Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 5 Chapter 194: Intend (request for a monthly ticket on Monday)

Beckland, North District, 7 Pfister Street.

After a busy day, Leonard finally had the opportunity to ask his doubts:

"Old man, what is the 'source of the fortress'?"

The slightly old voice in his mind was silent for a few seconds, "嘿" a voice:

“The place where you meet every week is probably the ‘source fort’.”

"..." Leonard never thought about hearing such an answer. The brain was a bit blank at the moment. It was both strange, shocking, and mixed. It really didn't have no origin. It turned out to be such a complex emotion.

After a while, he whispered in a hurry:

"Where is the 'Source Fort'?"

Pales Soloyas smiled like a sigh:

"In fact, I am not too clear, just heard some rumors.

"That is not the same as the creation myth that you know. In the rumor, the original creator left nine different things. Some of them are kingdoms, some are cities, some are rivers, some are oceans, some are keys, and 'sources' are one of them.

"It may not be a castle, but something else. What it looks like, you may know better than me.

"I determined that it exists because I sensed it when I was promoted to an angel, but I couldn't see it and connect with it.

“My great-grandfather raised a speculation that the nine things may be related to the 'source quality' recorded on the second 'stone slate'. Unfortunately, he saw limited content and could not interpret it for various reasons. Source quality 'related parts.'

Leonard calmed down a lot, then leaned back on the sofa and asked thoughtfully:

"Old man, do you doubt that Mr. ‘fool’ is the embodiment of ‘source quality’?”

According to what he saw and heard at the Tarot Conference and what the old man Pales occasionally told, he already had some understanding of some parts of the spiritual hierarchy.

Pales Soroyasd responded for a long time before responding:



On the night of strict curfews, there are almost no pedestrians on the streets of Beckland. Occasionally, there are carriages passing by and there are people with sufficient status.

After Klein arrived at the agreed house, he was not in a hurry to go in, half closed his eyes, raised his right hand, grabbed it to the front, and pulled out another black double-breasted coat, wearing a half-high silk. Top hat, Sherlock Moriatti with a gold cane.

This is the image of the historical aperture when he was just out.

Because Klein himself is opposite, the image is stiff and stiff, like the props on the stage.

According to previous experiments, Klein knows that this is the "one time and the principle of consciousness" in occultism. That is to say, at the same time, the essence of each person is unique. If the ontology can think, the projection will not meeting.

The same is true of the historical pore images of the deceased. Klein suspects that he is not enough at the current level. In short, others can only make mechanical questions and more instinctive battles. "Ancient scholars" are unclear. Things, even if they have experienced it personally, they can't give the corresponding answer.

This confirms Klein’s speculation that the fragments that “ancient scholars” can see in the fog of history are all learned in reality and have some research. In short, the fog needs “ancient The scholar "lights up on his own.

Of course, Klein also suspects that if the historical fragments of the same incident have been illuminated for the most part, the rest will most likely appear naturally.

"At least the corresponding ability will not be lost because I don't know enough. As long as there is an image in the historical pores, the state at that moment is fully recorded... This is enough..." Klein could only rely on it. The historical projection of the instinctive action, the body suddenly disappeared, and entered the gray mist.

Since the Fugen dog, which is not a complete "ancient scholar", can live in the historical pores, the real "ancient scholars" are not reasonable. The only problem is that there is time limit. In addition, time is long, the real world. The secret mate will definitely die, but this is just a form of companionship with the "ancient scholars."

As Klein's body entered the spot in the gray mist, his consciousness suddenly came to life in the historical projection.

Raising his hand and pressing the top hat, Sherlock Morrison said that Klein came outside the house and, according to the agreement, directly pulled out the "master key" and reached it on the door.

His figure directly appeared in the house, and he quickly looked around through the blush of the moonlight.

The sofas, cabinets, high back chairs, coffee tables and other furniture are obviously not old. It seems to have come from the last hundred years, and it looks quite old.

In the dark environment, Sharon, wearing a Gothic court dress and wearing a small, soft cap, appeared on a high back chair.

"Good evening." The "puppet" lady nodded slightly and greeted her.

If she doesn't talk and doesn't speak, it is the most standard and exquisite doll.

At the same time, at the sofa position, Maric in the white shirt and black vest was also outlined.

...this gentleman, all entered the winter, wouldn't it be cold to wear this? Ah, you are the "dead", the "dead" is not afraid of cold... Klein spoke two words in his heart, took off his hat, and looked at the pale gold hair, the blue eyes, the pale face of Sharon. A gift:

"Good evening, Miss Sharon."

He then turned his body halfway and said to Maric:

"good evening."

For the former "live corpse", the current "resentment", Kline's deepest impression is that the other party actually played with a living corpse driven by himself.

