Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 5 Chapter 145: Ask yourself (request for a monthly ticket on Monday)

Beckland, East End, within the rented rental house.

Klein, who was wearing a thicker jacket, stood behind the desk and looked at the glass window in front, carefully sensing the speed of digestion of the "Mage Master" potion.

"It's so fast, it's more than the three months I've digested. But there's nothing to do with it. Before I get the 'Life Cane', I can't provide enough treatment. I must care about the people who are scared. Whether the heart can withstand it, it is impossible to go to the hospital to make urban geeks...

"Similarly, if it is not the outbreak of war, it will be very difficult to find other demigods. It is quite certain that most of the whereabouts are at home. If you want to quietly invade, create a sense of horror, and inevitably turn the innocent into a secret, even if There is no other choice, I will not consider it..." Klein took his attention away from himself and silently sighed a few words.

He then repeated a word in his heart:


At this time, there are street lights in the distance, the eastern area is already dark, and only occasionally can see the police patrol with the lantern.

In the past, these police officers were not so active at all. Now because of the outbreak of war, they must implement corresponding bans to ensure good law and order.

"War..." Klein whispered the word again and saw some endings:

King George III of Lun finally broke through the embarrassment, no longer worried about which of the seven gods would be strong to stop, can formally promote the various ceremonies of the "Black Emperor", and then mainly to see himself, or himself, As long as He can withstand the impact of the potion, as long as He can maintain the necessary reason, then He will be on the throne and promote the sequence 0;

The Einhorn family of Fossac used such a war that could spread the world, so that the key members greatly digested the potion, and the corresponding rituals were prepared without too much difficulty, and the overall strength would be further advanced;

The brothers of Amon took the potion in the rolling wave of this era, and they changed into a "dream house", adding another true God to the world...

In the floating room of thoughts, Kline’s heart suddenly came up with a problem:

"Do you accept this ending?"

This kind of ending, do you accept it... Klein opened his mouth and slowly closed it. Everything he saw seemed to penetrate the limits of time and distance, returned to the past, and returned to other places:

It was filled with the whole of Beckland, with a hint of iron and black in the pale yellow, extremely rich, slightly pungent and sultry, cold and humid smog;

It was a tramp who slowly approached death under the ailments of disease, hunger, pain, and cold, and struggled to survive. He tried to squeeze himself for a piece of food, some rewards, and he did not dare to be lazy. He finally saw life. Twilight, bought the ham that longed for a long time, but in the vague mist, he fell down and never got up again;

It is a hardworking and widowed widow. In order to survive, for her two children, she abandoned all decent, made herself sultry, used foul language, infected with day-to-day moisture, joint pain, support There was a roof that could cover the wind and rain, but in the smog, the roof collapsed, and a child she tried to protect also died in her arms;

It was a girl who was eager to read, dreamed of a bright future, and loved her mother and sister. She worked in a steam-filled room with a small hope. However, after a smog, she I can no longer see the longing for the future;

It was a girl who was desperately studying under the care of her mother and her sister. She experienced too much suffering, stepped out of the predicament step by step, hoped to make herself better, and hoped that her mother and her sister would not be so tired. I hope that the three small families will live the imaginary life, but all this will eventually be broken. In such a terrible smog, this girl has only one person left alone, and there is more pain, more The joy of the family cannot be shared with the mother and the sister. The family life in the fantasy has not yet appeared, and there will be no more;

It is a stalk-like creature that is one family after another, one after another, human beings, can never be erased, the pain carved in the bone marrow;

That is a student who has a bright future, but only half of his body and his intestines flow to the ground;

It was going home to school, but suddenly found that I had lost my parents and became a child of orphans;

It’s an ordinary person with pain rolling, hard crawling, and wanting to be close to the future, but unable to swallow the last breath;

It was the silence in the cemetery that made people feel distressed and cried a few times to faint;

It is the earth covered with blood;

It was half air that was covered with smoke;

It was a cold and ruthless piece of artillery.

And the driving force behind the creation of all this behind the scenes, the biggest murderer, will step on the steps of the layers of corpses, step by step to the throne, accept the cheers, get rid of aging.

Do you accept this development?

Do you accept this arrangement?

Do you accept this ending?

"No, I don't accept it." Klein silently spoke for a moment, his voice low.

