Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 5 Chapter 157: Suggestion (request for a monthly ticket on Monday)

Klein actually doesn't really remember whether or not they talked about the five ways that the "sailor", "audience", "sun", "reader" and "secret person" can be interchanged. He recalled the scene with "dream divination."

However, since the "downside down" shows doubts about the attitude of the storm church, it means that he did not think about the exchange path. Whether he did not know or did not link the two things, Klein thought It is necessary for us to make it clear that the members of the Tarot Society can initially grasp the true position of the major forces and avoid many dangers.

After the "downside down" Alger they cast their eyes on it, Klein manipulated the "world" of German Sparrow, letting him say in a low-pitched tone:

“The ‘storm’, ‘the sun’, ‘audience’, ‘reader’ and ‘secret person’ are similar approaches.

“‘Night’, ‘God of War’ and ‘Death’ are also.

"And similar approaches tend to be enemies. Of course, this is not absolute. At least the Seven Gods have established an alliance."

Hearing the answer of the "world", "After hanging people" Alger first remembered Adam's promotion of "the torrent of the times", trying to become a god, and then flashed one thought after another in his mind, the current attitude towards the storm church A certain degree of enlightenment.

This gave him a very special sense of superiority and euphoria, as if to glimpse the essence of the matter, beyond the level of the most extraordinary people in the storm church.

"Justice" Audrey also gave a new understanding of the strange silence of Intis in this war, and became more worried about the situation in Rømburg, Marcy and Segal.

In addition, she also knows that she can turn to “no darkness”, and can turn “disaster main sacrifice”, which can be transferred to the sequence 4 of the historical church demigod.

As for the sequence 4 corresponding to the "secret person", she is not considered at all.

Of course, she prefers the “manipulator” more than others. She has a heartfelt love for the “audience” approach, but she also has a heartfelt fear of the high-level extraordinary people of the “audience” approach. ——Herwin Ranbis left a rather bad impression on her. Adam’s “everything is said to be known” made her have a psychological shadow and had to do self-psychoanalysis and treatment accordingly. The problem.

"Hidden" Jia De Li Ya has always been rich in knowledge in this area, in addition to the "world" Galman Sparo mentioned, she also knows that "the voyeur" and "common people" can be high The similarities of sequence interchange, "arbitrator" and "lawyer", "prisoner" and "criminal", "hunter" and "assist", "cultivator" and "pharmacist" are also the same.

When the other members of the Tarot Society spread their thoughts, "downside down" Alger to the "world" of the German Sparrow Road:

"Thank you for your answer."

He did not say what he had specifically understood.

In fact, for a moment, Alje wants to leave the storm church and go to other ways. This is at least better than waiting for a small chance in the church, but in the end he gave up the idea. After all, he was a long time ago. The pursuit of time is to become the cardinal of the storm church, and now he is eager to rank first in the cardinal and become the angel responsible for the "passer" or the monk.

As for the position of the Pope, Alger did not yearn for it, because it was too close to the "master of the storm", and he hid a lot of secrets.

If he was chosen as the Pope, Alger suspected that he had just put on a triple crown and would be smashed into a pile of coke by the "Lightning Storm".

Seeing the end of the "world" and "downside down" exchanges, "Moon" Emlino asked curiously:

“Which way can the ‘pharmacist’ route be interchanged?”

The racial traits of the blood races determine that no one wants to go to other ways, because that often means losing "identity," so Emlin did not care much about this.

“The ‘cultivator’ route of the earth church.” The “hidden” Jia Delia responded casually.

The "cultivator" approach... The Earth God Church has... "Moon" Emlin frowned a little and vaguely grasped something.

At this time, the "trial" Hugh also asked:

“Which arbitrators are similar?”

“‘Lawyer’.” Jia Delia replied succinctly.

The "lawyer" of the "black emperor" approach...that is, if I can become sequence 5, I can then go to the sequence 4 of the "black emperor" route, and Fols said that "fool" has a The brand of 亵渎, it contains all the secrets of the "black emperor" approach... "Judgement" Hugh suddenly found that there is a glimmer of light in the future.

It should be known that the "arbitrator" approach is firmly controlled by the two royal families. Even the corresponding military has only a low-to-low sequence of potion formulas. If their sequence 5 is to go further, they must be given the royal family's gift. Just as every general must be awarded by a king or a queen, the basics are the deployment of good potions and ritual processes.

