Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 6 Chapter 31: Ancient city of north

Hearing the Archbishop's order, Leonard froze for a moment, and then sent out a feeling in his heart:

"Mr. Fool's prediction is true ...

"No, not prophecy. He already knows all this."

Leonard quickly converged, and in accordance with the process, Archbishop St. Anthony gave himself an official document, and then returned to the ground, took two players, and entered the Chanis gate.

When the watchman inside checked the documents, he was illuminated by silver candles carved with patterns, and came to the room where Emlin White was being held. He opened the heavy stone door with a brass key.

The blue light then infiltrated the cell, "stabbing" Emlin White instinctively closed his eyes.

His face was much paler than before, and his body was much thinner, giving a feeling that the wind would float when it was blown by the wind.

Thinking of the answer from Mr. Fool, Emlin suddenly had the confidence to the current situation, didn't open his eyes, stood up slowly, hehe laughed:

"I knew you would take me out."

Would you be disappointed if I said it was just a routine check? Leonard made a defamation, responding with no expression:

"I'll give you thirty seconds. Before this time has passed out of the Chanis Gate, I will leave you as you wish."

As a more senior "night watchman" who has been the captain of the "Red Gloves" team for several months, Leonard has extensive experience dealing with prisoners.

Emlin's expression was stagnant, he opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he remained silent, passed Leonard and his two players, and walked out of the Chanis gate.

When he was outside, he shivered a few times, and seemed to eliminate the chill in his body.

"After going back, it's better to bask in the sun for a few more days, oh, Beckland's winter sun is not so common, and you vampires don't like to bask in the sun ... Aren't you a pharmacist? You can prepare your own medicine in the field of" sun " . "Leonard reminded him casually.

Emlin's state is not right. On the one hand, he has not drank rich human blood for many days and can only be replaced by the blood of animals. On the other hand, it is because he stayed behind the gate of Charnis for too long and was sealed by the night. Power has eroded some, requiring potions in the "sun" area to dispel the remaining effects.

As a "potion professor", Emlin has a certain degree of certainty about his physical and mental condition. He did not refute or nod. He just emphasized the "blood" and then asked:

"What about Father Utravsky?"

"He has to stay a little longer. I hope this **** war ends soon. Rest assured, we will let him go out twice a week next, and bask in the sun. Which two days will depend on the weather conditions in Beckrand? Decide. "Leonard simply responded, and sent Emlin White to the ground and down the street.

Emlin hesitated, and asked again:

"Where is the nearest hospital?"

"What do you want to do?" Leonard asked professionally.

"Blood transfusion." Emlin raised his chin slightly, trying to keep his expression unchanged.

Blood transfusion ... Drink blood ... Leonard didn't go to reveal it, pointed in a direction, and stated the address.

After seeing the Blood Viscount leave, he returned to the ground and began working with his team members on a recent case to be investigated.


After several days of trekking, Klein finally arrived near the northern ruins of the North City State.

Here is also a deserted plain, where the dry river bed leaves its mark on the ground.

Glancing at the city with dark outlines and shadows, no sound coming out, and a city full of mist, Klein didn't rush to move closer, but first found a hidden place and whispered the name of Mr. Fool.

Then, he took four steps in reverse, recited a mantra, and entered the fog-to return to "Yuanbao" with only one thought, the prayers of the members of the Tarot congregation must be superimposed to form a strong and strong Anchor of the Fool produces enough summoning power to the "Fool."

With the help of a prayer light spot, Klein looked at the condition of North's ruins with "real vision" in the distance, and found that the thin mist there was slowly but irresistibly dissipating, and the city surface, at a glance, did not have a "spirit" The "body line", people wearing linen-like robes or wearing animal skin clothes fell to different places on the street, not as lively and busy as the Silver City Discovery Team arrived here.

"The angel or seal that previously occupied this city chose to migrate after perceiving that his whereabouts were exposed?" Klein made a guess based on the situation in front of him, and withdrew his gaze, looking at the gray mist holding the "source castle". .

This is to prevent the "miracle master", or "secret waiter", or the corresponding seal, who is hiding in the historical pores and ambush to explore the extraordinary city of North. He does not want to "jump" into the fog of history. At that time, you will directly encounter a huge vortex formed by the twisted and twisted transparent worms, and you don't want to be chased by the greasy and terrible tentacles.

