Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 5 Chapter 162: Confusing family

Seeing that Greman Spalo did not say a word, Trey slowly sinks as if he has fallen into the ice cave.

Looking at the expression of a desperate "sickness lieutenant", Kline pulled out a note pad from his pocket and shook his wrist, letting it fly like a poker card to the front.

With a bang, the note paper was like metal, cut off a small amount of invisible spider silk, cut through the ice crystal, and crossed the top left arm of Trey, and took a touch of blood.

The surface of the paper was quickly dyed with a bright red color, and the witch who had been shackled in place flew back to Klein's palm.

"..." Trey originally thought that the note paper would come to his throat. I didn't expect it to be aimed at the arm. It was a little bit stunned until Galman Sparo folded the paper and put it. Putting it into an iron cigarette case, she suddenly woke up and asked, "What is your real purpose is to find Catalina?"

Klein put the iron cigarette case back in his pocket and did not answer. He calmly asked:

"You are her descendant?"

Upon hearing this sentence, Trey, who was still trapped by ice crystals and spider silk, couldn’t move and suddenly laughed:

"Not just descendants, I am her child."

Child... Daughter... Klein was glad that he didn’t have a reckless killer, which led to the “White Witch” Katrina feeling, and subconsciously analyzed whether Catalina was the “disease girl” Trey’s mother or father:

If Katrina was once a man, it might indeed be the father of Trey, but the problem is that she was already the demigod of Sequence 4 in the "Pale" of the end of the Quaternary, and the "Assassin" route was The "Witches" stage of Sequence 7 will change from male to female...

In other words, if Catalina is the father of Trey, Trey must be at least 1300 years old, and the extraordinary person of Sequence 5 can't live for so long, even the most sequence 4 and The Holy One of Sequence 3 can't do it!

There is only one answer, that is, Trey is born by Catalina himself, and it is the thing of recent decades... The elderly mother of a thousand years old... Klein gently decapitated, without any expression change Asked:

"She is your mother?"

Trey's expression became a bit weird:

"No, mother."

Klein is trying to ask what is the difference between this and her mother. In essence, it is not a more formal and more colloquial. Trey has already laughed at himself:

"My mother is another person, she used to be my father."

... Your witch family is so chaotic... But this is not the reason why you spread the disaster to the outside world... Klein used the power of the "clown" to control the muscles of his face and continued to look at the "disease girl" with a blank expression.

The Thunder, who was in a desperate situation, is now a little self-defeating. He did not wait for the response of German Sparrow, sighed and laughed at himself:

"Maybe I was a mistake from birth.

"Abnormal parents, abnormal family relationships, abnormal sects have shaped me and hurt me. When I was 8 years old, I found that my father, who has been secretly worshipping as an example, suddenly became a woman, and one day. More delicate than one day, I am good at using my own charm every day. Later, I found a male friend and gave birth to a younger brother. Can you imagine that kind of mood?

"When I left home, I came to the sea. After years of hard work, I finally recovered my normal self and social cognition. I understood what I really wanted. A bottle of potion made me a woman too, oh, woman……"

Klein listened quietly and said the same speed:

"Your teaching ability is very good."

"..." Trey opened his mouth and finally sighed and smiled complexly. "I admit, I just wanted to evoke your sympathy. Everyone is eager to live. Isn't that right? But, I didn't say a lie, it was my life experience."

She did not reproduce her pain and sorrow, and paused:

"Before you kill me, I want to ask a question that won't make you embarrassed."

"What?" Klein looked at the opposite witch.

Teresa hesitated for a while and finally asked:

"Iron knew this thing before you came to assassinate me?"

Klein was silent for a moment:

"She doesn't know what will happen."

Teresa’s face suddenly showed some brilliance:


Not waiting for the response of German Sparrow, she showed a very complicated look:

"Before death, can I ask you another thing? If you can see Elaine again, tell her that I am guilty about what happened in the past, but I don't regret it."

Having said that, Teresa tried to shake her head, but it was limited by the ice crystals and invisible spider silk, which failed.

She had to laugh at herself:

"Forget it, no need to tell her, just like this.

"You can do it."

After that, Teresa closed her eyes.

