Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 6 Chapter 36: Opportunity and risk coexist

"Fool" Klein said "um" gently, did not deny the "upside down" speculation, nor was it certain that it was the "Scourge Queen" Goshenam. After all, he could not find out in front of the other side. A gold coin, do a divination on the spot.

"Inverted man" Alger waited for a few seconds. Seeing that the "Fool" did not respond explicitly, he described the content of the previous prayer in more detail. From the woman suspected of "Scourge Queen" Goshenam said he had Some elven bloodlines begin, all the way to the promise of a demigod, the possible recurrence of the West Continent, and the key to fulfilling the promise.

After originally saying it, Alger closed his mouth, lowered his head, and did not dare to directly ask Mr. "Fool" for his views, and honestly waited for the great being to speak on his own.

Some elf bloodlines ... delivered something from the Book of Scourge to the West Continent ... the disappeared West Continent may reappear ... the West Continent ... "Fool" Klein finished listening quietly, closed his eyes, The voice said gently:

"It's dangerous, but it's also your chance."

He has initially mastered "Yuanbao", and his mobilizable power has reached the angel level of Sequence 2. The "Scourge Queen" Goshenam is only at this level. Klein has a greater certainty against the elven queen. All kinds of accidents.

Because of this, he dare to say that this is an opportunity to "hang upside down."

Of course, the premise of seizing the opportunity is that the "upside down person" is not reckless or aggressive, and always remembers to ask for blessing, so Klein specially emphasized a "very dangerous", so that the "upside down person" remember to ask Mr. "Fool" prayed.

-There are two meanings in such a short sentence, but Klein believes that Mr. "Inverted Man" can certainly understand.

With a joy in his mind, Alger learned the "sun" and responded sincerely:

"Only believe in Mr. Fool!"

Klein felt uncomfortable for a while, and remembered the pain of being drowned by endless lightning, so he smiled and didn't speak.

"Upside down" Alger considered it, and then asked:

"Dear Mr. Fool, what is the mantra or password to enter the West?"

I also want to know ... "Fool" Klein sighed:

"Not before you should know."

"Yes, Mr. 'Fool'." "Inverted man" Alger asked no more, a respectful gift.

When he returned to the real world, he immediately stepped out of the tent, brought the sailors, and in the rays of the morning light, took a certain amount of time to reach the elven ruins.

The scene here is exactly the same as what he saw in his dream. The withered vines covered the decaying wooden building. Inscriptions were exposed in some places, and the air was a bit frozen. It seemed that no one had set foot in it for a long time.

After a serious look around, Alger suddenly thought of a problem.

That is, how do you face the church after you really rely on the "Scourge Queen" to become a demigod?

Rebel directly, be the fifth in the five seas, no, the sixth king? But in this way, I have no chance to contact the Book of Scourge. Unless some events are designed to make the church have to use the seal that is not listed as "0", that is not only very difficult, but I must also get Becoming "Neptune" or even "Scourge" is likely to succeed ... Well, you can ask the "World" for help ... If you want to stay in the church, you have to give them an unreasonable and good reason ... Alger Brows frowned slightly, did not conceal his dignity.

In the eyes of the sailors who followed him, it was a sign of reassurance about the ruins.

As his thoughts stirred, Alger gradually got some ideas:

"Many documents in the church have recorded some strong men who became demigods because of adventures ... two-thirds of them were eroded by evil demon and eventually lost their lives in purification ... but one-third passed the test and became A senior deacon or a cardinal ...

"Now that the war is in full swing, Ruen is in a tense situation. As long as nothing is found out, the church should not mind an additional sequence of 4 demigods to do cannon fodder ...

"The premise of all this is that the 'Scourge Queen' did not try to pollute me or leave marks on me ...

"Considering that the church has all kinds of seals, we must ask Mr. 'Fool' for protection beforehand ... According to Miss Justice, 'Angel's Embrace' can effectively blind the spiritual and dream tests ..."

Now that the members of the Tarot Society have been promoted or are about to be promoted, Alger really does not want to be the bottom of being. Just as in the past, he has done so many things in order to be superior. , At this time naturally willing to take some risks for this.

With a decision, Alger immediately led the sailors into the ruins and began to explore step by step according to the dream line.

This time, he did not divide his team into teams, on the one hand, he was worried about accidents, and on the other, he hoped that they would all be their "witnesses".

After a quarter of an hour, Alger and his crew came to the giant tree with traces of dirt in the dirt.

