Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 5 Chapter 171: Strongest organization

When the fire shook, Dairik and others subconsciously looked at the dark red long table, the first thing to notice was the figure closest to them.

This figure was wearing a simple linen robes, with long silver hair, and the five senses could not be seen clearly, but they made Colin, Lodija and Dairik inexplicably familiar.

After the moment, if there is lightning in their minds, they suddenly illuminate the vague memory:

"Destiny Angel, Uluos!"

The pupils of Baiyincheng had just enlarged, and the figure turned their heads and looked at them.

A pair of indifferent eyes immediately occupied their horizons, and a ring of transcendental mystery was highlighted.

In the meantime, Dairik saw more figure in front of him. He was a handsome, sunny, energetic man, covered in pure white robes and with a short blond hair.

As he appeared, the neighborhood became extremely bright, and the warmth felt like light, filling every place in an instant.

Dairik was like seeing the legendary day, for a moment he forgot where he was and what he was going to do.

The man stepped forward and the illusory figure overlapped with Dairik.

Then, Dairik sat down at the dark red long table and occupied one of the high back chairs.

He became the handsome man of the sun and was participating in a secret meeting.

At the same time, Silver City Chief Colin, whose hair was gray and had many scars on his face, encountered the same illusory and illusory figure.

The figure was seven or eight meters high, wearing silver body armor, and the eye position was like a morning light like a dusk.

He raised his sword in his hand and let it reach the forehead of Colin Iliad as a scepter.

"The Demon Hunter" Colin struggled a bit, was shrouded in orange radiance, and soon calmed down.

He and the giants on the opposite side merged into one, stepping forward, walked to the dark red long table and sat down to the second position on the right.

"Shepherd" Luo Weiya encountered a man in a black robe. He had dark black curly hair with shoulders and a pair of eyes that seemed to cover the shadows. The specific appearance was not clear and difficult to see. But the silver threads, intricate patterns and gorgeous accessories on the clothes are directly reflected in the eyes of Loyalya.

Luo Weiya shuddered and couldn't help but lower her head and let herself wrap the layers of black wings behind her.

She became the man and went to the top of the dark red table.

There were two high-back chairs with complicated patterns, and Lodi chose the one on the left.

The rest of the team in the Silver City Discovery Team also encountered similar things, but the faces they faced were different.

"They" found the position on both sides of the dark red table, and on the top of the high-back chair, the void became a little deeper, and the figure of the woman who seemed to be covered with fog was outlined.

Then, a sound that seems to have passed through the old age echoed in the ear of the "party":

"...we are redeeming ourselves and maintaining the balance of the world..."

"... splitting and deviating is undoubtedly the most basic order..."

"...this is also his thought..."

"...It is undeniable that we all have our own dark thoughts and desires, but this is very normal..."

"...death and blood will be inevitable, we are in the name of 'redemption rose'..."

Above the fog, Klein was extremely focused and couldn't wait to hear the voice say more.

However, regardless of the picture or the sound, the cycle began at this time, as if it was only a few tens of seconds in the original.

This is the scene when the "redemption rose" was established? The former "Red Angel" evil spirit said that this is an extremely secret organization established by a group of polluted angels. Now it seems that this is not the case... At that time, it should not be Medici, but Sauron, Ai Because of one of Horn, they don’t really understand the “redemption of roses”... Klein took a few words in his heart and put his eyes back on the puppets, repeating the silver of approaching, sitting, listening, and moving away. City people.

- When the torches around the hall were lit up, Klein had discovered the anomaly with "real vision."

He saw the murals on the wall alive, rapidly expanding, and coincident with the hall, so that the long tables, chairs, and floor tiles that had been cold for thousands of years were once again warm, so that the shadows that once been secreted here were cross-border. Blocking, "resurrection" in a fixed position, let some of the original words passed from ancient times to the present.

And many of those figures are familiar to Klein.

Among them, the first thing he saw was the "destination angel" Uluos.

The king of angels, still attributed to the “redemption of roses”, is the most spiritual one of all illusory figures.

In conjunction with the scene's circulation, Klein initially suspected that the murals were painted, leaving the traces of the "swallower" Uluos.

"In the ruins of the former temple, there are murals left by him, somewhere in the ruins of the gods, and the murals left by him... Inside the giant king's court, this similar mural, similar power, is not him, I have something. Believe... How much does the king of angels like murals, where to go where to draw...” Klein couldn’t help but vomit in the heart of Ulous.

The second figure he noticed sat beside the "destination angel" Uluos, wearing a black armor with blood-stained blood, a red hair that was as bright as a fire, young and handsome.

This figure has made Klein pay attention because he has seen it in his dreams.

In addition, "it" is the most arrogant one in all figures, not only pressed back on the back of the chair, but also put his feet on the dark red long table, not at all concerned about the high-ranking people of the same identity.

"Red Angel", Medici!