Going back and playing cards together... He sighed silently.

The reason why I suddenly thought of playing cards was because Klein had previously analyzed the "ancient scholars" fighting style and found that if they encountered Chalatu, the two sides would probably "play cards on the spot":

You have a "governor Russell", I have a "Great Emperor Russell", you have a "Berner", I have a "Bonova", if you come out "half a fool ", I will be on the "Amon"...

I did not expect that the "Divination" battle will one day become a "card game", realistic, extremely dangerous "playing cards" ... oh, but Charato is the angel of sequence 1, will not give me "cards" "The chance, and when I summon the big characters in the historical aperture image, the success rate is still relatively low... Kline withdraws his gaze and takes the initiative to Sharon:

"I have to do one thing recently, it is difficult and dangerous. One of the steps is to collect the blood of twenty-two extraordinary people in different ways. For the "worry" approach, I can only think of the rescue targets only you and Maric You should be good at cursing and have a way to eliminate the connection between blood and yourself."

In fact, he can try to summon Seignor on the spot to mix his blood into the ceramic jar, but this will not be effective, Klein will not know, and "divination" will not come out, after all. Involving both the high level of the sequence 1 and the lack of sufficient information, the only thing he can determine is that drawing the symbol does not pose any danger to itself and the provider.

Because "ancient scholars" can do too much, Klein even tried to summon the former "witch" Terry, easily subdued her, and spread her blood to the "Grossel Travels."

However, this has no effect.

After thinking, Klein believes that there is a logical contradiction in the timeline, so it can't be successful - the blood is the extra "extra" provided by Terry in the past, and the "Growser Travels" pulls the inevitable In the past, Terrys will change history.

History cannot be changed, so the experiment failed.

Sharon quietly listened to Sherlock Moriatti’s request and said without any change of expression:

"it is good.

“How much?”

Miss Sharon’s reaction was the same as I thought... Klein took out a thin glass pipe:

"This is enough."

Sharon, wearing a gothic court dress, gently lifted his right hand, and the glass tubule seemed to have his own life, and he took the initiative to leave Klein's palm and flew over.

Then, the same lady with the same person fell to the left wrist, and the nails suddenly became long and became extremely sharp.

She just made a stroke, and the wrist had an extra wound. The red blood in it overflowed, and it didn't drop down. It floated in the opposite direction and was put into the thin glass tube.

When the container was full, Sharon's wound was instantly restored, and no traces were seen. The stopper jumped to the nozzle and rotated a few turns to complete the closure.

In the process, the face is not as good as the pale pale Sharon without a change of expression, as if all the feelings are suppressed in the bottom of my heart.

Looking at the blood in his hand, Sharon left his palm and touched it, sliding slowly from top to bottom.

This is to eliminate the connection between blood and the body.

After doing all this, the blood leaped and flew back to Kline’s hands.

“What else needs help?” Sharon sat on the high back chair and said calmly.

"Not for the time being, thank you." Klein shook his head and slammed his finger, causing a red flame in his palm.

The flame quickly soared and wrapped the glass tubules.

When the redness dissipates, the blood is gone.

This is a new change in "flame jump" that can transfer items from your body to a secret or body.

In addition to this, Klein's various extraordinary abilities have also been upgraded and changed accordingly.

Skilled, he looked back at Sharon, and asked casually:

"How is your ‘puppet’ potion digested?”

When I first met Miss Sharon, he felt that the other person was like a doll. He thought that this was not the nature, but it was caused by the principle of temperance. It was an early play, and it would definitely help the digestion of the "puppet" potion. .

“Not bad,” Sharon said quietly. “One to two years, you should be able to digest it.”

One to two years... Sure enough, I can still get the year, only me, less than half a year... This is not something to be proud of, it is arranged to be clear... Of course, if I counted in the light The time above the door, that can be counted for a thousand years... "Miracle"... If you can get rid of this fate, you might be able to create a "miracle"... Kline sighed a few words in his heart, gently sighing :

"What are your plans for the past?"

Sharon said:

"I hope to restore the integrity of the teacher's body."

Maric on the sofa added:

"But don't you say that the leader of the Secret Society, Charato, is in Beckland, is there a close connection with the Rose School?"

"Yes." Klein smiled and said, "Patience, there will always be opportunities."

This is actually a relief, even if he became an "ancient scholar", he can find a lot of helpers. He has no idea to deal with Zaratu at present - the perfect sequence 1 is absolutely horrible!

Moreover, the more he walked on the path of "divination", the more the Klein could understand the terrible and difficult killing of Zarathu.

Waiting for George III to become a god, Klein intends to leave Beckland directly and give himself more time to grow.

PS: I want to recommend tickets and monthly tickets on Monday~

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