Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 5 Chapter 187: Meditation

In the Beckland Bridge area, Klein found the man who was tempted by Teres and helped her "send and receive" the letter based on the position provided by the messenger.

However, Klein did not enter the apartment, did not disturb the target, hands in the black trench coat pocket, continue to walk forward.

The gas streetlight shines, he has been to the crossroads and turned to other neighborhoods.

In the process, a mouse that was stealing food in a building suddenly trembled.

It immediately abandoned the piece of cheese and walked along Klein's usual "passage" and approached the target area.

Then, in the hidden corner, the mouse opened his mouth and made a human voice:

"The leader of the sea and the spiritual world, the protector of the Rothde Islands, the dominator of the sea creatures, the master of the tsunami and storm, the great Cavitowa..."

The mouse voice just fell, and Klein, who had turned into another street, disappeared, leaving only a touch of fire on the spot.

He used the "flame jump", but instead of rushing to the road, he entered the reserved hotel room and met one of his own secret couples. Therefore, he didn't have to worry too much about being touched by Charato, so he encountered an accident. The goal is clear, the journey is short and protected.

In the room, Klein looked at the secretive Enuni, and took four steps back to the fog.

Sitting at the top of the bronze long table, he took the "Poseidon Scepter" and used the "pray light spot" to observe the target situation through the "real vision" - the man who helped the witch Talis to relay the news.

After a few minutes, Renee 缇 Nicole appeared in the apartment as agreed, took the gold coins and left the envelope on the table.

The man was once again scared and shivering, but eventually he overcame his fears, picked up the letter, and measured it.

After a quarter of an hour, he took out the black paste-like thing in a precious way, separated a small piece and applied it to the surface of the mirror.

Soon, he saw the girl who occupied all her dreams in the dark mirror and said:

"The crazy adventurer just sent a letter and it seems to have something else in it. According to your instructions, I didn't open it."

At this time, the picture seen by Klein above the fog began to appear strange.

In his sight, the state of the mirror itself has become blurred, closer to a channel that is dark and illusory is not true. It is connected with similar things in the surrounding area, forming a complex and abstract "cobweb", intertwined with a deep wonder. Awkward "world."

Klein, who got the "real vision" by the fog, could barely see the general state, but could not distinguish the details. I wonder if there are hidden strange and terrible creatures in the "world".

"In occultism, mirrors are often given the symbolic meaning of another 'national', and are more related to horror and horror... This is the 'mirror in the world'? My extraordinary ability does not involve this field at all... No, if someone prays to me and tries 'the magic mirror divination', then the 'mirror world' will naturally have an illusory channel pointing to me, pointing to the fog...

"Strictly speaking, the 'world in the mirror' is not a real world. It is closer to the collection of 'doors', connecting different mirrors and different mysterious kingdoms. If it is lost inside, it may appear directly in the 'abyss 'And even the stars... Of course, the demigods with this ability should be able to create a reflection world and hide in it...

"The collection of 'doors'... In addition to the witches, the souls, the high-sequences of the 'apprentice' approach have similar abilities? Does the 'secret' of the "mystery" represent the 'mirror in the world'? This is mysterious enough and secret enough... Under normal circumstances, even through the 'real vision', you can't directly see the 'mirror in the world' unless someone inspires it..." Klein nodded thoughtfully. I heard the voice of the witch, Terry, responding sweetly:

"Throw the letter into the mirror."

"Can you throw it in?" As a extraordinary person with a low sequence, the man has not seen such a miraculous thing, hesitated, took the letter and pressed it on the mirror.

On the surface of the mirror, the darkness suddenly swayed like a ripple of water.

When the man felt a solid touch, he saw that the letter magically penetrated the surface of the glass and entered the illusory interior.

Then, the letter was attracted by the huge vortex, and continued to fall deep into the room where Terry was.

Klein above the fog raised the "Poseidon Scepter" and focused on the letter, trying to lock the position of the witch.

At this time, in his "real vision", the dark and deep "mirror in the mirror" appeared violent fluctuations, making everything blurred.

By the time the shock was calmed down, Klein had lost the letter and the trace of the witch Terry.

"The breath of the ‘original witch’ can even interfere with this kind of gaze...” Klein silenced for a moment and gave a sigh.

It is precisely because of the singularity of Terry, he did not risk to mix his hair into the material to locate the other side, which is easy to suffer a terrible curse, maybe on the spot.

