Lord of the Mysteries

Chapter 115: Fraud

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"Without my permission, I must not miss my name."


When the party ended for a few minutes, Audrey and Alger, who returned to their bedroom and captain's room, seemed to be echoing the words of the fool.

In their impressions, the mysterious and powerful Mr. Fool is either relaxed or calm, or difficult to speculate, and rarely shows this solemn, condescending attitude.

It is precisely because of this that their two talents are particularly frightened and willingly obey:

They are no strangers to similar styles of words, but they are all recorded in The Revelation of the Night, recorded in The Book of the Storm!


West District of Tingen City, Narcissus Street.

Klein opened the curtains and let the golden sun shine into the bedroom.

After the justice and the hanging man left, he examined the "star" that had been prayed for, but this time he did not receive any information.

According to the deep red "Star" has the function of saving prayers and approximating offline messages, Klein believes that he has recently entered the gap above the fog twice, and the giant said that the teenager has not prayed.

This made him wonder if his parents were not saved, so he chose to give up...

Back to the sun, Klein walked over to the bed and slammed down, not moving.

He knew that he should take the time to go to the divination club and continue the process of digestion, but he still didn't want to move. He just wanted to lie quietly and enjoy a rare rest day.

From Tuesday to Friday, his daily schedule is very full, the morning is a occult course and corresponding practice, the afternoon is shooting training and fighting practice, tired of no spirit at night, and Saturday, morning unchanged, afternoon round of investigation Nice Gate, eating and drinking Lazarus is underground, always insisted until Sunday morning.

Sunday morning belongs to Klein's sleep time. In the afternoon, depending on the situation, he decides whether to go to the divination club. On Monday morning, he just ran to Hoyage University. In the afternoon, he had to call the members of the Tarot Club and he had to consider playing the divination. In short, he is busy all week, and there is no chance to rest and relax.

Therefore, at this moment, Klein only wants to be decadent, like a salted fish at home, doing nothing and not wanting, purely in a daze.

"No, how can the BOSS as a cult" be so mournful, if it is known by Miss Justice and the slinger, their three views will be broken..." Klein buried his face in the quilt and self-provocative.

"I have the recipe for the clown potion, just wait for the divination potion to digest it completely... I have the recipe for the clown potion, just wait for the divination potion to digest it completely..."

He muttered a few words, suddenly turned over and sat up.

Taking a brass coin from his trouser pocket, Klein quickly took advantage of the fact that today is suitable for going to the club and got a positive answer.

"five four three two one!"

After the countdown, he forced himself to stand up, walked to the coat rack, and took off the tuxedo jacket and the half-height silk hat.


Halls Quarter, inside the Divination Club meeting room.

Klein sat in a cool corner, drinking Xibo black tea, and looking at the "Tingen City Laoshiren", there are very few members around, only six or seven.

Just as he was teased by the wrong grammar of recruiting revelation, Glacius, who wore a monocle and took a silk hat, came in, and he was still in his thirties with a blue stand-up dress. Ms.

The lady's eyebrows were bent, her eyes were big but not enough, and her left hand was holding a feather-filled black velvet Intis hat.

Is this hat really exaggerated, not wearing a neck? Klein noticed, looked at the past, and squeezed his eyebrows as if to ease the fatigue.

In his spirit, Glacis and the woman with green eyes were healthy but anxious, angry and confused.

"Good afternoon, Glacis, that Mr. Lalhous is really not trustworthy, right?" Klein didn't get up and asked with a smile.

The last time, Gracies, who had just recovered from lung disease, asked him to divinate him about investing in Lanlus Steel, and got a bad result.

However, Klein looked at the other side's hesitant look. He felt that he would probably choose to take risks. At most, he would no longer be in charge of all his family. Therefore, now that he saw his emotional color, he immediately had a Lenovo and made a judgment.

Glacis first glimpsed, and immediately smiled:

"I really regret not listening to your divination proposal. Oh, this is the second time I said this. Hope, no, I firmly believe that there will be no third."

He turned his head and said to the lady with a little crow's feet on the corner of her eye:

"Ms. Christina, you see, we haven't spoken yet. Mr. Moretti knows our purpose. He is the most amazing diviner I have ever seen. I prefer to use the divination to describe him."

"Good afternoon, Mr. Moretti, we are coming because of Laurus." The lady named Christina simply took a sigh of relief and looked a little confused and anxious.

"Let's go to the citrine room?" Glacis was relatively calm, pointing his chin to the door of the conference room.

Klein smiled and got up:

"This is the work of a diviner."

He walked along the aisle, walked to the door and entered the unmanned citrine room.

