Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 6 Chapter 29: Prepare with both hands

At this moment, Firth felt that his cheeks were hot, and the whole person was stiff there, and he did not even dare to look at his friend sideways.

She deeply realized that she too "underestimated" the lower limit of the "magic mirror"!

After pursing his lips for a while, Foer thought of a reminder from Mr. World and closed his eyes:

"I choose to accept punishment."

In the crackling sound, a silver lightning fell in the middle of the room, but the lightning disappeared as soon as it appeared, illusion.

On the mirror surface, the dark red words were suddenly stained with silver and white, and quickly replaced with new content:

"That's all for today's quiz game. Goodbye!"

Before Firth opened his eyes and did not wait for the reaction, the slowly rippling waves inside the mirror calmed down instantly, and the gloom and gloom in the room were then broken, swallowed up by the light of the candle.

"Isn't there punishment?" Furth waited for a few seconds, opened his eyes slightly, looked at the mirror that had returned to normal, and looked at the bystanders.

Hugh pointed to her head and said:

"There was a lightning splatter, but it was gone halfway, and‘ Magic Mirror ’has left.”

"... 'Magic Mirror' is just a joke? No, I was reminded that the problem would be more ashamed and the punishment would be quite heavy ... Could it be, 'Mr. Fool' blessed me?" Furth rubbed his right side His cheeks, guessing.

"Maybe." Hugh nodded in agreement with a friend.

Just as Furth was relieved, and secretly rejoicing, she suddenly found Hugh looking at herself seriously.

"You, what's the matter?" Furth said with a stun in his heart.

Hugh asked thoughtfully:

"Who are the protagonists of those peach-colored dreams you have dreamed?"

"... haha, who remembers dreams that long? And aren't all the dreams vaguely clear?" Furth squeezed a smile.

Hugh said "um":

"So, why didn't you answer just now?"

"... nervous, I'm too nervous." Fouls glanced at the packed luggage lane in the room. "We should move, I miss the fireplace!"

She said as she walked towards the luggage.

Until this time, she did not know that sometimes, whether or not she answered the question of "Magic Mirror", the results were similar.

Is this the social death mentioned by German Sparo? I really want to bury myself now! Firth continued to take deep breaths, trying to smooth the dry cheeks and inner shame.


Above the mist, inside the ancient palace.

Klein threw the "Scepter of Poseidon" back to the debris pile, and he said "ha" to "Magic Mirror" Arodes:

"I know that I sent someone to call it, and I dare to ask this kind of question. After I took a shot to stop the thunder penalty, I kept changing my attitude and left in a hurry ... I was very happy ...

"However, its answer gave me new ideas. I really don't have to limit myself to being a 'miracle teacher' ...

"The second probability of the" Blasphemy Slate "originated from the Silver City Creator. Now it is in the hands of Adam ... Although Amon and his brother have their own relationship, and the relationship is not very good, but they have also cooperated. I will I do n’t believe that he has n’t seen the blasphemy slate ... In this case, he must have mastered the ritual of the “miracle master”, guessing that I would like to take Silver City out of the land of God ’s abandonment. By then, he would not need Follow me too hard, just wait for 'Giant King's Court' ...

"Well, I ca n’t go according to the expectations of the enemy, especially this is a 'god of deception' and a 'god of deception'. I do n’t know how many accidents will come out of this ... if my participation, it will lead to Silver City for thousands of years. Hope is broken, then it completely violates my original intention ...

"The problem with Mage Brigade is that you may hear Mr. Gate's slang, and it will bear more staring and pollution from the starry sky than the Sequence 2 angels of other routes. Of course, this is not completely unacceptable. ...

"Also, do the three resurrection opportunities given to me by Yuanyuan need to be repaid? That's okay, I will definitely switch back to the" stealth waiter "in sequence 1, because Mr. Gate has blocked the" Apprentice "path to rise By the way, he has at least mastered the uniqueness of 'uniqueness' plus two copies of sequence 1 and maybe even three ...

"It's not necessary to change to 'Mage of the Brigade', but it must be prepared accordingly. When my options increase and Amon wants to make a block, the difficulty of embedding the trap will increase significantly. Only in this way can I be Oppressed by the king of angels, become an angel!

"Well, without presupposing a stand, while preparing the 'miracle master' and the 'traveler master', we will decide which route to choose based on the specific situation."

With certain ideas, Klein's whole body was almost refreshing. His mind was very active, and soon he had a preliminary plan:

"Don't hurry to ask Miss Magician's teacher for the formula of the Travelling Mage's potion and the corresponding '0' seal. This will scare the Abraham family and wonder if Miss Magician is worshipped. Evil god, what bad organization did you join ...

"In their current state, there is a high probability that they will not reply again, they will change their identities, transfer their dwellings, and directly break the contact ...

