Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 6 Chapter 26: Yang Mou

Facing the embrace of the "Angel", Colin Iliad was not dismayed, and calmly accepted all this, and seemed to have been prepared.

The ceremony began, and he took a step forward, took the bottle of "Silver Knight" potion, and poured it into his mouth.

Silently and silently, the "hunter hunter" 's body swelled and turned into a gray-blue base with blue and black knots, and a few meters tall giant with black cracks on his forehead.

Every inch of this giant contains indescribable mysterious and majestic horror power. In addition to retaining the human appearance on the head, the rest is close to mythological creatures, exuding strange spiritual influences.

The next second, Colin Iliad's head seemed to have osteomalacia. The entire inward depression, with that dark gap as the core, slowly wriggled as if to form a nebula vortex.

Such pain made the Silver City chief's "devil hunter" who had killed many powerful creatures difficult to contain, and sent out a howl that made ordinary creatures' heads almost cracked.

If Colin Iliad had evacuated the people in the round tower in advance, leaving only the demi-level Witt Hillmons guarded to prevent accidents, there would surely be many extraordinary people out of control at this time.

The remains of the six powerful creatures in different positions of the ceremony floated by the invisible force, spinning around the changing Colin Iliad, and using some kind of mysterious connection, awakened the top-level "hunting monster" Part of the memories.

It was the experience of hunting down a "devil". It was the end of the painful attack of the former chief. It was the life of defeating powerful monsters.

These manifested in the altar, like a scroll, sometimes integrated into Colin Iliad, and sometimes separated from it, helping him to position himself and maintain a certain degree of sobriety in the extreme pain and change.

It was not until then that Colin Iliad understood what the essence of the ceremony was:

As a "demon hunter" in sequence 4, the hunting of every powerful creature is a battle of baptism infused with a strong spirit, leaving a deep mark on his life.

With the imprint of these strong spirits, he can locate himself after taking the potion without losing himself in pain and madness.

This reminds Colin Iliad of a name recorded in some of the classics in Silver City:


At sequence 3, it is considered a deity in a certain sense, and can respond to prayers within a certain range, so it needs a certain anchor.

Because it is not yet at the angel level, the anchor may not be a believer, and it can be replaced by other things, such as those distinct and mysterious imprints in life.

In the awakened memory, Colin Iliad regained a little self-awareness, felt the body again, and grasped its changes.

Immediately afterwards, stacked wings composed of unreal light emerged from his back. They combined with the surrounding "scrolls" and continually contracted inward. The surface of Colin Iliad collapsed into a pair of solid, gorgeous but weightless silver armor.

——After "Demon Hunter" was promoted to "Silver Knight", due to the difference of blessing gods, there will be a little difference. The former "Wang Ting hunter" leader, "Blighter" Milgongen received the blessing from The King of Giants, so the ability in all aspects of the "silver knight" itself should be stronger.

Colin Iliad occasionally allowed himself to condense, and the "silver sword" that could "transport" appeared random, preferred, and unpredictable changes in the attack.

In addition, he can also gain a certain speciality in the "mercury".

With the silver armor finally taking shape, Colin Iliad has been promoted, except that he has not grown a vertical one-eyed eye, which is equivalent to a mythical creature.

At this moment, he raised his right hand and waved to the side.

At a small hill outside Silver City, the silver sharp eruption broke out of thin air, tearing everything around, and dividing the small hill into two halves.


During the promotion of Colin Iliad to the "Silver Knight", Derek Berger completed the ritual of praying for gifts and received a small metal tube.

Seizing the silver city chief to create an anomaly, which attracted most of the chances of attention, Klein in the ancient palace above the fog slammed his hand, summoning a bullet and "knell bell" from the historical pores. Revolver.

Immediately after doing divination and confirming that there was no Amon parasite in a large area around the small "sun", he opened the runner without hesitation and stuffed the "deceiving bullet" in.


Klein shook his right hand, closed the runner, and then used mysterious connections to aim at his original place of death.


He calmly pulled the trigger and fired the only bullet.

At the same time, he leveraged this extraordinary, purely based on his own ideas, to leverage the power of "source castle".

The entire mist boiled again, and this space boiled. The majestic but slightly faint power poured out like a tide, enveloping the bullet, penetrating the gap, and shooting into the real world.

