Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 6 Chapter 22: "Frankly" (Monthly monthly ticket recommendation ticket)

Klein stared at the parchment in front of him for a long time without movement.

After a while, he patted the edge of the mottled table with the palm of his hand, so that all the objects that appeared can disappear.

A gold-shell pocket watch was brought in, and a glance opened, and Klein "pinched" a message to the little "Sun" to prepare him for the Tarot party.

After about a thousand heartbeats, a crimson glow emerged on both sides of the bronze table, condensing into different figures on different high-back chairs.

Without any gap, the eyes of all the members of the Tarot Society brushed their eyes toward the figure sitting on the top, shrouded in gray mist.

Seeing that Mr. Fool did not wear monocles, "Stars" Leonard breathed a long breath in his heart, then turned his body and looked at the bottom of the mottled long table, confirming "World" Klein Morey Casey's situation.

Similar to him, the "hermit" Capella, the "justice" Audrey, and the "magic" Fols, after seeing the "Fool", instinctively focused their attention on the "world" German. Paro.

One of them knew that the "world" was in danger and could only seek the protection of Mr. Fool, and the other had not received feedback for two days and suspected that Gullman Spall was really involved in the incident of George III. Certain circumstances, one is clear that the incident of George III involves a lot of risks, a little worried that Mr. "World" suffered serious trauma.

Seeing that "World" German Sparo was intact and nothing abnormal, "Justice" Audrey retracted her gaze, raised her skirt, and made a ceremony towards the top of the bronze long table:

"Good afternoon, Mr. 'Fool' ~"

After the situation in the whole world is more chaotic, Tarot will still be able to maintain her original appearance, which will make her feel some consolation and feel better.

When the members of the Tarot Association had finished saluting with Miss Justice, Kline, the Fool, nodded gently, motioning everyone to sit down.

Then he looked around slowly and said with a chuckle:

"You are very concerned about whether the Tarot will proceed as usual."

Hearing this sentence, "Inverted Man" Alger's heartbeat accelerated sharply, as if his ears were ringing directly.

He had no doubt that Mr. Fool was referring to himself, doing a gentler beating.

In other words, gave him a chance to repent.

Alger lowered his head and let his voice begin to tremble slightly:

"It's because we are not religious enough and think too much."

Uh ... why did Mr. "Inverted Man" admit mistakes on my behalf ... He instructed the "trial" to ask Mr. Fool whether the "magician" Fowler, who had been convened by the Tarot Association, for a moment, gave up thinking, and turned The top of the bronze long table, with a low head, repeated:

"It's because we are not religious enough and think too much."

It turned out that it wasn't just me who prayed to Mr. "Fool" these days ... Mr. "Inverted man" said that he thought too much because Tarot might be cancelled this time, which caused him something unnecessary. guess? But Firth shouldn't have thought of this ... "Justice" Audrey looked at the opposite side, and looked at her side again, with a sorrow in her heart.

"Fool" Klein nodded and looked around again:

"That kind of concern is normal."

He immediately sighed with a smile:

"I used the body of the 'World' this time to play a game with Amon in the place abandoned by God. Fortunately, I did not miss the Tarot."

Every sentence he said is true, but the information that others read from it will certainly be far away from the actual situation.

In this way, even if Amon releases the news that the "world" German Sparo is equal to the "fool", the members of the Tarot Society will only laugh at him and want to cheat. At that time " "World" equals "Fool" does not mean that "World" has always been equal to "Fool." Some of the truth is actually a lie.

Played a game with Amon ... The old man guessed exactly, Mr. Fool deliberately used Klein to fish for Amun the "Blasphemer" ... From the current situation, he was more satisfied As a result, Amon suffered a severe loss ... The long-awaited "Star" Leonard only felt that it fully met his expectations and had no doubt about the words of Mr. Fool.

Mr. "Fool" did not reply for a quarter of an hour, because it was just at the crucial moment of fighting with Amon? Has He recovered to this extent? "Justice" Audrey listened with surprise and joy, and inexplicably developed a strong sense of honor.

Al Jay, the "hanging man", also tasted the further recovery from the words of Mr. Fool, and he could have the hidden meaning of being dominant in a direct confrontation with an angel king.

This made him even more upset about why he had doubts and temptations.

Mr. "Fool" hinted in advance that Tarot might be cancelled because he had long predicted that there would be a conflict with Amon? Or even this was what He provoked to dig a trap for Amon? Al Jie thought of it a lot, and felt that his careful thought could not be hidden in the presence of such a high position.

