Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 5 Chapter 155: Special remuneration (seeking a monthly pass)

The "hidden" Jia De Li Ya did not return to God for a few seconds. I did not expect Russell's secret mausoleum to involve the abyss.

I can think about it carefully, and she finds that it is not surprising that the level of battle involves anything.

For a moment, she hoped that the Queen would not pursue this matter again, but in the end she would push this idea to the bottom of her heart, because she felt that if she changed herself, she should make similar choices.

All kinds of thoughts flashed past, and the "hidden" Jia De Li Ya went to the top of the mottled long table:

"Thank you for your answer, I have no problem today."

"The Fool" Klein slightly decapitated and looked around:

"You start."

His voice just fell, and the "magician" Foss, who had been cultivating courage there, opened his mouth with a "decisive" attitude of closing his eyes to death:

"Mr. World, I have one thing I want to entrust you."

Seeing the "world" of Gelman Sparo's gaze, she explained and explained:

"You don't have to do much. I throw me into a strange place every once in a while. I can pick it up in a few days. If you are very busy, you can concentrate on one point and show it a few times." Travel 'Let me 'record'."

When I heard the words of "Magician", the first thought that emerged in Klein's mind was:

"Man vs. Wild?"

I have too many suitable places, what is the most ruins of the war in the east of the Sea of ​​Sonia, what is the city of Calderon in the spiritual world, and what is the city of miracles in the "Grace of the Dark"? They are ten times more dangerous than the wilderness, a hundred times, or even thousands of times. I am afraid that the "Magician" can't hold it... Klein didn't let the "world" German Spalo immediately answer, manipulating this dummy The oppressive eyes continued to look at Miss Magic.

Forsy silently took a breath and eased the emotions, adding in more detail:

"It is like this. I am now the 'recording officer' of the 'apprentice' route sequence 6. If you want to digest the potion, in addition to the 'record' various extraordinary abilities, you have to 'record' the customs and folklore of different places, I I hope that I will become a 'traveler' as soon as possible. Only in this way can we avoid most of the dangers in the war.

“Mr. ‘World’, I’m only ‘recording’ a ‘travel’. I’ll be unable to come back to other places. I have to ask for your help. I don’t know if you are interested and what kind of reward you want?”

It turned out to be the case... "Justice" Audrey was finally at a loss, and I thought that Foers was really good.

In particular, she is also a best-selling novel writer. She writes the "record" landscape folklore as a book, and publishes it, which should greatly help the potion to digest... Audrey secretly nodded and was delighted to be a friend.

However, as a senior "audience", how could she not notice the fear and fear of Fols on the "world", and she was quite a bit worried about what happened to the two people.

Audrey, this kind of mentality is not good! However, this is the attitude of a "audience"... Forsyth can't think of it, her so-called fearful crazy adventurer is just a mask, with a gentle and kind heart underneath... I have to work hard to digest "dreams." "Walk" potion, try to go around the night dreams around the night ... "Justice" Audrey did not let his expression and eyes change, maintaining a kind of onlookers.

“After hanging people” After listening to the words of “Magician”, Alger was embarrassed because even the “apprentice” began to attack the sequence of 5th level, and he still stayed at this level.

"World" and "Hidden" have been sequence 4, "Justice", "Sun", "Moon", "Star" are also in sequence 5, except for "Magic", only the "trial" just joined is more than me. The sequence is low... The thoughts are rushing, and Alger only feels that there is a stagnation in the chest, which is difficult to dispel. I can’t wait to find an opportunity immediately, and make a meritorious deed, becoming the “disaster sacred sacrifice” of the demigod.

He is hungry for high positions, eager to master power, eager to be recognized, respected and obedient, and does not want to lag behind in the Tarot.

This way... Klein basically understood the idea of ​​Miss "Magic" and suddenly remembered one thing.

That is the self-identity that the other party mentioned in front of Mr. Fool in a full moon:

Former surgeon, now a novelist!

Hey, turning the horror legends I made into words and spreading them out will help me to further digest the "Mage Master" potion... Well, the more horrified the novel is, the more horrible it is, the more unsolvable it is. The better the effect should be... Klein suddenly got the inspiration to manipulate the "world" of German Sparrow Road:

“This commission is simple, but the reward I need is very special.”

Hearing the tendency of Mr. "World" to agree, "Magic" Fowles asked with joy and nervousness:

"What compensation?"

"World" Galman Spallo as a sinking road:

“Collecting the recent ghost legends of the major hospitals in Beckland, writing a novel published or published in the newspaper.