For Klein, violent temper is also violent. Anyway, as long as the corpse is not smashed, it should be able to come back to life, but that means he can't seize the opportunity to lock Terry - the other party will certainly do it soon. Is it not a waste of a precious resurrection opportunity?

Kline, who suffered setbacks, quickly returned to the real world and left the Bakerland Bridge area.


The next morning, Klein took Zhang Pingfan's ordinary face and took a carriage to the Saint Seychelles church.

He intends to confess the name of the witch, Terry, by mourning his name, and whispering to the "night goddess". At that time, there was something unexpected about the full moon night. At least the gods watched Beckland and there was a certain advance. Preparation.

——There was a “night goddess” when Mr. “Men” was exiled and sealed. He must be very clear about the other party’s tricks.

In a similar way, Klein has always been reluctant to know very well about himself:

Since you can't solve the trouble yourself, find someone who has the ability to solve the trouble!

As for why not to do this at home, I had to go to St. Saul's Church because Klein had to observe the situation on Berklund Street and the surrounding area and look for the subtle traces of the arrival of Amon.

——Hairour and her family have been entangled with Amon, and she is also a “stealer” approach. Whether it is the fate of the fate or the aggregation of characteristics, she will become a high-risk group for encountering Amon. Ryan did not dare to have the slightest negligence and carelessness. The reminder and arrangement for himself was to check every once in a while.

In the same way, because "Justice" has followed several times to help Hailuer to treat psychological trauma, once Hailuer has a problem, it is easy to spread to her. Therefore, Klein is also worried about the safety of this aristocratic girl and thinks it is necessary. From time to time, the status is confirmed by the "dark red star", of course, he will avoid the relatively embarrassing time period.

Thoughts fluttering in the air, Klein, who is close to Pesfer Street, got off the carriage ahead of time, letting his secret singer, Enuni, to the hidden place to mourn the name of "Poseidon".

He himself exchanged his position with the secret actor Chunas. In the "distorted" enclosed space, he took four steps and entered the fog.

Then, with the help of “Poseidon Scepter”, he zoomed in on the “real vision” and carefully observed the situation in Berkrund Street and the “Rune Charity Student Fund”.

"Hailuer is not 'parasitic'... "Miss Justice" is not... their maids, pets, bodyguards are also not... The residents of Burke Lund Street and the staff of the 'Charity Aid Fund' do not... ...the streets of this area can't find traces of Amon's activities..." Klein breathed a sigh of relief and returned to the real world.

Then, he was near the church of Saint-Saill, and through the gate, he found a place to sit in the dark and quiet prayer hall.

Whispering the name of the "night goddess", Klein simply described:

"...The witch, Terry, got the hair of the descendants of the blood of the Abraham family, and she intended to contact a secret existence on the full moon night. The specific purpose is not certain..."

Quietly sitting for a while, seeing the goddess did not respond, the archbishop did not come out, Klein put on a silk hat, and walked out of the church.

At night, he changed places, controlled a mouse to be a secret couple, and mourned the name of another:

"The great **** of war, the symbol of iron and blood, the master of turmoil and strife, I want to see you..."

As before, the mouse lost its life as soon as the end of the prayer, and Klein opened the distance.

He wants to meet with the "Red Angel" and talk about Mr. "Gate" and "The Dark Angel" Saslier.

Waiting for a few minutes, Klein, with the help of another mouse secret, saw that the previous one was burning and the blazing flame came out.

This flame is flying fast on the ground to outline a short sentence:

"I don't want to see you."

... Klein's face muscles twitched invisibly.

He thought a little, gave up rationally, and left the area.

After a few tens of seconds, the remaining blazing flames form new words:

"beg me."

At this time, Klein has gone.

In a house in a certain area of ​​Beckland, wearing a red robes on a black background, the pale face of Soren Einhorne Medici stood up from the sofa.

He frowned slightly and said to himself:

"Who is disturbing me..."


In a blink of an eye, Beckland ushered in a full moon night.

In a room where the blushing light shines, the witch, Terry, stands in an altar surrounded by ritual materials such as rubies, sapphires, emeralds, diamonds, pearls, and lapis lazuli.

After more complicated preparations, she lit the hair in her hand and put it into the big kettle.

When the fire was stained with a layer of darkness, Teres stepped back two steps, and the expression was solemnly scorned in the giant language:

"The great gate of 10,000;

"The leader of the endless starry sky;

"The key to all mysterious worlds..."

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