Previously, Charatu's ambush made Klein still feel scared. From time to time, she had a nightmare. She wanted to find Miss Justice for another psychological shadow treatment.

This stimulated him more than seeing my spouse Enuni wearing a monocle in front of him, and he couldn't move at all, because the dogs of Fugan were involved.

After confirming the safety of the historical pores, Klein returned to the real world, stretched out his hand, grabbed forward, and dragged out his former self. He also wore a half-height silk top hat, a black knee-length trench coat, and a simple glass horse lantern.

The next second, he "jumped" into the gray mist, and along the illuminated historical pores, ran all the way to the place where the "corpses" of the civilized city were stacked before the First Age.

To him, this is a very clever "safety house", because no "ancient scholar" can trace back to this completely prehistoric and lost prehistoric fragment.

Of course, for Klein, it took a lot of spirituality to come here all the way, and then he stayed for at least another quarter of an hour, provided that his historical pore image did not make a heavy burden.

After the body was hidden, the real world Klein projection moved forward, and quickly came outside of the North ruins.

He didn't blindly approach and enter, after going to a hillock across the dry riverbed, he raised his right hand, summoning the original mysterious figure-the appearance of the "fallen earl" Chunas Coe, whose appearance is cold and dark blue. erg.

Chunas's body wriggled for a while, and instantly became Gullman Sparo. Then, he also probed and took out a horse lantern from the historical hole.

The historical pore image summoned by this historical pore image, in the dim light of the horse lantern, confused the distance, and in a few steps came outside North City, alone.

He then held a horse lantern and walked through the decaying and collapsed building step by step through the thin mist and entered the ruins.

Compared to looking at the "real view" above the fog, real contact has made Klein discover more details:

Most of the humans and monsters who fell in different places have shown signs of decay and seem to have been abandoned for a long time;

Some of them are sitting on chairs under the eaves, some are paralyzed by the stove, some are holding moldy bread, some are holding their hands, some are sitting against the wall, sitting on the floor, their lips are against the bone flute ...

This allowed Klein to imagine what it was like in this city-state when they were "alive":

Some people are lazily resting, some are baking food, some are buying along the street, some are focusing on music, some are constantly laughing, and some are desperately fighting in the arena and monsters ...

This is a lively and lively picture, but in fact everyone is already dead, no longer has his own soul, but just repeats the same behavior in a predetermined way.

And one day and one moment, this weird scene also freezes, it ends instantly, and everyone falls without warning.

"A city-state composed of mysterious puppets, the most authentic theater ... At the beginning, the misty town had a similar situation ... Although I am also a fortune teller, I still have to say that in terms of thriller, terrible and weird, we The path can definitely be ranked in the top three ... Do I have to play the same role in the future? 'The Secret Waiter'? ”Klein carried the horse lantern, walking through the street with many dead bodies, following spiritual intuition, and heading towards the ancient city of North Walked to the center.

The situation here led him to believe that the one who had ruled the ruins of North was absolutely savvy. After the exploration team in Silver City broke the "quietness" and "peacefulness" here, he did not choose to kill or annihilate the clues. Don't hesitate to abandon everything and migrate to other places.

"Perhaps it was because the Silver City squad was followed by Amon, um, it might be in the face of the" real creator "..." Klein whispered his thoughts at will, and soon arrived at a fair Intact church.

Inside this church stands a statue of a demon wolf with eight legs and covered with gloomy short hair.

The statue's head has gray fur on its head, and its dark pupils occupy at least three-quarters of its eyes.

"It's not Freguera ... the dark wolves that appeared occasionally in the Third Age, God of Desire? He has been in the land abandoned by God for thousands of years and finally found the extraordinary characteristics of Sequence 1?" Klein just flashed After such an idea, "Da", "Da," Da footsteps suddenly sounded in my ear.

Standing on his side, he immediately turned his eyes to the outside of the church, but in the thin mist, a figure slowly moved forward, quickly drawing a clear outline.

He is close to two and thirty meters tall, with a slight bow on his back, all white hair, wrinkles around his eyes, scars on his lips, a dark black clergyman's robe, and a fairly old priest or bishop.

His dark brown eyes were quiet and serene, not as crazy and bloodthirsty as the monsters in the dark, without spirituality.

However, in the long dark night when the frequency of lightning was very low, the clergyman neither raised the animal skin lantern nor lit the flame, and walked in the mist as quietly as that.

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