For Hugh, this means that she is almost impossible to get or buy the "arbitrator" route 4 potion formula.

Of course, there will be certain loopholes in strict defense. The military demigods know the rituals. From time to time, they will cooperate with the royal family to hunt powerful supernatural creatures, which can roughly narrow down the main materials to a small extent, but This also means that it must be determined through repeated experiments. At the same time, the military demigods cannot grasp the auxiliary materials. If they want to get promoted by them, they can only pray for fate.

Now, Hugh saw another possibility.

At this time, "Justice" Audrey has summed up and summarized the similar ways that Mr. "World" and "The Hidden" said, and then thoughtfully asked:

“What are the similarities between ‘prisoners’, ‘criminals’, ‘hunter’, ‘Assassin’, ‘commonists’, ‘sisters’, ‘monsters’?”

"World" Gilman Spalo looked at the "hidden" and replied in a hoarse voice:

“‘Prisoners’ and ‘criminals’, ‘hunter’ and ‘Assassin’, ‘commonists’ and ‘persiders’ are similar ways in which high sequences can be exchanged.”

This is Klein's identifiable knowledge. Among them, the "Prisoner" and "Criminal" exchanges are mentioned by the "Red Angel" evil spirits. Miss Sharon has come by default, "General" and "Peeping". The exchange was personally demonstrated by Russell the Great. The "hunter" and "Assassin" were his little accumulated information, and finally he was sure.

"The ‘monster’? There is only one left.” The “magician” Firth, who was listening, couldn’t help but ask.

"The Hidden" Jia Delia sees the "world" silence, thinking about the following:

"It is difficult to be classified as a neighbor of an extraordinary path, as objectively and lonely as fate.

"I can be sure of this. It can only be said that the most fundamental order of our extraordinary power in the world may be chaotic and uncoordinated."

The reason why Jia De Li Ya can be sure that the "monster" has no interchangeable way is because she relied on the blood of the "Snake of Destiny" when she was promoted.

"This way..." "Justice" Audrey was slightly uncomfortable with this uncoordinated situation, but quickly adjusted her mindset.

After the exchange was almost the same, the eyes of the Tarot members looked at the "Sun" Dairik.

The boy did not hesitate, he said directly:

"We have already set off. There is still less than one day's journey from the afternoon town. At that time, we will begin to explore the ‘Giant King Court’ after another one or two days.”

The words of "the sun" let "inverted people" Alger, "hidden" Jia Delia and others raise the feeling of mything into reality. Compared with places such as the relics of the gods, "Giant Wang Ting" is a variety of In the legend, the iconic things that are inevitably mentioned in different secret documents.

What secrets are hidden in it, what is buried, and the answer will be revealed soon!

Even with the "world", German Sparrow has entered the "miracle city" Levished, which is the same as "Giant Wang Ting". "Star" Leonard and "Justice" Audrey are also dark. Excitement and anticipation, after all, the city that the dragon king wanted to come out lost too much in the process of being transferred to the "Grossel Travels", leaving no trace of value, except for the building itself. Only the strangeness in the hall can show the charm of ancient mythology.

Moreover, more importantly, the "Sun" Dairik mentions that the kings of angels are plotting in the "Giant King Ting"!

"The Fool" Klein thought about it at the same time:

"Do I want the little 'Sun' to pray to the 'fool' before exploring, and then use the corresponding deep red stars and 'Poseidon' to expand the field of vision to a certain distance around, so as to watch the 'live'... ...

"Well, this way, if there is any accident, I can still provide some help. The only problem is that this way of relying on the prayer light 'seeing' can't last too long.

"This has nothing to do with my own spirituality. It is this connection that will fade. At most, it can last for three quarters... Let the little 'Sun' pray every once in a while? Oh, the premise is that it can't affect his battle. And don't attract attention from people around you...

"In this way, my spirituality can support two hours, and the sequence 5 will not be in a grade, huh, there are also the recent rapid digestion of potions."

After thinking, Klein did not open his own voice, manipulating the "world". Germain Spallo hinted at the "Sun" Dairik:

Before you explore the ‘Giant King’s Court, you can pray to Mr. ‘fool’, pray for good luck, and pray many times in the process.”

Mr. "World" is really a good person... "Sun" Dairik sincerely thanked him and quickly turned his body to the top of the mottled long table.

Then he saw the "fool" who was covered in gray and misty and gently nodded.

PS: I want to recommend tickets and monthly tickets on Monday~

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