The sound then echoed in the room, layered and staggered:

"No, I don't accept it!"

There was still a resounding remnant in the ear, and Klein’s mouth outlined a little bit, laughing at himself:

"Seven gods are acquiescence, what do you mean if you don't accept it?"

Klein became silent again, and after a long time, he vomited, and his expression whispered plainly:

"Even if it doesn't make sense, there are still things that have to be done."

In this world, how many things are certain successes, must have value and usefulness?

Klein curled up his mouth, took his eyes off, turned his body, and entered the room inside the rental house.

Although he already has a decision, he has no intention of doing it recklessly. With his current level and personality, no matter how tossing it, it is difficult to have any influence on George III’s affairs, except for sending his own life. Have any results.

Moreover, if the cause of Lun’s domestic chaos was caused during the critical period of the war, and the invasion of the army of Fossac was successful, the innocent people who died would be ten times more injured and even hunger than the Bakerland smog.

"What I can do now is just preparation. On the one hand, I have to improve myself. On the other hand, I have to make more arrangements and wait patiently for opportunities..." Klein silently said a word, finding out a group of sly black things, divided in half. Come out and apply evenly over a mirror.

This is the way to contact the witch Terry.

However, until the black thing all "evaporated" disappeared, the mirror still showed no abnormality.

"No response... After being stunned by the messenger, the angel, Terry has decided not to have any connection with German Sparrow..." Klein sighed and walked to the bed. under.

His ideas quickly shifted to the reason why the witch sect helped King George III:

"... First, the witches need disasters to digest the potions, hold the ceremony, and second, George III made a promise to them? Promise that they can publicly preach, no, this should not be allowed by the Seven Gods, 'Black Emperor 'Even if it is sequence 0, plus 'original witch', 'real creator', there is no way to confront the Seven Gods Alliance. Of course, after the war, whether the Seven Gods Alliance will still exist has to be a question mark...

"In this way, knowing that George III's seven gods working with the witch sect should not make him a ‘black emperor’...

"What is the promise of something else? The 'Witches' route has the true God, and there are few valuable things that fall outside. The similar way? Isn't that the 'Red Priest' route? George III, no, Almona. From the 'Blood Emperor', Alista Tutun, the brothers not only mastered the secret mausoleum required by the 'Black Emperor', but also obtained the extraordinary characteristics of the angels of the 'Red Priest' route or the '0' seal?

"In the case of sequence 0 without sequence 1, this is probably the biggest hope of the witch sects. Well, the ‘original witch’ should also be very interested...

"This is to explain why the witch sect is going to help... 'The red angel' evil spirit is looking for the 'white witch' Catherine, not as simple as he said... No, he said nothing. Just use common sense and reaction to guide me to think about it..."

Klein’s thinking gradually became clear, and decided to use the “White Witch” Katrina as a breakthrough to make her the next goal. However, before that, he would like to hear what the prophecy of the “Mysterious Queen” Bernard Hear what she wants to do at Beckland.

Only by knowing more about the situation can you find and grasp the opportunity!

The next morning, the "hidden" Jia Delia conveyed the words of "Mysterious Queen" Bernard:

"Between 12 noon and 12:30 today, the Serenzo restaurant, the Golden Theatre."

That is the name of a box.

Klein arrived at 11:55, and he directly scammed the waiter with illusion. He walked outside the target room without any obstacles and waited patiently.

After a while, he took out the gold-shelled pocket watch and slammed it open and glanced.

Klein immediately put up his pocket watch, counted ten times, and then raised his hand to ring the door of the "Golden Theater."

At this time, his secret actor Chunas was sitting in the street chair opposite the restaurant, looking at the newspaper leisurely, and Enuni, together with a group of students, distributed leaflets that promoted the evil image of Fossack, of course, they The three positions are interchangeable from time to time, making it impossible for people to make accurate judgments.

"Please come in." Bernard's voice came out of the box.

Very powerful, I didn’t even notice anyone inside, and I didn’t find anyone in it... Well, it’s because I didn’t open the “spiritual line” vision... Klein secretly whispered two words, twisted the handle and pushed away The door.

The first thing that caught his eye was a large piece of gold, and then the chestnut woman sitting at the top of the table.

PS: See the monthly ticket, recommended ticket on Monday~

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