"The demand for the novel is that the more horrible the more weird the better, the best to sell."

The reason why Klein only mentions the major hospitals in Beckland is because the "Magician" is a local writer who often confuses the doctors. It is very reasonable to know the legends and use them as materials. It is suspected, and if she has mastered the strange talks that have appeared in the Rosde Islands, the Misty Sea, and the East and the West, then the secret figure of Charato will definitely come to visit her.

The ghost legends of the major hospitals in Beckland recently... "Justice" Audrey heard the words of "World" German Sparrow and smashed for nearly three seconds.

She originally thought that the legends were caused by the extraordinary treatment of the wounded by the extraordinary people. Mushrooms and weeds were the negative effects of magical items. I didn't expect this to be the case.

Audrey also guessed in her heart whether it would be done by "Don. Dontes". After all, this gentleman listened to the air attack on the injured and was a kind gentleman, but it was nothing. The clues and evidence can only be considered more likely to be churches.

At this moment, she can almost certainly determine that "the clown angel" is the "world" Mr. German Sparrow, and if not, there is a deep connection.

The "world" with the mushroom and weed mask is the same as the German Sparrow who wears the mask of the crazy adventurer... Why should he dress like that when doing good things? Is it because of the need for horrible feelings and corresponding feedback? "Justice" Audrey himself guessed a few words in her heart.

“Stars” Leonard and “Inverted Man” Alger are a city whisper that was recently discussed by the “Night of the Night” belonging to the Church of St. Seychelles. One thought about the horror stories heard and encountered by the subordinates.

Amount, I have never heard of such a reward, and I am not writing a biography... Although the war broke out recently, the sales of newspapers and novels seem to have increased. The previous editors have been urging my new book... well, identity must Be very confidential, I have to convince the editor to change a pen name. The excuse is that different styles of fictions use different pen names... "Magician" Foers thinks a lot, and replies with a slight measure:

"no problem."

"World" German Sparrow gave a low smile and said hoarsely:

“If you do a good job, I will give you the opportunity to ‘record’ the extraordinary power of the semi-god.”

"...no problem!" Fols swept away from the usual laziness and responded with a firm tone.

For her, the ability to “record” the demigod can not only enhance the strength of self-protection, but also digest the potion very effectively.

This also makes "Justice" Audrey, "Judge" Hugh, "Star" Leonard and other members can not help but sigh in the heart of similar words: "record officer" is really enviable...

Once there is a strongman with a semi-god level as a backing, the "recording officer" can exert a super strength, not worse than the sequence 5, and sometimes even stronger!

After the deal was reached, the scene briefly silenced because the rest of the Tarot Club had no need at present:

"Stars" Leonard has just become a "spiritual witch" not long after, even the code has not been summarized, followed by the possibility of promotion from the night church, as for magical items, he has bought "the word of the sea", met In special cases, you can apply for the seal of the church;

"Moon" Emlin is reading the study of the moon field inside the blood family every day, wanting to make the "dark red scholar" become realistic, and the sequence of "Wu Wang" potion formula and extraordinary materials, he has been for a long time Can't use it, can't afford it;

"Sun" Dairik has mastered the ability of "the priest of light", far away from promotion, and the main material of "no darkness", he has already got it;

Similarly, "Justice" Audrey and "Judgement" Hugh are also not promoted for a long time, one is trying to help the "World" Mr. to do things, accumulate contributions, one bears a large amount of debt, and is eager to repay;

"Inverted people" Alger is in the storm church, he must hide his secrets. He is currently in a relatively awkward position, he has the opportunity to be promoted, and he has the potion from the "world" to get the "disaster main sacrifice". formula;

"Hidden" Jia Delia has just been a demigod, and is currently studying various hidden things, all kinds of occult knowledge, what surprised her is that she did not advance for a long time, recalling the knowledge and secrets mastered in the past, actually I found myself digesting a lot of potions directly, and there are a lot of things that Tarot will listen to!

The trading session quickly ended and the members began to communicate freely.

"Moon" Emlin looked around and his eyes fell on the face of "Stars" Leonard:

"If you are an official veteran, how do you deal with hostile clerics in a jurisdiction during the war? He hasn't done it yet and is not going to do bad things."

Although Fenetport did not directly fight with Lun, they invaded Lun's allies, Rumburg, which made the observers around the harvest church and the people look at the Uttrasky bishop's eyes more and more wrong.

"Star" Leonard quite consciously thought:

"Protective detention."

PS: At the beginning of the month, I want to buy a monthly ticket~

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