He warned himself once again: Don't do anything like that again!

It turned out that Mr. "World" did not give any feedback because the "Fool" used his body to fight against Amon ... The angel king Amon was really powerful. He actually needed "Fool" to take his own action ... "Magic" Firth He and "Trial" Hugh glanced at each other, no doubt about the previous question.

The "hermit", Capella, roughly understood the reason for the disappearance of "world" German Spallo, and guessed that the messenger with a contractual connection was unlikely to enter the land abandoned by God.

At the same time, she was surprised by the angel king's arrival on the stage of the current era, and felt that it was one of the signs of the end of the prophecy.

"Moon" Emlin didn't know exactly what happened during this time, and looked at everyone blankly. Somehow he might be locked behind Chanis Gate for more than a week or two, maybe a month or two. So that there is an illusion of disconnection from the current situation.

Mr. "World" has come to the place abandoned by God ... Mr. "Fool" used his body to fight with that terrible Amon? "Sun" Dyrick was shocked first, and then felt a strong joy.

This means that Silver City's next exploration operation will be strongly assisted!

He immediately looked at the top of the bronze table and blurted out:

"Dear Mr. Fool, the Chief wants to get your blessings during the ceremony. Do you agree?"

Klein had learned about it long ago in prayer, and nodded slightly:


The promised "Sun", Drake, smiled uncontrollably, and for a moment did not know how to express his gratitude.

After two seconds, he lowered his head and said loudly:

"Only believe in Mr. Fool!"

"Fool" Klein nodded and turned to Ms. "Hidden", and said:

"What's wrong this time?"

Er, the Queen's letter didn't say ... "Hermit", Capella, froze for a while, and decided to ask one thing she wanted to know, anyway, there were still a lot of remaining questions.

She considered for two seconds:

"Great Mr. Fool, what is the truth behind the death of George III?"

As soon as the "hidden" voice fell, "justice" Audrey and others refreshed and focused their attention.

This is exactly what they want to know.

In this, "Star" Leonard has a relative understanding, and he cares more about the underlying cause of this incident.

Among the members of the Tarot Club, the only thing that was more dazed was the "Moon" Emlin. He was full of thoughts such as "what" and "what happened".

——He didn't even read the newspaper recently. He didn't know that King George III had been "stabbed" and died.

As for "Sun" Derek, although it was also unclear how George III died, he didn't care at all.

"Fool" Klein smiled and said flatly:

"George III wanted to be the" Black Emperor ". To this end, he excavated the remains of Tudor, sold human beings, created the Great Haze event of Bakerland, and proactively set off a war, so that the Fassac airship could bomb Bocland , He failed in the final ritual, and the needed secret mausoleum was destroyed. "

He simply described the origin of the matter in the most plain tone, without mentioning what he did.

-Mr. "Fool" explained the situation on his own initiative, it would be too expensive.

Bakerland Great Smog ... airship attack ... Is this what George III did to become a god? "Justice" Audrey's eyes grew slightly, and she instantly recalled the two things she had experienced in person.

Suddenly, she understood why the "world" German Spall wanted to stop George III from becoming a god.

She knew that he was a gentle and caring gentleman, and he would certainly not let the real murders behind the two tragedies happen.

If it were me, I would also like to do this, but I would hesitate and be prevented by possible bad development ... And Mr. "World" is determined and determined ... This is a matter involving gods, uh, there should also be "Fools" "Mr. Will ... Audrey glanced silently at the" world "Gullman Sparo sitting at the bottom of the mottled table, nodding her head slightly, expressing her identity.

"Black Emperor" ... George III wants to become a god? This ... Well, Mr. Fool has a blasphemy card called "The Black Emperor", and Guerman Spallo was also tracking down the haze and human trafficking ... Sure enough, these can be strung together There is such a secret hidden behind it ... Now it seems that Mr. Fool's purpose has been achieved, and his plan has succeeded ... Therefore, he has further recovered and can confront the King of Angels ... " The "people" Alger became more and more afraid, and more and more spiritual, and felt that even if he knew some clues in advance, he could not see through the layout of Mr. Fool.

"Stars" Leonard, "Magic" Firth and other members of the Tarot Society were shocked. The "Hidden" Capella, who had a certain premonition, held on to the waves and decided to divert another question:

"Dear Mr. Fool, what is the attitude of the Seven Gods?"

PS: Ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets on Monday ~

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