Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 5 Chapter 176: "fool" instructions

Above the fog, I saw the "Twilight" Migungen aging and decaying into a white bone. Klein thought of Mobart, Shatas, Longzer and Sis who left "Grossel's Travels". Norman.

He didn't have time to stop it, and it is the same now, because the leader of the "Wang Ting Stalker" did not miss the name of the "fool" and could not be pulled above the fog.

However, compared to before, Klein, who used the "Pose of the Sea" with the "Prayer Point", can do more now.

He immediately accommodated the "Black Emperor" card, mobilizing the power of the mysterious space above the fog, let the "Paper Angel" with his own words, with the deep red stars, into the real world, falling to the "Twilight" Mirgungen The broken spirit.

This is the means by which he can't fall out of the "fool" personality. After all, the "real creator" is still watching this area.

When the consciousness of Miggungen was blurred, there was an angel with a black layer of back.

The speed at which his spirit collapsed slowed down a bit, and the loud and majestic voice of the ear sounded:

What is the promotion ceremony and supporting materials for the 'Silver Knight' potion?

"Does Sasli really sleep in the palace of the Giant King?"

Miggungen replied in confusion:

“The promotion ceremony of the 'Silver Knight’ comes from the ‘Slate’, and it is necessary to arrange a complex altar to place the remains of the six powerful creatures that they have hunted in the right place and receive the blessing of God...

"Auxiliary materials are...

"I can't be sure, in short, the door didn't open after the Sasli adults entered..."

In the answer, Mirgungen's spirit slowly but resolutely dissipated. Finally, he could no longer support it, turning into a piece of light, and blending into the evening of the "Giant Wang Ting".

And this conversation takes place in the "mind", and no one else can hear it.

Fortunately, I was cautious enough not to let Miggungan say the main material of the "Silver Knight" potion, anyway, it could be replaced directly with extraordinary characteristics, or else the second question could not be heard... "Folk" quietly With a sigh of relief, I praised myself in my heart.

He immediately regained his attention and seriously thought about the words that Miggungen had just said:

"God's blessing? Will this promotion ceremony be too difficult, only sequence 3... Hey, considering the background of the times, Milgungen is a strongman who survived the Second Age and used to call angels from God. Put into the ranks of God, that is, the blessing of the angels should be enough, um, wait for the divination to confirm... Of course, even if the angel’s blessing can, I have no way to see the silver city’s for the time being. 0' level seals have no living characteristics, can you communicate?

"The arrangement of the altar is really complicated... Is it necessary to have a half-god level in the remains of the six powerful creatures that are hunted by hand? It is very difficult for the "hunter" outside the land of "the land of God". There are so many demigods that can be hunted, most of them are organized, blessed... So, the God of War should have a new alternative while maintaining the essence of the ritual. ... This is the difference between the second 'stone slate' and the first 'stone slate'?

"However, for the age-old chief of Silver City, there must have been more than six powerful monsters killed... this is simple."

Because Klein can now determine that the second "stone slate" appeared behind the ancient sun god, it can be judged that the "Twilight" Migungen said the first "stone slate".

He quickly presented his own promotion rituals and supporting materials on a piece of parchment, and made a divination with the citrine spirit, and got a revelation without error.

Then he threw this information to the deep red star that represents the "sun."

"This is the gift of Mr. ‘fools.” After doing all this, Klein laughed at himself and felt that Miggungen’s answer to the second question was worthy of interest:

He did not say whether Saslier was really asleep, only after the dark angel entered, the door was not opened.

The one that is not open is limited to that door.

"God of knowledge and wisdom" gives me the key. Adam gave me "no dark cross", just want to open the door to confirm the state of "dark angel"? When Klein’s thoughts turned around, he suddenly had some luck. Fortunately, the “real creator” seemed to be less interested in this. If this person just came to the idea and tried to influence the spirit of Miggungen’s collapse, it would be with the “fool”. The "paper man angel" came across the scene.

This will be quite embarrassing.

At this moment, Dairik dared to open his eyes, and there was a pale pale blood on his face. In order to maintain the "no dark field," the cross took him a lot of blood.

He glanced around and said, "There is no dark cross" in front of him, and sincerely thanked Mr. "Folly".

At this time, Heinham put the "Raytheon roar" giant hammer and his own weapons, untied the piggy bank, and found a set of clothes to be thrown to the chief.

For the Silver City Discovery Team, as long as it is not the clothing and armor belonging to the magical items, it is inevitable that there will be damage in the battle. It is sure to prepare several sets in advance.