Suddenly, the light in "Yuanbao" dimmed. Klein suppressed the fear and fear, holding the historical projection of the "Death Bell" revolver, simulating the feeling of weightlessness and precipitous fall. The crimson star "jumped" toward that small tube of its own blood.

On the barren wilderness of Chernobyl, Amons wearing pointed soft hats looked up, looking at the lightning across the sky from above, and looking at a secluded area where even the lightning failed to light up.

At the same time, Amon pushed the single glasses, and then laughed a moment later:

"He doesn't look like someone who can figure it out ...


"He joined this organization code-named Tarot?"

Silver City, Berg's House.

There was a sudden darkness in Derrick's eyes, and there was a feeling that the candles in the room had burned out.

For the residents of Silver City, this is not a good thing. In the eyes of Derrick, the sun's rays will soon be illuminated.

At this moment, in the deep darkness, a little bit of light fragments came out, as if many moths were transparent and creeping.

The thin metal tube that Derrick received then broke up by itself, and the bright red blood floated out of it, floating in the air, without breaking, and combining with the light fragments.

In just two or three seconds, these "shards of light" condensed into one and turned into a huge ball of light.

The light ball stretched and changed, quickly sketching a figure.

This figure has a deep outline, a cold and rigid face, a half-height silk top hat, a black woolen coat, and an iron-black revolver. It is German Sparo.

Klein successfully "frauded" the mystic rules, and completed the resurrection with the help of his own blood before the false resurrection point!

Needless to say, Derek has already recognized who it is through that special temperament. After two heartbeats, Instinct showed an unstoppable smile:

"Mr. 'World'?"

Klein raised his head slightly, glanced at the little "sun" that seemed to be a little taller, reached out his hands subconsciously, and pressed his top hat.

He immediately nodded softly:

"I will be in the land of God for a while.

"However, I have to leave now and cannot lead Amon to Silver City.

"If I have a chance later, I will work with you."

Derrick understood the meaning of Mr. "World" and focused on:


Just as Klein raised his right hand, ready to hit his ringing finger, and used "Flame Jump" to leave, Derek looked at him and suddenly pointed at the locker in the room:

"Mr. World, do you need some food? There are mushrooms that can make milk!"

... Klein controlled himself, without convulsing the corners of his mouth, maintaining a cold attitude:

"I don't drink milk."

As soon as the words fell, he snapped his fingers and let a red flame rise from his pocket, wrapping him like water.

The flames quickly dissipated, little by little, and Klein's figure disappeared into Derek Berg's room.

Outside Silver City, in a deformed forest, the fire continued to flash, reaching into the deserted wilderness leading to the north.

When he had actually been far away from Silver City, Klein slowed down the "footsteps" slightly, summoning a horse lantern from the historical pores and holding it in his hands.

This resurrection was so smooth that he had expected it, because once he found the right solution, Amon could not stop it.

——At Silver City, Amon has at most some sequence 4 sequence 3 level avatars, Klein can find them in advance with "real vision" and clear them.

And if they can combine into a tier 2 avatar, they have already mastered the "source castle", and Klein, who can pry the angel-level power, can do a battle with this avatar in the fog and stand against being attacked. An invincible place, there is no small grasp to repel the enemy.

If Amon moves the body to Silver City, Klein can choose to resurrect at the original place of death.

Of course, Amon could create an avatar close to Sequence 1 and send him to Silver City, but on the premise of the conservation of extraordinary characteristics, how many avatars can he make at this level?

No more than two!

And Klein can divide the remaining blood into multiple parts, and use gift-giving rituals to send them to Mr. "Inverted Man", to "Miss Hermit", to "Star" Leonard, there is too With so many resurrection sites to choose from, Amon couldn't even care.

This is a brilliant plan made by virtue of his own level, extraordinary ability, and “source castle”. Before trying to resurrect, Klein was quite certain of the result. The only worry was that “fraud” was detected by Amon in advance and done in time. Disturbance caused no change in the location of the resurrection.

Fortunately, his "divination" initially confirmed that the danger was not high, which was one of the reasons why he dared to try.

"Huh, I really got rid of Amon ..." Klein, who was walking in the dim light of the horse lantern, felt the existence of his body and was relieved.

Of course, he knew very well that he would encounter the powerful tracking of Amon's body and each avatar next!

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