"Well, the head of the" Mysterious Saint "Butis is a good gift. Regardless of whether the Abraham family gives the" Star Worm ", it must be scheduled ... I hope Miss Justice will soon After digesting the "Dreamwalker" potion, I hope that Ms. "Hidden" will be ready, and also hope that the two "Magician" and "Trial" can be improved before the action ...

"By the way, according to Miss Magician, Butis the 'Secret of the Mystery' is a defector of the Abraham family, and Aurora will have a '0' seal in the 'Apprentice' 'path. It ’s interesting ... maybe you do n’t need to contact the Abraham family, maybe you can get what you want from Butis, the “Holy Secret”, uh, you have to remind Ms. Hermit that Butis may bring it at some time There are '0' grade seals, and you must confirm before proceeding ...

"If the '0' grade seal is not in the hands of the 'Secret Holy Man', to get it, maybe you face the 'Fate Angel' Ulorius ... No, the '0' grade seal itself is terrible Is one of the sources of danger ...

"Whew, now wait for the teacher of Miss 'Magic' to write back to see if the Abraham family is sensitive to the 'Star Bug' ..."

Thinking of this, Klein suddenly felt a little self-deprecating, he felt that he and Aurora would be too much like their destined enemies, and there would always be various intersections:

"At the beginning of this operation, the heart of Aurora will definitely shout:

"Why are you again? Why are we again?"

With a sigh of relief, Klein converged his thoughts and showed "World" German Spallo, replying to the "Magician" lady who reported the answer.

Then, the dummy "world" repeated the prayer and asked Mr. "Fool" to pass his request to Daniz.


On an island in the misty sea, Daniz was waiting for the "Golden Dream" to pick up Anderson, and he smiled:

"I'm going to summon Gullman Sparo's messenger."

Anderson raised his eyebrows and "scrambled" a voice:

"You are eligible to take the 'Conspiracy' potion."

"It was you who acted so clearly that even I could detect that you were afraid of the messenger." Daniz became more proud and humble.

Anderson suddenly laughed:

"Why don't you doubt that my fear was manifested intentionally? Just to find a reasonable excuse to avoid it, so as not to hear things that should not be heard."

"... shit, do you think I'll believe the lies you've come up with in a hurry?" Daniz was almost convinced.

Anderson spread his hand and walked towards the door:

"The materials of your" Conspirator "potion are all collected. Remember to remind Gelman not to forget my" Iron Knight "potion recipe."

Daniz waved his hand impatiently, signalling that he knew.

When Anderson stepped out of the room and closed the door, Daniz immediately arranged the ritual and summoned a messenger with four blonde, red-eyed heads.

Seeing those eight eyes looking at the same time, Daniz's raised chest shrank instantly.

He piled a smile and handed out the coins:

"Ma'am, Guerman Sparo asked me to tell you that he's okay, and now he's in the deserted land."

... wait, what did I say? A land abandoned by God? As a crew member of "Big Admiral", Daniz's occult knowledge was still passable. After a brief stun, his pupils became significantly enlarged.

"Okay ..." Renette Tinicole snapped at the gold coin and replied.

Then he stepped into the void and disappeared into the room.

After reporting this to Gelman Spallo, Daniz was given the "Iron Knight" potion formula and new orders.

"Preparing local delicacies and offering sacrifices to 'Sea God' Kavitua ... isn't this mission too weird?" Daniz muttered secretly, but dare not ask questions.

He quickly packed up the altar, found a piece of parchment, and wrote down the auxiliary materials and corresponding rituals in the "Iron Blood Knight" potion recipe.

Immediately afterwards, he opened the door and handed the parchment to Anderson.

"Set up a team of at least thirty people ... the higher the team's strength and tacit understanding, the better the effect of the ceremony ..." Anderson unfolded the parchment in front of Daniz, read it, read and read His brow gradually frowned. "If the team's tacit understanding is based on trying to kill my captain, then this ritual is quite simple ..."

Before Daniz mocked him, a blazing flame came from his fingertips and burned the parchment.

Anderson grinned immediately:

"I have to go back to my hometown to look for opportunities, where Fenerbaud is being invaded, and war is always the best place to temper the team."

After a pause, he looked at Daniz, and said with a constant smile:

"I have prepared some questions for you, and I will stay in my room. When you become a" conspirator ", you can try to do it and see if your IQ has actually improved."

"... shit! You want to trick me into reading all the books in your room?" Daniz almost touched and immediately understood what was wrong.

No matter how high the IQ is, I ca n’t do anything without reading the textbooks!

"Yes, it took only three seconds to grasp the key this time. Before you changed it, hehe, you will really believe it." Anderson praised, turned around with a smile, and left the hotel directly.

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