seems that as long as there is no **** to intervene, the changes required by the 'Black Emperor' will inevitably occur. Only the difference between early and late... The wave of the times is coming, it is really difficult to stop. The brother of Amon is indeed powerful and terrible. Writer...

"The hidden burial site of the ‘blood emperor’ should be a pyramid-like mausoleum, and this must be repaired by the people in accordance with the ritual requirements, so there will be cases of the disappearance of the eastern population, the overseas slave trade, etc...

"When the war develops to a certain stage, an excuse for praying for victory or mourning the fallen soldiers is used to organize a large number of people to participate in the ritual ceremony in different cities in the kingdom...

"Well, many years ago, the Lun royal family got the crown of the Byron Empire, and linked the name of the king to the title of the emperor.

"It's a good plan!"

Woke up by the "red angel" evil spirits, Kline's spirit was tight, and many thoughts flashed through his mind, and there were other questions.

He looked at the thin, young, bloodless "gatekeeper" across the street, and said:

"George III wants to be a 'black emperor' directly?

"But he has not even sequence 4..."

Even if you can play in advance, let yourself be "more talented" and reduce the impact of the spiritual branding in the potion, Klein does not think that a sequence 5 can be directly into the gods, unless he is lucky enough to grasp the minimum probability of success.

And this kind of fortune is not simply "enough" to describe, the "silver snake" symbolizing the fate, Will Ansettin does not dare to directly swallow the "probability of the ambiguity", but also have to seriously find the method of accommodation.

The "red angel" evil spirit heard a sneer:

"How do you know that George III only has sequence 5?

"How do you know that George III, who was inspected, is really George III? Can't it be imagined, or which angel-level ‘no-face man’ becomes?

"These are really very difficult things to do, but for a paranoid, this is within the scope of their own abilities and resources.

"I suspect that George III is a full-fledged member of the secret organization that mimicked the creation of our "redemption". The real person may already have an angel level. Oh, it is not surprising that he came to the sequence 1."

... This, Russell the Great said that the members of the ancient secret organization are big people that he could not imagine, unite, there is nothing to do except to deal with the Seven Gods Church... Does this actually include a king of a country? Also, the late Emperor was also dominated by Intis... Paranoia... Is this the "red angel" evil spirit's evaluation of the brother of Amon? Although this is obviously more extreme and has a strong subjective tendency, there must be some truth. The nickname is not taken casually... Klein makes the secret singer frown slightly:

"You seem to be able to see through the truth of this matter, but why the night, the storm and the steam church have clearly noticed the problem. So far, they have not found any substance?

"They will know less about the 'Black Emperor' than you..."

After all, the two churches of the night and the storm support the Tudor-Trensolster United Empire!

The "Red Angel" evil spirits showed a funny expression, and looked up and down. Don Tess and his close-fitting servant eyes:

"how old are you?

“Why is it still so naive and childish?

"The Six Gods and the Six Gods Church are not necessarily equivalent at some point. Things that the Six Gods know may not necessarily tell the angels and saints below."

Seeing Dawn. Dontes is still frowning, unable to understand, and the "Red Angel" evil spirits are "squeaky":

"Trust me, I have no doubt that the words I have just followed are provoking the relationship and destroying the image of the Six Gods, but you can think for yourself whether it is true.

"Let's say that, for someone who wants to be a 'black emperor', the attitudes of the six gods, the gods, and the seven gods are rather embarrassing, often self-contradictory, and more accurately describe that they are happy to see a normal spirit' The Black Emperor was born, but he hoped to be the one he supported. Therefore, they would not give their churches too specific revelation. They just let them follow the normal process. They can be discriminated against and can not be developed by default.

"Of course, in this process, it is not excluded that a certain person may want to do some damage, but it will not be so direct and obvious, because it will certainly be blocked by other gods.

"If you have not grasped this attitude, how can George III dare to take risks?

"Well, now that the war has broken out, he has passed the crisis and can wait patiently for the opportunity."

Klein thought of the incident that raided the "blood emperor" ruins. The action leaked the news ahead of time. For a moment, I did not know that the three church leaders had members of the ancient secret organization, or that a certain **** personally reminded Amon’s brother. And if it is the latter, the suspect **** can rule out the "master of the storm."

After a sigh of relief, Klein asked with a slight hesitation:

"So, as long as there are no accidents behind, George III, who has done so many things, will usher in a ceremonial ritual? And if all goes well, with the counter-attack of the potion, he will be on the throne of the 'Black Emperor'?"

The "Red Angel" evil spirit replied easily:

"Is there any problem with this?"

"What exactly is the Seven Gods for..." Klein couldn't help but ask.

"Red Angel" evil spirits said:

"Do you want to know? I want to know that I can tell you now."

Klein was about to say "of course", and suddenly remembered the warning made by Ms. Arianna, the "secret servant":

"Some things, the more you know, the more likely you are to be 'infected', from the body to the soul are "infected", waiting for you to become an angel, and then explore the specific answer."

When the thoughts flashed, Klein let the secret couple smile slightly:

"That's still ok."

"Good, you almost died of curiosity and stupidity." The "red angel" evil spirit shook his head with some regrets.

He immediately looked out of the window:

"If there is nothing else, you can leave."

"Good." Klein let the secret host stand up and raise his right hand.

At this moment, the "red angel" evil spirit, half-lying, suddenly asked:

"I always have such a feeling. If I did it to you just now, you are not without a solution, right?"

Of course, do you think that I chose "flame jump" instead of "transfer" directly? That is to hide the movement of thousands of paper cranes in the wallet! In this way, the eyes of "The Snake of Destiny" Will Unsetin will be silently bet on me. If something is wrong, He will use the "reappear yesterday" spell... and the existence of your level "Handing over", not careful, careless, hidden means are not hidden, how? Klein did not directly answer the "red angel" evil spirits, smiled and said the default.


He snapped his finger and let the red flame rush out of his pocket and wrap him around.

The redness disappeared, and Klein's figure disappeared into the eyes of the "red angel" evil spirit.


Beckland, home of Dr. Allen Chris, in a black stroller.

The chubby baby blinked and silently said:

"For a child, Beckland is really uncomfortable!"


At 39, Berkrend Street, Klein, who had pre-dubbed the wish, saw Mr. Maht, who was about to go to the West End.

"Don't you go to the Meige Manor? I also intend to let Liana and Hailuer hide from the Elk Manor." Mr. Maht pinched his eyes.

This sequel does not know when it will disappear... Kline withdraws his gaze from the other side's movements and sighs a sigh:

"I have to prepare some weapons for the manor, so come and ask for your help.

“And, if you have access to food, you can buy some for me.”

When he wants to come, the people at the bottom can't hoard food, because there is no money at all, and at most they have to prepare for a few days. Therefore, their purchase will not affect them for the time being. When the food starts to be tense, you can pass Miss Audrey. Donate more of the purchased part - before the introduction of the temporary bill on food control, Klein will not hoard, other rich people will hoard, and may not be donated.

"No problem." Mr. Maht agreed without any difficulty.

Klein did not ask for the price, because he gave the housekeeper Taneya a full 5,000 pounds as a cost.

Of course, after confirming that Charato is in Beckland, and that Dawn Dontes is equal to that of the "Red Angel" evil spirit, he has decided not to return to the Rose Manor. Change your identity so that you don't affect those who are innocent.

As for the excuse, it is arranged by the night church to do certain things. It can't be returned for a long time. If there is a charity activity to cooperate with, please listen to Miss Audrey's arrangement.

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