Glacius locked the wooden door and sighed as he walked to the seat:

"Lalous is missing. He excuses to go to West Vilas County to supervise the mining of minerals, leave Tingen, and never come back. We sent people to take a steam train to look for and find what he called high-grade large iron ore. Only on the drawings. Let me feel fortunate that I thought of your divination proposal and eventually invested only one-third of the original amount, otherwise I will lose my family and lose my life."

Klein’s eyes looked at the two people more deeply than usual, and asked with a little curiosity:

“To make such a major investment decision, shouldn't you choose a representative to go to the Hornachs Mountains in West Vilas for a field verification?”

Christina replied quite quickly:

"Our representatives were confusing. The people temporarily hired by Lalhous, the temporary renting place, the temporarily enclosed land was confusing."

Klein did not ask more, maintaining the attitude of the divination:

"What do you want to divination?"

"I want to divinate whether this thing can be recovered." Christina looked at Glacis and said.

Klein took paper and pen:

"Then we do astronomical divination, I ask, you answer."

In a question-and-answer session, Klein marked the thunder constellation at the corresponding position, marked the symbol of various situations, and completed the event astrolabe.

Compared with ordinary people's astronomical divination, he uses more elements and the interpretation method is closer to reality.

"Ms. Sir, you are at a fork in the road. If you are greedy, panic, and ignorant, you will fall further into the abyss and you will never be able to get rid of it. But if you can stand, wait, persist, no longer greedy, you will be greeted. Turning, you will see the sun..." Kline said quickly and slowly.

"I understand." Christina slowly daggered and thought about it. "Mr. Moretti, can you divinate the whereabouts of Llanus?"

"No, I am afraid this is not possible. The information left by Lalhous is a big probability. Even the name may not be true. How does this make me divination? Unless you can get his very detailed real information, or provide Close-fitting items." Klein answered truthfully.

Cristina was silent for a while, and took out 1 Sule's banknotes and pushed it to Klein:

"I heard Grasci mention that you are a true diviner who fears fate and does not greet money. The rest is a tip for the club."

“Thank you for giving me confidence.”

She stood up, politely left, and quickly left.

Not greedy for money... No, I am vulgar! Klein regretted what he had before.

Watching Christina leave, Glacis closed the door and turned back and asked:

"Is there really no way?"

"I just said that is the way." Klein smiled back.

"Oh..." Glacis sighed. "Lalhous took away more than 10,000 pounds of money. The victim had more than 100 people. Fortunately, I only lost 50 pounds, but lost my savings and no debt. And Ms. Christina invested 150 pounds, which is not easy for her to bear."

"Are you alarming?" Klein heard the number of 10,000 pounds and suddenly became angry with the fraudster.

This amount, even in Beckland, can be a rich man.

It’s just a simple search for people. I don’t know if the police will find a night servant, a punitive person or a mechanical heart to help... Kline’s thoughts are divergent.

Glacis is focused on the following:

"We have already alerted the police. The police also attach great importance to it. After consultation, we are willing to take some of the money from the recovery as a reward. No matter who it is, as long as it can provide relevant clues about the whereabouts of Lalhous, once verified, it will be The 10 pound reward, if you can give the exact hiding information, help the police catch Lalhus, you can get 100 pounds of cash!"

Lead 10 pounds? Caught Llanus 100 pounds? Klein could barely hear his eyes bright and his breathing heavy.

At this time, he is worried about the source of follow-up detective expenses:

This week's extra salary of 3 pounds plus the rest of the private money, just can pay the second pen, but if the Henry detective can complete two commissions next week, his extra weekly salary is not enough for the final part, so poor A few Souls, of course, the premise is that there is no other place to use private money during this time.

Maybe I can get Laner's belongings from the police, but if he really left Tingen, it didn't work... Klein looked forward and sighed.

In the next hour and a half, because of the recommendation of Angelica, two people asked Klein for "consultation". One was for the divination of a child who was just over one year old. Klein directly painted the birth chart, saying The other party is convinced and satisfied.

The other is looking for items. Klein used Tarot divination combined with dream divination to lock him into a rough range, which made him very surprised, because he had never seen a diviner who gave such accurate information.

"Maybe just relying on divination, you can get enough of the missing part of the tail." Klein, who gave the tip, put on his hat and took his cane while trying to walk to the club door.

Just then, he saw the former Ms. Christina coming in again, followed by a young girl wearing a lotus hat.

Christina saw Klein, and immediately greeted him, pressing down the voice and asked:

"Mr. Moretti, you said before that if there are items related to Lalhous, can you try to divination of his whereabouts?"

"That's right." Klein nodded.

Christina took a breath and asked in a deep voice:

"So his child is not a related item?"

what? Klein was a bit confused at the moment.

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