After waiting for a few seconds, she did not feel the pain in her anticipation. Instead, she heard the voice of German Spalo, said lowly:

"Say, everyone should not bother me."

... Trey was surprised, his heart was full of puzzles, and his expression became quite confused.

However, since she is already facing death, this little thing is not worthy of consideration. She did not think much, and opened her mouth:

"Everyone should not bother me."

She just finished this sentence, the same voice echoed on the "black death number", louder than the original.

The pirates did not have any doubts about this, just as they followed a strange rule, instinctively avoided the position of the captain's room and continued to do their own things.

The captain said that you should not bother her, then they will not go to her during this time!

At the same time, Trey saw Galman Spalo take off his hat and pressed it to his chest, squinting at himself, and he said goodbye.

Then she felt that she was isolated from the whole world, and it was quiet all around, even the crazy adventurer was gone.

She got the “no interruption” environment she wanted.

"Magnification" and "distortion" of the "lawyer" approach!

The ice layer of the Trey body began to melt, but the invisible spider silk still firmly bound her, making it impossible for her to make any movements, even changing her center of gravity.

Therefore, she can only stand there, like a wax figure of life.

"He didn't kill me..." Trey stared blankly at the front, and for a short time he couldn't believe it.

She doesn't think that Gelman Sparrow is not doing it because of pity. There are many pirates killed by this crazy adventurer. There has never been a soft situation, and Trey is considered to be not a normal witch. I haven’t done much to be a witch, but as a pirate, how can I not do bad things? Whether she is selling slaves or looting ships, she is experienced.

Similarly, Trey does not think that Gelman Sparrow is impressed by his own beauty and experience, coveting himself, because the other person's eyes are cold like watching a dead person.

"There must be other factors..." Trey thought about turning the electricity, making associations from the things that might be involved, and soon had a certain judgment. "It should be that my mother's blood relationship is too close, and the witches. They are good at cursing. Once I die, my mother can immediately detect it. I found that there was a problem here, and I avoided it in advance, so that the follow-up action of German Sparrow could not find the target, so he let me live, but Unable to contact others... It seems that no matter whether his actions against his mother succeed or fail, he may come back to kill me... and if I want to live, I must succeed myself."

In Trey's heart, there is actually no deep feeling for her mother, Catalina. The "not old witch" has lived for a long time, and most of the time she is maintaining a youthful attitude through interaction with young people. Children who are interested in giving birth are often enthusiastic for a while, indifference most of the time.

However, as he grew older, Trey was rated by Catalina as more and more like her in the past, so she got more favor and help.

However, Trey did not want such attention, which led to her loss of the original gender, in the pain of being unable to get rid of.

"Call... Although I hate her and blame her, I still don't consciously rely on her. I long for her to respect my opinion... Hope, I hope she can escape the pursuit of German Sparrow... Trey began to struggle again, trying to get rid of the state of being tied.

She is self-help in this aspect, on the other hand, she wants to inform her mother as soon as possible, so that she must be careful about German Sparrow!

Of course, Trey is a bit skeptical that Germain Sparo, who has just been promoted to the sequence 4, can endanger the mother who survived the Quaternary, a witch who is known as "not old," but she is not lucky. Psychology, because Gelman Spalo is a helper, the "death consul" who even her mother is afraid!


Trey finally fell to the floor and tried to roll to the desk, no matter how hard she tried, her body could not turn.

She is not confronting others, it is the one who is "distorted" and magnified!


Above the fog, Klein had sat down on the high chair of the "Foolish Man" and placed the paper contaminated with the blood of the "Drug Lieutenant" Trey on the surface of the mottled long table.

Then he wrote a pen and wrote the divination statement:

"The disease will be the current position of Trey's mother, Catalina."

Putting down the pen, Klein took the two sheets of paper, then leaned against the back of the chair, closed his eyes, and whispered the words he had just written.

After seven consecutive times, he entered a dream and saw a towering Gothic clock tower in the gray world.

Around the clock tower, Katrina wearing a holy white robe stood in the shadow of several houses, and looked slightly at the surrounding situation, as if looking for something, while the half moon was hung high, the position and Klein entered the fog. The same was seen before.

This shows that "White Witch" Katrina is still in Beckland, is in the West End, chasing for a certain goal.

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