He had time to look around, and suddenly saw a flower in front of him, and saw a gorgeous palace made of coral.

Above the palace is a layer of turquoise blue water. The giant pillars stand up and support the exaggerated dome.

Alger glanced left and right, and found that the sailors beside him were all gone, and he immediately realized that he might be pulled into a certain vision.

He took a silent breath and walked slowly into the coral palace.

There were elves and elves inside. They either grilled fish, put spices in the blood of solidified animals, or sent food to their mouths with two branches sandwiching food. None of them cared about strangers coming in.

Alger then set his sights on the nine-story steps hundreds of meters away.

Above the steps was a coral seat inlaid with sapphires, emeralds, and pearls. The elven queen, the Scourge Queen, sat there, looking down at Alger.

"Very good." Goshenam nodded gently and threw the delicate gold wine glass in his hand.

The soft but strong wind cheered to hold the wine glasses. They were like tiny elves, lined up, carrying the corresponding items, and quickly approached Alger.

Alger reached for it, looked down, and found that there was a blue liquid in the gold wine glass, which was false, dreamy, and not real enough.

"Drink it, then go to the waters near Simim Island, Roths Islands, and find this coral palace with everything you want."

"If you don't drink this glass of wine, you won't see that palace?" Alger asked thoughtfully.

Although he was faced with an angel, he was still able to communicate more calmly, because he saw a great being every week, and he had already adapted to this situation.

The Scourge Queen Goshenam nodded:


"Will this leave a mark on me?" Alger asked cautiously.

"Yes," Goshenam said indifferently. "So, before entering Coral Palace and getting the corresponding things, you can't go back to Pasou Island, and you can't see the angels under Leodoro."

What can I see under the Pope's crown ... Alger breathed a sigh of relief and asked:

"When you get that thing, the effect of this glass of 'wine' will disappear?"

The elven queen Goshenam answered without change:

"No, you need to eat that feature directly.

"At that time, this glass of 'wine' will be transformed into a seal, so that the characteristic does not erode your body for the time being. How to prepare the ritual and explain to the Church of the Storm afterwards is your own business."

Let the characteristics belong to me before the ceremony? In this way, there may be a better way for the church to accept ... Alger thought for a while, and raised his hand to bring the glass to his mouth.

The cold liquid slipped through his throat, and disappeared in no time. The entire coral palace shattered, and the rays of morning light and a little green tree reappeared before Alger's eyes.

Didn't make a contract, didn't I make an oath? Well, drinking that "wine" is equivalent to reaching an agreement ... Alger retracted his eyes and said to the sailors who were unaware of the surroundings:

"Nothing here, take a closer look."


Above the mist, inside the ancient palace.

Klein also looked back from the crimson star representing the "upside down man" and nodded thoughtfully:

"That's the grave of Shattrath and Mobette ... the golden wine glass also has this usage ...

"It is indeed the elven queen Goshenam ... what exactly is he now? Half of it is in the Book of Scourge, half of whom I don't know where to hide, using the golden wine glass or its characteristics to affect reality?

"Mr. Upside Down Man has not been polluted for a while, and he will take a look when he goes to the Rhodes Islands."

Due to the limited time that the body supported in the historical pores, Klein did not stay any longer, returned to a dark wilderness, and continued to walk to a certain place step by step with the glowing yellow horse lantern.

As he walked, Klein turned his head to look at the East symbolized by Chernobyl, and his steps slowed down involuntarily.

"When you have enough information from the hidden place where Wu An Demon Wolf used to go, go to the east, go straight until you reach the border, confirm the situation, and then consider the extraordinary characteristics of the" miracle teacher "... Amon should not think I'll suddenly pull away ... He must know the past of Wu An Demon Wolf, and is unlikely to do the same investigation as me ... Well, but he will definitely follow me ... "Klein exhaled slowly and accelerated again Paced.

A flash of lightning struck the sky, illuminating the dark and reddish dead wilderness of the weeds, and the rain began to drip drop by drop.

Klein dragged the black umbrella out of the historical pores, holding the umbrella in one hand and carrying a lantern, walking forward alone.


Almost a week later, the Future docked somewhere along Ruen's long coastline.

"General on the Stars" Capellaa held a stack of tarot cards in her hand, and told Sailor Chang Nina and others:

"I'll stay in Rune for a while. You have to watch Frank and don't let him do strange experiments."

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