Is this the king of angels who are involved in secret gatherings? Who else else... Kline’s thoughts turned around and decided to save the crowds of the Silver City from the fate that would never stop.

He has a wealth of experience in this area.

"Well, the medium of circulation is the hall itself, but there is no need to try to destroy it. As long as it can break the cycle of fate for a short time, the dusk outside will infiltrate and dispel the anomalies... they belong to the Kingdom of God itself, in terms of personality, The power left by Urouse is only high or low..." Klein observed for a few seconds and quickly got a judgment.

After he made a divination by throwing gold coins, he immediately spread the spirituality to the deep red star that represented the "sun."

The spirit of Dairik Berger broke through the cycle of fate and created an invisible gap.

The orange dusk outside the palace suddenly flooded through the high windows and enveloped the entire hall.

Not waiting for the small "sun" to figure out its own situation, Kline, who is afraid of being locked by the "real creator", did not hesitate to let him return to the real world.

Deric woke up from the shackles and found that he did not know when he sat on the side of the dark red table.

He raised his head abruptly and saw the chief, Lloydya Elder, Heinham, Antinna and others, and found that their faces were more or less a certain confusion.

Recalling the experience just now, Dairik was alert and discouraged:

"The cycle of fate..."

"Really." Colin Iliat, who had had a similar experience, gently decapitated and stood up.

He looked around and let his eyes fall on the most recent mural.

This hall is depicted on the mural, with the same stone pillar torch, dark red long table, complex high back chair and item layout.

On those high-back chairs, they took eleven figures, the first two on the top, five on the left and four on the right.

The eyes of everyone in Baiyin City also followed the chief and looked at the past, and incorporated the corresponding content into the eye.

The five figures on the left are followed by a feminine silver-haired man, a red-haired man sitting in a arrogant position, a hooded hood, an old man with only his mouth, wrinkles and beards, a majestic middle-aged man in black armor, and a handsome man in a white robe. ;

The four lanes on the right are mummies wrapped in a bandage, wearing a deep black robe, a silhouette of the five senses, a middle-aged man of the southern continent, a giant covered with silver body armor, and a graceful and graceful lady.

The top two high-back chairs are sitting with men with black curly hair and shadows and women covered in fog.

At this time, a "guardian" raised his right hand and pointed at the beautiful white robes of the sun:

"His figure is made up of a mysterious symbol. The symbolic meaning of these symbols is:

"Pure daytime, Osekus..."

The guardian’s voice did not fall, and suddenly a scream was screaming, and another golden flame was ejected inside the body.

He instantly became a coke corpse, and it seemed to be ashes when he touched it, so that the "hunter" Colin and the "shepherd" Lorvia could not save.

"Don't try to distinguish those symbols, they themselves contain extremely powerful power." Colin was busy and reminded.

Klein above the fog thinks of another thing:

“‘Pure daytime makes’ Osekus, is this the real name of ‘Eternal Sun?’”

"If there is not the isolation of the power of the ‘Giant Wang Ting’ itself, just reading the name in the giant language will attract attention and encounter the gods...”

His thoughts were mixed, and the "hunter" Colin inserted the double sword in front of him, creating an invisible barrier.

Then, the silver city chief replaced the people and identified the symbols and logos that make up those figures.

He started from the last one on the left and slowly and resolutely read it out:

"Destiny Angel, Uluos...

"War Angel, Medici...

"Intelligent Angel, Herabergen..."

When I read this, Colin Iliad, who was constantly shaking the invisible barrier, had a pause because the name was no stranger to everyone in Silver City:

This is the real name of "The Dragon of Wisdom"!

Did the "Tiger of Wisdom" become the intellectual angel next to the Lord? Similar doubts have arisen in everyone's mind, and Klein has discovered a strange thing:

The history of Silver City has the name Herbogen, and what they use every day is the giant language, which can mobilize the language of the surrounding natural forces.

That is to say, in the past two or three thousand years, some people in Silver City must have written "Herabergen", but "the **** of knowledge and wisdom" did not respond, and the knowledge church still could not find the land of God.

At this time, Colin Iliad controlled her emotions and continued to read:

"Wind Angel, Leodro...

"Pure daytime, Ossex...

"The Dark Angel, Sasliel...

"The goddess of the night, Amanisis...

"God of War, Bad Haier...

"The Mother Earth, Omega...

"The **** of the undead, Salinger...

"God of the Spirit, Torzna..."

... Klein has some expectations, but he still feels a bit stunned:

The former "redemption rose" is so powerful and terrible!

Among the seven gods in today, six are members of it, including the **** of death, the **** of spirits and the king of three angels.

This made Klein reminiscent of the words that the "Red Angel" evil spirit once said:

“The redemption of the Redeemer has a close relationship with the birth of the ‘real Creator.’ Some of the guys that you absolutely can’t imagine were once members of the ‘Redemption Rose’, but later separated from this organization...”

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