- For them, the role of clothing to cover the body is second, and the most important thing is to provide space for storing materials, medicines, and spells.

Colin Iliat looked around in a circle, did not find any abnormalities, and then quickly put on the clothes, find one from the metal vials that were all over the battle, unscrew the corks, 咕噜Drink it.

His face turned green a little, as if there was a sign of poisoning, but the wounds and decay of his body were improving.

Luo Weiya has been unable to maintain the grazing of the silver armor knight and earn it into the body.

Wait until the extraordinary characteristics of Miggungen condensed into a group of silver-white brilliance like a heart-like miniature sun, and was taken away by the "hunter" Colin. The "shepherd" elder looked away with pale gray eyes. Giant King Palace Road:

"Chief, the road to the sea is likely to be hidden there."

Luo Weiya paused and added:

"Maybe there is a way to get us directly to the other side of the sea."

Colin Iliad looked at Dairik and Heinham, they cleaned the battlefield, picked up the items, and dealt with the broken body of Antinarna, and shook his head:

"There is a dark angel inside, and this is definitely the king of an angel. We can't fight at the moment, and even face it is very difficult.

"Let's go back and tell everyone about the sea, and then prepare for the palace of the giant king."

Luo Weiya's silver ash has a long hair and a slight expression.

"But we don't know anything, we can't do targeted preparation."

After saying this, she was silent for two seconds:

"I have a proposal. You and Dairik and Heinham will go back first. I will stay, try to enter this palace, collect useful information, I can blend into the shadows, maybe not disturb the 'dark angel' .

"If I didn't come back, it means that the danger inside is beyond the limit we can handle."

When Lojay mentioned that she might die, her expression did not change a bit, as if she was ready.

"The Demon Hunter" Colin quietly listened and stared at her for a few seconds:


"We can't afford this risk.

"If you wake up the ‘dark angel,’ he might leave the ‘giant king’s court’ and attack the Silver City, and we certainly can’t resist it.”

Not waiting for Lojay to respond, Colin Iliad turned to the side and looked at the other three players:

"Dyrick, what is your opinion?"

My point of view? Dairik was quite upset and almost asked.

Heinham and the other "Dawn Knight" were equally astonished, because this was a dispute within the "six-member parliamentary group", and Colin Iliad would have asked Dairik Berg's opinion!

Did the chief Daryl as the next "six-member council" elder to train? The two members of the exploration team thoughtfully moved to the side of the teammates.

... Is this asking me what I think? The "fool" above the fog, Klein frowned slightly.

His brain immediately started running at high speed:

"What can I think?

"If I open the door and wake up Sasliel, I can't save it all. I can only ask you to ask the 'real creator' to help!

"I still wait for me to clarify the situation of the 'dark angels' from the evil spirits of ‘Red Angels’ and other related existences. Let’s explore... The wisdom dragon and Adam’s thoughts are not needed for the time being...

"In any case, it is not wrong to choose stability and caution at this time."

Thoughts turn around, Klein majesticly said:


He immediately put this image into the deep red star that represents the "sun."

Dairik took two seconds and answered the chief question calmly:

"I think we should give up temporarily and wait until we are ready."

Colin Ilia made a nod to the "Shepherd" Luo Weiya:

"This is my decision."

Luo Weiya was silent:

"Follow your decision."

She didn't say much more, helping Dairik and others to mark up.

——Because Antillna and others are not dead in the hands of blood relatives, it is very likely that changes will occur, so the exploration team will mark them and make them more vigilant. However, there is no need to worry about affecting the place here.

In a busy day, Luo Weiya suddenly looked up and said to Dairik and Heinham:

"Here is the ‘Giant Wang Ting’, and it is very likely that there will be no change.”

She did not explain, watching the piled up of Antilla flesh burned into ashes by the flame, and then grabbed a hand and put it into one of his own skin.

After completing these things, the Silver City Discovery Team found another channel and got a disappointing answer.

Then, under the leadership of Chief Colin Iliad, they began to return.

When entering the palace where the "painting band" was lost, Dairik couldn't help but look back, looking out again at the broken handrail, looking into the distance of the orange-red cloud, looking towards the dark blue, gently rushing Moving the sea.

Gazing for a few seconds, he regained his gaze and found that the chief's light blue eyes were quietly looking at that direction.

Colin immediately turned his head and said calmly as usual:


Then he didn't look back and walked calmly.

PS: First change later

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